The cast of Gungnir. WIP. This page contains unmarked spoilers.
Julio Raguel
The protagonist of the game, a Leonica boy who is fifteen at the story's start. He is the youngest child of the Raguel family, and has trained as a soldier in Esperanza since he was very small. He has a kind nature and idolizes his father Ricard, who he has no memory of but is told that he resembles. Because of this, Julio suffers from something of an inferiority complex, downplaying his own achievements in the face of his brother Ragnus'.
After nearly dying in battle, he makes a contract with Elise and gains the power of Gungnir, which raises his standing in Esperanza greatly.
- Adorkable
- Always Save the Girl
- Anti Christ
- Blade on a Stick: His most useful weapon is Gungnir, though he's actually a Fencer-class unit.
- Conveniently an Orphan: His mother apparently died from grief not long after his father.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness
- Famous Ancestor: The Raguels have always been knights who protected the Leonica race.
- Green Eyes
- Heroic BSOD: After Scene 10.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation
- Kid Hero
- Muscles Are Meaningless: The sole aversion; Gungnir is so huge, heavy, and unwieldy that Julio can barely equip anything else if he's got it in his weapon slot.
- Noble Bigot
- Not Quite Dead
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Swears to wipe out the Daltania in revenge for the second Espada Massacre. Whether he eventually carries this out or not depends on the route.
- Spell My Name with an "S": For incomprehensible reasons, Atlus has changed the spelling of his name to "Giulio".
- Tell Me About My Father: Ricard died fifteen years ago, when Julio was just a newborn.
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Tries to get this across to Ragnus, but since he's fighting against fifteen years of discrimination by the rest of Espada, it doesn't work too well.
- Youngest Child Wins
The main heroine of the game, a Daltania girl who is 16 at the beginning of the narrative. Julio and company rescue her from a slave caravan and adopt her into Esperanza, although she is reluctant to explain her true identity. She is actually the sole surviving Imperial princess, and is being targeted by Zaird; her real name is Alessandra Dlacroa. She is very sheltered due to her mother raising her in secret to protect her, and comes off as shy, but is actually very stubborn. She wishes for a world without racial discrimination.
- Badass Princess
- Battle Ballgown: Her empress outfit.
- Blade on a Stick
- Cannot Spit It Out
- Chick Magnet: If her Romantic Two Girl Friendships with Natalia, Elise, and Fiona mean anything.
- Deuteragonist
- Flower Motifs
- Friend to All Living Things: Has a pet bird named Ilya.
- Going Native
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Bastard: It is vaguely implied in-game (and more strongly hinted by Word of God) that she may be the result of an affair between Robertus and Orlienne, and hence not really of the Dlacroa lineage at all.
- Keigo
- Leitmotif: "Alyssa's Theme".
- Muscles Are Meaningless: Her lances are huge.
- Morality Pet: To the player, as about half of the game's choices have to do with how nice you want to be to her.
- Odd Friendship: With Elise.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Her empress outfit.
- Princesses Prefer Pink
- Red Mage
- Shrinking Violet
- Something About a Rose
- What the Hell, Hero?: Calls Julio out specifically on his racist attitude.
- Why Did You Make Me Hit You?
"I didn't want to fight... Why were you in such a hurry to die?"
Ragnus Raguel
The oldest Raguel child, actually a Daltania who was adopted by Ricard. Age 22 at the story's start. He witnessed his father's death during the Espada Massacre, which traumatized him deeply and has left him with a deep desire for revenge against Gargandia as a whole. In the present day, he is the captain of Esperanza. Knowing the history of the Raguel family as great knights, he developed a complex about his actual race and has become a hyper-competent leader in order to compensate. He's very emotional, but tries to suppress that side of himself to be a good leader.
- An Axe to Grind
- Multi Melee Master: Can also wield swords.
- Best Served Cold
- Big Brother Mentor: To Julio, who he's not ashamed to show affection for.
- Brown Eyes
- Cannot Spit It Out
- Changeling Fantasy: He's implied to be Alyssa's blood brother, the prince who escaped Wolfgang III's infanticide by being taken to Espada, although it's never quite confirmed until the very end.
- Chick Magnet
- The Chosen One: Heavily implied to be the prophesied ruler who will bring about paradise and do battle with Julio, who is the harbinger of the apocalypse.
- Despair Event Horizon: He holds up under the Trauma Conga Line pretty well until his faith in his father is shaken—and then he finally breaks.
- Dude in Distress: Spends roughly a third of the game locked up and seriously injured.
- Guest Star Party Member: In the end, he's only around for six fights.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation
- Hot-Blooded
- Japanese Pronouns: Generally uses "watashi", but switches to "ore" in scenes where he doesn't have the composure to be leaderly.
- Kill the Ones You Love: Zigzagged.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: As a child, courtesy of Paulo.
- Leitmotif: "Raguel".
- More Than Mind Control
- Muscles Are Meaningless: Specifically mentioned in his profile.
- Not Quite Dead
- Numerological Motif: In Starcry reckoning (which is a little different from the Imperial calendar), he was born in the year 777, which is a holy number in Christianity.
- Was It All a Lie?: To Paulo.
- Wutai Theft
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are: To Julio, several times.
- You Shall Not Pass
- Youngest Child Wins: The only one of Wolfgang's sons to survive.
The mysterious guardian of Gungnir, who accompanies it to Julio's world after he makes the contract. She fights alongside Julio not for the sake of his ideals, but because he's The Chosen One. Elise claims to be from Asgard, but much about her remains shrouded in mystery all throughout the game.
- The Archer
- Big Eater: But also a Picky Eater, as like Nessiah she isn't a big fan of surface world food.
- Blue Eyes
- Characterization Marches On: The draft of her character settings states that she's a glutton who cannot be inspired to actually do anything to help out unless plied with her Trademark Favorite Food. Only her love for Kokori nuts remains in the finished product.
- Cryptic Conversation: Usually about whatever Isabeli is up to.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: Justified in that she is self-admittedly far too lazy to go all-out for anything but a serious crisis.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Drama-Preserving Handicap: Sealed her own powers and hid her own wings so that she wouldn't be able to step outside her decided role.
- Emotionless Girl
- Hidden Depths: Part of the anti-Magi faction in Asgard.
- Mysterious Past
- Our Angels Are Different
- Odd Friendship: With Alyssa.
- The Tease
- Trademark Favorite Food: Kokori nuts.
- Undying Loyalty: Proclaims hers to Julio in Scene 15.
- The Watcher: Perceives herself as this.
- Pass the Popcorn: Finds the Imperial Army turning on itself during Esperanza's invasion to be hysterical.
An ex-court adviser who was exiled to Espada over a Noodle Incident. 63 at the story's start. He was friends with Ricard, and one of the original founders of Esperanza; he acts as a surrogate parent to the three Raguel children and is the army's strategist. He puts on airs as a kindly old man, and his age has not dampened his love of alcohol and pretty girls.
- The Alcoholic
- Badass Grandpa
- Dirty Old Man
- Leitmotif: "Theme of Alchemy".
- Parental Substitute: To the Raguel kids.
- The Medic
- Mysterious Past
- The Strategist
- Throw the Book At Them
Valery Brigid
Daughter of the Republican faction's former leader, and its de facto leader now that her father has been killed. 17 at the story's start. After meeting Esperanza, she decides to unite their forces in order to bring down her political opponents and the people who betrayed her father. She is sometimes self-centered, but always straightforward.
- The Archer
- Brutal Honesty
- Fiery Redhead
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To Julio.
- Grumpy Bear: From the point where she rejoins the party afterward, Valery is in a fairly constant state of I Mad. She hasn't forgiven Esperanza for Ragnus yet, and of course she's not too happy with the idea of Alyssa on the throne.
- Hidden Depths: Actually an accomplished pianist and extremely knowledgeable about music.
- Picky Eater: She became a vegetarian because ever since her family was killed, meat has reminded her too much of corpses.
- Purple Eyes
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: Meta example. Valery is the only allied female character not to be featured on a phone card; of course, she has the least pliable personality and most businesslike outfit.
- Rebellious Rebel
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: For quite a while. She was not happy with Esperanza's treatment of Ragnus.
- What Happened to the Mouse?
- What the Hell, Hero?
- Wutai Theft
Natalia Raymond
Daughter of Robertus, and an Imperial knight. 21 at the story's start. She is very protective of Alyssa, as her family has aided the Empress in keeping her hidden, and joins Esperanza to protect her. She is very preoccupied with honor and dignity. While she does support Alyssa's desire to grant citizenship to the Leonica, Natalia is much more preoccupied with the state of the Empire as a whole, and tries to make sure that Alyssa focuses on all citizens equally instead of just the discrimination against the Leonica.
- Bodyguard Crush: On Alyssa.
- Brown Eyes
- Cool Big Sis: To Alyssa.
- Cool Sword / Royal Rapier
- Happily Adopted
- Keigo
- Noble Bigot: Outgrows this.
- Picky Eater: Loathes bitter things to the point of being unable to drink tea without first adding at least three spoonfuls of sugar.
- Serious Business
- The Stoic
- Undying Loyalty
Fiona Raguel
Julio and Ragnus' sister. Age 19 at the story's start. She is the showgirl and head cook of the most popular pub in Espada, and is very popular for her outgoing personality. Due to the loss of her parents, she's zealously protective of Julio, the only blood family she has left.
- Cool Big Sis
- Green Eyes
- Never Found the Body: So of course she pops back up eventually.
- Supreme Chef: To the point that her cooking is the main incentive to join Esperanza.
Noah, Claude, and Teresa
Julio's friends, who initially make up the party. Ages 16, 27, and 17 respectively. All three are killed in Pierre's attack on Espada.
- Bromantic Foil: Noah, who is brash and rude in comparison to Julio's quiet personality.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Teresa, much to the amusement of Sting staff.
- Expy: Teresa is one of Zilva.
- The Generic Guy: Claude.
- Mauve Shirt
- Noble Bigot: Noah.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Wolfgang III
Current Emperor of the Gargandian Empire. Age 61 at the story's start. He used to be a feared warrior and was called the War Emperor, but right now he is bedridden from illness and can barely sit on his throne. Known for his harsh discrimination against the Leonica and for ordering all his children slaughtered after hearing a prophecy that he would be killed by his heir.
- The Emperor
- Genre Blind
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Robertus.
- Ill Boy
- Japanese Pronouns: Uses "Yo".
- Offing the Offspring
- Retired Badass: Due to illness.
Zaird Berlioz
Prime Minister of Gargandia. Age 70 at the story's start. He is trying to wrest control of the country from Wolfgang III, but is a poor governor and has gained the fear and resentment of even the Daltania he rules. Coworkers with Isabeli, and wants to gain the power of necromancy (and with it, immortality) like her. A failed attempt to do so resulted in his becoming paraplegic, but this hasn't slowed his plans down even remotely.
- Handicapped Badass: Accomplishes all his evil and is a pretty tough final boss from his seat in a really bitchin' wheelchair.
- I Shall Taunt You
- Japanese Pronouns: Uses "Wagahai".
- Obviously Evil
- Treacherous Advisor
Robertus Raymond
The leader of all Gargandia's knights. Age 53 at the story's start.
- Batman Gambit: Seems to hope that Ragnus or Alyssa will be usable in a coup.
- Blade on a Stick
- Jerkass
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Wolfgang.
- Honor Before Reason: Won't stand up to deal with a tyrant because it would mean betraying his friend.
- Karma Houdini
- Magic Knight
- Manipulative Bastard
- Moment Killer: Pretty much exists to keep Alyssa and Julio apart and the Leonica from getting equal opportunities.
- Noble Bigot: Extra emphasis on "bigot".
- Parental Substitute: Acted as a surrogate dad for Alyssa.
- Throw the Book At Them
- Undying Loyalty
- Ungrateful Bastard: His idea of thanking Esperanza for saving him from Regina and protecting Alyssa is to try to frame them for Wolfgang's death and have them all executed for high treason.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Orlienne.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Personified.
A Gargandian court magister. Despite entering court at the same time as Paulo and Zaird, she still has the physical appearance of a young girl. (Isabeli is actually 55 years old.) She can use necromancy, which is a kind of magic not native to this world; this leads Elise to suspect that she may have had contact with demons.
- Anticlimax Boss: Gets one-hit-KO'ed by Elise in a cutscene.
- Bokukko
- Creepy Child
- Expy: She's a dead ringer for Kuro, though the two act nothing alike.
- Immortal Immaturity
- Improbable Weapon User
- It Amused Me: Trying to open the Hades Gate with Gungnir pretty much because she can.
- Leitmotif: "Corpse-Eater Isabeli".
- Meganekko
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Obviously Evil
- Older Than They Look
- Reality Warper
- Scary Shiny Glasses
- Staying Alive: Has been declared "not necessarily Killed Off for Real" by Word of God.
Ragnus and Alyssa's mother. 52 at the story's start.
- Blue Eyes
- The Chessmaster
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Neutral / Selfish Good: Really only cares that Alyssa, Robertus, and Natalia are all alive at the end of the war.
- Pimped-Out Dress
Imperial Commanders
Pierre (44), Bacchus (29), Albert (27), Wallace (34), Nelson (35), Conrad (30), and Regina (29).
- Evil Albino: Albert.
- Expy: In the grand tradition of Leonel, Bacchus is another one of Leon. Like Leonel, he gets none of Leon's sympathetic development.
- False Friend: Bacchus to the Republicans in the backstory.
- Noble Demon: Nelson. In the best endings he and Julio wind up working together.
- Sidekick: Wallace, to Robertus.
- The Smurfette Principle: Regina is the only woman, and of course she's a sorceress.
- Smug Snake: Pierre and Regina.
- Turncoat: Bacchus.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Albert and Conrad die during their first appearances.
Other Characters
A mountain bandit who only cares about money and booze. 35 at the story's start. He considered Ricard his rival, and is interested in fighting Esperanza for the sake of their old grudge.
- An Axe to Grind
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Freudian Excuse
- Leitmotif: "Gold and Pride"
- Papa Wolf
- Rape, Pillage and Burn
Rodriguef's sidekick. 29 years old.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: To Pamela. Very begrudgingly.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Whip It Good
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
The Dept. Heaven series mascot. Through unusual circumstances, she winds up tagging along with Rodriguef and Griselda for a time. Supposedly looking for something she lost.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cute Witch
- The Fog of Ages: Her arrival in this world was so rough that her memory has been temporarily damaged, and she can barely retain information that's not relevant to her search. This leads to her constantly forgetting who Griselda is, much to Griselda's annoyance.
- Genius Ditz
- Green Eyes: Oddly enough, as they're blue in every other appearance she makes.
- Immortal Immaturity
- Rose-Haired Girl
A Millenian prophet and priestess of the star-based religion observed in Gargandia. She is unaging, but not immortal. Will in the future serve as the Elise to Ragnus' Julio.
- The Cassandra
- Damsel in Distress
- Green Eyes
- Last of Her Kind
- Leitmotif: "Prophecy of the Stars"
- Multicolored Hair
- The Ophelia
- Throw the Book At Them
- Vague Age
One of the hireswords the party hires from Millenia. Age 38. He was originally Gargandian, but was captured and used as a slave; it takes Esperanza a while to gain his trust.