< Girl Genius

Girl Genius/Tear Jerker

  • From Girl Genius, there is the surprisingly poignant death scene of Anevka Sturmvoraus, who normally acted quite the Manipulative Bitch beforehand.

Tarvek: I want you to know- my father was not the only one who was comforted by your presence. But my sister is dead. I've got to accept that. I've got to move on.
Anveka: I...I'm not your sister?
Tarvek: ...No.
Anveka: But then- what am I?
Tarvek: ...A very good first try.

  • Gil's face in panel 4 could make every Memetic Badass named on this wiki, Klaus included, cry. Even without context.
  • And then there's that of Lars.
  • A subtle one for me, but when Agatha stumbled onto Dr. Dimitri's teddy bear stash, and he's begging her not to tell..."He doesn't know! It's my last secret! He's taken all the others, but not them! I've kept them safe!" Seeing the scars on his head, and then finding out that Baron Wulfenbach has been lobotomizing Sparks to see how to deactivate them makes it particularly sad to this troper...
    • What makes it even worse is imagining what would happen if Wulfenbach found out about the stuffed bears. No matter what Klaus' reaction would be (either to let him keep them or take them away) it would be heartrending.
    • Gets worse in the novelization - when they're escaping Castle Wulfenbach, Krosp drags Agatha and Theo off to find him. When they do, Vapnoople reveals that the bears are supposed to be his new army, but though he still acts like a Spark, he isn't one anymore, and they're forced to leave without him.
      • Krosp calls Vapnoople Papa.
  • How about in "Agatha vs the Jägers"? Seeing a superhuman immortal hunter monster collapse into tears because he found the Mistress he loves and swore to obey, plus gets to go home? Their cause was literally hopeless...

Ognian: Ve haff missed you! Please, please be real!
Agatha: Shh. I... I am.

  • Othar's Twitter, of all places, has one of the sweetest and saddest relationships ever.
  • As Higgs is cradling Zeetha's stabbed and presumably dying body the expression on his face must be seen to be believed (second to last panel). Not to mention Agatha's in the first panel.
    • And let's remember this is Higgs, who barely ever shows any emotion. B-bawwww.....
    • And just Zeetha herself on that page. She is whimpering. Zeetha, Daughter of Chump and Boisterous Bruisette Extraordinaire is WHIMPERING. That is sad all on its own.
      • I don't think that's whimpering. I think that's a desperate attempt to breathe. Considering where Zola stuck that sword, a lung-puncture is very possible.
  • Bangladesh Du Pree of all people breaking down and crying like a little girl over the death of Klaus Wulfenbach.
  • These two pages, as Barry gives Agatha her locket. Made even worse by the fact that Barry Heterodyne, who freaks out even Lucrezia Mongfish, the OTHER, is crying. And that young Agatha seems to be just as intelligent as she should be, rationalizing Barry's statement of "it's science" to "Ah. You mean you'll explain when I have a sufficiently advanced background education." Necessary or not, what Barry did to Agatha was horrible.
  • Trelawney Thorpe breaking down and weeping over Wooster's death. Made even more poignant by the immediately following strips where she's all business again. The man she loved just died in the service of the Queen and she doesn't even have time to mourn him properly because the group is still in harm's way and she has to compartmentalize her grief and get back to her post.
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