< Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Funny

  • Haru's reaction to when she first saw adult!Lambo.

Haru: "Ahh! He's completely sexed-up! Stay away!"

Lambo: "It looks like a shiny die."
Chrome: "It's not."

  • Episode 68 has Reborn and Bianchi's wedding, one has to see Dino's Epic Fail.
  • Anytime Gokudera says "Jyuudaime".
    • And anytime Tsuna says "Eh!" or "Heh!" or "Hii!"
  • "Hit him."
  • Reborn punting Owl!Mukuro like a ball.
  • Chapter 347 gives us the following:

"That was the frog who said Levi was a gross-bearded nasty-nose haired molester who should just die!"
"You don't have to say that much!"

Fran: (to Mukuro) "That threw me for a loop. I'm surprised, that on this mountain there would be a pineapple fairy."

  • The following:

Taxi driver: Where would you like to go?
Adult lambo dressed as 5 year old lambo: Italy...
Taxi driver: Im sorry I can't Go there... anywhere else?
Lambo: Aunt Otavia's house.
Taxi driver: Where is that?
Lambo: Italy...

  • Also:

Gokudera: Tenth I brought you white roses!

Tsuna: But why are they red?!

Gokudera: I got ran over a few times on my way here!

  • Reborn: Wow Tsuna, you got some skills out there, getting yourself hurt in the hospital.
  • Ryohei: The dolphin has guts. I want him in my club!!!
  • Squalo giving Dino a tuna as a souvenir. Tsuna's reaction is the best "Why a tuna?"
  • The following:

Gokudera: Anyway I don't like that guy.
Tsuna: Huh? Why not?
Gokudera: Anyone older than me is my enemy.
Tsuna: [shocked - thinking to himself] God! That's alot of enemies!

  • Gokudera's nickname for Lambo being "Stupid cow".
  • Anytime Gokudera looks at his sister and gets a stomachache.
  • A funny Narm moment: After Tsuna epicly punches Daemon several yards underground, the next panel is simply "YOU BASTARD!" coming from the hole created.
  • Gokudera face palming when he found himself yet again, doing the "VONGOLA! FIGHT!" circle. Also, Squalo does this when Yamamoto is 'fooling around' with his puppy.
  • Hibari: "Those eyebrows are against school rules. I'll bite you to death."
  • Your stupidity is showing.
  • Anytime Dino, Tsuna, or Enma have a clumsy moment. Here's a good scene.
  • Chapter 358: Skull calling Reborn a "sideburns midget".
  • Aoba: He didn't even waver under Adelheid's wonderful panty attack!
  • Squalo attacking Bel.
  • Chapter 362: Skull telling Adelheid "So now let me stuff my face in your tits too!" after seeing her give Enma a Marshmallow Hell.
  • Chapter 364: "My hair is not a fruit, damnit!!!"
  • Mukuro and Fran wearing fruit on their heads.
  • Chapter 366: Byakuran's attempt at searching for Mukuro involves blowing up a random car. Cue person running out of it while on fire.
  • Then there's the "Bowling" chapter, where Longchamp invites Tsuna and Gokudera to go on a three person blind date. Of course, Longchamp's idea of a "cute" girl has always been... unique. So the three girls he invited were absolutely hideous (one of them even being Reborn in an ugly drag). The whole chapter pretty much consists of Tsuna and all of his Bishonen guardians / male friends coming by, being horrified by how ugly these women are, and then trying to run away from them as the women aggressively pursue them.
  • Chapter 370:
  • Chapter 380: Everyone's reactions to Flan sleeping. Even Mukuro gets Blank White Eyes!
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