< Fallout Equestria

Fallout Equestria/Characters


  • Action Girl: It was a slow start but she has grown to be one over time.
  • Badass Abnormal: Increasingly so, much to her despair. She started out her journey as a normal unicorn, but exposure to IMP, use of zebra alchemy, and having her PipBuck merge with her leg after being exposed to the Pink Cloud have made her into what she believes is no longer a true pony.
  • Badass Boast: Delivers a narrated version in Chapter 42.
  • Buffy-Speak: Tends to lapse into this when exasperated.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Lampshaded by SteelHooves.

SteelHooves: And you are going because? Are you being a heroine? You enjoy risking your life for strangers?

  • Covert Pervert: To date, she has caught herself checking out Velvet Remedy multiple times, Homage, a statue of Rarity, and Gawd. The last member of that list, it should be noted, is a gryphon. Though since she's been caught most of those times, she's not that good at the 'covert' part.
    • She also seems to fall into moments like these when she's technically not in control. When in SteelHooves' memory orb, she doesn't seem to mind it when she catches the owner of the memory staring at Applejack's flanks.
      • She is, however, seriously disturbed by the excited male reaction of the memory's original owner.
  • Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: She gets into a lot of trouble due to her curiosity. But through this trait she has also gotten to see much of the history that led Equestria to become the way it is. She thought at one point Curiosity might be her virtue... her companions consider it her Vice.
  • Deadpan Snarker: If not specifically in words, then at least in her thoughts.
  • The Dreaded: The Alicorns named Littlepip ‘The Destroyer’ after she killed their Goddess and stopped Red Eye from ascending.

“We have learned,” she admonished Calamity. “Siding with those who oppose The Destroyer and her friends leads to failure.”

  • Fake Ultimate Hero: To an extent. While Littlepip is a genuinely competent heroine, she sometimes gets credit for the deeds of her companions. Littlepip feels very guilty about this, though her friends don't seem to mind.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her addiction to mint-als.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: With Homage, of course.
  • Heal Thyself: Ultimately deconstructed. While Littlepip repeatedly heals from horrific injuries thanks to chemical and magical means, the cumulative long-term result of those injuries severely shortens her lifespan. Her exposure to Taint, radiation, Pink Cloud, and Broadcasters is especially harmful. This is partly why Littlepip stays connected to the Single Pegasus Project, as the hibernation chamber helps keep her alive and connected to her loved ones for a longer time span than she otherwise would have.
  • Healing Factor: Gained after exposure to the Goddess' Alicorn making mutagen. She's even capable of regrowing severed limbs.
  • The Hero: Despite her belief otherwise.
  • Heroic BSOD: Has a minor one when half of her cutie mark is burned off.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation
  • Hope Bringer
  • Hurting Hero
  • Indy Ploy: Her plans tend to fall somewhere between this and Batman Gambit. Lampshaded by, of all things, a Hellhound in Chapter 44:

"Und you let her make the plans? Un purpose?"

  • I Lied: A rare heroic example in Chapter 43.
  • Likes Older Mares: Lampshaded in Chapter 40. This also extends to Griffins apparently
  • Martyr Without a Cause
  • Master of Unlocking
  • Mind Over Matter: While all unicorns can do this, Littlepip's telekinesis is much stronger than the norm. She's speculated to be the most powerful telekinetic alive.
  • Multi Ranged Master: She carries and uses Lil’ Macintosh (a revolver), a sniper rifle and a combat shotgun while in the wasteland.
  • One Pony Army: Especially in the later chapters after reaching the level cap.
  • The Smart Guy: With strong technical skills and an ever growing knowledge of pre-war events.
  • The Unchosen One: She is not an element of harmony. She's just there to clear the way for them.
    • Slightly subverted, in that, while she isn't a Bearer herself, she's the Spark needed to find and unite the Bearers, and to reveal the sixth Element. She's not a Bearer, but she's the one that brings them together. "A different kind of spark", indeed.
  • Walking Armory: She, at one point in the story, had an assault rifle, combat shotgun, sniper rifle, a few grenades, and high-powered revolver, in addition to various noncombat supplies. Though some the weapons have changed over the course of the story the amount has not.
  • Weak but Skilled: As physically weak and small as she is, Littlepip proves rather good at telekinesis, and does much better than expected in combat.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer: While most unicorns have access to many spells, Littlepip can only use the most basic spell: telekinesis. Thankfully, Littlepip is very, very good at it.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: After unintentionally causing Monterey Jack's execution, she gains ownership of his cheese shop.

Velvet Remedy

  • Apologetic Attacker: During the finale.
  • Appropriated Appellation: "If (follower of the apocalypse) is the name ponies want to use for anyone who aspires to the kindness of Fluttershy, then I will own that title. Without reservation.”
  • Character Development: As she adjusts to life in the wasteland, she progresses though the following.
    • Actual Pacifist: Initially. She completely refuses to fight the slavers in the early chapters, and is disgusted by Littlepip's willingness to hurt anyone, regardless of that person's morals. Eventually, she decides she doesn't mind taking a shotgun to robots, or turning (non-lethal) weapons on Raiders.) Littlepip can't decide how she feels about it.
    • Technical Pacifist: She tries not to kill and avoids using guns. Though she had no qualms about shooting robots point-blank with a combat shotgun. Or shooting mutated bats attacking a phoenix, her first act of real aggression.
    • Combat Medic: In the later chapters, especially after the return to Stable 2, when she turns her shotgun on murderous Steel Rangers.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Between learning about Fluttershy's role in the nuclear holocaust and admitting that the destruction of Maripony was the best thing to do despite being mass murder, Velvet Remedy crosses this horizon. She then quits the team, despairing that the Equestria Wasteland and all the ponies in it simply aren't worth saving.
  • Hero Worshipper: To Fluttershy.
  • Idol Singer: Was this for Stable 2, though eventually gets her songs played on DJ PON-3's radio station for the whole wasteland to hear.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: Pyrelight
  • The Conscience: Frequently calls out her own teammates for their moral transgressions, and plays Devil's Advocate for the 'monsters' of Equestria.
  • The Medic: The most skilled in the team, ofttimes lamenting how torn up her companions get.
  • Stupid Good: Has several traits of this. It lessens as she goes through Character Development, but never really goes away.
    • Is probably a part of her being the Element of Kindness.
  • Team Mom

Deadshot Calamity



  • Action Girl
  • Action Mom
  • Apologetic Attacker: To Littlepip right before the fight in the Pit.
  • Bare Hoofed Monk
  • Broken Bird: Her treatment in the pit before becoming a gladiator is better left unsaid.
  • Crisis of Faith: When she finally sets eyes on one of the fabled meteorites that sparked so much war, death, and suffering throughout the world, Xenith is outraged that it's not supernatural at all and, in fact, is just a dumb rock.
  • Freedom From Choice: She has spent all her life as a possession to others. She doesn't know what she would do if she was responsible for her own life.
  • Genius Bruiser: A highly skilled alchemist.
  • Hates Being Touched: Will even use a smoke bomb to escape from a loving hug.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In a story with mostly gun play, she is a highly skilled martial artist.
  • The Stoic: She catches a lot of flak about this attitude from her daughter, who sees it less as stoicism and more as Xenith being an Extreme Doormat with a case of learned helplessness.

Watcher/ Spike

  • Ancient Keeper
  • Eye Scream: Loses an eye during the assault on the Single Pegasus Project.
  • Future Badass: Spike took quite a few levels since the original series. Which makes sense, given that he's now a huge, gigantic, terrible, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp scale-having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could-eat-a-pony-in-one-bite, totally-all-grown-up dragon.
  • Our Dragons Are Different
  • Slept Through the Apocalypse: Feels immense guilt over this, especially as the last time he and Twilight spoke it was an argument.
  • Trickster Mentor: Sends Littlepip to search for a book in the library, so she could find and rescue some ponies from raiders.
  • The Watcher: Self-explanatory. In the finale, he leaves his cave and kicks all sort of ass.
  • Voice with an Internet Connection


Ditzy Doo

Red Eye

The Goddess/Trixie

The FiM Cast

  • And I Must Scream:
    • Fluttershy: Turned into a tree, and positioned where she could watch Equestria become a Crapsack World. She gets better in the Distant Finale.
    • Celestia, doomed to helplessly watch and listen to the suffering of her little ponies for all eternity.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie ran government agencies... pretty much how you'd expect them to.
  • Drunk with Power: Pinkie Pie and Rarity.
  • Fate Worse Than Death:
    • Twilight, absorbed into the Goddess.
    • Fluttershy, turned into a tree and trapped in the middle of a field of killing joke.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Rarity, as befits the Element of Generosity. Twice. First, she has her soul split into 43 pieces to create the Ministry Mare figurines in a process said to redefine torture, all in an attempt to reunite her friends. Second, she covers a cracked window with her own hoof, exposing herself to a fatal dose of Pink Cloud in exchange for buying enough time to teleport Fluttershy and Angel to safety.
  • Left Hanging: Rainbow Dash's ultimate fate is never discovered.
  • Posthumous Character: As far as we can currently tell all of them but Twilight and Fluttertree. Depending on your definition of 'posthumous', then we could potentially count Princess Celestia.
    • As noted above, whether or not Rainbow Dash is alive is unknown.
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