< Girl Genius

Girl Genius/Tropes P-T

Tropes A-E | Tropes F-J | Tropes K-O | Tropes P-T | Tropes U-Z

Girl Genius provides examples of the following tropes:


Boris: You see, Herr Baron. Entertaining, but harmless.

  • People Jars: Dr. Beetle in Beetleburg put criminals into giant glass jars to perish.
  • Pet the Dog
    • The Baron stops in the middle of chasing Agatha just to make sure Zulenna gets revived (DuPree stabbed her when she was defending Agatha). When questioned, he bluntly states that it was his fault, and that the girl didn't deserve to die. He has several other moments like this, to demonstrate that even though he's a major antagonist, he is still a good man.
    • Lucrezia does seem rather fond of her nephew DuMedd... at first.
    • Bangladesh DuPree was apparently devastated once the Baron was presumed killed at the hospital seeing as the mere memory causes her to burst into tears.
  • Phlebotinum Overload
    • After Agatha drinks from the Dyne (when Higgs offers a cup of "water" to her.) She stops it before she explodes, however, by channeling the extra energy into the dying Gil and Tarvek, revitalizing them in the process.
    • After Zola downs a vial of Movit 11, which is basically a supercharged energy drink, Violetta's solution to stop the rampage is to inject her with more Movit 11, which will apparently lead to a complete nervous collapse (or possibly cause her to combust).
  • Pie in the Face: here and here.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: A number show up, for various reasons.
  • Planet of Hats: Somewhat. The Jägermonsters' hat is not only the prominence of literal hats, it's also that these hats are to them as a sword is to a samurai.
  • Playboy Bunny: During the Weasel Queen Omake, Zeetha and Agatha evoke this trope with their "rabbit costumes".
  • Plot Armor: While named characters do die, it's still a rare occurrence, compared to the casualty rate of the Mooks. To show that this is not due to the characters following the What Measure Is a Mook? trope, they often try but fail to kill their significant enemies. It's become a minor Running Gag for characters to complain their gun pulls to the left just after they only wounded their opponent with it.
  • Pocket Protector: To the "Immortal Library" and its personnel, books are the ultimate in Serious Business, so they'll invert this.
  • Politeness Judo: Getting Moloch to help in the kitchen.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Subverted in some cases, played straight in others.
    • Agatha's possession by the Other is set up as a big secret that could cause all sorts of problems, but Zeetha goes out of her way to mention it to Gil at the very first opportunity. However, Klaus is not aware of the true situation, and is unlikely to be willing to talk about it now that he's been wasped, and knows that talking would allow her to control him.
    • Subverted again, and significantly, here. Dimo has just informed the Jägergenerals and Klaus's leadership about the situation, which will presumably reach Klaus's ears presently. Whether they believe him remains to be seen.
  • Power High: When Agatha is subjected to the effect of Dyne water plus electroshock for the first time and feels godlike. Later the Castle implies it's a normal reaction:

Agatha: I believe another forty-five point three seconds, and I would have exploded or something. [...] Oh, yeah... I have got to try that again!

  • Power Limiter: The Heterodyne locket Barry gives Agatha is meant to subdue her sparkyness. She eventually outgrows this, and the locket has found a new use in keeping the Other contained.
  • The Power of Love: A minor case -- at one point when Agatha is under the control of the Other, it becomes obvious that Gil will die without her help. So Agatha shrugs off the possession long enough to get the locket (mentioned above) on.

Agatha!Lucrezia: Ahahahano!

  • Power Walk: Jägermonsters pull one here. Subverted slightly since most of them are already inside the city and the walk is just to fool enemies.
  • Power Perversion Potential
    • "D'Omas' taste in women was, well... Let's just say it was lucky for him he could build his own."
    • Castle Heterodyne is full of restraints.
    • His and hers.
    • "Look, I'm a girl with needs.... They have tool belts?" (From the Mad Scientist version of Cinderella.)
    • Lucrezia seems well aware of the possibilities inherent in her mind control devices.
    • Back on Sparks in general, Sparks, especially in places like Mechanisburg, can practically take over someone's mind with their voice and not a lot else (strong-willed humans can resist it, but some people are just "natural minions".) Easy access to minions, the uses of the control voice, and the "tools" a Spark can make....
    • Martellus' labs have multiple potential uses.

Agatha: (frantically straining against her restraints in an attempt to strangle Martellus)
Martellus: (sarcastically) 'Oh Martellus, why does every laboratory you design have so many shackles?' I swear, people ask the stupidest questions.

Gil: It looks like a toaster.
Agatha: ... well, it is a toaster. Sort of.
Gil: Sort of?
Agatha: Oh yes. It could toast the whole town.


Phil Foglio: Maybe we just won.

Gil: Kill everyone who enters.
DuPree: [Man] [Woman] [Child]?
Gil: Yes, everyone.
DuPree: [Knife] [Gun] [Axe] [Cheese]?
Gil: Yes, however you want.
DuPree: [World's Best Boss trophy]!


DuPree: Oh my Gosh! I'd know that girlish scream anywhere!

Jäger 1: Ho! Leedle recoil problem there, sir!
Jäger 2: Pretty neat though, ya?

  • Secret Test of Character: When we first see Gil, his father is asking him to figure out what's wrong with the machine he ordered built -- except he's really testing to see if Gil is honest (or brave) enough to tell him it isn't actually possible for it to work the way Klaus said it should.
  • Self-Deprecation: Phil Foglio's Author Avatar shows up at a hospital telling stories to sick kids... because they end up so bored that they easily fall asleep without the need for medication.
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism: Lucrezia's secret lab has one, and she activates it. The cancellation of self-destruct is double subverted.
    • Queen Albia has generously provided a lavishly-equipped undersea laboratory dome for the Sparks of her College of Mysteries. It's self-contained and has every feature you could possibly want!

Agatha: The whole [dome]? Impressive. Is that to help concentrate resources and encourage interdisciplinary communication?
Lord Womble: Oh yes, of course. But mostly it's so that if you Sparks come up with something insanely dangerous, we can blow the dome and get you all at once.

    • At the end of the arc the self-destruct is activated. The trope is subverted in that our heroes learn the hard way that escaping the dome "just in time" means you're still within the blast radius when the countdown ends. What you want to do is escape at least a minute before just in time.
  • Seen It All: Hanging around Sparks for too long gets you this way. For example, this is Violetta's only reaction to realizing that Agatha's escape plan involves a swan-shaped sleigh hooked to a mechanical reindeer with concealed machine guns, and with the entire assembly intended to be airlifted to safety by flying robot pigs.

Violetta: You know what? Fine. Viva la weird. Let's go!
Agatha: And if that doesn't work, I've got-
Violetta: Beyond caring now! Let's go!

    • Or the reactions of those around when Agatha is maniacally rushing off towards a laboratory specifically devoted to producing "Abominations of Science".

Lord Womble: And that is my cue to get well away from here. Jolly good luck to the rest of you!
Oggie: (wearily) Tenk hyu. Ve is used to it.

Lapinemoth: A shovel? Ah! What can you do with a -

General Zog: Ve haff a team of Jägerkin, Lackya, clenks and crew at each entry.
Klaus Wulfenbach: Excellent. I'm pleased at the lack of rivalry.
General Zog: Sir -- dere iz a time to twit nancy-boy feetsmen und a time to crush bogs.

  • Skilled but Naive: Vole claims that Gil and Tarvek are this.
  • Sky Pirate: Any time pirates are mentionned in the story, they are of this kind, airships being a widespread commodity. Notably, Bangladesh DuPree and her crew.
  • Slasher Smile
    • The Jägermonsters' mouths open literally from ear to ear and are full of very big fangs.
    • Most Sparks pull off magnificent examples of this at least once when they're in their element.
    • Bangladesh DuPree seems to wear it professionally.
    • Zola develops an impressive Slasher Smile after taking the Movit #11.
  • Sleep Mask: Mama Gkika wears one at night.
  • The Smart Guy: Practically all of the characters are pretty smart. Krosp is an example of the rare GG smart guy who's also the Only Sane Man of the group.
  • Smooch of Victory: Agatha's idea of a fine way to celebrate exploding a giant writhing slug.
  • Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Krosp

Krosp: Is this one of those situations that involves "ethics"? 'Cause I'm a cat, you know. I've never been very good at those.

  • Soft Glass: Here.
  • Something Only They Would Say: Gil learns there are two alleged Heterodyne heirs in Mechanicsburg. One has made several speeches and then entered Castle Heterodyne. The other is in a coffee shop rebuilding their coffee machine (and causing several explosions in the process). It doesn't take him long to realize which one is Agatha.
  • Speak of the Devil: Discussed Trope.

Lucrezia!Zola: But he's been missing for years. He's no threat--
(nervous glances)
Lucrezia!Anevka: Do you want him to show up?!
Lucrezia!Zola: Ooh... So sorry, dear. I can't think what came over me!

    • Even Gil gets into the act.

Gil: (walking down a hallway in Castle Wulfenbach and ranting) I've obviously made some miscalculation. But until I know what it is I'm missing, well... [Agatha] could be anywhere!. I mean, theoretically, she could be hiding right behind this door!.
(Gil and Bang look at each other for a wordless beat, then Gil turns and yanks open the closet door.)
Bang: This girl is so messing with your head.

R-71: Tsk. Even I know that was stupid.
Wrenchman: Requiescat in pace and all that rot. Dibs on his boots!

  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Violetta is of the opinion that Gil and Agatha's romance has a huge chance of going down in flames. Tarvek realizes she may have a point.
  • Steampunk: Everywhere. The authors prefer to call it "gaslamp fantasy" though, because of the presence of Frankenstein-esque constructs, giant slugs that produce zombie-making wasps, resurrection procedures, death rays, and time travel. Also "calming pies".
  • Stop Helping Me!
    • Gil as his friends "creatively" explain his plans and motivations to the people of Mechanicsburg, as seen in the fourth panel here, almost word-for-word.
    • And Agatha to Moloch, as seen in the last panel here.

Agatha: THANK YOU. For your HELP.
Moloch: I-I'll just...
Agatha: Shut up...?
Moloch: Yes...

  • Storm of Blades
    • An insane secondary kitchen in Castle Heterodyne uses this against Agatha twice. The storm includes not only knives, but forks, corkscrews and skewers.
    • Castle chases after a fleeing Zola with several sharp and dangerous implements, including a cheesegrater, candelabra, and a shoehorn.
  • Strapped to An Operating Table: Various incidents here and there -- this is a world run by mad scientists, after all.
    • Othar, by Klaus.
    • From a Heterodyne play: "You! Minion! Why am I strapped to this table? And WHERE ARE MY PANTS?!?
    • Tarvek and Gil have to be strapped to a table in this strip.
    • Gil does it to DuPree to have his hands free while doing Mad Science.

Bang: ...Seriously pathetic.
Gil: I assure you, that table is purely for medical purpose.
Bang: That's what I meant!

  • Stripperiffic
    • While a great many female characters don't seem to have a problem showing a little skin, the "Weasel Queen" shows a lot of it.
    • Zeetha spent some time roughing out in Mechanisburg and the Castle while wearing just a leather bikini and boots. But then again, it wasn't her fault.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Sooo much shrapnelly goodness... Making things blow up that by all rights shouldn't seems like a mandatory side-effect of being a Spark.
  • Super Fun Happy Thing of Doom
    • Castle Heterodyne has several of these, including The Happy Fun Ball of Death and Fun-Sized Mobile Agony and Death Dispensers.
    • The Radio Theater Break has one, in the form of Ferretina's lightning generator, labeled "Zappy Fun Box MK 1."
  • Super Soldier
    • The Jägermonsters, who were created by the old "bad" Heterodynes as shock troops but then had to obey the "good" Heterodynes due to the oath of loyalty they take very seriously (though are still capable of breaking; look at Captain Vole). One of the ingredients of the Jägerbrau used to transform people into Jägers is water from the river Dyne, which Heterodynes are known for drinking and gaining superhuman strength as a result.
    • And don't forget Von Pinn. Or else.
    • And Airman Higgs is looking mighty super, recently...
  • Super Speed: The various Moveit tonics, while not exactly granting super speed, give people temporarily increased speed and energy with some implied physical toll later on. Half a bottle of Moveit #6 got Tarvek on his feet for hours though he was fatally ill, and a few sips of Moveit #11 turned Zola from a reasonably good fighter into a crazy battle goddess. And then Airman Higgs shows us all what super speed really is.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Sheesh, who's adolescent slave-girl fantasies are we indulging here anyway? Not mine!
    • A page was devoted to the artists' visit to the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, and congratulating xkcd's creator Randall Munroe on beating them out for the best Graphic Story Hugo Award. The representation of colorist Cheyenne Wright proclaims:

We wish to extend our most sincere congratulations to Mr. Munroe! This is a heartfelt approbation! It is in no way any kind of attempt to lull him into a false sense of security -- as he jauntily strides about what he believes to be the oh-so-solid ground of your placid surface world! [1]


Agatha: Oh. Lars gets hysterical after a fight. It's hard to calm him down.
Oggie: No, it ain't!

Oggie: Dose tings? Dey don't look like much.
Maxim: Oh, now hyu iz just asking for it.

    • "It's just one little clank."
    • "Somebody's coming out! To surrender, I imagine."
    • "How much more trouble could it be?"
    • "Whelp, the day can't get any weirder!" For future reference, that is something you simply do not say in this story. Ever.
    • Tarvek should really know not to say such things, but:

Tarvek: Ah! Violetta! My little cloud of doom! Even you cannot dampen my spirits right now.

    • Clank!Anveka tempts fate rather horribly only two pages after the Author Avatar's "Whelp, the day can't get any weirder!" above.

"Well, then. A device he doesn't know about- hidden where he will not find it- in a safe he cannot open? I have more pressing things to worry about. Besides, if it was in hands, do you really think he'd just hand it to her?"

      • Next page starts with Tarvek handing the device in question to The Other.
  • Tenchi Solution: This is how the Castle thinks the love triangle should be solved. This may have been a Heterodyne pattern. "The Master's bedroom only sleeps six."
  • That Wasn't a Request:

"The castle spoke to him. It demanded to be repaired. One of the team members spoke against the idea. And the castle made it clear that it wasn't a request. It was then that they realized just how far it was to the door."

Tarvek: --loyal vassal?!
Gil: ...and we're both "on Agatha's string!"
Tarvek: Well... that I can live with!

DuPree: (zaps Abner) Now, are you going to cooperate, or...
Payne: What do you want?!
DuPree: Oh, right.

Gil: I'm the prince! I'm all tortured and driven by love!
Tarvek: Feh. I'm the misunderstood one with the mysterious agenda. Muy sexy.

Moloch: Uh... that never works, you know...

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  1. Mr. Wright is holding a digging spade as he says this about "solid ground."
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