< Grand Unified Timeline

Grand Unified Timeline/The Nineteenth Century

Grand Unified Timeline events from 1801 C.E. to 1900 C.E.

1801 C.E. - 1820 C.E.

Early 19th Century


  • Yuki Makimura's Watcher commits seppukku. Three months later, Yuki herself is turned into a vampire by The Master. Her existence is stricken from the records of the Watchers' Council. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Lieutenant Jack Aubrey first encounters Dr. Stephen Maturin. (Aubrey-Maturin)


  • Duncan MacLeod and Gabriel Piton have a reunion in Great Britain. They have a duel over disagreement over Gabriel's theft of jewels, but Duncan lets Gabriel live. Gabriel gets worse. (Highlander the Series)
  • In France, aristocrat Philippe D'Estaing's adopted son, Morgan, tries to kill Phillippe's biological son, Bernard, in order to inherit the family fortune. Events go south, and Morgan is stabbed in the back, but revives as an immortal. He is subsequently taken in by Xavier St. Cloud. (Highlander the Series)
  • William Dodd massacres a British garrison; Richard Sharpe is the only survivor. (Sharpe)


  • February 16: Peabody, Sherman, and Stephen Decatur burn down the captured ship Philadelphia off the coast of Tripoli. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Han Solo escapes from Trader's Luck and begins life on his own, apart from Garris Shrike's band of space gypsies. (Star Wars)
  • Kamino Uprising of then-all-Jango-Fett-Clone Stormtroopers, on orders of the Kaminoans, who want less imperial control. In response, the Empire begins making clones from multiple genetic sources and begin taking volunteers into the Storm Troopers. Quality of the average trooper plummets like a rock almost immediately. (Star Wars)
  • Duncan MacLeod and Amanda settle for a while in Bavaria. One night, she runs off with the immortal Zachary Bane, taking all the jewels of the Holstein estate with her and framing Duncan. Duncan bears her no ill will over this. (Highlander the Series)
  • Richard Sharpe saves the life of Arthur Wellesley, who promotes him to ensign. Due to friction within the ranks, Sharpe is then transferred to the 95th Rifle Regiment. (Sharpe)


  • May - Horatio Hornblower is promoted to Captain. (Horatio Hornblower)
  • October 21- Battle of Trafalgar on the waters close to Cape Trafalgar, Spain (Real Life). Among the combatants are a look-alike ancestor of Jean-Luc Picard on the French side (Star Trek Generations), and Colin MacLeod (Highlander the Search For Vengeance) and Richard Sharpe (Sharpe) on the British.
  • In England, the second son of the Lattimore family steals the family treasure. He is killed soon after by the immortal criminals Lyman Kurlow and Peter Matlin, who frame the mortal Johnny Sondringham. Johnny's life is saved by Duncan MacLeod 'dying' in his place. (Highlander the Series)
  • While demonstrating his time traveling phone booth, Rufus takes Bill and Ted to this year, landing them in Austria during the Napoleonic Wars. As they're leaving, Napoleon Bonaparte himself accidentally ends up being sucked into the circuits of time with them when they return to 1988. (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)


  • Atrus is deceived by his sons and imprisoned in K'veer. In December he is rescued by a person whose identity remains unknown. (Myst)
  • Birth of Wu on planet Omega IV. He would grow up to become the leader of the Kohm tribal group of his planet, descendants of communists. Due to the advanced immune system of his tribe, Wu would still be alive in the 23rd century. (Star Trek: The Original Series)
  • Taking advantage of a conflict between Britain and France, Morgan d'Estaing and Xavier St. Cloud poison the St. Cloud family, leaving Morgan as the sole heir and allowing him to claim the fortune. The British forces soon arrive, headed by Lieutenant Duncan MacLeod. The D'Estaings are proclaimed to have committed suicide. Duncan is suspicious of his two fellow immortals but doesn't have the time to deal with them. (Highlander the Series)
  • Peabody and Sherman trick Zebulon Pike into climbing Pike's Peak. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)Richard Sharpe and Grace Hale buy a house together in Shorncliffe, but tragedy strikes. (Sharpe)



  • August: Richard Sharpe takes part in battles against the French at Roliça and Vimeiro. (Sharpe)


  • Before May: Richard Sharpe takes command of a small squad of riflemen and protects a group of Spanish guerillas in an attempt to liberate Santiago de Compostela. (Sharpe)
  • May 12: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Battle of the Douro. (Sharpe)
  • July 27 - 28: Richard Sharpe takes a French Imperial Eagle at the Battle of Talavera. (Sharpe)
  • Han Solo, a student in the Imperial Flight Academy, frees Chewbacca from slavery; Chewbacca responds by swearing a life-debt to Solo, and remain his partner for life. The two go to Nal Hutta to become smugglers. (Star Wars)
  • Lando Calrissien wins the Millenium Falcon in a game of sabacc. (Star Wars)
  • Yoda kills a dark Jedi in a cave on Dagobah, saturating the cave with Dark Side energy. (Star Wars)
  • Sergeant Richard Sharpe saves the live of General Sir Arthur Wellesley and is promoted to lieutenant. (Sharpe)


  • Summer: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Siege of Almeida. (Sharpe)
  • September 27: Richard Sharpe takes place in the Battle of Bussaco. (Sharpe)
  • Duncan MacLeod travels across Switzerland with Brian Cullen, a fellow immortal and the greatest swordsman in Europe. Their journey is interrupted by Alan Kelly, a mortal swordsman and the latest in a long line eager to beat the best and get a reputation. Cullen wonders why they keep coming after so many have died by his sword. (Highlander the Series)
  • Peabody and Sherman find Napoleon's lost Imperial Suspenders, but decide to keep them instead of giving them back to him. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Bill and Ted abduct Ludwig von Beethoven for their history report. (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)


  • March 5: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Battle of Barrosa. (Sharpe)
  • May 3 - 6: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro. (Sharpe)
  • America supports Napoleon by declaring war on Britain, but due to various factors, is defeated with immense loss of territory. Parts of the northwest are ceded to the Michigan Territory (a joint British/New Englander possession) and an Indian Confederation under Tecumseh, serving as a buffer state. Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey successfully secede and form the rival Republic of New England. (Decades of Darkness)


  • January 20: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Siege of Ciudad Rodrigo. (Sharpe)
  • March 16 - April 6: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Siege of Badajoz. (Sharpe)
  • July 22: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Battle of Salamanca. (Sharpe)
  • Early: Samantha becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Late: Death of Samantha. Elizabeth Weston becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Signing of the Corellian Treaty founding the Rebel Alliance in honor of the martyr Sith-turned-Jedi, Galen Marek. Beginning of the Galactic Civil War. (Star Wars)
  • Han Solo wins the Millenium Falcon from Lando Calrissien in a game of sabacc. (Star Wars)


  • June 21: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Battle of Vitoria. (Sharpe)


  • April 10: Richard Sharpe takes part in the Battle of Toulouse. (Sharpe)
  • Luke Skywalker begins his hero's journey after the death of his aunt and uncle. He starts Jedi training under Obi-wan Kenobi. Kenobi is killed in battle by Darth Vader. Luke destroys the Death Star in the Battle of Yavin. (Star Wars)
  • The Duke of Wellington, upon his return to England to deliver his report on the Napoleonic wars[1], challenges the Prince Regent to a duel with cannon. This ends amicably when Prince George [2] is saved by the cigarillo case in his breast pocket which absorbed the blow from the cannon ball. The Prince's butler, Edmund Blackadder, was sadly killed though when he idiotically upsets the Duke. Well known London pie and coffee-shop owner Mrs Miggins runs away to Scotland with Mad Jock MacAdder. (Blackadder the Third)


  • June 18 - Battle of Waterloo, the Final Battle of the Napoleonic Wars. France is defeated. (Sharpe and real life)
    • Edmund Blackadder from 1999 travels through time accidentally landing on the Duke of Wellington before declaring his plan, allowing a French victory. Blackadder later repairs this. (Blackadder: Back and Forth)
    • Duncan MacLeod participates in the battle while serving in a Scottish regiment. Darius, an immortal healer, takes him on as an apprentice and shows him the true nature of war. (Shadow of Obsession)
    • Peabody and Sherman track down the Duke of Wellington in the hot springs of Waterloo, Denmark. They return him to Waterloo, Belgium, so he can order the British army to attack. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • January 29: Duncan MacLeod decides to leave Europe, where hatreds run deep, for America, hoping for a fresh start on life. (Shadow of Obsession)
  • Birth of Yeesha (Myst)
  • Jonathan Strange publishes the first volume of The History and Practice of English Magic. (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell)


  • January 1: Justine becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • c January 28: Justine has her first battle against vampires, and is mortally injured.
  • February 28: Death of Justine. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • The Battle of Hoth. Luke begins training under Yoda on Dagobah. Darth Vader reveals himself as Luke's father after defeating him in combat. (Star Wars)
  • Immortals Duncan MacLeod and John Durgan independently arrive at Fort Wolfe, Montana. Durgan kills the local schoolteacher and priest, and makes off with all their money and precious items. Duncan swears vengeance. (Highlander the Series)
  • Birth of Allan Quatermain. (King Solomons Mines, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)


  • Death of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. The Battle of Endor. The Rebel Alliance achieve a decisive victory over Galactic Empire in a galaxy far, far away. The downfall of Darth Vader and the Emperor, along with most of their closest and highest ranking staff. Beginning of civil war and warlordism among remaining Imperial factions and figures. (Star Wars)


  • The business which would become Lordly Tailor Department Stores is established. (Ace Attorney)
  • Establishment of the New Galactic Republic by the Rebel Alliance. (Star Wars)


  • New Republic switches from guerilla tactics to outright conquering of key Core Worlds. (Star Wars)
  • Dawn of the Golden Age of Muttonchops. (Futurama)
  • Peabody and Sherman help Hans Christian Oersted discover the connection between electricity and magnetism by throwing a picnic. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Onaya, a muse/psychic Vampire, bonds to John Keats and drives him to create great poetry in order to feed on his psionic energy. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • The corpses of Harman Deltahead and Kun Lan, who had apparently been in the middle of a chess game, are found in Coburn Elementary School. (Killer7)
  • Richard Sharpe and Patrick Harper are pulled out of retirement to track down Don Blas Vivar. (Sharpe)

1821 CE - 1840 CE


  • February 23: Death of poet John Keats in Rome, Papal States at the age of 26 (Real Life).
  • September 27-28 - The Mexican War of Independence ends. By the terms of the Treaty of Córdoba, Mexican forces under Agustín de Iturbide settle in Mexico City. The "Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire" declares Mexico officialy independent from Spain. (Real Life)
  • In the last days of Spanish rule over California, Don Rafael Montero discovers the secret identity of his nemesis Zorro. He slays Zorro's wife[3], sends him to prison and takes his daughter to Spain to raise for his own. (The Mask of Zorro)
  • New Republic takes Coruscant, the galactic capital, from the Empire, which is rapidly deteriorating. (Star Wars)


  • Grand Admiral Thrawn attempts, fails to return Empire to glory. (Star Wars)


  • Emperor Palpatine revived in a clone body, recaptures Coruscant and turns Luke to the dark side. Luke turns back and kills Palpatine a second time. (Star Wars)
  • Peabody and Sherman recover Franz Schubert's stolen piano. That afternoon, Schubert pitches a no-hitter. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Peabody and Sherman help John James Audobon complete his painting of a rare Zebredese Chicken and finish his seminal bird book. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • British ambassadors to the Zulu nation witness a Zulu prince fighting a zombie as a rite of passage. (The Zombie Survival Guide)


  • Emperor Palpatine revived a second time in another clone body. The cloning facility is destroyed and his spirit incapacitated. Coruscant retaken by New Republic. (Star Wars)
  • Establishment of Jedi Praexium on Yavin IV. Destruction of the spirit of ancient Sith Lord Exar Kun. (Star Wars)
  • David Keogh, a young immortal of working-class origins, proposes to Julia Renquist, his upper-class girlfriend, but she refuses to marry a man of lower class. David ends up with issues. (Highlander the Series)
  • Peabody and Sherman help James Bowie acquire a knife sharp enough to cut his steaks, so he can serve a steak-eaters' convention in his restaurant. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • First issue of the Daily Planet. (Superman)



  • Duncan MacLeod explores the jungles of Peru, accompanied by Paco, a local guide. They come across a native tribe led by the immortal Gavriel Larca. The entire tribe ends up dying from a disease caught off Paco; Larca seeks vengeance on MacLeod. (Highlander the Series)
  • In Germany, Professor Professor Victor von Gerdenheim manages to create an artificial person. His excitement results in his death from a heart attack shortly after. His creation takes the name Victor von Gerdenheim and proceeds to go on a quest to win the approval of his father, having no idea what death was and thinking his father was silently brooding. (Darkstalkers)
  • Peabody and Sherman ride the Tom Thumb, the first locomotive in America, as it races against a horse and carriage. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • March 9: Peabody and Sherman help the French Foreign Legion defend a fort in the Sahara against an Arab army led by Chief Abdul Fanouk.
  • December 3 - Charles Adare, the youngest son of a Lord, arrives in Sidney and gets involved in a love Triange and power struggle with Samson "Sam" Flusky, Lady Henrietta "Hattie" Considine and Milly. (Under Capricorn)



  • Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty signed between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant, officially ending the Galactic Civil War. (Star Wars)
  • In London, immortal bounty hunter Ludmilla von Tcheka (Reagan Cole) tries to claim the £1,000 bounty on Duncan MacLeod's head, but rescues him after she decides the crime he is guilty of wasn't that bad. (Highlander the Series)
  • Peabody and Sherman track down the only bull near Cadiz, thereby helping to establish bullfighting as the Spanish national sport. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • In London, business partners William "Willie" Kingsley and Smythe have a falling out over the matter of Kingsley stealing £100,000 from the till. They have a duel, in which Smythe apparently kills the immortal Kingsley. Kingsley revives and sets off for America with his ill-gotten gains. (Highlander the Series)


  • Pirates have an adventure with scientists. (The Pirates In An Adventure With Scientists)




  • Friedrich von Junzt found dead in his hotel room. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Jedi Order driven from Yavin IV. (Star Wars)
  • Immortals Grace Chandel and Carlo Sendaro leave for Sandaro's rubber plantation in South America. Their relationship is rather rocky. (Highlander the Series)
  • In Paris, a group of businessmen who were all partners in the same company are murdered one by one, apparently by a vampire. [4] (Highlander the Series) 1830s
  • Great Britain abolishes slavery throughout the British Empire, including the North American Union. Despite the fact that slave-owners are given compensation, this creates long-lasting tension within certain quarters of the country for generations to come. (The Two Georges)

1841 C.E. - 1860 C.E.


  • C. Auguste Dupin investigates murders in the Rue Morgue. (The Murders In The Rue Morgue)
  • The original Zorro trains a successor, is reunited with his daughter. [5] (The Mask of Zorro)
  • Yuuzhan Vong conquer Coruscant, begin a process of xenoforming[6] that introduces plant matter back into the planet's ecosystem for the first time in millennia. (Star Wars)
  • Naayéé'neizgháni, the current Slayer, is killed by the demon To. Richard Wilkins I founds Sunnydale over on the site of her tomb despite [7] the warnings of the Navajo locals. Marie Siegner becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • New Republic reorganized into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. (Star Wars)
  • Peabody and Sherman help Kit Carson get away from a group of Indians when he can't remember their language's word for "goodbye". (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Death of Marie Siegner. Catherine Hogarth becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • December 24 - Ebenezer Scrooge meets three ghosts. (A Christmas Carol)
  • An unnamed man catches the vampire Luke sleeping, and is the last person before Buffy Summers to survive a fight with him. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • The man-beast Cornell ventures into Dracula's castle to save his adopted sister. (Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness)
  • Retaking of Coruscant by the GFFA (Star Wars)
  • Return of sapient planet Zonama-Sekot from the Unknown Region; it brokers a peace treaty between the GFFA and the Yuuzhan Vong. (Star Wars)


  • Unaussprechlichen Kulten translated into English as Nameless Cults. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Dr. Mirakle conducts strange experiments in Paris, which leaves a trail of dead women behind him. (Murders in the Rue Morgue)
  • The current Slayer ends a series of grisly murders in Boston. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Jonathan LaFey, with his wife Miriam Nathias, arrive at the mansion he has inherited. On their way there they are greeted by the Black Horsemen, who warn them of "18 becoming 9". (King Diamond album Abigail)


  • Obed Marsh and his followers are imprisoned; two weeks later, a "plague" kills half of Innsmouth's population, leaving the rest under Marsh's control. (The Shadow Over Innsmouth)
  • The Natives and The Dead Rabbits battle in a massive brawl to the death over who holds sway over The Five Points district in New York. (Gangs of New York)


  • Birth of Caleb in Texas. He would grow up to become a merciless gunfighter and cultist to a Dark God. (Blood)
  • Irena Galati, an immortal gypsy, is raped, but her accusation is rejected as 'gypsy lies'. Her also-immortal husband, Jacob, kills the rapist; the two then flee their caravan with the aid of their friend, Duncan MacLeod. (Highlander the Series)
  • Knudhansen Party disappears in the Central Rockies, gets zombified. Zombies put down by a group of Lakota, including Elija Black. (The Zombie Survival Guide)


  • While travelling with the gypsies, Duncan MacLeod proposes marriage to Carmen, a young Fortune Teller. Carmen rejects him after reading his palm and seeing he will love hundreds of women and bury many of them. Duncan is driven from the caravan for insulting Carmen's family honour. (Highlander the Series)
  • Peabody and Sherman forge a fortune cookie in order to get John Sutter to discover gold near his mill. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Another expedition over the Central Rockies discovers the remains of the Knudhansen Party. (The Zombie Survival Guide)


  • Peabody and Sherman convince Paul Julius Reuter that paper airplanes are not a viable method of news delivery. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • Zepheniah Mann dies. In his will, he gives his land bought in America to his constantly fighting sons, Redmond and Blutarch, as a way to provoke war. (Team Fortress 2)
  • By this year, the homeworld of the Suliban race becomes uninhabitable. The Suliban migrate to space. They would still be a nomadic race in the 22nd century. (Star Trek: Enterprise)


  • Early December - The Cybermen fall through time and space into Victorian London from the Void. [8] (Doctor Who)
  • December 24 - The Tenth Doctor meets "The Next Doctor" and encounters an evil plot from the Cybermen. (Doctor Who)
  • December 25 - The Tenth Doctor and another Doctor [9] defeat an attack by time- and dimension-travelling Cybermen. (Doctor Who)
  • In Madrid, Duncan MacLeod studies swordsmanship under immortal Otavio Consone. The two compete for the attentions of local heiress Theresa del Gloria and end up duelling. Otavio wins, but Theresa agrees to marry him in exchange for sparing Duncan's life. She later commits suicide to escape her unhappy marriage. (Highlander the Series)



  • In San Francisco, Duncan MacLeod reunites with Brian Cullen, who has lost his nerve in the meantime. They check into an opium den, where Cullen's drug addiction starts. (Highlander the Series)
  • Peabody and Sherman track down the Light Brigade from all over the world, and bring them back to the Crimean peninsula so they can charge as planned. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Peabody and Sherman recover Florence Nightingale's lamp oil from the Russian army that stole it. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • Second Galactic Civil War emerges out of the Correlian Independence movement and the conversion of Jedi Jacen Solo into the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. Destruction of Centerpoint Station. (Star Wars)
  • Xiaoqin becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • Death of Darth Caedus at the hands of his twin sister. End of the Second Galactic Civil War. (Star Wars)


  • Summer: The Great Stink of London occurs when the River Thames turns toxic due to human effluence and industrial waste being dumped in it. Father Thames abandons London and moves his influence to the Upper Thames valley, giving Mother Thames a free hand in London and its tidal reaches forever afterwards. (Rivers Of London)
  • Birth of Catherine Callan in Ulster. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • A large portion of central London is "stolen by bats" and taken underground, where it becomes known as Fallen London. (Echo Bazaar)


  • April 22 - Mabel Simpson and her family's former slave Virgil escape along the Underground Railway to Canada. They later give birth to Abraham Simpson, great-grandfather of the World War II veteran of the same name. (The Simpsons)
  • Louis and Claudia try and fail to kill Lestat, and flee to Paris. There, they meet the Theater of the Vampires and Armand. [10] (Interview with the Vampire)
  • Angelus drives Drusilla crazy, then turns her into a vampire. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Birth of Oro in Japan. He would migrate to Brazil in his 50s and spend most of his life as a hermit, using that time to master Senjutsu. (Street Fighter III)
  • On Earth-C, Abraham Linkidd is elected President of the United Species of America. (Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew)
  • Peabody and Sherman are present at the founding of the Pony Express, and carry 1/51 of a message from Missouri to Sacramento. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Death of Xiaoqin. Agatha Primrose becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

1861 C.E. - 1880 C.E.


  • April 12 - The American Civil War begins. Following the secession of the Confederate States of America, there were a number of Union-held forts within the Confederacy. The War begins with the Conferates bombing Union-held Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. (Gone with the Wind and real life)


  • A Confederate soldier manages to recover Special Order-191, narrowly avoiding handing the enemy the CSA's battle plans. In September the Union army is crushed at the Battle of Camp Hill and Pennsylvania and Kentucky are occupied by the Confederacy. On November 4th British and French ambassadors formally recognize the Confederate States of America, and the War of Secession ends. (Timeline-191)
  • Duncan MacLeod becomes an abolitionist and joined the Underground Railroad. He meets Sean Zale, a lad who became immortal at a young age, and entrusts him to a mortal woman. Sean is soon killed by another immortal. (Highlander the Series)
  • Death of Agatha Primrose. Pauline Francis Bernard becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Col. Rhett Butler of Charleston, S.C. becomes a highly successful and famous blockade runner. (Gone with the Wind)


  • June - Professor Otto Lidenbrock leads an expedition towards the center of the earth. (Journey to the Center of the Earth)
  • July 11 - In the preceding months Amsterdam Vallon resurrected the Dead Rabbits to challenge Bill the Butcher and The Natives for control over The Five Points once again. Their battle, however, is violently interrupted by the outbreak of the New York Draft Riots, leaving no real victor. (Gangs of New York)
  • Confederate general Robert E. Lee is given a vast arsenal of AK-47s by time-traveling South Africans from 2013 who want a future ally in support of Apartheid. (The Guns of the South)
  • Skagarans abduct a number of humans as slaves on their home planet, but the humans, led by Cooper Smith, rebel and turn the Skagarans into the slaves. The colony world continued resembling the Old West at least to the 22nd century. (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • Duncan MacLeod is arrested while smuggling slaves out of Tennessee. He is hanged and buried, but rescued by the honourable Lucas Desiree, an immortal captain in the Confederate army. The two part on friendly terms. (Highlander the Series)
  • Robert E.O. Speedwagon is born, and the hamon master Tonpetty takes William A. Zeppeli in as his apprentice. (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • Peabody and Sherman stop Alfred Nobel from blowing up himself, or the engineers who come to inspect his work. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Bill and Ted abduct Abraham Lincoln with the help of Genghis Khan, bringing him to the year 1988 for their history report. (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)


  • June- Battle of Pine Mountain in Georgia. Colonel Thaddius Riker, nicknamed "Old Iron Boots", serves as leader of the 102nd New York Infantry. Riker is wounded during the battle but saved by a member of the Q Continuum as Riker's descendant, William Thomas Riker, had been deemed significant for the Continuum. (Star Trek: Voyager)
  • August 10 - Peabody and Sherman foil a Confederate spy, allowing General William Tecumsah Sherman (no relation?) to get across a bridge on his march through Georgia. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Duncan MacLeod is arrested while smuggling slaves out of Georgia. He and his latest charge Jeffrey are transported to Camp Sumter, a Confederate Prisoner-of-war camp located at Andersonville. When Jeffrey contracts gangrene, Duncan has to mercy kill him; he then vows vengeance on the prison's commander, William Everett Culbraith. Who happens to be a fellow immortal. (Highlander the Series)
  • Bra'tac is born, probably on the planet Chulak. (Stargate SG-1, "Bloodlines")
  • Death of Pauline Francis Bernard. Lucy Hanover becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)



  • John Carter transported to Barsoom (Mars). (John Carter of Mars)
  • Duncan MacLeod shags a young woman named Bess, but they are interrupted by her fiancé, Ned, who accidentally kills Bess when she tries to stop the men fighting. (Highlander the Series)
  • Death of Lucy Hanover. Angela Martignetti becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • May 15 - June 21: Immortals Duncan MacLeod and Paul Karros fight on the Republican side during the last days of the Second Mexican Empire. Duncan befriends Elda Gutierrez, a young medic. When Elda dies in Duncan's arms, the Highlander leaves Mexico in disgust at "Just Wars" which leave everyone dead. (Highlander the Series)
  • The immortal Kronos, under the name Melvin Koren, leads a small group of Comancheros in a brutal campaign across Texas Duncan MacLeod leads a group of rangers in pursuit. The two immortals find a secluded spot to duel, and Kronos almost kills Duncan, but it shot by a group of rangers. He is buried in a shallow grave, but soon revives and escapes.(Highlander the Series)
  • The Black Rock crashes on the island. [11] (Lost)
  • Dio Brando is born. (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • Birth of Scrooge McDuck in Glasgow. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Peabody and Sherman find out how Buffalo Bill Cody got his name. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Peabody and Sherman help the Marquess of Queensbury come up with his famous set of rules for boxing. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Zombie outbreak in the RMS Rona brings zombies to Australia. (The Zombie Survival Guide)
  • U.S. Secret Service agents James West and Artemus Gordon are assigned to covert activity in the Western territories. (The Wild Wild West)


  • Civil War veteran Ethan Edwards goes after the Comanches who massacred his brother's family and kidnapped his niece. (The Searchers)
  • At about this time, Duncan MacLeod meets fellow immortal Carl the Hermit. Carl teaches Duncan tracking skills and his knowledge of the fauna and flaura of the North American forests in exchange for swordsmanship. (Highlander the Series)
  • Duncan MacLeod saves the life of Chaske, a Native American slave boy, but he is shot the next day by untrusting townsfolk. (Highlander the Series)
  • Jonathan Joestar and Erina Pendleton are born. (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)


  • December 24 - The Ninth Doctor and Rose meet Charles Dickens and the medium Gwyneth and prevent an invasion by the Gelth. (Doctor Who)
  • Captain Jack gets stranded in Cardiff and remains stationed at the Cardiff Rift and later Torchwood Three waiting for the Doctor. (Doctor Who)
  • Peabody and Sherman help Talbot Heffelfinger find a model for the first Indian head nickel. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Peabody and Sherman help solve the very first case of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • The board game Jumanji is buried outside Brantford, New Hampshire. (Jumanji)


  • At about this date, Vulcans had recovered from the disastrous civil wars of the 4th century. They discover or rediscover space flight. "...it took my people nearly 1,500 years to rebuild our world and travel to the stars." (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • Peabody plays in the world's first golf match. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • A band of Texas Rangers is massacred by bandits in the New Mexico territory. The lone survivor, one John Reid, is never heard from again. (The Lone Ranger)


  • Caleb, a ruthless gunslinger, meets Ophelia Price and both end up drawn into an evil cult. (Blood)
  • Peabody and Sherman help P. T. Barnum recover full ownership of his circus from dastardly trapeze artists Hyde and Sick. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Peabody and Sherman save Mr. Stanley and Dr. Livingston from a tribe of cannibals, incidentally failing to settle an argument between them about which one has the right to say "I presume". (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Birth of Mollie Prater in Kentucky. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • March 13- Duncan MacLeod has finally settled down in a Lakota Sioux settlement. He has married Little Deer and adopted her son, Kahani, from a previous marriage. On this day, he leaves the camp for a short period to look for Connor and meets Kern, an immortal Cavalryman who seeks out Native American settlements for the Cavalry to exterminate. The two fight and Duncan returns to camp, only to find them wiped out by the Cavalry. (Highlander the Series)
  • March - Connor MacLeod finds Duncan still mourning over the corpses. He helps prepare the funeral pyres and tries to comfort Duncan.(Highlander the Series)
  • Autumn: Duncan goes on a rampage against Kern, the Cavalry, and white people in general. He ends up in a cell with Jim Coltec, a Lakota hayoka who absorbs Duncan's hate and rage into himself. With permission of the Lakota tribal elders, Duncan builds a cabin for himself on an island considered sacred to them to avoid having to fight any more immortals. (Highlander the Series)
  • October 2 - Phileas Fogg begins a trip around the world (Around the World in Eighty Days)
  • November 5 - December 4:
    • The Mary Celeste is found mysteriously abandoned (Real Life)
    • The Marie Celeste is abandoned by its crew after time-traveling Daleks arrive hunting for the First Doctor. (Doctor Who)
    • Benjamin Spooner Briggs, Captain of the Mary Celeste, finds himself in Limbo where he has to aid Destiny in a war against Fate.(Limbo of the Lost)
  • December 12 - Birth of Henry Walton Jones in Scotland. He would grow up to become a professor of medieval literature. (Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide -2008)
  • Peabody and Sherman foil Jesse James' plan to rob a bank in St. Louis. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Peabody and Sherman help James Whistler keep his mother still long enough to paint her. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Birth of Elizabeth in White Chapel, London. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)




  • August 24: Peabody and Sherman teach Matthew Clift to swim, so he can become the first person to swim across the English Channel. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Peabody and Sherman help Wyatt Earp catch notorious outlaw "Aces" Wilde. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • In an unrelated Wayback Trip, Peabody and Sherman save General Custer by baking pies. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • In yet another trip which has nothing to do with any of the others, Peabody and Sherman help Colonel Beauregard's horse Alert to win the first Kentucky Derby. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • U.S. Marshal Brisco County Sr. is murdered in California. (The Adventures of Brisco County Jr)



  • Scrooge McDuck starts work as a shoe shine boy. His first customer pays him with an American dime; Scrooge is initially outraged, but comes to view the event as a sign that he should go to America to seek his fortune. He keeps the dime as the first money he ever owned, and a memento of his origin. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Birth of Florence Gilbert in Virginia City, Wyoming. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


  • March 17 - Birth of Anna Mary Jones in Virginia. She would become the wife of Henry Jones and mother of Indiana Jones. (Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide -2008)
  • Birth of Marcus Brody in the United Kingdom. He would grow up to become a historian, archaeologist and museum curator. (Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide -2008)
  • Kamiya Kaoru, head of the Kamiya Kasshin kendo school, meets former assassin Himura Kenshin, who is atoning for his past killings with pacifism. Shortly after, more of Kenshin's previous enemies come to kill him. (Rurouni Kenshin)
  • Alice Kingsley is brought back to Wonderland to help revolt against the regime of the Red Queen. (Alice in Wonderland [2010 film])


  • The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler save Queen Victoria from a werewolf. The Queen forms Torchwood in the wake of this incident, and declares the Doctor a threat. (Doctor Who)
  • Peabody and Sherman recruit the initial Texas Rangers. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Bill and Ted travel to a small town in New Mexico with their time machine and pick up Billy the Kid after getting into a bar room brawl, bringing him to the year 1988 for their history report. (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)


  • Drusilla turns William into a vampire. He takes the name Spike. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Infamous gunfighter and bounty hunter Will Munny comes back from retirement for one last job. (Unforgiven)
  • Baron Sardonicus' wife Maude contacts Sir Robert Cargrave in London in hopes that he could come to Gorslava and cure Baron's permanent rictus grin. (Mr. Sardonicus)
  • Dario Brando is on his deathbed, and sends his son, Dio, to live with the Joestar family, of whom the patriarch, George Joestar I, believes he is deeply indebted to Dario. Jonathan Joestar meets and falls in love with Erina Pendleton, but Dio steals her from him, and kills his pet dog, Danny. (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • Scrooge McDuck emigrates to America and meets the Beagle Boys. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Peabody and Sherman help Scotland Yard recover the stolen Crown Jewels (and the Tower of London, which was apparently stolen along with them) by noticing that they were never stolen in the first place. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • 14 year old Mattie Ross, teams up with US Marshell "Rooster" Cogburn and Texas Ranger La Boeuf to avenge her father's murder. (True Grit)

1881 C.E. - 1900 C.E.


  • October 26:
    • Nine gunslingers fight the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. Vendettas ensue. (Real Life)
    • Lawmen Morgan and Virgil Earp insist on confronting the illegally-armed cowboys, leading to a complex tragedy. (Tombstone)
    • The First Doctor and companions become involved in the gunfight at the OK Corral. (Doctor Who)
  • Sherlock Holmes meets John Watson. (A Study in Scarlet)
  • The Confederate States purchases the Mexican provinces of Sonora and Chihuahua. The United States invades, beginning the Second Mexican War. (Timeline-191)
  • Zombie outbreak in Piedmont, Oregon. (The Zombie Survival Guide)


  • A meteor crashes on Nahum Gardner's farm outside Arkham. A strange blight affects his land over the next year. (The Colour Out of Space)
  • The Second Mexican War ends in a Confederate victory thanks to its alliance with France and Great Britain. A humiliated United States begins building closer ties to Germany. Slavery begins to phase out in the CSA, though racism is still very much institutionalized. Former president Abraham Lincoln splits from the Republicans and founds the Socialist Party. (Timeline-191)
  • July 4: Duncan MacLeod tries to propose to his girlfriend, Sarah Carter, but is prevented by the arrival of her estranged husband, Henry. The men fight, and Sarah decides to reconcile with Henry. (Highlander the Series)
  • Tim Ramsey, a friend of Duncan MacLeod, is killed in a duel by a US marshall for a murder he didn't commit. The marshall, Charles Mako, is immortal. (Highlander the Series)
  • Angus "Pothole" McDuck dies and leaves his riverboat, the Dirty Dollar, to Scrooge. The boat is destroyed by the Beagle Boys, and so Scrooge seeks a career as a ranch worker under Murdo MacKenzie. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Investigation party finds Piedmont destroyed. (The Zombie Survival Guide)


  • The Seventh Doctor and Ace confront a bizarre plot to assassinate Queen Victoria and an attempt to halt Earth's evolution. A sketch of the Ninth Doctor at Krakatoa is discovered in Sumatra. (Doctor Who)
  • A piece of the Xylok, later dubbed Mr. Smith emerges from the Krakatoa eruption. (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
  • The Geth revolt against their Quarian creators, forcing the evacuation of the Quarian homeworld and its colony planets over the following two decades. (Mass Effect)
  • Immortal doctor Gregor Powers tries to treat a cholera epidemic. The father of a deceased patient blames Gregor for his son's death, and shoots him. Gregor revives and flees, having lost his last traces of idealism. (Highlander the Series)
  • Scrooge McDuck becomes a miner. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)


  • Sherlock Holmes investigates the case of the Hound of the Baskervilles. Account published by Watson/Doyle during the Hiatus. (Sherlock Holmes)


  • September 2 - Marty McFly arrives in Hill Valley, California to rescue Doc Brown from his future death. (Back to The Future III)
  • November 11 - Birth of Elise McKenna in Salt Lake City, Utah. She would grow up to become a famous stage actress. (Somewhere in Time)
  • December- The Mousekewitz's, a Jewish family of mice from Shostka, Russia, flee to the United States after a pogrom. (An American Tail)
  • The Great Hakurei border is formed, sealing off Gensokyo from the rest of the world (Touhou)
  • H. G. Wells meets the Sixth Doctor, and is inspired. (Doctor Who)
  • The Turtles go from pirate ship in the Age of Shell Sail to iron horse in the Old West, hopping from flatbed to flatbed while menaced by Foot Soldiers. They eventually face off against Leatherhead, after which they're sent to 2020. (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time)
  • Scrooge McDuck meets Howard Rockerduck and his son, John. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Peabody and Sherman recover Annie Oakley's stolen gun and help her win a marksmanship competition. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Disappearance (and suspected murder) of Dr. Henry Jekyll of Strand St., London. (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)


  • Genevieve Hill is killed by immortal erotic artist Gerard Kragen to prevent anyone else from having her. Her current lover, Alec Hill, vows to avenge her, and makes Duncan MacLeod promise to carry on the fight if he himself fails. (Highlander the Series)
  • Scrooge McDuck begins prospecting for gold in South Africa. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Peabody and Sherman convince Geronimo to sign a peace treaty. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Young Fievel Mousekewitz is separated from his family on their voyage to America (An American Tail)
  • Mollie Prater becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Mycroft Holmes of Yorkshire is appointed head of the British Secret Service, and receives the code name "M" (future Secret Service heads will retain this appellation). (Sherlock Holmes, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, James Bond)
  • Eight-year-old Robin Weaver of Burkittsville, Md. is reported missing. Weaver returns home, but one of the search parties is later found tied together at the arms and legs and disembowelled. (The Blair Witch Project)
  • "The Autumn of Death" occurs in London, named so for the sightings of undead walking on the streets. Whole debacle is chalked up to be mass hallucinations caused by diseases by authorities. (Medi Evil 2)



  • April 12-18 - Anthropophagi infestation discovered and destroyed by Dr. Pellinore Warthrop, Will Henry, ans John Kearns. (Monstrumologist)
  • July 8 - Peabody and Sherman help John L. Sullivan overcome his enormous mustache to become the new boxing champion. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Summer: Belle Malone ends a series of murders in Dodge City, but dies soon after. Elizabeth becomes the new Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • August 31 - November 9: The Jack the Ripper murders take place in London.
    • The Redjac, a parasitic lifeform that feeds on pain and fear, arrives on Earth and takes Jack the Ripper as its host. It would continue to change identities and feeding grounds until the 23rd century. (Star Trek: The Original Series)
    • A serial killer named Jack the Ripper roams London's streets. He is eventually abducted by the Vorlons. (Babylon 5)
    • Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale fathers an illegitimate daughter. The Jack the Ripper murders are an attempt to eliminate any witnesses to his indiscretion. (From Hell)
    • Elizabeth, the current Slayer, forms an uneasy alliance with the vampires Darla, Angelus, Spike, and Drusilla to hunt down Jack the Ripper, a notorious vampire. They fail. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • After November 9 - After eating Jack the Ripper, the Silurian Madame Vastra, along with her human accomplice Jenny, are called to the asteroid Demons Run to repay a debt to the Eleventh Doctor. (Doctor Who)
  • November 22: John Clayton, 8th Duke of Greystoke, is born on the Gabonese coast under extraordinary circumstances. (Tarzan)
  • December - Elizabeth is killed by Jack the Ripper. Jack himself is subsequently staked by James Whitcomb, secretly a vampire himself, to prevent vampires from becoming public knowledge. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Sherlock Holmes matches wits with Irene Adler. ("A Scandal in Bohemia")
  • Gabriel Van Helsing battles Dracula and his minions. (Van Helsing)
  • Immortal Professional Gambler Kit O'Brady loses his entire fortune, his casino, and his lucky coin to Amanda in a high-stake game of Poker. Kit would go on to experience over a century of bad luck and blamed Amanda for it. (Highlander the Series)
  • The next night, Duncan MacLeod meets Alec Hill again, and finds his friend has sunk into depression and insanity in grief over Genevieve. (Highlander the Series)
  • Later that year, Amanda's casino burns down. She blames Kit O'Brady; Kit, meanwhile, was innocent, and at that time was on a cruise ship. The ship sinks, and Kit is lost at sea.(Highlander the Series)
  • Birth of the twins Fiona and Jackson Canmore. They would both grow up to become Hunters. (Gargoyles)
  • Jonathan Joestar fights and defeats his vampiric stepbrother, Dio Brando. [13] During this year, Lisa Lisa is also born. (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • Peabody and Sherman help Louis Pasteur convince his cow Fifi that she's not a rooster, thereby allowing him to invent pasteurization. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Zombie outbreak in Hayward, Washington, put down by the efforts of Elija Black. (The Zombie Survival Guide)

Before 1889


  • Sarah Jane Smith is sent back through time to search for the rare metal chronostene, and discovers a house with timelines collapsing on one another. (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
  • Jonathan Joestar and Erina Pendleton marry, boarding a ship to America for their honeymoon. [14] (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
  • Birth of Lord Raptor/Zabel Zarock in Australia. Through unknown means, the man would still appear youthful until the late 20th century. (Darkstalkers)
  • Scrooge McDuck returns to America to search for gold. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Peabody and Sherman settle a dispute between Sitting Bull and a hotel manager. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)


  • June 1-2: Struggling artist Vincent van Gogh meets the Doctor and Amy. They battle a hostile alien prowling around only Vincent can see. (Doctor Who)
  • Before July 29: Vincent van Gogh paints The Pandorica Opens in his madness [15] (Doctor Who)
  • July 29: Vincent van Gogh commits suicide out of depression.
  • Blutarch Mann asks Radigan Conagher to create a life extender machine so he can outlive his brother Redmond and take his land. Later, he is bribed to do the same for Redmond. (Team Fortress 2)
  • George Joestar II, named after his paternal grandfather, is born. (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)


  • Publication date of the Thomas Common English translation of Nietzsche's Also sprach Zarathustra, which would eventually inspire the creation of the Nietzscheans. (6811 CY) (Thus Spake Zarathustra, Andromeda).
  • Sherlock Holmes thwarts the plans of Lord Henry Blackwood. (Sherlock Holmes)
  • Sherlock Holmes confronts Professor Moriarty at Reichenbach Falls; both are believed dead. (The Final Problem)
  • Immortals Thomas "Sully" Sullivan and Duncan MacLeod manage to share a $1,000 prize from an illegal bare-knuckle boxing match. (Highlander the Series)


  • After a fight in Ellis Island, Captain Jack Harkness discovers he cannot die. (Doctor Who)
  • Michigan J. Frog is burried in the cornerstone of a sky scraper to be found in 1955 when the building is demolished. (Looney Tunes)
  • Twins August Lupa (a.k.a. Nero Wolfe) and Marko Vukčić are born to Irene Adler in Montenegro. (Nero Wolfe)



  • July 17 - Radigan Conagher finishes construction of a life extender machine for Blutarch Mann so he can outlive his brother Redmond. (Team Fortress 2)
  • August 3 - Radigan Conagher finishes construction of a life extender machine for Redmond Mann so he can outlive his brother Blutarch. (Team Fortress 2)
  • Sherlock Holmes returns from three years of travels (the "Great Hiatus"). (The Adventure of the Empty House)
  • Outlaw Catherine "Cat" Ballou is sentenced to death by hanging for murder in Wolf City, Wyoming. (Cat Ballou)


  • The King in Yellow is published and promptly denounced across Europe. (The King in Yellow)
  • Birth of Mason E. "Mace" Malone. He would grow up to become a leading gangster and a member of The Illuminati. (Gargoyles)
  • The current Slayer is killed by Lothos. Angelique Hawthorne becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • James Moriarty III co-founds a criminal league/terrorist cult called the "Circle of Life." This organization will later be renamed Krafthaus, and still later, THRUSH. (The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)


  • Duncan MacLeod encounters immortals Sharon Collins and Axel Whittaker, who run an operation where Sharon seduces other immortals and Axel kills them when they are defenceless. Duncan manages to escape the trap and offers to send Sharon to London to get a real mentor, but she is killed by Axel before he can leave. (Highlander the Series)
  • Having failed to find gold in Australia, Scrooge McDuck decides to try Canada. This time, he succeeds. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Peabody and Sherman arrange to drain the Venetian canals in order to let Marconi invent the radio. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Garrison at Fort Louis Philippe, running low on supplies, gather what they can and escape, managing to trap the zombies within the fort. (The Zombie Survival Guide)


  • June 20: In London, the father of young Olivia Flaversham is abducted. She manages to convince detective Basil of Baker Street to take the case. They are soon facing Professor Ratigan and his plot to depose Queen Mousetoria. Meanwhile the Diamond Jubilee is taking place. (The Great Mouse Detective)
  • Death of Angelique Hawthorne. Florence Gilbert becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Florence Gilbert ends a series of vampiric murders, but she herself dies soon after. Grace becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Grace is killed by vampires Helen and Angelus. Xin Rong becomes the Slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)



  • July 1 - Birth of Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr to Henry and Anna Jones. He would grow up to become an Adventurer Archaeologist. (Young Indiana Jones)
  • July? - Birth of Indiana, an Alaskan Malamute. He becomes the Jones family dog. Henry, Jr is raised alongside the dog. He would eventually name himself after his "best friend". (Young Indiana Jones)
  • July: Newsboys Strike in New York City, New York. (Newsies and real life)
  • Richard Wilkins founds Sunnydale, California. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Alexander Hartdegen's sweetheart Emma is killed by a robber. He becomes obsessed with traveling back in time and averting her death.[16] (The Time Machine [2002 film])
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen thwarts the Fantom's plans for world war. (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen [film])
  • Elise McKenna starts her acting career. She is only 14-years-old. (Somewhere in Time)
  • In Paris, earnest young poet Christian visits Moulin Rouge, the hottest nightclub-slash-brothel. He meets and falls in love with Satine, the leading performer.(Moulin Rouge)
  • Scrooge McDuck becomes a millionaire and enters the banking sector. (The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck)
  • Thomas and Anna Sheridan are killed by Abhartach. Their daughter, Róisín, is given power to kill demons. (Róisín Dubh)


  • February 14 - In Australia, three students and a teacher disappear during a field trip to a rock formation (Picnic at Hanging Rock")
  • June 18 - Amidst the chaos of the Boxer Rebellion, current Slayer Xin Rong is killed by Spike. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • July and August - Leo Colston stays with the Maudsley family at Brandham Hall, Norfolk (The Go-Between)
  • Dorothy Gale visits Oz. (The Wizard of Oz)
  • Dorothy Gale returns to Kansas and is locked in a psychiatric clinic. She manages to return to Oz, but finds it much darker than she remembers. (Return to Oz)
  • In China, Spike kills his first slayer. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Two rural Amestrian brothers crack open an alchemy book for the first time. (Fullmetal Alchemist)
  • Peabody and Sherman stop John Holland's submarine from behaving like a helicopter, then extricate it from underneath a giant octopus. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Birth of (future DCI) Thomas Nightingale, immortal guardian of London. (Rivers of London).

Mid to late 19th Century

  • A ship travelling to San Francisco catches fire and is evacuated. Three survivors - eight-year-old cousins Richard and Emmeline Lestrange, and galley cook Paddy Button - are stranded on a South Pacific island. Dick and Emmy live there until early adulthood, eventually falling in love with each other and mating. (The Blue Lagoon (1908) and its adaptations[17])
  • Between 1886-1890: Fievel Mousekewitz's other adventures take place; one where he helped discover a tribe of Lenape Indian mice living beneath New York, another where he helped solve the mystery of a "night monster" attacking New York mice. And a third adventure in which he moved out west, though that may or may not have been a dream. (An American Tail series)

19th Century

  • Formation of the Cardassian Union on planet Cardassia Prime. The Union was formed under a treaty that established a power-sharing agreement between the Cardassian Central Command and the Obsidian Order. The civilian Detapa Council was established to serve as the chief governing body between the two branches, however, in practice, the Council was virtually powerless. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • Latest possible date for the development of the Satsui no Hadou ("Surge of Murderous Intent"), a martial arts technique/mystical force which enhances the user to superhuman levels at the cost of whatever makes them human. Its most famous practitioner would be Akuma. (Street Fighter Alpha)
  • Latest possible date for the "birth" of the demon Garuda, a combination of all the souls driven mad by the Satsui no Hadou.(Street Fighter EX[18])
  1. "We Won." He was of course referring to the 6-year long Peninsular War ("in Spain, fighting the French"), and was unaware that Napoleon would later escape from Elba for the Hundred Days and require a further trouncing at Waterloo.
  2. who is really Edmund Blackadder, having swapped places with George
  3. accidentally
  4. The culprit is actually immortal Nicholas Ward, the company lawyer, who exploits the victims' own fears. He escapes, but not before having a stake driven through his heart, courtesy of Mr. Baines.
  5. And dies in battle with his nemesis Montero.
  6. like terraforming, but no Terra involved
  7. actually, because of
  8. Jackson Lake finds an infostamp and takes on the identity of the Doctor
  9. actually a human with memories of the Doctor
  10. Claudia is slain, the Theater burns down, and Louis and Armand leave Paris.
  11. A man by the name of Ricardo survives.
  12. He was slowly poisoned by his adopted son, Dio Brando, who had then used an ancient stone mask to become a vampire.
  13. Dio cuts off his own head, which is later found by his underling, Wang Chen.
  14. Wang Chen managed to sneak Dio's severed head onto the ship, where the latter confronts Jonathan once again. Jonathan is not successful in defeating Dio this time and loses his life, but Dio falls into a deep slumber for 100 years.
  15. an enigmatic painting of an exploding TARDIS.
  16. He does travel back to save her, but only succeeds in changing how she dies.
  17. The novel explicitly states that the Northumberland "was in the days before double topsail yards had reduced ships' crews", a development which took place in the second half of the 19th century.
  18. He wears samurai armor. The samurai class and its armor were abolished in the late 19th century. He is arguably older than the 20th century.
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