This is the cast of characters from the Nickelodeon series iCarly.
Carly Shay
Portrayed by: Miranda Cosgrove
The central protagonist and Straight Man to the constant shenanigans surrounding her, Carly is a relatively normal highschooler. At least, as normal as you can be when you're an Internet celebrity in a Dan Schneider TV series.
- All Women Are Prudes: Personified in a kid-friendly way with her overall naivete.
- Is going by the wayside with the reams of random boyfriends Carly has had into Season 5, to the point where she gets 'itchy' about not having kissed a guy in 4 months.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Never tell a girl to calm down!
- Butt Monkey: Season 5 tends to have her deliver an Actor Allusion line that doubles as Take That Me.
- A potshot on Miranda still not having her driver's license.
"You have a sister who is 18 but doesn't have her driver's license? (chuckles) That's lame."
- The Chick
- Dude Magnet: It seems almost all the guys want Carly. Almost.
- Establishing Character Moment: Taking the blame for Sam to keep her from being expelled, then showing that she is the only person who can control Sam.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Missy, Sam and Shelby have all shown signs of being attracted to her in more than a "just friends" way
- Genki Girl
- Girl Next Door
- Good Is Not Dumb: In general, but averted in iStill Psycho where her acceptance to go back in the Dershlits' house made the gang their prisoners once more, and then again when she believed Mr. Dershlit was even sane enough to let them go.
- The Heart
- The Heroine
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sam.
- Just Friends: With Freddie.
- The Kirk: The 'choose between the McCoy and Spock' aspect of this trope comes directly into play in iDate Sam & Freddie where Carly is constantly put in the middle of Sam and Freddie's fights, until it overwhelms her and she tells them they shouldn't be dating unless they can fix their problems themselves.
- Large Ham
- Little Miss Snarker: Not called the Sassmaster for nothing.
- Missing Mom
- Motor Mouth
- Ms. Fanservice: Her dancing dress in iDream of Dance, being clad a bikini in the skit of iHatch Chicks, being in a sports bra and boxing shorts in iFight Shelby Marx, being bound and gagged by Sam in iSpeed Date, wearing a sleeveless blouse and skimpy shorts in iBeat the Heat... Much moreso with how she dresses during her dates and being stranded in a bathtub for most of an episode.
- Pettanko: Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with a little help. She's getting curvier every day!
- Pungeon Mistress
- Puppy Dog Eyes: Freddie cannot resist when Carly follows up a request or favor with a pouting "Please, for me?"
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Sam.
- Team Mom: Mostly when it's the main trio and Spencer.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Sam's Tomboy.
- Women Are Wiser: in comparison to Sam.
- And Spencer
Samantha "Sam" Puckett
Portrayed by: Jennette McCurdy
Carly's best friend and petite blonde co-host of the iCarly webshow. In this Power Trio, Sam very definitely takes on the "Brawn" side: she's aggressive, violent and eats everything. She has a very tenuous relationship with her mom, who was SHe Who Must Not Be Seen until finally introduced in Season 4, played by none other than Jane Lynch.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Hero: Type IV or Type V.
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Do NOT pick on Carly. Just don't.
- Big Eater / Extreme Omnivore: "May contain meat." (Beat) "Well, if it may..."
- The Big Girl
- Blondes Are Evil: she's easily the meanest of the main characters.
- Book Dumb
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Crazy Prepared: Having spare blowtube guns tucked inside her socks also makes her a...
- Combat Pragmatist: Mama doesn't play to get even. Mama plays to win.
- Cute Bruiser: She's widely acknowledged as the toughest kid in school, took down a bully twice her size and ripped the chain lock off the door when chasing Freddie in iKiss. Not to mention she only failed to catch him because she was towing Gibby and didn't seem winded by it.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Different As Night and Day: She and her twin sister Melanie
- Disappeared Dad: iParty With Victorious finally tells us her dad walked out on her, Melanie and her mom.
- Domestic Abuser: iCan't Take It informs us that Sam is still hitting Freddie even though they are in a relationship. Carly says it's sweet because Sam no longer hits him in the face.
- Establishing Character Moment: Beating up a nerd and shoving him into a locker.
- Escapist Character: While Carly appears to be one as for her webshow fame, Sam overshadows her in terms of increasing "talents" and Chekhovs Skills: singing, dancing, lockpicking, even art. It would even be nigh unheard of Sam's Badass-Jerkass tendencies being glorified and being able to run away from it. True, she's caught several times, but her arrests are shrugged off as Played for Laughs.
- Even the Girls Want Her: As the "Cowboy with a Mustache" with a deep, gruff voice, fake mustache and complete western attire.
- Evil Is Hammy: Sam has her "evil" moments and loves (literal) ham, but averts this trope as a whole.
- Evil Twin: It should be noted that she is the evil twin, compared to her polite and mild mannered twin sister Melanie.
- Foot Focus: Her feet get shown a lot.
- Freudian Excuse: Her mother.
- Generation Xerox: She's exactly like her mother, Pam.
- Hates Small Talk: Especially with guys.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath
- Humiliation Conga: in iSpeed Date.
- Hypocrite: Openly reprimands Gibby for bringing a few fatcakes from Canada to U.S.A. (which is deemed illegal) wherein she has several belts hidden under her jacket strapped with several kilos of fatcakes.
- Informed Ability: The tie-in blogs of other characters (usually Freddie) have Sam 'hack' them and make reference to Sam's ability with technology.
- Improvised Weapon User: The butter sock. That is all.
- Jerkass: Definitely
- Irony: Her attempt to intentionally smuggle fatcakes from Canada caused her to hide in a mistaken trolley bag, unintentionally causing her to be smuggled into Asia instead.
- Jerkass Woobie: Has her moments, such as at the end of iSpeed Date.
- Jerk Justifications: Type 3. That's just the way she is, and isn't going to change.
- Jerkass Dissonance: Hits 7 out of the 9 requirements for Jerkass Dissonance. For what those are, check the iCarly Analysis Page.
- Kick the Dog: Don't get us started with all the crap she pulls on Freddie.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: For Freddie and Gibby and anyone else who might be friends with Carly, Sam is this. Because of Type 1 Seniority, Type 3 Fear and Type 7 Audience Popularity.
- The Ladette: Sam is this minus the sex and drinking (maybe) because, well, it's a kid show (kinda).
- The Lancer.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Masculine Girl to Freddie's Feminine Boy.
- Master of Unlocking: Often shows up to avert a typical sit-com Zany Scheme.
- Ms. Fanservice: As Jennette McCurdy grew up it enabled Sam to fulfill the trope without having to be girly. Her form-hugging shirts/pants from Season 3 onwards just show it.
- The McCoy
- Nightmare Fetishist: The "Neck Infection" video elicits a Two Girls, One Cup reaction from Carly, Freddie and Wendy, but she genuinely seems to get a kick out of it.
- Parental Abandonment: Her father.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: See her Cute Bruiser and Big Guy entries, yet she is the smallest of the main cast, emphasis in the later seasons.
- Precocious Crush: In iGet Pranky, Sam admits she has a "little crush" on Spencer.
- Progressively Prettier: Starting in Season 4 after they stopped with the Suppressed Mammaries, and staying so during Season 5 with many of the outfits worn during the Seddie arc.
- Rapunzel Hair: "Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair!"
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Carly. At the very least.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: On the rare occasions that she dresses "girly".
- Stun Guns: She uses a shock pen in "iStill Psycho".
- Suppressed Mammaries: Started around Season 2. In Season 3 it was in full effect, with obvious strapping down and buried under multiple layers of Tomboyish clothes. In Season 4 they gave up and now Sam occasional wears clothes that show off her figure.
- Third Person Person: Sometimes refers to herself as "Mama", especially when she's feeling angry or competitive -- more than usual.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Carly's Girly Girl.
- Even more so with her sister, Melanie.
- Tomboyish Name
- Too Kinky to Torture: In iDate a Bad Boy, Sam recalls being tased as "actually kind of a rush" and seems to enjoy having her hand bitten by Carly.
- Token Evil Teammate
- Tsundere: Heavy on the "tsun-tsun."
- Unstoppable Rage: Both Cute Bruiser examples happened while in this state.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
- Weapon of Choice: Her butter sock.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Carly does this to Sam in iKiss, when she explains to Sam how her exposing Freddie's secret has utterly ruined his reputation and made it impossible for him to leave his house without people making fun of him. Sam, at first, shrugs this off, until Carly makes her realize that she went too far, even for her.
- With Friends Like These...: with Freddie and Gibby.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: She won't mind turning her blouse into a stash of French fries.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: with Freddie.
Fredward "Freddie" Benson
Portrayed by: Nathan Kress
The cameraman and general tech-support guy for iCarly, as well as Carly's other best friend. He is an all-around nice guy, along with growing up under the wing of his overbearing mother Marissa Benson.
- Adorkable
- Anti-Hero: Type I
- Beware the Nice Ones: He sure can have a sadist side towards Sam and Nevel in separate episodes.
- Captain Obvious
- Chick Magnet: Girls have been hitting on him in various episodes. He's even the focus of a blooming best friend Love Triangle.
- The Chew Toy
- Disappeared Dad
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Ensemble Darkhorse: In-Universe, when the trio go to Webicon, he's clearly far more popular than either girl. He gets mobbed by fangirls. Carly and Sam don't get anywhere near that level of attention, and most of the fan questions revolve around which of them is or should be dating Freddie.
- Establishing Character Moment: Showing up as the Dogged Nice Guy and minor Stalker with a Crush on Carly, by running out from spying on her through the peephole to pick up the bottle of water she dropped. iPilot also serves as an establishing character episode, as he is a Butt Monkey during the entire freaking episode and doesn't get a single thing go his way.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: As just himself. With all the girls that are attracted to him (named below in Hollywood Dateless), if he didn't want Carly, Freddie would be a full-on Kidanova.
- Even lampshaded in-universe when he parodied the angsty vampire Fredward Cullen.
- Don't forget that they're really kicking up the Mr. Fanservice vibe by constantly having him in the short sleeve shirts that would immediately mark him as a nerd - if it wasn't obvious that he's been spending some decent time on the free weights.
- Even lampshaded in-universe when he parodied the angsty vampire Fredward Cullen.
- Freudian Excuse: Averted in use, has one through Mrs. Benson and his Disappeared Dad.
- He Is All Grown Up: Remember when Nathan Kress was scrawny and had a high voice? Where it was completely acceptable to think that in iPilot Freddie was 2 or 3 years younger than Carly? Yeah, those days are incredibly over.
- Hollywood Nerd: Previously. Now is an example of Nerds Are Sexy.
- Hollywood Dateless: Averts both sides of the trope, by attracting regular girls on several occasions, but not being thought of by people (except Sam) as being completely inept. Valerie, Shannon, Rona, Leslie, Melanie, Carly, Magic Malika, Sabrina, the fangirls at Webicon, Patrice and Sam all show varying levels of interest in Freddie over the course of the series. He then dated Carly in iSaved Your Life and was in a temporary (four episode arc) relationship with Sam.
- Hopeless Suitor
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: In progress, as per the trope, it's played for laughs on the show. However, Mrs. Benson takes My Beloved Smother Up to Eleven, their relationship can be quite bizarre, and will likely result in memories on par with the likes of Jeff from Coupling.
- Informed Flaw: Freddie's general nerdiness. The second he hit puberty, it became harder to play those straight.
- Iron Butt Monkey
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Puts the brakes on his relationship with Carly, because he's unsure if he would be taking advantage of hero worship.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Sam's Masculine Girl.
- "No Respect" Guy
- Only Sane Man
- Pungeon Master
- Real Men Wear Pink: A red sock in the washing machine turned his white clothes pink from the alleged "Consuela's Revenge" curse.
- The Smart Guy
- The Spock
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: He was about 16 years old when he finally managed to get Carly, for a week before he Anchored Ship because he wasn't sure if it was real. Carly says in that episode that Freddie wanted Carly to be his girlfriend since the first time they met. That's probably anywhere from 6 to 8 years (depending on when they first met) of being unlucky.
- With Friends Like These...: With Sam.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sam
- You're Not My Father: To Lewbert.
Spencer Shay
Portrayed by: Jerry Trainor
Carly's quirky older brother and legal guardian, as their parents are off doing Godknowswhat (Mr. Shay is explicitly in the armed forces, but that's all that's been said). He is a sculptor of some sort, but easily out-wacky-hijinxes the younger characters despite his more-advanced age.
- Adult Child/Man Child
- Alliterative Name
- Big Brother Instinct: Despite his rather aloof personality, he shows potential of being Carly's guardian, especially in "iWanna Stay With Spencer", when Carly and Spencer's grandfather claimed Spencer was an unfit guardian, and tries to take Carly. Upon leaving, Spencer stops them to give them Carly's inhaler, despite she's never had one in years, stating that asthma is tricky. This convinces their grandfather to let Carly stay with Spencer.
- In "iLook-a-Like", Spencer is shown in a much more mature demeanor, actually saying no to Carly for once when she asked to do iCarly at an MMA fight. When Carly demanded when Spencer become 'uncool', Spencer coldly retaliated by calling her out on 'acting a baby whenever she doesn't get what she wants'. In fact, he became highly pissed off when he discovered she actually sneaked out to see the fight.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite all his weirdness, he was able to pick up enough during his three days at law school (and the book on law he kept) to help the gang out of just about any legal mishap they get themselves in very effectively. It was even given quite a Shout-Out in iPromote Techfoots when he acted as the gang's lawyer and wore a bizarre necktie.
- Butt Monkey
- Chew Toy
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Cuckoolander Was Right: In one episode, he spent the entire episode thinking a character from Galaxy Wars was going to show up and give him a hug, he was right.
- Epic Fail: His Running Gag is that the mundane objects he fixes, sculpts, or (at the very least) touches become extremely prone to bursting into flames, bypassing any form of scientific logic. He even lampshades the more outlandish ones.
- This trait of his was Deconstructed by being Played for Drama in iGot A Hot Room when a lamp that Spencer gives to Carly bursts into flames, destroying her room.
- iChristmas did the same from, but from Carly's perspective.
- Establishing Character Moment: Hanging upside down from the ceiling to photograph his bottle bot.
- Fun Personified
- Handsome Lech
- Large Ham
- Keet
- Missing Mom
- Motor Mouth
- One of Us: Referenced in-universe. Like the actor himself, Spencer plays a World of Warcraft Expy as seen in iStart A Fan War.
- Papa Wolf: Literally kicks a guy out of their apartment after he chases Carly for a kiss she does not want.
- Pungeon Master
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Carly.
- The Stoner
- Team Dad
- Wacky Guy
- Walking Techbane
- Wholesome Crossdresser: He has no qualms admitting he wears a size 10 dress, to the point having a Disguised in Drag subplot.
- He even poses as Pam Puckett in iLost My Mind to break Sam out of the mental hospital.
Orenthal "Gibby" Cornelius Gibson
Portrayed by: Noah Munck
Appearing as a minor character when the series began, Gibby is among the main trio's friend and schoolmate and a frequent Butt Monkey guest in the webshow. As the show progressed, he was slowly developed to be one of the gang's most loyal friends and a usual sidekick to Carly's eccentric big brother Spencer.
- Alliterative Name
- Big Damn Heroes: Pulls this of epically in iPsycho to save the gang from the Ax Crazy fangirl Nora.
- Big Fun
- Breakout Character
- Catch Phrase: "GIBBY!"
- "I love that!"
- Chick Magnet: Manages to get cute girlfriends like Tasha and Patrice.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Gibby handles himself rather well during iPsycho in a fight against the crazed fangirl Nora, and had the upper hand until Sam stepped in to finish Nora off.
- Embarrassing First Name
- Fat Best Friend
- Fan Disservice: Upon shirt removal.
- Iron Butt Monkey
- Kavorka Man: See Chick Magnet.
- Let's Get Dangerous: When he confirms that Nora had captured his best friends, his action is to go from Cloudcuckoolander to busting down her locked door and engaging her in a brawl throughout her house.
- Just when it looks like Nora's defeated Gibby, he takes off his shirt. Cue triumphant music.
- Pokémon-Speak: He says his name pretty often.
- Promoted Fanboy: Is a huge fan of the British boy band One Direction and got to sing with them as a ploy to get their lead singer to stop pretending to be sick so he could keep staying at Carly's and be nursed by her.
- Promotion to Opening Titles: Season 4.
- Real Life Relative: Ethan Munck plays his younger brother Guppy.
- Running Gag: Alternates from being shirtless or slow-witted during the first few seasons. When he became a main character, his shirtless scenes are ditched in favor of being unable to decipher a joke or a pun (which he averts by solving the gang's coded message by himself in iPsycho).
- Shirtless Scene: For some reason, the kid is fond of taking his shirt off, prompting a reaction of Please Put Some Clothes On.
- In iStill Psycho Gibby lampshades that he has been doing it less frequently.
- In iOpen A Restaurant he states he won't take his shirt off anymore unless it's without good reason like "to take a swim or a shower or whatever.."
- In iStill Psycho Gibby lampshades that he has been doing it less frequently.
- The Sixth Ranger: Made recurring appearances in the first three seasons, then joined the main cast.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?
Recurring Characters
Marissa Benson
Portrayed by: Mary Scheer
- Badass: Whenever she decides to get dangerous, she WILL kick some ass.
- Big Damn Heroes: In iStill Psycho along with T-Bo.
- Crazy Prepared
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dual-Wielding: Fencing sabers.
- Again in iStill Psycho with scimitars!
- Mama Bear
- My Beloved Smother
- Old Shame: Fencing, which also served as her Chekhov's Skill.
- Pet the Dog: In "iToe Fat Cakes", where she actually does make an attempt to help Carly out of the bathtub.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: In iStill Psycho:
Mrs. Benson: You girls want a little taste of the Fencin' Bensons?!
- Retired Badass: Came briefly out of retirement in iFence.
- Again in iStill Psycho, curbstomping Nora and her equally Ax Crazy mother in a sword fight.
- Rhymes on a Dime: She gives a rhyming motto in majority of the episodes she appears in.
- Safety Worst
- Super OCD / Neat Freak: Flits between these two Depending on the Writer.
Nevel Amadeus Papperman
Portrayed by: Reed Alexander
- Affably Evil
- Ambiguously Gay: He has a Foe Yay crush on Carly, but the way he acts you would expect it to be on Freddie.
- Arch Enemy
- Breakout Villain: Doesn't appear all that much, yet is treated as close to a Designated Villain and Big Bad as this show can get. Word of God even stated that his character is The Joker to Carly's Batman.
- Camp Straight
- Catch Phrase: "You'll rue this day! RUE IT!"
- The Cracker
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Despite being very young, he's obviously a pretty good computer tech or hacker or designer and such, and could probably make more money making websites if he didn't bother trying to shut down iCarly.com with various wacky schemes.
- Disproportionate Retribution: His entire motivation for destroying iCarly is because Carly refused to kiss him.
- Evil Is Hammy
- Hacker Cave: As Carly and Sam put it, Nevel's 'Nerd Cave'.
- Heel Face Turn: After having a Heel Realization.
- Humiliation Conga: Most of iPity The Nevel. However, he does come out the better for it, having a Heel Realization and performing a Heel Face Turn in the end.
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Woobie: His social pariah status in iPity the Nevel.
- Sissy Villain
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis
- Smug Snake
- Stalker with a Crush: Towards Carly. It gets super creepy in one scene where he's shown to have setup a series of monitors looping close up shots of Carly from the webshow.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: His bloodcurdling screams in iGive Away a Car and iFight Shelby Marx.
- Sympathy for the Devil: After hitting rock bottom on a viral video that disgraced himself, the iCarly gang of all people is the one he approached to ask help in restoring his good name.
- What Have I Done: Has this reaction to his Heel Realization.
Lewbert Sline
Portrayed by: Jeremy Rowley
- Butt Monkey
- Chew Toy
- I Have No Son
- Jerkass
- Large Ham
- Unishment: In one episode, he took the blame for a crime he didn't commit and was sent to jail. He did so in order to get away for his abusive ex-girlfriend.
Portrayed by: Mary Ann Springer
- Brother Chuck: Vanishes in season 3, after her appearance in iFight Shelby Marx, the last episode of Season 2.
- Ms. Exposition
Guppy Gibson
Portrayed by: Ethan Munck
- Alliterative Name
- Catch Phrase: "Happy Birthday!" Lampshaded in iDo when Gibby asks him if that's his catchphrase now.
- Cloudcuckoolander: "I'm hearing the voices!" in iStart a Fanwar.
- Real Life Relative: Ethan is Noah's real-life younger brother.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?
Principal Ted Franklin
Portrayed by: Tim Russ
- Bunny Ears Principal
- Cloudcuckoolander: Though suprisingly, he's one of the most sane teachers.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: In a school full of Sadist Teachers, he's very fair and kind.
- Token Minority: Russ was (for a while) the show's only black actor, a major recurring character as the school's principal.
Chuck Chambers
Portrayed by: Ryan Ochoa
- Alliterative Name
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Disproportionate Retribution: Chuck makes Spencer's life a living hell by locking him in a crate and spraying a suspicious liquid at him. He, also, beats on Spencer every chance he gets; the reason: Spencer requested Chuck to stop playing racquetball (which WAS against the rules) in an apartment building and Chuck ignored him. When Spencer told Mr. Chambers, Chuck's dad grounded him for two weeks.
- Jerkass
- Running Gag: Being grounded by his father.
Amanda "Mandy" Valdez
Portrayed by: Aria Wallace
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Loony Fan
- Running Gag: Her duck mask
- She's All Grown Up: "I know! I've blossomed!"
Portrayed by: BooG!e
- Big Damn Heroes: In iStill Psycho alongside Mrs. Benson.
- Characterization Marches On: Remember his first appearance on iDate a Bad Boy? You know, the one where he coaxed Spencer into buying bagels by calling him a jerk?
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Helps Mrs. Benson pull a Big Damn Heroes to save the iCarly gang from the insane Dershlit family, beating up Mr. Dershlit singlehandedly.
- Embarrassing First Name: His full name is Terrance Jeter Bo.
- Recurring Extra
- Running Gag: Trying to sell food off a stick.
Nora Dershlit
Portrayed by: Danielle Morrow
- Ax Crazy: Lampshaded in-universe. She is completely insane, and at one point is wielding an ax.
- As shocking as it sounds, she's worse in iStill Psycho.
- Batman Gambit: In iStill Psycho especially. Her plan depended on so many things- the iCarlys forgiving her and agreeing to go to her house, the judge paroling her, Spencer picking them up and needing to use the bathroom, etc.
- Comically Missing the Point: She fails to realize any metaphor of insanity directed at her. But she's well aware of her insanity in iStill Psycho, she just doesn't care.
- Dark Action Girl: While she's not all that attractive, she's no slouch when it comes to fighting and engages Gibby in a rather brutal fight and holds her own.
- Face Heel Turn: While technically starting as a Woobie fan, she later turned into the episode's deranged Big Bad.
- Freudian Excuse: She has no friends, her parents left her alone on her birthday (apparently something she's used to happening), and she's had a pretty horrible life.
- Though this isn't nearly enough to justify her actions in iStill Psycho and it turns out her family is just as psychotic as she is.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Is a lonely girl with only her chicken to talk to... so she decides to kidnap the iCarly crew under the delusion that they're her friends.
- Insistent Terminology: Nora despises any other words to describe her insanity. She prefers being called a "disturbed, lonely sociopath".
- In the Blood: iStill Psycho reveals that her parents are just as Ax Crazy as she is.
- I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: Kidnaps Spenser and traps him in her basement on a giant wheel, spinning him if the iCarly gang does anything she doesn't agree with. She even threatens to kill him if they go too far!
- Loony Fan: Her obsession with iCarly makes Mandy look sane by compairson.
- Manipulative Bitch: In both of her appearences, she plays up her Freudian Excuse to trick the iCarly gang to do as she wants them to, not revealing her true motivations until they're already in her trap.
- Never My Fault: Blames the iCarly gang for "ruining" her birthday party, when it was her own fault for kidnapping them in the first place.
- The Sociopath: She's even refered to as one In-Universe. She even admits it herself.
Carly: Nora... You're a nutcase!
Nora: The correct term is disturbed, lonely sociopath.
- Villainous Breakdown: Between appearences, she got a lot crazier as a result of being locked up in prison. She also begins to lose it quite a bit towards the end of iStill Psycho.
- Yandere: For the iCarly gang.
Other Characters
Melanie Puckett
Portrayed by: Jennette McCurdy
- Acting for Two: Jennette's other role.
- Different As Night and Day: With Sam.
- Hair of Gold
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Sam.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Sam.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Inverted. While Melanie is the Girly Girl to Sam's Tomboy, she usually wears her hair in a ponytail while Sam wears her hair down.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance
Pam Puckett
Portrayed by: Jane Lynch
- Alliterative Name
- Chaotic Stupid
- Cerebus Retcon: The previous 'wacky' behaviour Sam talks about is retconned into something serious and Played for Drama when she shows up in her episode iSam's Mom.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Foil: Pam is rather verbally abusive, a stark contrast to Freddie's Beloved Smother.
- Generation Xerox: She and Sam are exactly alike.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Sam's mom is Sue Sylvester? Although that explains a lot about Sam, doesn't it?
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Appears to be inflicting one of these on Sam.
- Really Gets Around
- Too Dumb to Live: The woman drove her car after getting eyedrops that distorted her vision, causing her to crash through a wall. Sam and Melanie were born on a bus because she took one while having labor pains instead of calling a cab.
- The Unseen: Spent 3 and a bit seasons as one, before being revealed in the episode iSam's Mom.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Keeps lipstick in her bra.
Shelby Marx
Portrayed by: Victoria Dawn Justice
- Cute Bruiser
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Identical Stranger: Victoria portrayed her before going on to star in her own show that has since crossed over with this one. Lampshaded by Freddie though he also stated that Tori was hotter than Shelby.
- You Might Remember Me From