< Fallout Equestria

Fallout Equestria/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: Diamond Tiara. She commits suicide to avoid being captured by the prison inmates, while pondering the meaning of her cutie mark.
  • Author Appeal: Some mention of sexuality or another is crammed in just about anywhere KKat can put it, even to the extent that characters usually have "lovers"[1] rather than "fillyfriends" or "coltfriends"[2]. There are also a lot of mares who are explicity shown to like mares, and not many colts who are shown to like colts. Even Lilpip's profanity is usually some variation on "[Celestia/Luna/Both] [sexually violate] me with her [body part]!". Lifebloom himself comes out as liking stallions to Littlepip while the group is in Zecora's hut in the Everfree Forest, and notes that he was kicked out of the Republic because of it.
  • Awesome Music: A fan performed this piece in honor of Littlepip, the first in what will be a line of several FO:E inspired songs. The instrumentals and vocals are excellent, and the lyrics fit Littlepip's struggles throughout the story perfectly. "I'm Sick and Tired, of all this fighting. Not sure if this blood is mine..."
  • Designated Evil: Littlepip goes to great lengths beating the reader over the head that her wiping out a group of Complete Monster cannibals was, in fact, a horrifically bad thing...except, you know, its not.
    • Whether or not her actions are justified, Littlepip still gunned down several families in their homes with incendiary rounds. The survivors call her 'Hellmare' for good reason.
  • Expy:
    • The Everfree Forest to Vault 22 but with even more Nightmare Fuel, now magical deadly plants, and spore creatures.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: So you'd like to be a tree, eh, Fluttershy?
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Watcher is a mysterious gravelly-voiced nigh-omniscient observer who communicates by hijacking floating robots - just like Ulysses in Lonesome Road, which was released several months after Fallout Equestria started.
    • Littlepip thinks the name "Pipsqueak" would be ridiculous. Then an actual character named Pipsqueak appeared in the show.
      • And what nickname Zecora friendly gave to him? Little Pip!
    • All of the magic spells that Kkat came up with before season 2 even started, including memory transfers, bypass spells, and self levitation.
  • Iron Woobie: Ditzy Doo. When the megaspells dropped, she was caught at the edge of one, which turned her into a Ghoul. She's spent the next 200 years doing whatever she can to survive, with the always present possibility that her mind will degrade to the point where she becomes little more than a mindless beast. This also has the effect of making surviving ponies reluctant to go near her, since nopony wants to be around when a zombie flips out. But even with all this, she is still friendly and helpful, to the point where Littlepip calls her the nicest pony she's met in the wasteland, and later becomes the new Element of Laughter.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Red Eye.
  • Moral Event Horizon: A number of ponies in the story cross this. Among them:
    • The Steel Rangers invading Stable Two and attempting to slaughter everypony in it just to get at the pre-war technology it holds.
    • The Enclave attempting to destroy Friendship City just to kill one Dashite (prior to the attack commencing one of them even shoots a terrified filly who was trying to get away from Littlepip, then attempts to justify it by saying that they couldn't take any chances.)
    • Littlepip treats her massacre of everypony in Arbu as this.
  • Ugly Cute: Ditzy as a ghoul, who despite looking and smelling like a body that's been in the sun for a few days, is one of the most friendly and genuinely helpful ponies in the story.
  • The Woobie: Get out yer hankie, it's easier to count the characters who aren't this trope.
  1. which basically means "these individuals are having sex"
  2. which don't necessarily involve sex
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