< Grand Unified Timeline

Grand Unified Timeline/Prehistory

Grand Unified Timeline elements from before the creation of the universe through 3001 B.C.E.

The creation of the Universe

9,986,249,999,999 years before the creation of the Universe

  • A being only known as The Hyperstig starts writing a comic. (Mezzacotta)

17 years before the creation of the Universe

  • The Nibblonians come into existence. (Futurama)

Before the creation of the Universe

  • The Devil comes into existence. After a long battle, it gets imprisoned on a planet orbiting a black hole. (Doctor Who)
  • Abaddon is sealed behind what is now known as the Cardiff Rift. (Torchwood)
  • The Ancient Lights come into existence. (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

Shortly before creation of the Universe

  • Destiny of the Endless comes into existence (The Sandman)
  • As the universe prior to the current one ends, the explorer Galen of Taa plunges into the Cosmic Egg forming at the center of the collapse. The sentience within the Egg preserves Galen into the next universe. (Marvel Comics)
  • An egg hatches in the void of nothingness. Arceus emerges. (Pokémon)
  • The Time Lords of the previous universe sidestep its imminent destruction. (Doctor Who Expanded Universe)
  • An egg was left by a pair of time travellers, who received the egg from a chicken they found loitering about the void when they arrived. (Sam and Max)
  • Batman and Green Lantern prevent Chronos from reaching the creation of the universe so that he can't become a god. (Justice League Unlimited)

An indeterminate and paradoxical amount of time before the creation of the Universe

  • Twelve young trolls sacrifice their planet and civilization in order to play a game called Sgrub, in which the must defeat the royalty of Derse and breed a very special frog. (Homestuck)

The creation of the Universe

  • The universe is created by the power of the Zodiac. (Transformers Zone).
  • Azathoth may be responsible for the Big Bang. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • An army of superheroes, led by The Spectre, prevent the Anti-Monitor from subverting creation. (DC Comics)
  • Arceus creates the universe with its thousand arms. (Pokémon)
  • One engine of a time ship explodes, producing the Big Bang. (Doctor Who)
  • Gaia arises from the primordial chaos and creates Uranus, the sky. She takes him as her lover and bears the first generation of Titans. (Classical Mythology)
  • The sons of Burr lift the world out of the sea, and the Æsir arrive to establish order in the cosmos. (Norse Mythology)
  • Atum has a wank and creates Shu and Tefnut, whose children the earth god Geb and sky goddess Nut define the world's limits. (Egyptian Mythology)
  • A sombrero-shaped timeship crashes into the singularity that would eventually become the universe, at the exact moment that it's self-destruct function detonates, causing -- nay, being -- the Big Bang. (Sam and Max)
  • Death of the Endless comes into existence. (The Sandman)
  • The D'ni write the Age of Earth, considered the civilization's masterwork. (Myst)
  • The Black King is defeated, and the trolls' Genesis Frog grows into our universe. [1] (Homestuck)
  • A video of the Creation of the Universe is recorded by a time traveler... on Betamax. (Chrononauts)

An indeterminate and paradoxical amount of time after the creation of the Universe

  • The trolls trace the disruption of their session back to a session originating on Earth, circa 2009 C.E. They proceed to troll the fuck out of the humans responsible at randomly-selected points on their timelines, for lack of anything better to do. (Homestuck)

3 microseconds

1 millisecond

  • The Brainspawn come into existence. (Futurama)

Shortly after creation of the Universe

  • Two gods, Primus and Unicron, battle for eons, and eventually seal each other within asteroids.(Transformers Generation 1, Marvel continuity; also applies to IDW continuity)
  • Galen is hurled from the Big Bang, and begins his transformation into the being known as Galactus. (Marvel Comics)
  • The Doctor and Amy discover the earliest message in civilization carved on an ancient cliff. [3] (Doctor Who)
  • The Eternals seal away the Carrionites. (Doctor Who)
  • The Time Lords of the previous universe enter this one, and discover this has given them cosmic power. Their High Council becomes the six Guardians, while the lesser Time Lords become all the Elder Powers of the universe, including those in the Cthulhu Mythos. (Doctor Who Expanded Universe)
  • During the Dark Times, the Infinite, a ship powered by an old one, is built. (Doctor Who Expanded Universe)
  • In the beginning there was only the Allspark. (Transformers [2007 film])
  • The race of Lorien evolves. (Babylon 5)
  • The rest of the Endless come into existence, in the order: Dream, Destruction, Desire & Despair, Delight[4]. (The Sandman)
  • C'Tan come into existence and begin feeding on stars. (Warhammer 40,000)

Before 100 million B.C.E.

Billions of years ago

  • The Eddorians enter our space-time continuum. Later an Arisian youth makes mental contact with the Innermost Council of the Eddorians. Neither side is able to harm the other. With great effort however the Arisian elders are able to remove the memory of the encounter of the minds of the Eddorians. Foreseeing the immense harm the Eddorians will cause, the Arisians begin an eon-spanning project to destroy the extra-universal invaders. (Lensman))

2,500,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Turtles make their first stop on their time warp. After battling foot soldiers and avoiding dinosaurs they fight a mud monster (arcade) or Slash (Super Nintendo) and are promptly sent to the next time period, 1530 C.E.. (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time)

20,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Silastic Armourfiends of Striterax create the supercomputer Hactar, who then designs a universal bomb. Hactar makes a flaw in said bomb and the Armourfiends dismantle the computer. (Life The Universe And Everything)
  • The species of Shadows and Vorlons evolve. (Babylon 5)

10,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The remains of the supercomputer Hactar, now a dust cloud circling the planet Krikket, secretly condition the Krikketers into xenophobia against the universe subsequently starting the 2000-year-long Krikket Wars. [5] ([[Life The Universe And Everything)
  • Life arises on the planet Maltus, eventually leading to the humanoid race that becomes the Guardians of the Universe. (DC Comics)
  • Shadows and Vorlons transcend their physical existence by the help of Lorien. (Babylon 5)

9,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The planet Krypton forms around the star Rao. (DC Comics)
  • Primus creates the thirteen original Transformers and tasks each of them with a vital aspect of the universe to oversee and ensure the continued stability of in the face of Primus' war with Unicron. Megatronus Prime, the guardian of entropy, turns to serve Unicron and is thereafter known only as The Fallen. Vector Prime, the guardian of time, withdraws from linear time to observe the multiverse. (Transformers Cybertron)

8,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Four vast starships - the Atlantis, Ogygia, Hyperborea, and Lemuria - are launched from Cybertron to colonise the planets Velocitron, Jungle, Earth, and Gigantion. Something goes wrong, and contact with the colonies is lost. (Transformers Cybertron)
  • Unicron attacks Cybertron again, and is defeated by Omega Supreme. Omega Supreme and the Maximus combiners retreat to guard a cache of super energon deep within Cybertron. (Transformers Energon)

6,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Guardian of Forever is created. (Star Trek)

5,000,000,000 B.C.E.

4,600,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The planet Earth forms around the star Sol.
  • In the Dark Times, the last surviving Racnoss hides from the Gallifreyans and inadvertently forms the Earth's core with a web containing her hibernating offspring. The Gallifreyans cut off the Racnoss' energy source that's lethal to most life, leaving only trace amounts hidden in the hearts of TARDISes. (Doctor Who)
  • Cthugha and its fire vampires arrive on the cooling Earth. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Earth is a concave dish, inhabited by creatures The Phantom Stranger calls "the old breed" and "the pre-dead", known to humans as demons. (The Books of Magic)

4,480,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Protoplanet Theia crashes into the proto-Earth, casting off a large amount of material, which gradually coalesces into the Moon.
  • A large artificial sphere sent by a race of Precursors, The Black Moon, containing a terraforming agent known as "Lilith", crashes into Earth by accident, it having already recieved a White Moon containing another terraforming agent known as "Adam". This Great Impact knocks the White Moon into orbit, as Lilith takes control of Earth's terraforming from Adam. (Neon Genesis Evangelion, the manual)

4,400,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Oan scientist Krona tries to look at the dawn of time. This leads to bad things, including the creation of the Anti-Matter Universe. Krona is punished by the Oans by being converted to pure energy and exiled to wander the universe. (DC Comics)

4,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The first humanoid race arises in the Milky Way, and seeds many planets with genetic material, leading to the rise of humanoid life on those worlds. (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

3,800,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Life arises on Earth.
  • Tsathoggua arrives on Earth shortly after life begins there. (Cthulhu Mythos)

3,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Anti-Monitor arises on a moon of the planet Qward in the Anti-Matter Universe. Simultaneously, the Monitor arises on a moon of Oa in the positive matter universe. (DC Comics)
  • The Guardians of the Universe build the robotic Manhunters to police the universe, but they eventually turn on their creators. The Guardians later try again, creating the Green Lantern Corps (they work a lot better). (DC Comics)

Circa 2,500,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The present-day Antarctic is inhabited by a hazily-defined entity whose relationship to the ur-city of Kadath is implied. A now-lost source alludes to a being al-Hazrad described as "‘UMR AT-TAWIL ... which the scribe rendereth as The Prolonged of Life." (Cthulhu Mythos)

Circa 1,500,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Thrintun Empire rules the galaxy with an iron Mind Control-based fist, seed planets all over the universes with food yeast that, if left uncontrolled, will evolve into diverse life. They give one slave-species, the Tnuctipun, a longer mental leash, which is used to rebel. In quelling the rebellion all life complex enough to have a notochord is psychically commanded to commit suicide in an event known as "Suicide Night". (Known Space)

1,000,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Vorlons open a gate to Thirdspace, but seal it and hide it in Hyperspace after defeating an invasion from the other side. (Babylon 5 Thirdspace)
  • The First Ones eventually begin to leave the galaxy, only the Vorlons and Shadows stay behind. The Vorlon-Shadow-War begins. (Babylon 5)
  • The Elder Things settle on Earth. They create creatures as servitors and food. (Cthulhu Mythos)

750,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Flying Polyps arrive on Earth and war with the Elder Things; the Elder Things ultimately win. (Cthulhu Mythos)

530,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Cambrian Explosion begins on Earth.

413,000,000 B.C.E.

  • A large meteor lands on Earth, carrying with it a frog temple and Earth's First Guardian, Becquerel. (Homestuck)

400,000,000 B.C.E.

  • A Jagaroth ship explodes on Earth, seeding it with life. The ship's pilot, Scaroth, is fragmented throughout time. (Doctor Who)
  • Great Race of Yith arrives on Earth and possesses a species of cone-shaped creatures. They imprison the Flying Polyps underground. (Cthulhu Mythos)

350,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Cthulhu's home, R'lyeh, is built in what will eventually be the Pacific Ocean. (Cthulhu Mythos)

300,000,000 B.C.E.

  • R'lyeh sinks below the waves; Cthulhu is imprisoned within. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Peak of the Silurian civilization on Earth. (Doctor Who)

275,000,000 B.C.E.

265,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Estimated birth of Pyron on planet Hellstorm. After evolving over many years, he would become an extremely powerful cosmic being whose orbital span stretched over 400,000 light years and counting. Over the span of 200 million years, he would seek to collect beautiful planets and other celestial objects by consuming them. After traveling across the universe at speeds well beyond light, he would land deep within the Atlantic Ocean to wait for the right time to consume Earth. (Darkstalkers)

225,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Dinosaurs arise on Earth.
  • Dinosaurs destroy the serpent people's civilization; survivors go into hiding. (Cthulhu Mythos)

220,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Reign of the dinosaur kings, Earth's first sentient race. Creation of the proto-Mokole as the keepers of Gaia's Memory. (Old World of Darkness)

170,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The witch Bandora kills the dinosaurs and begins to attack humanity before being sealed by the Guardian Beasts. (Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger)

160,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The mi-go set up operations on Earth; the Elder Things are unable to repel them. (Cthulhu Mythos)

140,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Fifth Doctor and companions rescue a supersonic jet sent back in time from 1982. (Doctor Who)
  • Baron Ether arrives due to a time travel accident and spends 6 years stuck here before escaping. (Soon I Will Be Invincible)

100 million B.C.E- 10001 B.C.E.

100,000,000 B.C.E.

70,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Weaver goes insane and tries to bind the Wyrm and Wyld so as to impose eternal, unchanging order upon the universe. The resulting clash of cosmic powers sets the extinction of the dinosaurs in motion. (Old World of Darkness)

75,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Elder Kai is imprisoned within the Z Sword. (Dragon Ball)

65,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Just before the dinosaurs are wiped out, a small group of them Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence, becoming what we today know as "demons", with their extradimensional fallout shelter becoming what we know as "hell". Some other of these extradimensional shelters become lost and the evolved dinosaurs there become the shadowy "Enki" mentioned by Socrates Group. (Divine Blood)
  • Chucko finds out what killed the dinosaurs (DC Animated Universe). The answer is:
    • The reptites and humans wage war, battling for dominance.[6] (Chrono Trigger)
    • A freighter is sent back in time and out of control, impacting Earth, causing the K-T Extinction Event (and also killing Adric) (Doctor Who)
    • A meteor impacts Earth and splits the universe in two, creating an alternate timeline where dinosaurs did not die out and eventually evolved to resemble humans. (Super Mario Bros. [1993 film])
    • A meteor impacts Earth and splits the universe in two, creating an alternate timeline where dinosaurs did not die out and eventually evolved to resemble humans; others evolve in a different direction and resemble giant robots[7]. (Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger)
    • The alien spaceship-city of T'leth crashes into the sea on Earth. The craft will remain dormant for the next 65 million years. (X-COM)
    • The Brainspawn wipe out the dinosaurs. (Futurama)
    • Dragons wipe out the dinosaurs. With their food source exhausted, they enter hibernation. (Reign of Fire)
    • Human Ranchers from the future overuse dinosaurs as a source of meat (Flesh).
    • Giant Robots from Space and a meteorite fall out a dimensional rift and impact with Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs. (GaoGaiGar)
    • Tennis balls from the early 21st century move so fast that they travel back to this date, where their impact wipes out the dinosaurs. (Prince of Tennis)
    • Dinosaurs wiped out by lung cancer caused by widespread cigarette abuse. (The Far Side)
    • Dinosaurs go into hiding for reasons unknown; other species are universally fooled by their Paper Thin Disguises. (Dilbert)
    • A meteor is flung at Earth by aliens, targeting a group of colonists of another alien species. Dinosaurs die off as collateral damage. (Animorphs)
    • The advanced alien Pyron arrives on Earth. He creates an army of robots called Huitzil/Phobos and tasks them with eliminating all life on the planet. They succeeded in exterminating the dinosaurs but seemingly exhausted themselves in the process. They went into hibernation and would not revive until the 6th century. (Darkstalkers)
    • A Cetan spacecraft crashes into the Gulf of Mexico, wiping out the dinosaurs. (Perfect Dark)
    • The dinosaurs, annoyed at constantly being burned by volcanoes, attach rockets to the pterodactyls and fly off to Dinosaur Planet. (Axe Cop)
    • Baldrick's centuries-old underpants kill the dinosaurs. (Blackadder: Back and Forth)
  • Gemstones found in the site of the dinosaur-killing crash absorb the life-energy of the dinosaurs they've killed, creating the powerful Dino Gems. (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)

64,000,000 B.C.E.

60,000,003 B.C.E.

  • The Sinclair family of dinosaurs welcome their new baby. (Dinosaurs)

Prior to 60,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Old Ones and Necrontyr evolve. Old Ones construct the Webway. Necrontyr go to war against the Old Ones, and build bodies of living metal for the C'Tan to live in. C'Tam begin feeding on souls. Deceiver tricks Necrontyr into placing their own souls in android bodies, becoming the Necrons. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Necrons, led by C'Tan, gain the upper hand in the war. Old Ones influence the Eldar to develop their Warp affinity and seed several planets with genetic material. One of these planets would give rise to Humanity. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • C'Tan begin eating each other. Old Ones, exploiting psychic abilities of the Eldar, defeat the Necrons. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • The Outsider, Deceiver, Nightbringer, and Void Dragon, the last remaining C'Tan, begin their work to isolate the Warp from the Materium. (Warhammer 40,000)

60,000,000 B.C.E.

  • A Xylok crashes on Earth. (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
  • Old Ones' actions against the Necrons unleash Warp entities into the Materium. Enslavers roam the galaxy. Old Ones create Orkz and Jokaero to defeat the Enslavers, but fail and are driven to extinction. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Last four C'Tan go into hibernation on uninhabited planets, intending to reawaken when the galaxy contains enough souls for them to consume. Necrons go into stasis. (Warhammer 40,000)

50,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Flying Polyps escape imprisonment and seek revenge on the Great Race of Yith; the Yithians flee their current bodies for new ones on Jupiter. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Evolution of the Pak, humanity's Ancient Astronauts ancestors, on a planet located near the galactic core. (Known Space)

37,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Great Rift Valley on Klendagon is created as a byproduct of a gigantic mass accelerator cannon used to successfully disable a Reaper. (Mass Effect)

29,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Planet Zuben 5 is ruled by Emperor Nimbala. His tiny mummy will survive until the year 3000 C.E. (Futurama)

17,500,000 B.C.E.

15,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Creation of the Corruptor Wyrm from the fragments of the Wyrm's power that escaped the Weaver's web. Corruptor Wyrm begins stealthily corrupting the Pattern. (Old World of Darkness)

12,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Quintessons arrive on Cybertron and create a race of cyborgs, called the Trans-Organics. The Trans-Organics rebel and are sealed in a chamber deep within the planet. After that, they use Vector Sigma to create a race of robots, the Transformers, to the same end. This also doesn't go according to plan. (Transformers Generation 1, cartoon continuity).
  • The Time Lords destroy the fifth planet of the Solar System, creating the asteroid belt, in an attempt to destroy the Fendahl. It escapes, a crippled ghost of its former self, and flees to Earth, where it begins to direct human evolution. (Doctor Who)

11,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Alpha Trion leads the now-sentient Transformers in a rebellion against the Quintessons. He is temporarily brought forward to the year 2006 in a Quintesson scheme to prevent the rebellion form ever occurring, where he meets the Aerialbots. Meanwhile, several Autobots go back in time to help the rebels. (Transformers Generation 1, cartoon continuity).

10,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Deep Thought works out the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything to be 42. Deep Thought then works on the blueprints for a planet-sized computer which can work out the Ultimate Question which the Magratheans construct. [8] (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
  • Unicron disguises itself as Cybertron's moon (Transformers Armada)

9,000,000 B.C.E.

8,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Due to the influence of the Corruptor Wyrm, weakened sections of the Pattern fall away. This shattering separates the greater Celestines and opens the first rift between matter and spirit. Gaia begins using the power she draws from the Wyld to raise up humans as a counter to the entire Triat. (Old World of Darkness)

6,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The robot Bacchus Wrath is exiled from Earth by the Pangaean civilization. (Chouriki Sentai Ohranger)
  • The Tanu and Firvulag arrive on Earth from the Duat galaxy. A thousand years later, they are joined by time travelling humans from the 22nd century CE. (Saga of the Exiles)

5,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Bibidi creates Majin Buu. He orders the destruction of all life, but as Buu's cocoon is sent to Earth, the Eastern Supreme Kai kills Bibidi, trapping Buu seemingly forever. (Dragon Ball)
  • The planet building market collapses, and the Magratheans enter hypersleep until the economy sorts itself out. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
  • Demons return to Earth and discover a species of whales evolved to sentience have also started to Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence which will in time become Gods. God, Demons and the mortal "silthine" (the whales) go to war and wipe out the silthine civilization driving the Gods and Demons to flee. Some of the God extradimensional shelters are likewise lost and the inhabitants become the Yaron aliens mentioned by Socrates Group. (Divine Blood)

4,000,000 B.C.E.

  • With Cybertron facing a critical energy shortage, Optimus Prime leads an expedition to find new energy sources, but his ship is ambushed by Megatron on the way. After a battle, the two craft fall to Earth, and most of the inhabitants enter stasis lock. (Transformers Generation 1). Another craft sets off for the planet Master, carrying small and weak Transformers; they would go on to develop Headmaster technology. (Transformers Headmasters)
  • Unicron introduces the Mini-Cons to Cybertron with the aim of escalating the war and thus weakening the Transformer race. The chaos bringer's control is broken when the Mini-Cons encounter the time-travelling human children Rad White, Carlos Lopez, and Alexis Thi Dang and imprint on them. (Transformers Armada)

3,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The monolith appears on Earth. (2001: A Space Odyssey)
  • First recorded Pak spaceflight. Planets around the homeworld are colonized, and wiped out almost immediately by war. A colony ship is sent out towards the galactic arms. (Known Space)

2,500,000 B.C.E.

  • The Pak colony ship lands on Earth, devoid of fuel and unable to take off again, and send a message home about their route. Tree-Of-Life supplies run out, and Protector-stage Pak learn too late that it won't grow in Earth's soil. Before they die of starvation, they integrate local primate DNA into their children to help them survive, creating the Great Apes, with Homo Habilis being the least altered from the Pak Breeder baseline. A (Known Space)

2,000,000 B.C.E.

  • The Golgafrincham B-Ark crash-lands on Earth and turn out to be the ancestors of modern humans. Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect teleport out of the Disaster Area ship into this ship not long before this crash. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
  • The Mini-Cons seek to escape the Cybertronian civil war and blast off in two ships, one bound for Earth, the other for Gigantion. The ship bound for Earth crashes on the moon, and the dormant Mini-Cons are scattered all over the planet (Transformers Armada). The other lands safely on Gigantion, and its crew end up performing detail work on the natives' vast construction projects (Transformers Cybertron)

1,024,500 B.C.E.

  • The message from Earth reaches the Pak homeworld. A fleet containing a colony ship is sent out, this one with the resources to build the Ringworld.

1,000,000 B.C.E.

  • Raquel Welch and costars have adventures with unrealistic-looking dinosaurs (One Million Years B.C.)
  • The Flintstones have various adventures. They possess the equivalent of 20th century technology and culture using Stone Age materials, and coexist alongside some still-existing dinosaurs. (The Flintstones; year taken from The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones and a few other spinoffs).
  • Captain Caveman, a contemporary of the Flintstones, becomes the world's first superhero. At some point, he's trapped in a frozen block of ice, where he remains until the 20th century. (Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels, The Flintstone Comedy Show)
  • Homo Erectus figures out how to control fire. (Old World of Darkness)
  • Bil and Ted, along with the historic figures they'd managed to bring along, wind up here after the antenna on their time traveling phone booth breaks. They're able to fix it using bubble gum. (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)

936,607 B.C.E.

  • Ringworld is built and stocked, Breeder-stage pak let out, under the watch of their Protector ancestors. (Known Space)

883,000 B.C.E.

  • Approximate time the Protector system on Ringworld begins to break down. Some groups of Breeders are left to fend for themselves. (Known Space)

748,200 B.C.E.

  • Approximate time of Eibon, wizard of Hyperborea; his works become the Book of Eibon. (Cthulhu Mythos)

748,000 B.C.E.

  • Ice age drives the Elder Things deep within the Earth, and leads to the collapse of Hyperborea. Serpent people move to Lemuria and become the Dragon Kings. (Cthulhu Mythos)

513,698 B.C.E.

  • Speciation begins in earnest on the Ringworld, indicating that the Protector system has begun to collapse entirely. (Known Space)

500,000 B.C.E.

  • Deathsaurus completes construction of his Planet-Destroying Fortress but is sealed in the Dark Nebula by Star Saber (Transformers Victory).

491,000 B.C.E.

  • Approximate time of Thongor of Lemuria. (Thongor)

300,000 B.C.E.

  • Proto-Mokole bond themselves to proto-humans, giving Homo rhodensiensis the spark of true language. (Old World of Darkness)

250,000 B.C.E.

  • A disease wipes out the last of the Pak on the Ringworld, leaving only the mutated new species and a few baseline Pak trapped in isolation. (Known Space)

243,000 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date that Doomsday is created. (DC Comics)

180,000 B.C.E.

  • The Axalon and Darksyde fall back in time and crash-land on Earth. Their crews adopt organic altmodes to protect against harmful energon radiation and do battle, while also assisting human evolution. (Beast Wars).
  • Due to the Maximals' and Predacons' meddling, the Vok activate their Planet Buster in an attempt to sterilise Earth. The Maximals prevent this and blow up the device, leaving Earth with only one moon. (Beast Wars)
  • At some point, they discover the crashed Ark; Beast Megatron destroys Optimus Prime's head, creating a Time Storm. The universe is saved when Optimus Primal takes Optimus Prime's spark into himself, saving his life. In response, Beast Megatron absorbs the spark of the Decepticon Megatron and attempts to destroy all the Autobots. However, he fails, and after returning the borrowed sparks to their original bodies, he is brought back to Cybertron around the year 2321. (Beast Wars)

161,844 B.C.E.

148,000 B.C.E.

100,000 B.C.E.

  • Homo sapiens, the first species capable of true magic, evolves. Gaia (or Luna) creates new races of shapeshifters and bonds them to the new humans, to protect the world from the Triat. (Old World of Darkness)
  • The First Doctor, Ian, Susan, and Barbara have an adventure involving primitive humans. (Doctor Who)
  • The Daemons arrive on Earth and wipe out the neanderthals. (Doctor Who)
  • Puppeteers buy gravity planars, hyperdrive, the Mover of Worlds from the Outsiders. (Known Space)

58,995 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date that Valar sing Earth into being, and arrive. Melkor betrays the rest of the Valar, and begins to destroy anything they try to build in his quest to bend it all to his own will. (The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion)

50,000 B.C.E.

  • Vandar Adg is exposed to the radiations of a mysterious meteor. He becomes immortal, and eventually becomes known as Vandal Savage. (DC Comics)
  • Peabody and Sherman convince a group of Neanderthals to live in caves for the first time. (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
  • Tim Hunter, in the company of The Phantom Stranger, visits this era, and watches as the last vestiges of Atlantis sink below the waves. The pair encounter an elderly woman, who sheds light on the true nature of Atlantis as a symbol for those who perform the art of magic to strive for. She also warns Tim that magic isn't worth the price. (The Books of Magic)

48,000 B.C.E.

  • Around this time, the Prothean Empire mysteriously disappears, leaving behind the galaxy-spanning mass relay Portal Network and little else. (Mass Effect)

40,803 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date of the creation and raising of the Two Lamps by the Valar to provide light to the world; plants created and non-sapient animals awoken. Valar settle on the island of Almaren and chill for a while. (The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion)

40,000 B.C.E.

  • First human civilizations form around the continent of Thuria (Kull)

34,639 B.C.E.

  • Demons and Gods return to earth, shift themselves into human forms in order to better understand and manipulate the developing humans. (Divine Blood)

33,000 B.C.E.

  • Phssthpok leaves the Pak homeworld for Earth with a cargo hold full of Tree-Of-Life and equipment to enable growing it, to help the Lost Colony there return to a normal life. (Known Space)

32,800 B.C.E.

  • First indications of the Great Galactic Core Explosion. First Pak Emigration Wave leaves the homeworld for Earth. (Known Space)

32,500 B.C.E.

32,000 B.C.E.

  • Pak Scouts sent out, with no Breeders, but faster engines to enable safely going ahead of the first two fleets. (Known Space)

30,000 B.C.E.

  • Hild and Kami-Sama have an affair and produce the world's first Demon-God hybrid, Urd. (Divine Blood)
  • Birth of the first mage. The Wyrm attempts to corrupt him, beginning the Second Wyrm War. Gaia grants powerful gifts to her shapeshifters. (Old World of Darkness)

27,000 B.C.E.

  • Ananasa is captured and imprisoned by the Wyrm. The Ananasi agree to serve the Wyrm to save her life. (Old World of Darkness)

25,954 B.C.E.

25,465 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date at which Yavannah creates the Two Trees of Valinor to replace the Lamps. Dwarves, Ents, and Giant Eagles are invented, put into cryosleep. (The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion)

25,000 B.C.E.

  • Humans and shapeshifters cross the Bering Strait to what is now North America, and the two mages with them die on the journey. Corrupt mages in Eurasia have opened portals through which the Wyrm can influence the world, driving a rift between humans and shapeshifters. (Old World of Darkness)

24,000 B.C.E.

  • Fall of the Second Empire of Atlantis. (The Black Star, Cthulhu Mythos)

20,000 B.C.E.

  • Approximate time of the reign of King Kull. (Kull)
  • End of the Second Wyrm War. Corrupted mages are killed by shapeshifters and magi, but the Rage enters the shapeshifters. Corruptor Wyrm splits into the Eater of Souls, Beast of War, Defiler Wyrm, and numerous incarnae. Weaver notices humans. (Old World of Darkness)

18,490 B.C.E.

  • Creation of the universe. Birth of the first sun. (Maya cosmology)

18,415 B.C.E.

18,000 B.C.E.

  • Decepticon crew of the Atlantis storms across Earth, giving rise to the legends of monsters. They are eventually sealed away by the Autobot Crosswise, guardian of Earth's Cyber Planet Key, who is himself sealed in ice soon after. (Transformers Cybertron)
  • A human civilisation arises on the ruins of the Atlantis, and is destroyed in a war during which they use the Star Saber. (Transformers Armada)
  • Remnants of Atlantis destroyed; survivors become the Cimmerians. (Conan, Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Weaver and Wyrm fight over humanity. Weaver uses her powers to protect humanity from the Wyrm. (Old World of Darkness)

17,000 B.C.E

  • The Fallen organizes the construction of a solar harvester, intended to convert the Sun to energon. (Revenge of the Fallen)

16,000 B.C.E.

  • Anansi tricks the Garou into cracking Ananasa's Opal Prison. Ananasa re-establishes contact with her children, and urges them to abandon their service to the Corruptor Wyrm. Most do, but are rejected by the Gaian shapeshifters. (Old World of Darkness)

15,404 B.C.E.

15,021 B.C.E.

14,925 B.C.E.

13,364 B.C.E.

  • End of the first sun. Beginning of the second sun. (Maya cosmology)

12,000 B.C.E.

11,572 B.C.E.

11,140 B.C.E.

  • Darkening of Valinor, in which Melkor and Ungoliantë destroy the Two Trees of Light, murder Finwë king of the Noldor, steal the three Silmarils, and flee to Middle-Earth. Betrayal and Kinslaying perpetrated by the Noldor over this, who are forced to go into exile, and give chase to Melkor. (The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion)

11,092 B.C.E.

  • Approximate time the Moon and Sun first set sail, making these approximations a hell of a lot more precise. Beginning of the Years of the Sun in the First Age of Middle-earth. Awakening of Men in Middle-earth. (Year 1 of the Sun, First Age) (The Lord of the Rings)

10,553 B.C.E.

10,511 B.C.E.

10,502 B.C.E.

  • Approximate year that Morgoth (Melkor) is cast into the Outer Dark. End of the First Age of Middle-earth and beginning of the Second Age. (Year 590, Years of the Sun, First Age; Year 1, Second Age) (The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion)

10,500 B.C.E.

10,470 B.C.E.

10,000 B.C.E. - 3001 B.C.E.

10,000 B.C.E.

  • The kingdom of Atlantis launches an invasion of the Hellenic mainland and is driven back by the ancestors of the Athenians. Subsequently, the gods cause the island nation to sink below the waves. (Plato)
  • Alternative version: The kingdom of Atlantis already rules the world, and it is sunk by a civil war of their own people, with one side using advanced technology and the help of Yog-Sothot. (Illuminatus)
  • Dark Spector begins conquering the known universe, with the local area under the command of Lord Zedd. Zordon of Eltar joins the fight to hold off Zedd's minion, Rita Repulsa. (Power Rangers)
  • Devil Z and Godmaster arrive on Earth; Godmaster seals Devil Z under the sea, and then splits into eight parts. (Transformers Super God Masterforce)
  • Autobot and Decepticon Pretenders arrive on Earth, the Autobots taking the forms of humans and the Decepticons of demons. The Autobots eventually manage to seal the Decepticons in the Egyptian pyramids, the Nazca lines of Peru, and the ruins of Atlantis. (Transformers Super God Masterforce)
  • Conan of Cimmeria has many adventures in the Thurian continent and eventually becomes King of Aquilonia. (Conan the Barbarian)
  • Red Sonja also adventures during the Hyborian Age. (Red Sonja)
  • A young hunter and his allies go on a quest to rescue the hunter's love from slavers. (10,000 BC)
  • A Cybership crash lands and is buried somewhere in the Arctic. (DoctorWho: The Adventure Games)
  • Humans begin using their power over plant growth to invent agriculture. (Old World of Darkness)

9500 B.C.E.

  • Approximate end of the Hyborian Age. (Conan)

9002 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date that the first Rings of Power are forged. (c. Year 1500, Second Age) (The Lord of the Rings)

8902 B.C.E.

8240 B.C.E.

  • End of the second sun. Beginning of the third sun. (Maya cosmology)

8000 B.C.E.

  • Zordon of Eltar finds five power coins, Rita Repulsa finds one coin and the Dragon Dagger. Rita Repulsa seals Zordon into a time warp, but not before Zordon seals Rita and her entourage into a space-dumpster. (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
  • On Earth, the Order of the Claw seals the demon Dai Shi. (Power Rangers Jungle Fury)
  • The Emperor of Mankind is born in Anatolia from the gestalt psychic consciousness of all of mankind's shaman leaders. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • The Gohma and Dai tribes battle each other. (Gosei Sentai Dairanger)
  • The population of Atlantis relocates to Earth, living the city behind, at the bottom of a Lantean ocean. Elizabeth Weir stays in the city. (Stargate Atlantis)
  • Another cycle in the war between Shadows and Vorlons takes place. (Babylon 5)
  • Doom comes to Sarnath. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Great Core Explosion begins. Stars in the Galactic Core begin exploding in a chain reaction, producing a destructive wave that moves outwards at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light, destroying any life in its path. (Known Space)
  • Kzin form stable civilization, visited by the Jotok, who begin Uplifting them. Kzin use Jotok engineering to make their females nonsentient and their males "perfect Heros". (Known Space)
  • Dream of the Endless imprisons Nada in hell for rejecting him. (The Sandman)
  • The Battle Royale breaks out, with creatures called the Undead fighting to determine which will be the dominant species. The battle is eventually won by the Category Two of Hearts Human Undead, the weakest of all the Undead, giving humanity dominance of the Earth. The other Undead are sealed away, as their release would mark the start of a new Battle Royale. (Kamen Rider Blade)

7656 B.C.E.

  • The D'ni emigrate to the Age of Earth and forge a mighty subterranean civilization. (Myst)

7183 B.C.E.

  • Sinking of Númenor by the Powers for attempting to conquer the Undying Lands. Earth reshaped from flat to round as Undying Lands are removed from it. (Year 3319, Second Age) (The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion)

7072 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date that the Last Alliance is formed to battle Sauron. (Year 3430, Second Age) (The Lord of the Rings)

7061 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date that the Last Alliance defeats Sauron; the One Ring survives. End of the Second Age of Middle-earth and beginning of the Third Age. (Year 3441, Second Age; Year 1, Third Age) (The Lord of the Rings)

6000 B.C.E.

  • Autobot leader Rodimus leads a mixed group of Autobots and Decepticons away from their planet's constant war to found a new civilisation. One group adopts smaller bodies suited for mining energon, becoming Omnicons (Transformers Energon)

5460 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date that hobbits first settle in the Shire. (Year 1601, Third Age; Year 1, Shire Reckoning) (The Lord of the Rings)

5033 B.C.E.

  • Vedran scientists discover the slipstream. (112 Before Imperial Era (BIE)) (Andromeda)

5000 B.C.E.

  • Demon Queen Bansheera rules over a large portion of the Earth, but is sealed along with her minions by a powerful warlock. (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue)
  • An unknown species begins building hyperspace gates all through the galaxy. (Babylon 5)

4921 B.C.E.

  • The Vedran Empire is formed, establishing the Coronation Year calendar (0 CY) (Andromeda)

4341 B.C.E.

  • The Brunnen-G fall to the Divine Order. (Lexx)

4171 B.C.E.

4120 B.C.E.

4093 B.C.E.

4043 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date that Frodo Baggins leaves the Shire with the One Ring; Fellowship of the Ring formed. (Year 3018, Third Age) (The Lord of the Rings)

4042 B.C.E.

  • Approximate date of the War of the Ring. Destruction of the One Ring and final defeat of Sauron. (Year 3019, Third Age) (The Lord of the Rings)

4040 B.C.E.

  • Approximate end of the Third Age of Middle-earth and beginning of the Fourth Age. (Year 3021, Third Age; Year 1, Fourth Age) (The Lord of the Rings)

4003 B.C.E.

  • September 16: God fashions a lump of primordial chaos into Earth, and creates light. (Genesis)
  • September 17: God refines Earth, creating sea and sky. (Genesis)
  • September 18: God brings land up from underwater, and spreads plants all over it. (Genesis)
  • September 19: God creates the Sun, Moon, and stars. (Genesis)
  • September 20: God creates animals. (Genesis)
  • September 21, 9 am: God creates Adam, and later Eve to keep him company. (Genesis)
  • September 22: God has a rest. (Genesis)
  • The pre-existing Sumerian civilization is baffled God's sudden creation of the universe. (The Onion)

4000 B.C.E.

  • Small settler groups start a handful of various civilizations in various parts of the world. (Civilization)
  • Estimated birth of Jedah Dohma, the youngest out of the three High Nobles of Makai, who would eventually become the Distressed Lord of Death and. In order to stop the constant wars plaguing Makai, is to unite all of the demonic souls within himself, would attempt to absorb every soul in Makai, reset reality, and create one perfect being. (Darkstalkers)

Prior to 3873 B.C.E.

  • Iblis, greatest of the angels, refuses to bow to Adam and leads a third of the angels in a rebellion against God. They are defeated, and Michael personally kicks Iblis down into Hell. Iblis is renamed Satan, and is allowed to tempt humans to see just how faithful they are. (The Heights, alluded to in Revelation)
  • A snake persuades Eve and Adam to eat from the forbidden tree. As punishment, they are kicked out of Eden and forced to toil for a living, while snakes are doomed to crawl on their bellies (Genesis)
  • Birth of Cain, a farmer, to Adam and Eve (Genesis)
  • Birth of Abel, a shepherd, to Adam and Eve (Genesis)
  • Cain murders Abel in a fit of jealousy. As punishment, he is made immortal and exiled to Nod (Genesis), becoming the first vampire (Old World of Darkness)

3873 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Seth to Adam and Eve. (Genesis)

3762 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Enosh to Seth and an unnamed mother. (Genesis)

3672 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Kenan to Enosh and an unnamed mother. (Genesis)

3602 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Mahalalel to Kenan and an unnamed mother. (Genesis)

3547 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Jared to Mahalalel and an unnamed mother (Genesis)

3500 B.C.E.

  • Catlike aliens from Thuban 9 invade and use their hypnotic cuteness to brainwash the inhabitants of the Nile Delta into worshipping them as gods. (Futurama)

3385 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Enoch to Jared and an unnamed mother (Genesis)

3320 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Methuselah to Enoch and an unnamed mother (Genesis)

3133 B.C.E.

  • Birth of Lamech to Methuselah and an unnamed mother (Genesis)

3114 B.C.E.

  • August 10: End of the third sun. (Maya cosmology)
  • August 11: Beginning of the fourth sun. (Maya cosmology)

3073 B.C.E.

3067 B.C.E.

3020 B.C.E.

  1. The trolls themselves are trapped in their now-dead session of Sgrub, prevented from claiming their reward in a general sense by a paradoxical relationship with our universe that transcends conventional chronology and in a specific sense by our universe's version of Jack Noir, sent to their session via a mysterious rift in space-time.
  2. They dispute this; they say they came into being the previous week
  3. It turns out to be from River Song, containing co-ordinates to Roman Britain.
  4. Delight walks too far from the edges of Destiny's garden, Goes Mad From the Revelation, and becomes Delirium at an unknown date several billion years later
  5. The planet gets sentenced to a Slo-Time envelope where the residents cannot escape (although a few deadly robots searching for the keys to the envelope do).
  6. The reptites are defeated with the help of Crono and his friends. Soon thereafter Lavos crashes to the Earth, starting an ice age.
  7. giant even compared to what they were like before the meteor
  8. This computer is in fact the Earth.
  9. The survivors of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol and Cylon allies settle on Earth.
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