Maid Corps

Each different uniform color is a separate department.[1]

A well-off person may have a maid or two in his house. Likewise, a truly wealthy person may have half a dozen or so, taking care of his understandably spacious home. And of course, it wouldn't be extraordinary for filthy rich people to have a dozen or two of domestic workers to handle the housework of a really Big Fancy House. It also would be expected for aristocratic/monarchic families with large estates, major hotels, cruise ships and the like to have a ~100-strong domestic worker staff.

Compared to this trope, those guys are pikers.

A Maid Corps is an army of multiple hundreds of servants—sometimes apparently thousands—that typically are either too many for just handling the domestic chores (2-3 times minimum), or in addition to the "traditional" housekeepers and personal attendants, there are an equal (or even greater) number of "maids" who perform decidedly "non-domestic" work, which may run the gamut from qualified medical doctors and nurses, to computer specialists, to scientists and mechanics, to personal bodyguards, and even a private paramilitary force. Bonus points if both variants are combined.

Oh, and they all wear Meido / French Maid uniforms. Yes, even the ones whose duties would normally require a completely different dress code. Such is the power of Fan Service.

Some of the truly huge Maid Corps may leave one wondering how their employer's finances haven't collapsed yet from attempting to employ so many maids for so many (often high-budget) "responsibilities"; thus, having a Maid Corps usually designates a character as obscenely filthy rich.

Note that while the implementation of the first two traits (numbers and "responsibilities") can be somewhat variable (though at least one of them must be used in some form), unless the plot demands it at a certain point (after which it is often conveniently never brought up again), the third (finances) is a practically universal aspect of the trope; a typical Maid Corps should be a financial and bureaucratic nightmare to manage in Real Life.

Normally an all-female trope, though the rare Gender Flip does occur.

Examples of Maid Corps include:

Anime and Manga


Video Games

  • Touhou: Remilia Scarlet has several hundred maids. This seems to be more of an attempt to invoke this trope than anything else as, excepting Sakuya, they're all fairies, making them completely useless.
  • Mega Man Battle Network: Yaito has a veritable army of maids, who in the Animated Adaptation can be seen in montages throughout several episodes doing random chores across the city.
  • Judging by the number of mooks in maid outfits throwing kitchen knives that show up when everyone in Valestine Castle that wasn't a named character got turned into a monster, Count MacGuire of Ys: The Oath in Felghana had one of these.


  • The Chinese Emperor in Curse of the Golden Flower has literally squadrons of elegantly attired maids. The opening sequences features them getting up, washing, dressing each other, eating breakfast etc. to the sound of a clapper.
  1. We got, from right to left, "help with office work", "costumes", "personnel", "cooking", "administrative", "secretary", "technology", "financial", "security", "information", and "health"; not shown here is the "Personal Care" department. Oh, and they later create a "personal attendants" department from scratch, just for the protagonist.
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