Jak and Daxter/Characters
Main Characters
Voiced By: Aaron Lohr (The Precursor Legacy), Mike Erwin (Jak II - Combat Racing), Josh Keaton (The Lost Frontier)
The hero, chosen by the Precursors to protect the world. He has amazing eco-channeling powers. Due to two years of torturous Dark Eco experiments at the hands of Baron Praxis, he has a monstrous alter-ego called Dark Jak. However, he has been blessed by the Precursors with Light Eco, therefore balancing him out. He can be angry and violent at times, but he is a hero at heart.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV -> Type III or Type II. He started out as a fairly standard hero, then became a type IV after two years of torture and Dark Eco experimentation at the beginning of Jak 2. He then gradually became a Type III through the events of that game. During the third game, he settled somewhere between a Type II and Type III, and stayed that way for the rest of his appearances.
- Badass
- Badass Biker - Whenever he's on a Zoomer, at least.
- Badass Driver - In Jak 3 and Jak X.
- Badass Pilot - In The Lost Frontier.
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil - Well, pissed off and vengeful, at least.
- Black Eyes of Evil - When in his Dark form.
- Blue Eyes
- Cosmic Plaything
- Cursed with Awesome
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Deadpan Snarker: From II onward. A bit angrier than most, but still a snarker.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower - At the end of the first game. Jak 2 also allows you a chance to transform into Dark Jak during the final boss fight, regardless of your eco meter.
- Expository Hairstyle Change
- Face Palm - A couple times, usually in response to Daxter.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom - Although Light Jak's eyes glow, the "doom" part comes from the fact that he can use the Morph Gun in that mode, not from the Light powers themselves.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes
- Good Is Not Nice
- Good Hair, Evil Hair
- Good Wings, Evil Wings
- Heroic Mime - In the first game. Lampshaded in the sequel by Daxter:
- "Say something! Just this once!"
- "Er, sorry. He's new to the whole 'conversation' thing."
- "Maybe this guy's a mute, like you used to be."
- Hero with Bad Publicity
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Limit Break - Dark Jak
- Luke, I Am Your Father - Damas is Jak's father.
- Multicolored Hair - Jak's hair has green roots. His facial hair and eyebrows are also green.
- My Nayme Is
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero - But hey, at least Jak cleans up his messes.
- Noodle Incident - Who knows what happened with that wumpbee nest on his ninth birthday?
- One-Man Army
- Our Angels Are Different - Light Jak
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Phlebotinum Rebel - After being involuntarily experimented on during the two years between the first and second games.
- Quick Draw
- Royals Who Actually Do Something / Warrior Prince
- The Speechless - At first.
- Silent Snarker - In the first game.
- Suddenly Voiced - From the second game onward.
- Super Mode
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Dark Jak in the second game. The third adds a Superpowered Good side to contrast.
- Took a Level in Badass
- Trigger Happy
- Troubled but Cute
- Winged Humanoid - Light Jak
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity - Dark Jak
- Yin-Yang Bomb
- Younger Than They Look - Many a fan was under the impression that he was in his early twenties in the second game, until the official stats in Jak X revealed he was only 17 then. His bio on the official Jak X site states that "Jak from Jak 3 is a seasoned hero, with etched lines on his face that show the many challenges he's overcome." About the 19-year-old Jak from Jak X it's said that "his once youthful face now shows the wear and tear of a hero."
Voiced By: Max Casella
The sidekick, at least at first. His ego is enormous, and he is always telling tall tales, mostly about his adventures with Jak, although he stretches the truth to make him seem like the hero. His friends seem to like Jak better than him (for the most part), but they just can't resist his unique charm... though he still irritates them to some degree. Most consider him to be a nuisance and a coward, but they're wrong (well, at least about the coward part). He has matured over the years and doesn't flirt as often as he used to, and he is extremely loyal to his friends.
- All Men Are Perverts
- And Your Reward Is Clothes - In universe. What do The Precursors grant him? Pants.
- Badass Boast - Too bad he's a three-foot-tall mustelid, otherwise people might believe him.
- Badass Driver - The Class Two Race in Jak II, and after buying him from the Secrets Shop in Jak X.
- Baleful Polymorph - If you didn't play the first game, you probably don't know that Daxter was once human, and the whole point of the first game was changing him back... which obviously didn't happen, to the joy of fans everywhere.
- Beast and Beauty - Obviously the "beast" part of his relationship with Tess, though since SHE'S the protective one, it's a subversion.
- Blessed with Suck / Cursed with Awesome - At first. He eventually accepts his ottsel state, if not because he's essentially taken the form of a god.
- Blue Eyes
- Butt Monkey
- Can't Hold His Liquor - Daxter gets drunk off his ass in Jak II. Possibly justified since 1) he's small, and 2) he chugged a lot of booze in less than a minute. He seems to have learned his lesson, as we don't see him get drunk again. Dax also gets props from this Troper for sobering up pretty quickly (and with no hangover, either!)
- He gets an Alcohol Hic while intoxicated as well.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Deadpan Snarker
- Game Over Man
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal - Daxter, though the "half-dressed" part doesn't come until the end of Jak 3.
- I Am Not a Rat or a muse, or a muskrat, or...
- Killer Rabbit - Daxter can kick some serious ass when he needs to.
- Large Ham
- Male Gaze - Daxter looks at Tess' boobs when they meet at the bar. At least he looked her in the face first, though.
- Man Hug - An incredibly inebriated Daxter hugs Jak while slurring "I love you, man!" (Which earns a disturbed look from Jak.)
- Mars Needs Women - Daxter does have an excuse, being that he used to be human.
- Mascot with Attitude
- Miles Gloriosus - Usually.
- Mix and Match Critter - He's an ottsel, an otter/weasel hybrid.
- Moment Killer - Little bastard has horrible timing.
- Non-Action Guy - At first.
- Quick Draw - Whenever Jak is on a Zoomer.
- Riding the Bomb - One of his more badass moments.
- Sidekick
- Sir Swearsalot: Starting with the Darker and Edgier (and T-rated) sequel.
- Slasher Smile - Oddly enough.
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Since TLF hasn't been released, it has yet to be fully explained how it happens and what the consequences are.
- The results are in. He becomes about eight feet tall and has unbelievably Narmic bunny ears.
- Talking Animal - Duh.
- Took a Level in Badass - Daxter's change is subtle and usually ignored, but it's there.
- Trigger Happy - Whenever he gets a chance to use the damn thing.
- Weasel Mascot
Voiced By: Anna Garduno (The Precursor Legacy and Jak II), Tara Strong (Jak III - The Lost Frontier)
A gifted mechanic, inventor and racer, Keira is an invaluable help. She invented the Zoomer way back in The Precursor Legacy and the Jet-Board in Jak II. She is courageous, kind and independent, though she has exhibited some jealousy whenever a rival for Jak's affections shows up. She's not a fighter in a "bash-your-skull-in" sense, but she's willing to get out on the track and blow things up.
- Adrenaline Makeover - She finally gets a new outfit in TLF, where she accompanies Jak and Daxter on their newest adventure.
- Badass Driver - Jak X.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her standard outfit until The Lost Frontier.
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty.
- Daddy's Girl - And she's not happy about it.
- Demoted to Extra - In Jak 3.
- Faux Action Girl - In The Lost Frontier. Ashelin she ain't.
- First Girl Wins - She was Jak's love interest from the very beginning, though the role was given to Ashelin in Jak 3. Jak X fixed this, possibly due to fan outrage.
- Green Eyes
- Guns Akimbo - After her aforementioned Adrenaline Makeover.
- Mad Eco Sage's Beautiful Daughter
- Ms. Fanservice
- Fanservice Cover - She appeared on an issue of Playstation Magazine" in a Sexy Santa Dress. Kinda creepy when you consider the fact that she was fourteen at the time.
- Mechanics Are Sexy - Erol to Keira.
- One of the Boys - Her oldest (and presumably closest) friends are Jak and Daxter, and she likes to tinker with machines.
- The Other Darrin - Her new voice actor caused quite a stir in the fanbase (and caused Naughty Dog to give her a bit part in Jak 3).
- The Three Faces of Eve - The sensible one.
- Wrench Wench - For vehicles.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair - Her green and blue hair.
Voiced By: Warren Burton
The Sage of Green Eco and one of the wisest men on the planet (if he does say so himself), he acted as a father figure for Jak and Daxter. He applauds Jak's heroism while scolding Daxter's ridiculous antics, though he does realize that Daxter is a big help to Jak. He is very protective of Keira, his only child, but he seems to be getting over his letting-go issues. He is absolutely enthralled with the mystery of the Precursors.
- Big Good: Although this role is reduced in the later games.
- Black Eyes
- Cynical Mentor
- Eccentric Mentor: Although not as nice as the former trope namer (Dumbledore).
- Future Me Scares Me - Averted, as he and his younger self just bicker all the time.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Overprotective Dad - Though, it's perfectly reasonable: he wants his daughter to stay in the garage fixing cars, not out on the track getting shot at.
- Parental Substitute - He is a father figure for Jak and Daxter.
- Team Dad - His age makes him more like the Team Grandpa, though.
Voiced By: Cutter Mitchell
This ex-Krimzon Guard commander was a part of the Underground, a resistance movement against Baron Praxis. Since Praxis was overthrown, the Underground has disbanded, and he is now a commander for the Freedom League—the Krimzon Guard's replacement—and an advisor to Ashelin. He is normally calm, cool, and collected, but he also has a hint of rage in his personality that tends to come out when he's anxious. While he at first was distrustful of Jak and Daxter, they both eventually earn his respect.
- Badass Normal - Arguably. He only takes part in one mission in the series.
- Badass Driver - Jak X.
- Blue Eyes
- Facial Markings
- Guns Akimbo
- Guttural Growler
- Handguns
- Perma-Stubble
- Sadistic Choice - Okay, Torn, Ashelin or Underground? Pick one.
Voiced By: Susan Eisenberg
The daughter of the late Baron Praxis is a fiery redhead that takes nothing from nobody. She is now the Governor of Haven City. She has always relied solely on herself, and doesn't like to trust her life to anyone else, but once Jak and Daxter entered her life, she found herself making more friends.
- Action Girl
- Badass Driver - Jak X.
- Badass Normal
- Badass Princess
- Bare Your Midriff
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica, for one game anyway.
- Facial Markings
- Fan Service
- Ms. Fanservice to be exact.
- Femme Fatale
- Fiery Redhead
- Firing One-Handed
- Green Eyes
- Handguns
- Ojou
- Promoted to Love Interest: In the third game, this was retconned in Jak X though.
- Rebellious Princess - She takes this to extremes by being a double agent for the Underground, who is working to topple the Baron's rule.
- Stripperiffic - The only female Krimzon Guard we see, she wears a "uniform" like this.
- Jak X added some more cloth to her outfit.
- The Three Faces of Eve - The dark one.
Voiced By: Britton A. Hill
This member of the Underground specializes in gun design and runs the shooting range. She was sent to spy on Krew, so she worked in his bar, where Jak and Daxter met her. She's courageous, feisty and willing to help on the front lines however she can. She's a true-blue blonde, absolutely in love with cute fuzzy things, especially Daxter, and seems to believe all of his outlandish tales.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Beast and Beauty - The "beauty" component of her relationship with Daxter. Subverted because SHE is the protective one.
- Blue Eyes
- Dirty Harriet - Slight aversion: Tess works as a barmaid (and NOTHING ELSE) at Krew's bar in order to pass his secrets to Torn and the Underground.
- Dumb Blonde - Usually.
- Fan Service
- Genius Ditz
- Small Girl, Big Gun
- The Three Faces of Eve - The childish one.
- Took a Level in Badass - She goes from Fan Service to an expert weapon designer.
- Wrench Wench - For weapons.
Voiced By: Phil LaMarr
This Wastelander is the proud owner of the Peace Maker. He hunts Metal Heads for fun and uses their trophies for his armor. This hardcore fighter has a sensitive side, but it's well hidden from outsiders. He's more than ready to rumble, especially if his friends need help. When Jak impressed him with his sharp-shooting, it signals the beginning of what becomes a good friendship. He even seems to respect Daxter, once complimenting his story-telling prowess.
- Badass Driver - Jak X.
- Badass Normal
- Green Eyes
- I Want Them Alive - About Krew, who Jak has already killed. Sorry, big guy.
- Momma's Boy - Possibly. "She'd give me a warm glass of yakow milk... and my little Poopsie Bear..."
- Not Quite Dead - Sig seems to be killed by a Metalpede at the end of Jak II. He reappears triumphantly at the party in the outro, in perfect health.
Voiced By: Chris Cox
This monkaw is wise, but at times can act like an idiot, and occasionally he's a little perverted. He's cowardly, only looks out for himself, and is constantly changing alliances. Despite this, he is a good guy through and through. He has habit of talking for other people, perhaps from his job as Onin's interpreter, which can get annoying. A rather odious individual, he often twists Onin's words to his own liking, summarizing them in an impolite manner. He and Daxter share a strong rivalry from the moment they meet onward, getting into word-wars that sometimes escalate into fist fights (though we never see them on-screen. Darn). The main reason? It's probably that they're too alike.
- Badass Driver - Jak X. Only after buying him from the Secrets Shop, though.
- Black Eyes
- Embarrassing First Name - Duh. Even Jak started to crack up when he first heard that. To Daxter's credit, he hasn't made any dick jokes... yet.
- Polly Wants a Microphone - He actually gets one in Jak X.
Onin is a blind soothsayer that speaks in hand gestures, interpreted by Pecker, who sits in her bowl-like hat. She is very wise, but sometimes "speaks" in riddles. She seems to be as omniscient as one can possibly be, knowing who Jak was and Kor's secret, among other things.
The Precursor Legacy
Gol and Maia
Voiced By: Dee Snider and Jennifer Hagood
The reason you shouldn't play around with Dark Eco, Gol Acheron and his sister Maia are the villains of the first installment.
- Absolute Cleavage - Have you seen Maia's outfit?
- Big Bad Duumvirate
- Brother Chuck
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul - Gol does seem to have some mechanical parts, but it's safe to assume that the Dark Eco is to blame for the insanity than anything else.
- Evil Brits
- Face Heel Turn - Now with extra Dark Eco
- Humongous Mecha - Their master plan? Guess what it involves.
- Omnicidal Maniacs
- Red Right Hand - Gol's cybernetic fist, the large black streaks on Maia's face, the blue skin and white hair.
- Single-Minded Twins / Creepy Twins - Although not revealed in-game, according to the old Naughty Dog website, they are twins.
- Starter Villains
- Vader Breath - All that Dark Eco experimentation couldn't have been good for Gol's lungs.
- Voice of the Legion: Gol.
Jak II
Baron Praxis
Voiced By: Clancy Brown
The ruthless, tyrannical ruler of Haven City. Ashelin's father.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Meaningful Title
- Artificial Face - Had half of his face replaced after a failed attack on the Metal Head nest left him injured.
- The Empire - Him and his Krimzon Guard.
- Eyepatch of Power - (bionic eye)
- Knight Templar - The Metal Heads won't win, even if he has to arrange for everyone to lose.
- Lord Error-Prone
- Monster Protection Racket
- Red(dish) Eyes Take Warning
- Tactical Suicide Boss
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill - He wanted to use a bomb that can DESTROY THE UNIVERSE to blow up the Metal Head Nest... yeah.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist - Emphasis on the EXTREME part. He's willing to do anything he sees as necessary to stop the Metal Heads from destroying the city.
Voiced By: David Herman
The commander of the Krimzon Guard and Praxis's right-hand man, this ruthless KG was the best racer in the city until Jak came along. During a race against Jak, he drove into a month's supply of Dark Eco, presumably killing him. He returns in Jak 3 as a cyborg working with the Dark Makers to destroy the world.
- Big Bad - in the third game.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul - In the third game, the only parts of him that aren't machinery, are his right hand and the left side of his face.
- The Dragon to Baron Praxis and later to the Dark Makers.
- Evil Redhead
- Eyes of Gold
- Jerkass - Particularly the charming, handsome, arrogant dickish type.
- Omnicidal Maniac - In Jak 3.
- The Rival: Is this to Jak in racing and winning Kiera's affections.
- Smug Snake
- Spell My Name with an "S" - Erol's name in Jak 3 was Errol.
- Villainous Breakdown
Voiced By: Sherman Howard
This wise old man is a member of the Underground and guardian of The Kid. He was the first person Jak met upon his escape from prison. He's really quite a nice fellow, and - ha ha, no. He's the Metal Head Leader in human disguise.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Or more specifically, Metal Head in human's clothing
- Big Bad: As the Medal Head leader, he serves this role in Jak II
- Gray Eyes
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Treacherous Advisor
- The Villain Makes the Plot: Or rather the whole series. He's the reason Jak was sent back in time for the first game, and the reason he was sent into the future at the start of the second. Without his intervention, Jak would have just been a quiet kid wandering Haven City.
- Voice of the Legion: Lighter than most examples, but it's there.
The Kid
The long lost heir to the throne of Haven City, this adorable child doesn't go anywhere without his pet crocadog, who likes no one but the boy. This child is more than he seems.
- Blue Eyes
- Chekhov's Gunman - The Kid is the heir to the throne of Haven City, but that's not why he's important. It's because he's Jak.
- Future Badass
- Future Me Scares Me - Averted: he takes a shine to Jak.
Voiced By: Willliam Minkin
This Jabba the Hut look-alike ran the Hip Hog Heaven Saloon (now Daxter's Naughty Ottsel). He was also a gang lord in Kras City before he came to Haven. He was obsessed with weapons and built the Peircer Bomb, strong enough to crack open the Precursor Stone. However, in a battle with Jak and Daxter, it was accidentally set to explode, and detonated seconds after Ashelin picked them up, incinerating Krew and the Weapons Factory. He comes back to haunt Jak two years later.
- The Chessmaster: In Jak II, he's manipulating the Underground, the Baron AND the Metal Heads for his own profit: He's giving the Underground information about the Baron's dealings with the Metal Heads in return for favours, among which he has Jak retrieve the ruby key from the statue of Mar. The key he uses to sell the entire city out to the Metal Heads by opening a tunnel to the city through the underport. However, at the same time, he's helping the Baron building the Piercer Bomb and planning to use it along with the Precursor Stone to destroy the Metal Head nest, suggesting that he didn't really plan on letting the Metal Heads take the city.
- Companion Cube - Krew likes weapons a little (okay, a lot) too much.
- Evil Brit
- Fat Bastard
- I'm a Humanitarian - The credits for Jak 2, where the characters speak like they're actors. Krew proudly says he "slimmed down" to 520, for his role, and it was thanks to his personal trainer. Krew then admits that he ate him, as if it were a slip in his otherwise strict diet.
- Obi-Wan Moment - When he's left behind with the set-off Piercer bomb, he just mutters a calm: "Oh, well."
- Posthumous Character - In Jak X.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Vader Breath
- Villainous Glutton
- Video Wills / The Tape Knew You Would Say That - Krew's holographic will in Jak X
Voiced By: Robert Patrick Benedict
This computer whiz is paranoid of everything and suffers from Hora-quanophobia (fear of Metal Heads). He works for the Baron as the foreman of his eco-mining operations, but he relays information to the Underground.
- Brain Uploading - Vin "survives" a Metal Head attack by doing this.
- Cool Gun - Has his own little high-tech laser pistol.
- Dude in Distress - And it's up to Jak to save him.
- Grenade Hot Potato - Thrown to him by Daxter. He promptly throws it back. Who throws it back again, so on.
- Hollywood Hacker
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy - When he first meets Jak and Daxter he shoots wildly at them... And never hits them once.
- Non-Action Guy
- Properly Paranoid
- The Load - At least, the Baron and everyone else think so. They left him to die at the Mining Facility.
Voiced By: Alan Blumenfeld
This lurker owns a trinket stand in the bazaar, and tried to free his lurker brethren from captivity. After the Metal Head Leader is killed, he becomes Captain of the new Krimzon Guard (until the KG went under Errol's control). He also owns a fish cannery, and Daxter met him when on the job before he got around to releasing Jak from prison. His current whereabouts are unknown.
- Brother Chuck - See above.
Voiced By: Cutter Mitchell
Not much is known about this pyromaniac, except that he's a smoker and he loves explosives. He appears in only three missions, one in Jak II and two in Jak 3. In Jak II, he worked for Krew and with the help of Jak and his pals Grim and Mog, retrieved the Heart of Mar gem. In Jak 3, he destroys some power boxes in the KG area, and he also captures a KG Blast Bot.
Jak 3
Count Veger
Voiced By: Phil LaMarr
Count Veger is obsessed with "destroying all shadows" and likes everything neat and tidy, but just can't accept that life is messy. He strongly distrusts Jak and his Dark Eco abilities and was the reason Jak was banished to the Wasteland. In some ways, Veger really means well, but he's doing things the wrong way and for all the wrong reasons. In the end, through a rather odd series of events, he becomes an ottsel, and Kleiver's sidekick.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Meaningful Title
- Badass Longcoat - You have to admit, his blue coat looks quite cool
- Be Careful What You Wish For - He wishes to become a Precursor. There were aspects of this he was not expecting.
- Blue Eyes - Well, blue-green.
- Chekhov's Gunman- Count Veger was mostly responsible for kicking Jak out of Haven City, but there's nothing really personal between them... except for the fact that Veger knew all along that Jak was Damas's son, and in fact separated the two of them in the first place.
- Click. "Hello." - He pulls one of these in Jak 3, though we don't hear a click: he announces his presence by shouting at Jak.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment - He is transformed into a tiny, furry precursor.
- Does This Remind You of Anything? - Early concept art for Count Veger shows him sporting a mustache that greatly resembles that of a certain dictator.
- Even Evil Has Standards - A scene in Daxter has him arguing against the Dark Warrior Program, saying straight-up that it is a bad idea.
- Firing One-Handed - The former trope image was taken from a scene near the end where he threatens Jak.
- Handguns
- Karmic Transformation - CMoF. That is all.
- Kick the Dog - his gloating to Jak immediately after Damas' death.
- Knight Templar - He practically IS this trope: a strong supporter of Light Eco research and revealed to be one of the main villains of the overall series.
- Last-Name Basis - Maybe
- Light Is Not Good
- My Name Is Not Durwood - Daxter's favorite method of annoying him.
- Obstructive Zealot - Oh, yeah.
- Smug Snake
- The Chessmaster - A little bit. He was the one who had Jak taken from his father and placed in the Underground for example.
- The Unfought
- Twitchy Eye - He gets one after The Reveal.
- Villain with Good Publicity - He had enough influence to get Jak removed from the city and practically blamed for everything. Unfortunately for him, the publicity doesn't last forever.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist - He really wants to destroy the Metal Heads, and the Dark Makers, but does a lot of terrible things to meet that end.
Voiced By: Bumper Robinson
The king of Spargus City, the home of refugees who were cast out of Haven City and left to die. Before being betrayed by Baron Praxis, he was the leader of Haven City. He also happens to be Jak's father.
- Asskicking Equals Authority
- Big Damn Heroes
- Guttural Growler
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Damas is Jak's father, but he doesn't live to find out.
- Purple Eyes
- Shoulders of Doom
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Wasteland Elder
Voiced By: Brian Bloom
Damas's second-in-command and the self-described "guy who runs Spargus". He immediately develops an unpleasant rivalry with Jak upon meeting him.
- Extreme Omnivore: He'll eat just about anything, but what he's really interested in is eating Daxter... Or maybe Veger.
- Fat Bastard: Not as much as Krew, but still.
- Jerkass
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Goes from being an unpleasant ally in Jak 3 to working for Mizo in Jak X.
- My Nayme Is
Jak X
Voiced By: Jeannie Elias
Rayn is Krew's daughter in Kras City and the heir to his criminal empire. She befriends Jak after they are poisoned by the toast in the late Krew's honour. Too bad she was never poisoned to begin with and was really manipulating Jak into helping her take over Mizo's criminal empire.
- Evil Brit
- Family Business: Rayn can't escape her father's criminal dealings.
- Karma Houdini
- Manipulative Bitch
- My Nayme Is
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter
- You Killed My Father: Jak killed Rayn's father and she becomes quite upset when she finds out, though she forgives him later.
- What Could Have Been: In the Jak X commentary, they say that the original plan was to make Rayn "more Rubenesque" to (sort of) match her father. They decided to go for the "standard" Naughty Dog female model for her, instead. WHY?!
G. T. Blitz / Mizo
Voiced By: Phil LaMarr
"How does he keep that shine in his hair? I must know!"
G. T. Blitz is the less than pleasant announcer for the Kras City races. His father was one of the best racers on the planet before being murdered by the Kras City crime lord Mizo Blitz would know, since he is secretly Mizo and murdered his own father as revenge for leaving him for races every day.
- Announcer Chatter
- Bald of Evil - As Mizo.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: This would apply if Blitz's hair wasn't a wig.
- Engineered Public Confession
- Jerkass
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Self-Made Orphan
- Tattooed Crook
- What Could Have Been: The commentary for Jak X states that Mizo was originally intended to be a split personality separate from Blitz, but this idea was dropped at the last minute because they thought it would be too complex to bring this up and explain in in one cutscene. Note that this may still be true in the final game, since Mizo refers to himself in plural during his Motive Rant.
Voiced By: David Herman
A champion racer turned street thug working for Mizo.
The Lost Frontier
Captain Phoenix
Voiced By: Robin Atkins Downes
The leader of the Sky Pirates, and the first antagonist Jak meets upon reaching the Brink. He spends his time stealing eco from anyone who crosses his path, and tries to steal the eco right out of the heroes Hellcat. He and Jak fight, but he escapes while their ship crash-lands on an island. It turns out his real goal is to prevent The End of the World as We Know It, and stop Skyheed.
- Cool Airship - His very own flying pirate ship, the Phantom Blade.
- Enemy Mine - Against Skyheed.
- Fire-Forged Friends - With Jak.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Loveable Rogue
- Redemption Equals Death
- Sky Pirate - Well, yeah.
- The Atoner - Worked on the Aeropan's own Dark Warrior Project, but realized it was wrong. He spends the game trying to make up for past mistakes.
- The Rival - For Keira's affection.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist - To prevent the completion of their own Dark Warrior Project, he abandons the lead scientist Tym on an island.
Voiced By: Brian Bloom
Captain Phoenix's right hand man, and the muscle of the Phantom Blade.
- Bald of Evil
- Dumb Muscle
- Face Heel Turn
- Hey, It's That Voice! - Sounds almost exactly like Kleiver.
- Jerkass - Spends a lot of his time harassing Jak.
- Mauve Shirt - He only seems to exist to betray the heroes, then die.
- The Dragon - Since it's not Ruskin, Klout is probably the closest thing Skyheed has.
Duke Skyheed
Voiced By: Phil LaMarr
The monarch of Aeropa, he offers Jak and the gang protection from the pirates. His main goal is finding the Eco Core, the source of all the world's eco to try and save the world. The truth is he's only trying to find the Eco Core so he can control all of the world's eco, and rule over the entire planet... Or destroy it if things don't go his way. He's also responsible for the Aeropa's Dark Warrior Program.
- Affably Evil
- Ace Pilot - He's nothing if not a good pilot.
- Black Eyes of Evil - After he transforms.
- Cool Airship - The ACS Behemoth.
- Drunk on the Dark Side - When in his Dark Eco form.
- Evil Albino
- Evil All Along
- Evil Monarch.
- Evil Sounds Deep - After his transformation.
- Fake Longevity - During one of his boss battles you have to Attack Its Weak Point, then fight the Mooks then Attack Its Weak Point, then fight the Mooks, and then Attack Its Weak Point, and then...
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Omnicidal Maniac - He goes from wanting to rule the world, to trying to destroy it.
- One-Winged Angel - In his Dark Eco form.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning - Again, after he transforms.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Sequential Boss - You have to fight him four times in a row. Three times in a ship.
- Villain Teleportation
Chancellor Ruskin
Voiced By: Chris Cox
Skyheed's right-hand man. He immediately takes a dislike to Jak and Daxter, and makes them prove themselves worthy of protecting the Eco Seeker, the only device capable of finding the Eco Core. Even then, he still doesn't trust them. As it turns out, he was well aware of Skyheed's plan all alway, and was secretly helping Jak the entire time.
- Badass Boast - He threatens to kill Skyheed even while he's in his Dark Eco form. Too bad he doesn't get a chance.
- Evil Albino - Subverted, unlike Skyheed, he actually does want what's best.
- Obviously Evil - Subverted. He's actually one of the good guys.
- Sacrificial Lion - He's killed off by Skyheed once he reveals his true alliance.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- The Mole - He's actually been helping the heroes all along.
Voiced By: Phil LaMarr
An Absent-Minded Professor who spends his time building robots on an island that Jak crash-lands on. He repairs Jak's ship, and joins him on his quest for the Eco Core. He's actually the Dark Eco Sage who headed the Aeropa Dark Warrior Project.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Continuity Nod - His mechanical glove looks almost exactly the same as the one worn by another Dark Eco Sage, Gol Acheron. His glasses look very similar to the other Absent Minded Mad Scientist, Vin.
- Easy Amnesia
- Humongous Mecha - He built one, but unfortunately it has the one thing Jak needs to get off the island. Battle Ensues.
- Karma Houdini: Tym was responsible for the development of the Eco-Chair that was used to pump Jak full of Dark Eco during his two years in prison. The fact that Jak DIDN'T rip him to tiny pieces like he tried to do with Errol and Praxis was VERY surprising.
- Mad Scientist
- My Nayme Is
- Talkative Loon
- The Magic Touch - At least when it comes to the Eco Core.