< Fallout Equestria

Fallout Equestria/Heartwarming

  • The end of chapter 17 and opening of chapter 18. After lusting after Velvet Remedy for so long, with little to show for it, LittlePip finds that Homage, the Tenpony Tower unicorn is interested in her. The date they go on is very awww-inducing.
  • Chapter 22 Littlepip promising an adventure with just her and Calamity after the latter starts feeling left out.
  • The opening of Chapters 25 and 27 follow Littlepip's thoughts on her companions in respect of friendship and family. Particularly effective in the former as this line of thought leads to her feeling lonely and weak without her friends only to receive a welcomed visit from Pyrelight.
  • Chapter 28, when Steel Hooves goes on the announcement in Stable 2, declaring to all the true oath of a Steel Ranger.
  • Silver Bell calling Ditzy Doo 'Mommy'.
  • The flashback Littlepip has of a soldier in the war between Equestria and the zebras, where she's in the body of a soldier who's been mortally wounded. Big Macintosh comes over to him and they have the standard "You're gonna make it/No, I think I'm done for" conversation, and then the soldier makes a crack about how he'll never be able to see Big Mac's hot sister (meaning Applejack) and Big Macintosh grins and replies "Well now you've got to live, so that I can hit you!" It's nice to see that even in such a harsh atmosphere, the true essence of ponydom, of good friends and being able to find something to laugh about even in dark times, can still shine through once in a while. After that, just as the soldier is dying, Fluttershy and the Minstry of Peace create the first megaspell, and he's alive again. Then it all gets turned upside down when it turns out the megaspell heals every soldier on the battlefield including the zebras, causing Rainbow Dash to yell at her about how they'll have to fight the battle all over again then pull her down as the battle starts all over again.
  • Chapter 41, Velvet's return and for fans of fallout her taking on the title of follower of the apocalypse
    • That entire chapter was pretty heartwarming. It includes a Thank-You party for Ditzy Doo for saving them from the Enclave.
  • After killing the Goddess, Littlepip sees that one alicorn has turned purple, with Twilight's cutie mark. Littlepip manages to take the message that Pinkie Pie left before the megaspells hit and play it for her, so that if Twilight is even still alive, she'll know that Pinkie acknowledged she had a problem and really wanted her there with her. Hopefully it got through...
  • "For the longest time, I had thought of myself as Red Eye’s reflection (granting one of Pinkie Pie’s particularly warped funhouse mirrors). But I was comparing myself to the wrong pony. I wasn’t Red Eye. I was Applesnack."
  • One moment in the logs of that unicorn scholar that lives in Zebratown. Pinkie Pie and some members of the Ministry of Morale come to Zebratown and at one point hide outside the house of one family. You think they're going to get jumped and arrested...then it turns out that its the birthday of the family's little daughter and the Ministry of Morale throws her a party.
  • “I’m here. And I’m not leaving you.”
  • The epilogue.
  • The Afterword, which is just a much as a Tear Jerker too. We discover that Fluttershy was able to recover from the effects of killing joke. But we also see how much it still torments her. We also see happy endings for Ditzy Doo and other characters as well as an optimistic ending.
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