< Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • After rereading the Valentine's chocolate chapter of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, I realized that Tsuna's Only Sane Man status means he is the only one cabable of directing the quirky personalities he is surrounded by... In other words, he's the only one in the group who could be the boss.
  • In chapter 15, it is briefly mentioned that Dr. Shamal is the one who assisted in Reborn's birth. When it is revealed that Reborn hasn't always been a baby due to his status as an Arcobaleno, this fact doesn't make sense as Reborn is older than Shamal. However, Shamal is the one who erased Reborn's former identity as a hit-man after he became a baby, thus assisting in the "birth" of the current Reborn.
  • This troper had always thought that the fact Uni couldn't predict the end of Tsuna's final battle with Byakuran to be very convenient but then she realized that Uni coundn't do it because she can't see past her own death. Cue Tear Jerker.
  • The Bianchi + Reborn relationship starts out as squicky, then something you come to accept. It stops being mentioned sometime before the Ring Scramble, and you forget about it soon enough. Then you find out that Reborn is actually an adult trapped into the form of a baby and it becomes heartwarming, in a "I'll always stand by you no matter what" sort of way.
    • Except. . . Judging by Uni and Aria's age, the prescence of an arcobaleno waaaay back with the primo generation, and the fact that Reborn was a baby at least eight years ago, when Dino was being schooled in the mafia business, and you realize that Reborn has probably been in infant mode since prior to Bianchi's own birth.. So it's still just something you have to learn to accept.
  • As a child prodigy, Bel joined the Varia at the age of 8. His age given during the Ring Battles is 16. Given that the Cradle Incident with Xanxus happened 8 years ago, and Bel was shown in the flashback of the coup, the Ring Battles must have happened just as Xanxus got out from an 8 year entrapment. He still managed to defeat Nono and his guardians, kidnap Nono, and devise the entire scheme to take over the Vongola. Holy crap.
    • Not to mention Squalo, who, according to this time frame, chopped off his own left hand, defeated the Sword Emperor Tyr, and sworn eternal loyalty to Xanxus at the age of 14.
      • Actually, the time frame would put him at either fourteen or younger. But of course, that doesn't make it any less impressive.
  • How did the vindice takr down the entire Simon family and some of the most well trained character in the series? Because they;re Past Arcenbalo meaning their on a level of power no one except for maybe a FEW choice characters are

Fridge Horror

  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Reborn's early interactions with Lambo. Sure, we know how annoying Lambo is, about all that "rivalry" thing and that he's not gonna be killed even by grenades, but once we realize it's an adult hitman beating the living crap out of 5-year old kid...
    • Nana, Tsuna's mother, has Abusive Parent tendencies. She belittles her son when he needs her most (since he has no self-esteem), but treats him nice once he is no longer a loser?
      • This is actually Truth in Television, more mother's do this than people expect them too, but particularly in Latin America, Mother's whose sons prefer studying or reading and other more passive hobbies over sports and well, dating, will most likely belittle their sons.
  • If the Ten Year Bazooka switches you now with you ten years in the future, what would happen if you were to be hit while pregnant..?
    • it would just switch you after you had the baby and was 10 years old,not a 10 year old baby in there or anything
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