< Girl Genius

Girl Genius/Tropes U-Z

Tropes A-E | Tropes F-J | Tropes K-O| Tropes P-T | Tropes U-Z

Girl Genius provides examples of the following tropes:


Vanamonde: Um -- I wonder if growing up here might make us a little... weird...

Professor Mezzasalma: Useless Inferior Coprolitic Components!

    • "I am sure he intends to wed her most vigorously!"
  • Unwilling Suspension
  • Up to Eleven: The "Movit" series of stimulants comes in a verity of intensities, the strongest of which appears to be 11. Previously, it was thought that the strongest was 6, which itself is one above the common 1-5 scale.

Tarvek: Wait-- I thought it only went up to six!


  • Vetinari Job Security: Hilariously deconstructed with Baron Wulfenbach. He completely fits the description in that he is so important and necessary for the continued functioning of Europa that only a madman would think about overthrowing him. Unfortunately, this being Girl Genius, there are powerful madmen (a.k.a. Sparks) everywhere, which is why there is nearly always a rebellion somewhere. Further illustrated in that, as soon as he is hospitalized (and possibly killed), the whole continent immediately erupts in chaos... and when he puts Mechanicsburg into temporal stasis with himself at the centre of the effect, the entire continent collapses into anarchy.
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: The Other does this, as fits her personality (but not Agatha's, providing a minor bit of hilarity).
  • Villainous Breakdown: Dr. Merlot wasn't exactly the most sane individual in Volume 1. His little story in Volume 9 seems to indicate that he might be having some difficulties.
  • Visible Silence: Appears often, but then four times in a row here.
  • Visual Pun: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you... Santa Klaus. Double as Badass Santa also!
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Gil and Tarvek. At each other's throats one minute, talking shop on espionage the next.
  • Volleying Insults: Gil and Tarvek in the Cinderella story.


  • Wasn't That Fun?: Occurs in this strip, after Agatha, Gil, and Tarvek try revivification.
  • Weapon Tombstone: Agatha Clay's grave has the remnants of a warbot, a tree, and a pile of rocks with a death ray stuck in it.
  • Webcomic Time: Agatha has been trying to get into and/or repair Castle Heterodyne for at least two years now. Tarvek was critically ill and about to die for just short of 15 months. The general concept is lampshaded in this strip. And again here, "It only seem like deyz been in de kestle a long time!"
    • Also played with here. On the surface the joke is that cats are forgetful assholes, but it really has been three years of real-world time since Krosp was last on-panel.
  • Weird Science: All over the place.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist
    • Baron Klaus Wulfenbach, as exposed in these two pages.
    • Othar Tryggvassen here.
  • We Meet Again: It shouldn't come too much as a surprise that Othar would say it.

Maxim: Vot hyu in for?
Foglio: Bad storytelling.
Maxim: Ho! How hyu do dot?
Foglio: You put the Prince in the story.

Violetta: Seriously? 'They're looking for the wasp eater?' Right in front of them?!?
Zeetha: All right! Yes! I am very bad at the subtle, okay?
(She turns and does a flying sidekick that tears the head right off a charging battle clank)
Zeetha: Fortunately, I hardly ever need it.

Tarvek: She has that big gun -- why didn't she shoot us first?
Lucrezia: Well, it only shoots marshmallows, for one thing...

    • Later on, Martellus is busy trying to abduct Agatha while they're both under attack by Wulfenbach forces:

Agatha: He's hit!
Krosp: Great! He took out that last clank! (tosses Martellus' rifle to Agatha) Here, shoot him! Quick!

  • Why Won't You Die?: Zola quickly learns that Higgs is very hard to kill.
  • Will They or Won't They?: Gil and Agatha, most frequently impeded by terrible miscommunication and Gil's bad luck and Castle Heterodyne. It's sure looking like they will...
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
    • The Sparks, by definition; Baron Wulfenbach fights this off by pure force of will... usually. Every successful Spark has at least one very level-headed keeper.
    • The Heterodyne familly in particular. Apparently their unearthly strength and stamina comes from drinking from a spring famed for causing insanity and death in people who just bathed in it.
    • It's implied that the reason the Storm King was regarded as the greatest king of all time is because he was able to keep enough self-control to rule effectively. This may have been at least partially due to the influence of the Muses.
  • World of Badass: Show us a character who's not Badass, and within a couple of strips they'll either turn out to be badass or they'll be dead. In a world ruled by mad scientists, even the minions and staff have to be pretty tough to avoid getting killed.
  • World of Buxom: Just about every post-puberty female character, notably Agatha, Zeetha, the white spiderwomen, and Mama Gkika. The Muses and Clank Anevka have pretty darned voluptuous figures, too. The only three exceptions are Rivet, Wrench Wench for Master Payne's Circus and Daiyu, the doctor's daughter, who would be decent-sized in any other work, and Grantz, the immensely strong monster hunter who falls firmly into the Bifauxnen slot.

Zeetha: Does this make my chest look too big?
Agatha: No.
Zeetha: Drat.

  • World of Ham: Naturally. A bit of hamminess is part of the Spark package.
  • Worth It
    • This is Agatha's attitude in the Cinderella play to being grounded. Of course, she was grounded after tricking Mamma Gkika's "Evil Stepmother" into putting her fist through a hive of specially-bred quilting bees.
    • And in a more serious town, Klaus's attitude to the pain he suffered getting to the window and back. Not only that, Klaus actually said that if the experience paralyzed him for the rest of his life, it would still be worth it after seeing his son pull off that moment of awesome.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Pretty much everyone, since there are more than enough dangerous females to dispatch anyone reluctant to fight back. Some notable examples:
    • Ardsley Wooster punching Bangladesh DuPree in the face.
    • Airman Higgs beating the crap out of Zola.
    • Tarvek absolutely losing it when Zola tries to kill Agatha again and brutally beating her -- and then trying to strangle her to death.
    • However, it's still recommended that this trope not be followed if it isn't necessary. Some may take issue with it being applied without restriction.
  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Tarvek pulls one off here.
  • Wrench Wench: Agatha just loves wrenches...
  • Wrench Whack: And, naturally, they're used as melee weapons quite often.
  • Written Sound Effect: Frequently, and often quite creative.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy
    • Othar, sometimes.
    • Also Krosp. Silly kitty, thinking you're in real life or something. Too practical for his own good, he doesn't quite realize his life is a Heterodyne story now.


Tarvek: I can't say any of this mess was part of my original plan, but it's all working out so beautifully, I can't complain.

    • It seems like just about every Spark is playing this whenever they're in the comic, quickly leading to Gambit Pileup.



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