MediEvil 2

MediEvil 2 is an Action Adventure game from the year 2000 for Playstation.

Over five hundred years has passed since the undead knight Sir Daniel Fortesque defeated Zarok the Sorcerer and rescued Gallowmere. In Victorian London, one Lord Palethorn unleashes the powers of darkness from Zarok's spellbook, raising the dead and demons once again. Sir Dan too is awakened, and teams up with occult expert Prof. Hamilton Kift to stop Lord Palethorn's plan for world domination.

Tropes used in MediEvil 2 include:
  • Absurdly Spacious Sewer: Dan ends up in these after the death of Kiya, and his Despair Event Horizon. Only a few areas of 'The Sewers' are all sewer though, as many areas in it seem to be large caves.
  • All There in the Manual: The manual states that the events of the game were deemed by the authorities to be caused by mass hallucination.
    • One easily missed book is the diary of Professor Hamilton Kift, which reveals that he and Lord Palethorn were once colleagues who went on a journey to find Zarok's spellbook.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Limbs fly off from both combatants in the boxing bossfight.
  • Artificial Limbs: Prof. Kift lost his hands during the recovery of Zarok's spellbook, and has replaced them with metal gauntlets.
  • Automatic Crossbows: One was present in the previous game, but 2 takes it a step further by giving you a crossbow that rapid-fires flaming bolts.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Kiya. Also The Count when he loses his armor.
  • BFG: The Blunderbluss and, of course, the Victorian-Era Gatling Gun!
  • Big Bad: Lord Palethorn takes the reins from Zarok as the Evil Sorcerer.
  • Big No: Dan lets out one of these after Kiya dies in his arms. It ends up being a bit Narm-y, as Dan has no lower jaw to speak of.
  • Blonde Guys Are Evil: Lord Palethorn.
  • Cane Fu: One of Dan's first weapons is a cane stick.
  • Cape Wings: The Count's cape acts as a pair of wings.
  • Cartoon Bomb: One of the available weapons. Dan can throw them like grenades, or drop them at his feet.
  • Circus of Fear: The Freakshow embodies this.
  • Clockwork Creature: A clockwork boxer, appropriately named the "Iron Slugger". He's not all metal though, as he clearly has a brain in a glass dome atop his head.
  • Co-Dragons: Mander and Dogman.
  • Damsel in Distress: The Molluck women in the sewers.
  • Despair Event Horizon:
    • Dan has one of these after the death of Kiya at the hands of The Ripper, and stops caring about the Zarok spellbook and Palethorn altogether, running off to the sewers.
    • The Mollucks in the sewers have met theirs when their women got stolen.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: The fire-breathing, fossilized Tyrannosaurus Wrecks boss.
  • Downer Ending: Dan and Kiya take the time machine back to Dan's own time, only to arrive in front of transformed Zarok, who lunges at the camera, implying that he ate them. It might have been a Sequel Hook, but we'll never know. Oddly, it's the one you get if you collected all the chalices.
  • Dual Boss: Dogman and Mander, whom are fought twice in the course of the game.
  • Everything's Deader with Zombies: Lord Palethorn's zombies and, of course, Dan himself.
  • Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: Greenwich introduces us to to the body-hijacking octopi.
  • Flunky Boss: Tyrannosaurus Wrex calls for smaller dino skeletons to its aid during its boss-fight. It also exposes its weakpoint by doing so.
  • Gag Boobs: The prostitute in the Whitechapel nightclub has these. They're as large as her head, she bounces them constantly on her crossed arms, and before Dan leaves, she gets out a life bottle and gives it to him.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: It's implied that Zarok died while in his One-Winged Angel form, so far as to have his stuffed head and legs appear in the first level, The Museum. This is odd, because after being defeated in the first game, Zarok reverted back to his usual self, before getting crushed by a huge stone.
  • Gatling Good: Final unlockable weapon is a Gatling gun.
  • God Guise: The underdwelling Mullocks somehow got their hands on Sir Fortesque's statue, and worship him as god. When Dan arrives on the scene, he is tasked on saving their women.
  • Golden Super Mode: After going back in time and meeting himself, Dan gets a golden suit of armor which can be charged up by the Spiv for an extra layer of durability.
  • Honest John's Dealership: The Spiv (a Cockney term for gentlemen of ill repute) sells things out of his coat.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: If you lose the boxing match, Lord Palethorn will gloat over his victory and claim that he gets the girl.
  • Invincible Minor Minion: The constables patrolling the Whitechapel will subdue anyone out after curfew, for fear of them being the local serial killer. You can attack them, but the most you can do is stun them for a while, so the best strategy is just to run away. If you're not exactly tactful about how you navigate the city, you can end up with a swarm of them following you. They also pay absolutely no regard to all the zombies that happen to be sprouting from the ground.
  • Jack the Ripper: There's a boss named "The Ripper" who runs around 1800's Whitechapel and kills prostitutes.
  • Losing Your Head: This is a recurring thing, done manually by Dan himself. His head is treated as an inventory item, and is used for a variety of things, the most memorable being how he can stick it onto a zombified hand, and control it. He can also switch between head and body at any time.
  • Meaningful Name: Palethorn's henchmen, Dogman and Mander, are transformed into a humanoid dog and a lizard respectively.
  • Mook Medic: Appears in Kensington. Somewhat unique in that they can only heal a small number of zombies, and can only be harmed while healing.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Palethorn.
  • Never the Selves Shall Meet: Averted, Dan goes back to the past to save Kiya from The Ripper, and after killing him, Dan meets himself as he comes in to save Kiya. They shake hands, resulting in them becoming one, giving Dan a snazzy suit of golden armor.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Dan ends up bringing the final and crucial page of Zarok's spellbook right to Palethorn, giving him near-unlimited power. He starts by summoning up a colossal shadow demon. What follows is not pretty.
  • Numbered Sequels
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In-universe example: Lord Palethorn puts on an upper-class accent to make himself sound more like a nobleman, but his natural Cockney accent tends to slip through when he becomes angry.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: They're bat-like humanoids, who can only be destroyed with sunlight.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Two instances of it. First Dan has to dress up as a deceased aristocrat to get into the local nightclub, and later has to dress up as the Molluck King to fool the Molluck tribe. He still looks like a skeleton in either case.
  • Pit Girls: Kiya's role during the boxing match.
  • Playing Tennis With the Boss: The fight against The Count has you arranging mirrors so that his fireballs reflect back at him.
  • The Professor: Professor Hamilton Kift; magician, inventor, and master of the occult. He serves as a slight Mr. Exposition, but mostly serves to give you your orders and cash in Chalices for new weapons. He's also got a pair of Victorian-era mechanical hands, and built the Time Machine Dan uses to go back in time to save Kiya.
  • Pulling Themselves Together: After Tyrannosaurus Wrex's first form is defeated, it rearranges itself into a flying monstrosity.
  • Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Mander, one of Palethorn's henchmen, is transformed into a lizard by Palethorn's magic, as a reflection of his smarmy nature.
  • Rescue Romance: Starts between Dan and Kiya after he releases her from her tomb, and goes to full bloom when he rescues her from The Ripper.
  • Rise from Your Grave: Zombies do their "coffin rises from the ground" trick again. How their coffins got buried into gardens and backstreets of London is a mystery.
  • Steampunk: The game mainly consists of this, from time machines to steam-powered robots.
  • Take Over the World: All that Lord Palethorn ever wanted was to have respect. And world domination, of course.
  • Terrible Trio: Mander, Dogman and Palethorn.
  • The Unintelligible: Most of what the Spiv says makes no sense either, though he does audibly yell "Wait!" if you pass him without buying anything and mutters an almost unintelligible 'look at that' when the player interacts with him, what 'that' is is up to the player to decide.
  • Villains Want Mercy: The Ripper begs for mercy when defeated.
  • The Virus: The pumpkin monsters in Kew Gardens attempt to turn humans into pumpkin monsters as well.
  • Weakened by the Light: Wulfrum Hall features puzzles where you have to push vampires into sunlight, which sets them ablaze.
  • Whack a Monster: The serpent creatures in The Sewers who keep the Molluck women captive.
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