< Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Awesome

  • Chrome creating real illusions of her allies in the future arc
  • Reborn using the F-word when the boss of the arcobaleno and grandddaughter of a friend gets threatened.
    • Or when he finds out Xanxus plans involved placing the 9th in Gola Mosca which was draining his life force and killing all of Tsuna's guardians at once. After he says this the Cervello tell him that he should refrain from making accusations against their opponents. He basically tells them to go screw themselves and for the first time they look terrified.
    • In the anime. Reborn and leon gets several during the Arcobaleno trials. Taking out Hibari with one move? Yup it's there. Demanding EVERYONE to attack him all at once? Check. Taking them all out with not one of them even landing a hit on Reborn? Check. Shooting down Tsuna in Hyper Dying Will Mode with his ultimate attack? OH YES! And it's implied that Reborn was barely using his strength. Tsuna only managed to get a scratch on Reborn because Reborn gave him a chance to! If Reborn got a little serious, the entire episode would probably last 5 minutes. Reborn is a BADASS.
  • This troper never liked Ryohei much, but still found the fact that he demolished the school gym with one punch very very cool.
  • Byakuran coming out of the sky and shooting a giant laser from his eye. This may not be a CMOA, but it is definitely a Crowning Moment of some sort.
    • Within that same chapter, Tsuna's family had to raise five million fiamma volts; something treated by the others as absurd. They are given a brief period of time to do so, and wait until the last second anyway (as they were waiting for Yamamoto and Hibari to show up.) Then, within the last possible second, they simultaneously open their Vongola Boxes and proceed to achieve twice the required amount. Even Byakuran stopped smiling by that point! BYAKURAN!!
  • Any moment involving Tsuna getting shot by the Rebuke bullet is a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • "If I were to lose a dear friend right in front of my eyes...I'd never be able to die in peace!"
    • How can you not mention Tsuna's fight with Mukuro? AWESOME. Especially the end where he fucking slams his X-Gloves into Mukuro's face and then forces him to the ground, where he passes out.
    • Reborn gets one in this circumstance when the Sky Ring Battle commences. The Cervello tell him that once the fight starts, nothing interferes; no advice, no special bullets, nothing. Then Xanxus punches Tsuna in the face. Following dialogue ensues;

Xanxus: "Oh, I'm sorry, did I get him before he could be shot with his bullet?"
Reborn: (twirls smoking gun) "Nonsense, who do you think you're talking to here?"

  • During Tsuna's fight with Xanxus, when he first utilizes his X-gloves. This was made even more awesome when Xanxus unveiled his guns, only for Tsuna to calmly suggest that they "try them out" and see who is strongest. Then he attacks. His Badass levels sky-rocketed.
  • "I'm out of the illusion."
    • Explanation: Tsuna was trapped in an illusion that made him fly in circles. He X-BURNER'd his way out.
  • Hibari... just Hibari. He might as well be a living example of a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • His battle against Gola Mosca is all the evidence you will ever need.
    • You mean despite the fact the fight was fixed?
      • He managed to rip off the arm of a robot within seconds after promptly crushing its head using Tonfas. Fixed or not, winning the ring in less than 5 minutes? With a robotic juggernaut? Genuine CMOA material right there.
      • Not to mention the robot was said to be invincible by Tsuna's dad and company.
      • And looking at the reactions of almost everyone, they were NOT EXPECTING anything like this. View it here - http://www.mangareader.net/284-20340-17/katekyo-hitman-reborn/chapter-119.html
  • Xanxus telling Rasiel that, regardless of internal conflict, in times of crisis the Vongola are always One. Then he blasts him. Awesome.
    • All the while not moving from his chair.
  • Hibari appears in chapter 261 to have killed a zombie with his vongola box.
    • Using handcuffs.
      • Well but that's Hibari. I'd also like to point out how, during the Sky Ring battle, Hibari managed to overcome poison which could've killed an elephant, knock down a pole and save himself while everyone else was still either agonizing or being saved by someone else. And then he appeared in front of Belphegor to just, generally, be awesome.
  • Fran of the Varia gets one by tricking the Vindice and having them release Mukuro instead of the last of the Six Funeral Wreaths, Ghost.
    • Helps that apparently the guards are idiots. "Who ever could trick us? There are just three illusionists who are strong enough"...
  • Gokudera after over 250 chapters has openly defied Tsuna direct orders. Thus getting quite the 'Oh shit' reactions from everybody.
  • Lambo recently managed to beat a dinosaur box animal with his vongola box. Granted not the most amazing method...but he just killed a fucking dinosaur
    • Not just one...7-8 OF THEM.
    • And the owner of those dinosaurs, Kikyou, is the one that claims to be the one with the most power of the Six Funeral Wreaths.
      • And the owner of those dinosaurs just got PUNCHED in the face by Ryohei. Seriously. Punching dinosaur-hydra-monster-thingies in the face? Can't get much more extreme.
        • And the said owner also claims him to be hands down the strongest human he has ever fought.
  • After the dinosaur spam Mukuro shows up with an illusion that not only tricked the Six Funeral Wreaths. Was enough to have them use each of their hell boxes first. He did so without a vongola box on top of this.
  • Chapter 275-276 After Byakuran powerup, and "round" with Tsuna, Reborn still believes that Tsuna will win. Even after it appears that he slit/cut/crushed his neck.
  • Young seemingly inept Mafia boss? Check. Black & White Mafia standard suit? Check. Kick ass combat gloves? Check. Pimp ass Mafia cape made out of a pet lion? That's a big fucking CHECK!
  • Chapter 278 Tsuna just got a Awesome Moment Of Crowning (Being accepted as the 10th offically From the First himself) and turned that into Crowning Moment of Awesome with the amount of power he just received block and countering Byakuren who just easily Curbstomped him not so long ago.

Vongola the First: Now give that Mare boy what he deserves.

    • And just a few pages later --

Byakuran: "Haha, too bad. I've only shown eighty percent of my power so far."
Tsuna: "I've only shown half."
Cue reversal of the curbstomping.

  • In Chapter 293 Kaoru gets one for critically injuring Yamamoto of all people considering how he runs on "instincts" so damn well to the point of hospitalization is pretty badass regardless of his Face Heel Turn. continued to Chapter 294 where Tsuna quite simply sent shivers down my spine for accepting the ceremony to fish out the culprit knowing full well where this choice is taking him. Note that he did this without his dying will mode Shit just got real.
  • Chapter 298... did.... did Enma just...... just utterly wreck everyone, destroying their Upgraded Vongola rings on a seventh of his power? How goddamn powerful IS he? The chapter title is exactly what it says on the tin. Needless to say, it was totally badass from a Villain's point of view
  • How has Mukuro's CMoA in Chrome's fight with Viper not up here yet? Chrome's getting completely overwhelmed, only to have Mukuro intervene and shred the punk. Just that fact that he can out-cast the master illusionist of the Arcobaleno is badass in and of itself.
  • Lambo defeating Ooyama without outside help and without turning into 25 Year Old Lambo, marking his first victory in the series.
  • "Well then, you should equip your Vongola Gear, Hibari Kyoya." Badassery in 3... 2... 1...
    • On that note: Hibari vs. 500 "invincible" ice clones of Adelheid Suzuki. Guess who wins.
  • In chapter 325, Yamamoto shows us how to flawlessly pull off a proper Big Damn Heroes.
    • He has a habit of pulling off a number of Big Damn Heroes moment, like saving Gokudera and Ryohei from Ghost's flame absorbtion.
  • Chapter 334: Mukuro defeats Daemon Spade by demonstrating that trying to slow him down with illusion of his friends will not work.
    • Of course, Daemon Spade gets props too, especially since in the next chapter it's revealed that his loss was just a gambit to possess Mukuro's body.
  • Chapter 340: Enma is willing to sacrifice himself in order to defeat Daemon Spade. Even if it ends up not happening...wow.
    • Chrome in the very next chapter jumping in front of Enma to protect him from the XX Burner. Poor combat skills or not you can't say the girl doesn't have guts.
  • Iemitsu, in chapter 360, defeating Tsuna with a single punch.
  • "Arcobaleno Skull is approved to enter the battle!" OH SHI-
  • Twenty Years into the future Lambo
  • Regardless of whether they won or lost, every main character got one in the Rings battle
  • "Arcobaleno Colonello is approved to enter the battle!" Cue BFG.
  • Chapter 369: Adult Reborn showing up to save Tsuna from Iemitsu's attack. "It's lesson time. No-good Tsuna" indeed.
  • Chapter 370: Iemitsu vs Adult Reborn.
  • Fon vs Varia. Varia's on the ropes.
  • Chapter 363: Gokudera and Yamamoto successfully escape HIBARI without getting their watches broken.
  • Mukuro using his flesh eating crow illusion on the Vindice.
  • At the end of Chapter 382 Chrome shows up to help against the Vindice while telling Mukuro that she will help with the illusion and fight as well. She does so even though she's "seriously ill" as M.M. says.
  • Chapter 383: Chrome proceeds to use her own illusions to replace her organs, showing that with her new found motivation she has a very powerful dying will flame. She then combines her illusions with Mukuro to make THIS.
  • Gamma reveals to Gokudera that the Tenth Vongola Boss was gunned down in plain view of many of his subordinates. Gokudera then dives into a fight with Gamma he definitely won't win. When he loses Gamma tortures him for information and Gokudera responds by spitting in his face.
  • Reborn basically telling Bermuda to go screw himself after being offered the opportunity to join him.
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