< Jak and Daxter

Jak and Daxter/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The first three Jak games are getting an HD makeover.
  • Angst? What Angst? - Keira gets over Phoenix dying almost immediately... at which point she starts making out with Jak.
  • Best Boss Ever: The Final Boss of The Precursor Legacy
  • Big Lipped Alligator Mission: There's a mission in Jak 3 where Daxter gets sucked into a computer and has to play a Pac-Man style game to find a MacGuffin. It evidently wasn't supposed to be that much of a stretch, since the character who put him into the computer was one with the computer himself, but Daxter's whole body getting sucked through the screen?
  • Cliché Storm: One of the biggest complaints with TLF.
  • Complaining About Games You Don't Play: First happened with Jak X because of the genre change, then with TLF because High Impact Studios is "ruining" it.
  • Contested Sequel: TLF, partly due to the above, partly for not having anything to do with the previous games.
    • To be fair, the trilogy did, in fact, end.
  • Crowning X of Y:
  • Complete Monster: Kor, the Metal Head leader. He engaged in a siege against Haven City for decades just to get the Precursor Stone Mar hid inside, so he could feed on the last precursor life force. And that's not even counting the numerous atrocities he committed in the process.
    • Baron Praxis and Count Veger also fit this trope.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Erol in the second game.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Jinx only appeared in three or four missions, and we didn't see him at all outside of them. Why does he have so many fangirls?
  • Evil Is Sexy: Razer is all over this. Rayn seems to be going for Beauty Equals Goodness, especially in comparison to her father, but turns out to be this.
    • And in the first game, say what you will about Maia, but unlike her brother, the Dark Eco didn't seem to do anything negative to her body...
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Jak/Ashelin for those who want to see The Hero get with the hot Badass chick.
  • Follow the Leader: It is by no mere coincidence that Jak II was made considerably darker than its predecessor and was released around the time people would just be finishing up Vice City and needing something to placate their sandboxing fix. The first game is also a blatant Super Mario 64 clone, but it's more forgivable than most due to the game's absolutely exquisite presentation.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Does Skyheed want to rule the world, or does he want to destroy it? Or does he want to use the power of Dark Eco to remake the world to his liking? It's... not entirely clear. All we know is that he's evil.
  • Goddamned Boss: Skyheed certainly can be if you haven't upgraded your ship, and your stats properly.
  • Good Bad Bugs: The barriers in Jak II give you an interesting one: until you get a Security Pass, no one can get through... including the Krimzon Guard.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Jak 3 takes place largely in a desert setting. Guess where the third Uncharted is taking place...
  • It's Easy, So It Sucks: Some people complained that TPL fit this trope, but Jak II certainly shut them up.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Count Veger
  • Misblamed: Many fans hate High Impact because of TLF, even though the game's writers work for Naughty Dog and the scriptwriter is the same one that did the rest of the series.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: The roar of your Dark Eco maxing out in Jak X. Hell yeah. Also the charging noise of the Wave Concussor.
  • Moral Event Horizon: When exactly Baron Praxis crossed it is up for debate, but it's widely accepted that he crossed it.
    • For Jak 3, you easily could replace "Baron Praxis" with "Count Veger" in the above statement, though many point to his gloating to Jak immediately after Damas' death.
      • That's more of a Kick the Dog, though, but because it's combined with Player Punch, it feels like a crossing. His real crossing point came years before, when he kidnapped Mar/Jak in the first place
    • In TLF, this is the whole reason why Phoenix does his pirating thing in the first place. He quit his military post in the Aeropan air force because it was the Aeropans who, apparently, started the hideous, mind-altering Dark Warrior Project that Haven later picked up.
      • Even better, the source of dark eco that Aeropa used to fuel the Project was none other than the huge crystal core of their planet, meaning that they were destroying their entire world in the process.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Lurker Shark in the first game, and the Kraken tentacle in the third.
    • Metal Kor's first appearance. First, this unseen, deep voice says, "Finally! The last Rift Gate has been opened!" and several freaky creatures that look like giant insects come through the portal, followed by some HUGE beast that roars loudly and says, "You cannot hide from me, boy!" I'm pretty sure anyone would shit themselves if something like that happened to them.
    • Dark Daxter, contrary to earlier reports, doesn't talk like the Hulk and seems to be of his usual intelligence. What makes this fit the trope is that Daxter is genocidal and bloodthirsty while dark, but everything he says sounds frighteningly in character.
    • The boulder chase in the Tomb of Mar in the second game that at first seems to be a Shout-Out to Crash Bandicoot. What really takes the scare factor Up to Eleven is when a giant spider comes out of the bolder.

Aww, I broke this one. Still hungry--time for more meat-snacks!

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