Dark Souls/Characters
Main Characters
The Undead Hero/Chosen Undead/Dark Lord
One of the Undead, those branded with the Darksign, locked into the Undead Asylum of Lordran. However, a chance encounter allows them to escape and change the fate of the world. Siding with the Darkwraith Covenant has the covenant leader Darkstalker Kaathe reveal that the Chosen Undead is a descendant of the Furtive Pygmy and the latest candidate for becoming the Dark Lord to usher in the Age of Dark.
After obtaining all the Lord Souls and slaying Gwyn, the Chosen Undead can either rekindle the flame and continue the Age of Flame, or walk away and plunge the world into Darkness. Things aren't as clear cut as that, however...
- Badass: Any of the Badass appearance tropes may apply depending on how the PC is created.
- The Chosen One: Played with, and possibly Double Subverted. At first, it seems that the Undead Hero is Gwyn's successor according to Frampt, except that's false according to Kaathe. Kaathe claims that the Undead Hero is instead supposed to be the next Dark Lord.
- The Chosen Zero: How they are generally treated. It's not that much of a stretch given how many Undead journey through Lordran for whatever reason or another.
- Competitive Balance: Depends on how you start out.
- The Bandit: a Glass Cannon, focusing on melee damage. Has decent armor, however, and an excellent shield.
- The Hunter: another Glass Cannon, this time relying on ranged weapons. The only class to start with a bow, but until a merchant is found, ammo is limited.
- The Thief: a Fragile Speedster who relies on quick rolls, backstabs and parries. Starts with a wicked dagger that causes bleed on hit, which also does immense critical damage.
- The Wanderer: more beefy than the Thief, but sacrifices the improved critical damage of the dagger for a more balanced scimitar.
- The Pyromancer: using the pyromancy of the swamp, the Pyromancer is a Magic Knight with his decent starting weapon and the multi-purpose, powerful Fireball. Rather fragile, however.
- The Cleric: a decent melee combatant, the Cleric is a Magic Knight who starts with the Heal Miracle, making him last longer in the field, and the mace, which is unique amongst starting weapons save for the Deprived for being a blunt weapon.
- The Deprived: starting with no items but a wooden board shield and a club, the Deprived is a Jack of All Stats slash Lethal Joke Character that starts with 12 points across the board. He rapidly has to find armor and better weapons, but has immense potential; his weapon is also more potentially powerful than it looks.
- The Warrior: using a longsword and heater shield, the Warrior is a Mighty Glacier slash Jack of All Stats who is very friendly to beginners. His armor is fairly light yet also protecting, and the Heater Shield is an excellent starting item.
- The Sorcerer: with his Soul Magic, the Sorcerer is a Squishy Wizard who favors the versatile Soul Arrow spell. With only a dagger to his name, however, and a subpar shield, the Sorcerer requires some quick thinking once he runs out of magic.
- The Knight: of all the starting classes, the Knight is the Stone Wall. With the heaviest armor, strongest shield, and HP that dwarfs all the others, the Knight's weakness is that he has to take hits; rolling or dodging is very hard.
- Ultimately, however, the player character can become anything he wants. Stat progression is completely up to the player, along with equipment loadout.
- Determinator
- Heroic Mime: Aside from crying in pain, the player character doesn't really say anything, although talking to NPCs seems to imply him/her talking, as he/she does say yes or no occasionally, like many a Heroic Mime.
- Hyperspace Arsenal
- I Am Who?: Darkstalker Kaathe reveals that the Undead hero is a direct descendent of the Pygmy and the next in line to give rise to the Age of Dark. It's worth noting that what Kaathe says can also be interpreted another way. It could be that ALL Darksign bearers are descendants of the pygmy... or, taken a step further normal-sized humans are. Given the average size of the deities in Lordran, it's not too much of a stretch to believe humans could be thought of as pygmies to them.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: All the classes start out with some kind of shield: they're pretty much essential to survival.
- The Messiah/Dark Messiah: The Chosen Undead ultimately has to choose which one to be at the very end.
- Multi Melee Master/Multi Ranged Master/Bow and Sword in Accord/Etc: Any can apply depending on the player's choices.
- Not So Stoic/My God, What Have I Done?: One of Quelaag's sister's lines suggests that the player character is weeping as he/she talks to her.
- Protagonist Without a Past: Aside from being stuck in the Undead Asylum, nothing about the protagonists history is explained.
- Silent Snarker: Although we never hear or see his/her dialogue, some NPC lines imply this.
- Unwitting Pawn: Ultimately, the Chosen Undead is being tricked into sacrificing him/herself in order to prolong the Age of Fire. Possibly subverted should the player side with Kaathe, though he/she may be just as much of a pawn for him too.
Kingseeker Frampt
Voiced by: Peter Marinker
A primordial serpent and friend of Gwyn, who wishes to help the Undead Hero return the world to light. He is the only "merchant" in the game in which you can "sell" equipment to, and the only means of breaking down Titanite. The Dark Lord ending implies that Kaathe was able to convince him to return to their brethren, although how he did so isn't stated.
- Big Good: He's ultimately guiding you on the path to undo the curse of Undeath and restore Fire to the world. Ultimately or partially subverted though. He's not so much guiding you, he's using you.
- Blatant Lies:
- If the player should wake him up after lapsing into a deep sleep for the first time, he'll act like he was never asleep in the first place.
No, no, I'm fine, I'm fine. Well and wide awake!
- Not to mention the whole "Chosen Undead" thing... not that his lies are obvious at first. Observant players will notice holes in a lot of things he says.
- Extreme Omnivore: His means of "buying" your equipment is eating it and giving you souls in return. He'll even eat unique boss souls, most of the time outweighing the number of souls you gain from simply using them.
- Manipulative Bastard: He's actively deceiving the Player Character to a possible Fate Worse Than Death in order to prolong the Age of Fire.
- Sleepyhead
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Says this is the case for the lords he sends you to kill, assuming they haven't "fallen to wickedness".
- You Need a Breath Mint: He has terrible breath, at least according to the Crestfallen Warrior.
Darkstalker Kaathe
Voiced by: Peter Marinker
A primordial serpent and master of the Darkwraith Covenant. Wishes that the Undead Hero end the Age of Fire and begin the Age of Dark.
- Big Good: Possibly, for a given value anyway. Should you side with him, he acts as your guide to becoming the Dark Lord and ushering in an age of man. It's unknown how honest he's being though.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Maybe... his claims Frampt is a traitor gain a lot of credibility once you notice the holes in his claim.
- Evil Counterpart: To Frampt. However, the "Evil" title is debatable.
- Mr. Exposition: If you think he's honest, then he's pretty much the only one who actually explains what's really going on.
- You Have Failed Me...: Says this about the Darkwraith enemies found within the New Londo Ruins, having lost their way from the path to becoming the Dark Lord.
Griggs of Vinheim
Voiced by: Blake Ritson
Big Hat Logan's apprentice, following his teacher through Lordran. He eventually turns Hollow in Sen's Fortress while searching for his master yet again.
- Badass Bookworm
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Given his nature as a spy, some fans speculate he might actually be this.
- Dude in Distress: He some how got himself locked in a house. He wasn't in any immediate danger, but he just got himself stuck somehow.
- Expy: He’s similar to Freke's apprentice in that he's the apprentice of the resident master wizard, of whom he got separated from and is currently looking for. The similarities end there, though, as Griggs is much more friendly than Freke's apprentice.
- Nice Guy: He's the polar opposite of his counterpart from Demon's Souls.
- Nice Hat
- Stealth Expert: He's a spy of Vinheim, and thanks to the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring and the Hush Miracle, he is most likely this.
Big Hat Logan
Voiced by: Ian Thompson
A powerful sorcerer with a insatiable thirst for knowledge, wandering Lordran for the Duke's Archives in Anor Londo. After you repeatedly rescue him and buy all of his one-time inventory, he goes mad before attacking the player in the highest room of the Duke's Archives.
- Badass Bookworm
- Enlightenment Superpowers: What Word of God says about him being naked in the Duke's Archives when he goes mad.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He's nicknamed Big Hat because he wears a Big Hat.
- Expy: He's essentialy a replacement for Sage Freke of Demon's Souls.
- Full-Frontal Assault: Strips naked in The Duke's Archives. According to Word of God, he's trying to emulate Seath. Which makes sense since you have to be naked to use the Dragon Stone items.
- Insane Equals Violent: Following his Sanity Slippage.
- Loners Are Freaks: The description of his Big Hat says that Logan was so antisocial that he wore the said hat as a means of blocking out noise and the people's stares to enhance his concentration.
- Nice Hat: His namesake steeple hat with the rather ridiculously wide brim. The developers really think so, having chose said hat design as a representation of Logan being a venerable sage.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: At least 100 years old.
- Sanity Slippage
- These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: In the Duke's Archives, after being rescued, he will develop and sell powerful crystal versions of sorceries, and after the player has bought them all and killed Seath, he gets completely lost in the knowledge, starts mumbling incoherently and doesn't even recognise the player anymore. After this, he'll disappear from his usual spot and show up nearly naked and completely insane in the room Seath is first fought in. Upon killing him, it's revealed he went so far as to try (and partially failed, thankfully) to replicate Seath's curse-inducing crystal breath.
Petrus of Thorolund
Voiced by: Sean Barrett
A cleric from Thorolund, accompanying the Princess Rhea on an Undead mission through Lordran. Allows the player to join the Way of White Covenant. He shows his true colors as the story continues. He eventually abandons Rhea and her other two bodyguards in the Tomb of the Giants, knowing that she would potentially fail in her mission because she was inexperienced and of high-class. After rescuing Rhea from the Tomb, and given the opportunity, he will murder her.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Church Militant
- Evil Laugh: Once you get him to reveal what he's done to Rhea, he starts to finish his statements with a sinister chuckle.
- Face Heel Turn
- It's All My Fault: Interestingly, should the player not talk to Lautrec about Rhea, Petrus will start crying and blaming himself should Rhea die/turn Hollow.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope
- Sinister Minister
- Walking Spoiler
Laurentius of the Great Swamp
Voiced by: Andy Gathergood
A pyromancer who is implied to be the former apprentice of Salaman the Master Pyromancer. He became ecstatic once he turned Undead, believing himself chosen to become more attuned to the arts. Meets his end if you tell him about Quelana's Pyromancy Flame. He journeys to Blighttown to search for her, but he fails in his attempt and turns Hollow.
- Dude in Distress
- In the Hood
- Nice Guy
- Playing with Fire
- Verbal Tic: A slight one. He'll frequently pause mid-sentence.
Quelana of Izalith
Voiced by: Jenny Funnell
One of the seven Daughters of Chaos and Mother of Pyromancy. She is the only daughter of the Witch of Izalith to not become corrupted by the events that created the Bed of Chaos. If you accomplish the steps to encounter her, she will eventually request that you defeat the Bed of Chaos to put an end to the Witch of Izalith's suffering. After you do this, she rewards you with the Fire Tempest spell and disappears.
- Broken Bird
- Dirty Coward: Sees herself as this.
- Does Not Like Shoes
- The Faceless: Her face is pretty hard to see clearly, given the hood she wears, but you can see the bottom of it.
- In the Hood
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: She and her sisters have existed since before the First Age of Fire, helping their mother defeat the ancient dragons.
- Tsundere: Calls you a fool.
Dusk of Oolacile
Voiced by: Emma Pierson
The spirit of the Princess from the long-dead magic kingdom of Oolacile, where they specialized in illusion magic.
- Dead All Along: Implied.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Girl in a Box
- Last of Her Kind: Possibly, given that Oolacile has little mention elsewhere in-game.
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Suspended Animation: Was inside that Golem for a very long time, considering Oolacile is no more.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Possible, due to being trapped in the Crystal Golem.
- After you summon her, you find a female corpse with her unique armor set, implying she might have died long ago, and you're summoning her before she passed away.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Definitely. Kind, submissive and eager to assist the player.
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe
Rhea of Thorolund
Voiced by: Charlie Cameron
The Princess of Thorolund, an inexperienced cleric on an Undead mission through Lordran to learn the Rite of Kindling. Allows the player to join the Way of White Covenant if they didn't take Petrus's offer; she also shares some of the spells sold by Petrus, thankfully at a cheaper price. Meets her end one of two ways. Either Petrus will assassinate her if you don't immediately talk to her in the Undead Parish after saving her in the Tomb of the Giants. Or once you buy all of her one-time inventory, she will be kidnapped for experimentation in the jail of the Duke's Archive and becomes a Hollow.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: She's a lot friendlier towards the player after they save her.
- Break the Cutie: Eventually leading to Kill the Cutie.
- Damsel in Distress
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Fragile Flower
- Shrinking Violet: Dislikes strangers and only warms up to the player after saving her in the Tomb of the Giants.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Her name is spelled "Reah" in the subtitles of the English (US/EU) versions of the game.
Voiced by: Peter Marinker
An egg-burdened pyromancer who serves the Daughter of Chaos. He became dedicated to her after she sucked the blight pus from him, curing him of the Blight but leaving her gravely ill. He was originally a resident of the Great Swamp, but as cast out as a heretic for inventing the Poison and Toxic Cloud pyromancies. He is deeply distrustful of the player (unless the player is either egg-burdened themselves or is equipped with the Old Witches' Ring), but will tolerate them if they seek to ease the pain of his mistress.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: His loyalty and dedication to the Daughter of Chaos stems from the fact that she cured him of the Blight, at the cost of her own health.
- Body Horror
- Brutal Honesty: Although he is pleased should the player become egg-burdened, he isn't afraid to inform them that their head looks "awful" as a result.
- Plaguemaster: He invented the Poison and Toxic Cloud pyromancies, which lead to his banishment from the Great Swamp. The player can learn them from him should they earn his trust.
- You Monster!: He says this word-for-word should the player attack his mistress.
Undead Merchant (Male)
Voiced by: Miles Richardson
An Undead selling his wares in the main residential section of the Undead Burg.
- Body Horror
- Brutal Honesty: He's very open about the fact that all his wares are stolen, and that, should the player die, he'll sell his/her belongings too!
- Camp Straight
- Companion Cube: Has a wooden basket that he calls Yulia, which he constantly talks to and strokes, and he believes that "she" is in love with him. It's played in a somewhat sad fashion if the player opts to kill him: he dies calling "her" name.
- If You Die, I Call Your Stuff
- Jerkass: Although he does eventually warm up to the player, should they purchase from him often.
Undead Merchant (Female)
Voiced by: Clare Corbett
An Undead selling her wares in the Lower Section of the Undead Burg, near the shortcut between the main section of the Undead Burg and the Firelink Shrine, across from the entrance to The Depths. Has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with moss.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Flirts with the player character occasionally. It comes off as a bit creepy.
- Bi the Way: She flirts with the player regardless of gender.
- Body Horror
- Character Filibuster: Should the player decide to attack her, she goes off on a long and very psychotic rant.
- Cloudcuckoolander
Crestfallen Merchant
Voiced by: Andy Gathergood
A merchant wearing a suit of armor found in Sen's Fortress, trapped and depressed about his situation. He is the only merchant to sell Titanite before the 1.04 patch, so killing him is not advised.
- The Eeyore
- If You Die, I Call Your Stuff
- Jerkass: Mentions looting off the player's corpse were they to die.
- Laughing Mad: He'll let out a pretty disturbing giggle during the above-mentioned dialogue about looting the player's corpse.
- Not So Different: He believes the player and himself to be no different to the denizens of Sen's Fortress.
Shiva of the East
Voiced by: Kuei Lin Hsu
A mysterious merchant from an unnamed country from the Far East, which is modeled on real-life Asia. Sells you his wares if you're a member of the Forest Hunter covenant. He has a ninja bodyguard.
- BFS: Shiva wields a rather large katana-like sword.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Implied, but not revealed outright. Both Alvina and Patches don't trust him one bit, but nothing ever really comes of it.
- Collector of the Strange:
I love collecting these things, but I can only keep so many.
- Expy: As mentioned in the Trivia page, had Shiva not had his arc aborted, he would have turned out as an Expy of Master Satsuki from Demon's Souls.
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Averted. Shiva's bodyguard is wearing a Ring of Fog.
- Samurai: Seems to look like one at least.
Domhnall of Zena
Voiced by: Matt Morgan
A mysterious and quirky merchant from the ancient land of Zena who sells unique armors. Originally found in The Depths near the entrance to Blighttown, he'll move shop to the lower platform of the sewer aqueduct leading to the Undead Burg.
- Actual Pacifist: Although he will use a sword and shield against the player if they decide to attack him.
- Catch Phrase: "Ah, siwmae."
- Collector of the Strange: How he managed to get the armor of bosses you defeated (INCLUDING the Final Boss), we will never know.
I adore trinkets and oddities, so I trade for them.
- Nice Guy: The guy is very open and friendly. And while other merchants will berate you if you don't buy anything from them, Domhnall will happily state he knows you'll make a fine trade eventually.
- Nice Hat: His unusual golden horned helmet. Which, interestingly, is actually based on a helmet from real life.
Andre of Astora
Voiced by: Sean Barrett
An aging blacksmith from Astora who has set up shop in the old Parish chapel leading to both Sen's Fortress and Darkroot Garden. He initially upgrades standard weapons and armor up to rank +5, but can eventually upgrade up to rank +15 and gains Raw ascension, Divine ascension and Occult ascension with the correct Embers (Large Ember, Very Large Ember, Divine Ember, Large Divine Ember and Dark Ember).
- Badass: If the player decides to attack him, does Andre use his hammer or another weapon? Nope! He instead uses punches and drop-kicks, and all of them are really powerful.
- Badass Beard
- Cool Old Guy
- Gentle Giant
- Nice Guy
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Rickert of Vinheim
Voiced by: Adam Sopp
A magic-based blacksmith from Vinheim, and a self-proclaimed master of this work. He has withdrawn himself into a cell near the Firelink Shrine entrance to the New Londo Ruins, as to keep himself from attacking others should he finally Hollow. He starts with basic Magic ascension (rank +5), but can be given the Large Magic Ember and Enchanted Ember for advanced Magic ascension and Enchanted ascension respectively.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Hikikomori
- Nice Hat
- Shout-Out: His name is a rather obvious one to Berserk, as is his profession as a blacksmith.
Giant Blacksmith
Voiced by: Daniel Flynn
A literal giant, he performs his work in a room near Gwynevere's Chambers. Appropriately, he starts with Lightning weapon ascension and can gain Crystal ascension via the Crystal Ember. The Giant is the only blacksmith that can forge Boss Soul weapons.
- Berserk Button: Do not let him catch you trying to steal the Hawk Ring.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Gentle Giant
- Hulk Speak
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: He uses it sparingly, but it is pretty noticeable, given the way he usually talks.
I hath shiny-shiny.
Blacksmith Vamos
Voiced by: Daniel Flynn
A no-nonsense skeleton blacksmith found in the Catacombs who focuses solely on his work, meaning he doesn't sell weapons. He starts with basic Fire ascension (rank +5), and can gain advanced Fire ascension and Chaos ascension via the Large Flame Ember and Chaos Flame Ember respectively.
- Badass Beard: Yes, on a skeleton.
- Catch Phrase: "You'll spoil my focus".
- Dark Is Not Evil: He's a large, imposing-looking skeleton, and his opening cutscene makes it look as though he's going to be an enemy... up until he starts grumpily muttering to the player.
- Dem Bones
- Expy: He's essentially a giant skeletal version of Blacksmith Ed from Demon's Souls.
- Grumpy Old Man: He has this personality most of the time, although he will lighten up a little should the player provide him with a specific ember.
The Lords/Gods
The wielders of the Souls of Lords, who destroyed all the dragons, bringing an end to the Age of Ancients and starting the Age of Fire.
Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight/Lord of Cinder
Leader of the Lords, King of Anor Londo, and father of the Gods of Light. He lead the Age of Fire, ruling over man from Anor Londo in Lordran. His Lord Soul granted him power over Sunlight and Lightning. After the Witch of Izalith's failed attempt at recreating the First Flame, he gifted his power to the four kings of New Londo and Seath the Scaleless, and sacrificed himself to the Kiln of the First Flame to become the Cinder to give rise to the Second Age of Fire and prevent the Age of Dark.
- And I Must Scream: He has been burning in the Kiln for a really long time, meaning his defeat at the hands of the player can be seen as a Mercy Kill.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Hair
- Batman Gambit: His long-run attempt to keep preventing the Age of Dark ends up becoming this instead of a potential Xanatos Gambit should you take the Dark Lord ending.
- Big Good: He led the combined forces of his own army, Gravelord Nito, the Witches of Izalith and Seath the Scaleless against the Dragons in the war.
- Bolt of Divine Retribution/Shock and Awe: What he used against the ancient stone dragons to pierce their scales. While he doesn't use this in the boss fight against him, you can acquire up to three spells to use this yourself, the third version requiring Gwyn's Soul to obtain it.
- Brought Down to Normal: Not entirely, but the Gwyn you meet in the game has only a small fraction of his power remaining, as he divided his soul, and power, among his subjects before he set off for the Kiln.
- Cool Crown
- Empty Shell: His thousand years of burning in the Kiln has left him hollowed.
- Fallen Hero
- Final Boss
- Flaming Sword: Wields one during his boss fight. Can be acquired through using Gwyn's Soul in a Weapon Ascension, but the crafted version isn't on fire.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Gwyn knew he wouldn't be returning from the Kiln, although it's unknown if he was aware of exactly what would happen when he relinked them. Even Kaathe admits that what Gwyn did was a sacrifice, to burn in the Kiln for eternity, slowly going insane from the pain... Unfortunately, everything just gets even worse with him gone: those he entrusted his Lord Soul to go mad and his children are all too selfish to even bother trying to keep the country together.
- Light Is Not Good
- Lightning Bruiser: Gwyn is unbelievably fast, unrelenting, powerful and deadly with his greatsword.
- The Power of the Sun
Gravelord Nito
The first of the dead, a literal mountain of corpses, and Leader of the Gravelord Servant Covenant. His Lord Soul granted him power over Death, and he functions as the Grim Reaper. His powers have waned, however, due to a necromancer known only as "The Pinwheel" stealing a part of them for himself and his servants while Nito lays dormant. Nito himself resides in a massive coffin deep within the Tomb of the Giants.
- Atop a Mountain of Corpses: He is a mountain of corpses. Specifically, he's a giant skeleton wearing a mountain of skeletons as armor. Hell, the greatsword he uses and the replica swords he makes for his servants are also made of corpses!
- Badass Cape: A non-corporeal one.
- The Chew Toy: A non-comedic example, but reading his backstory, one gets the sense that Nito just can't catch a break.
- Dem Bones
- The Grim Reaper
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Plaguemaster
- Sinister Scimitar: Which is made of corpses and spreads plague!
- X Meets Y: What you get when you mix The Grim Reaper with Legion.
The Witch of Izalith/Bed of Chaos
The mother of the Daughters of Chaos and one of the greatest wielders of the Old Fire Arts. Her Lord Soul granted her power over Flame and Chaos.When the First Flame started to wane and give rise to the Age of Dark, she attempted to use her power to recreate the First Flame with a soul, possibly on Gwyn's order. She succeeded at first, but lost control, which resulted in the Flame of Chaos completely taking over her. The resulting abomination became known as the Bed of Chaos: a font of life that became the source of all demons in Lordran. This event also spawned pyromancy, replacing the old fire arts.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Fate Worse Than Death
- Plant Person: A large part of it is this. It's likely what was left of the Witch of Izalith.
- Playing with Fire: Both the Witch of Izalith and the Bed of Chaos use this. The Bed of Chaos might have copied the ability straight from the Witch herself.
- Puzzle Boss
- Statuesque Stunner: What is seen of her in the prologue cutscene, she's much taller than her daughters, who are more human-sized.
The Furtive Pygmy
An unknown Lord, both figuratively and literally. According to Darkstalker Kaathe, the Pygmy's Lord Soul was the Dark Soul: a Lord Soul that was completely unique, even compared to the other three. The Pygmy waited out the war against the Dragons and even the Age of Fire to give rise to the Age of Man/Dark. But the Pygmy's mission was lost to man due to Gwyn's efforts in preventing the Age of Dark. The Pygmy has been revealed to be the progenitor of humanity, and his descendants have received a piece of the Dark Soul through him.
- The Chessmaster: More so than Gwyndolin.
- The Ghost: Only appears in the prologue cutscene as a silhouette, but not in the game proper.
- Non-Action Guy: Unlike the other lords, he didn't take part in the war against the dragons. Given his only appearance in the prologue makes him look rather frail, he probably just wasn't fit to fight the dragons.
- Xanatos Gambit: Waited out a whole war and the First Age of Fire to give rise to an age where humans ruled. While Gwyn took measures to prevent this, he was only delaying the inevitable, although whether this happens in the present is up to the player.
Seath the Scaleless
A primordial dragon who betrayed his brethren because he was born with white flesh instead of scales. Lord Gwyn presented Seath a Dukedom and the archives of Anor Londo. He holds the title "Grandfather of Sorcery". Gwyn gave Seath a fragment of his Lord Soul before journeying for the Kiln. Seath drove himself insane and blind while researching the Scales of Immortality he was born without. Ironically, he did gain immortality from the primordial crystal he took when he defected, becoming a true Undead.
- Atop a Mountain of Corpses: In the intro. A mountain made up of his own kind, no less.
- Evil Albino
- Green-Eyed Monster: Betrayed his kin just for being born different. It's quite possible he has a Freudian Excuse for that.
- Handicapped Badass
- Hopeless Boss Fight: In the first encounter with him, his Artifact of Doom is nowhere to be seen, meaning he regenerates from any damage dealt to him.
- Immortality: A mix of Type II and Type III.
- Mad Scientist: While he is implied to have been quite sane initially, he went mad well before the game takes place.
- Our Dragons Are Different: A Western-style dragon like the brethren he betrayed. But he has white flesh instead of scales, insectoid wings, no hind legs, and three tails instead of one, the lesser two on either side of him essentially functioning as legs. The lower half of his body is now covered in crystals due to the years spent in proximity to the primordial crystal.
- Not to mention that Gywn made him a Duke!
- Our Liches Are Different: Has essentially become a lich due to the primordial crystal, which acts as his Soul Jar. This leads to...
- Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration: Type IV due to the primordial crystal, but only so long as the crystal is intact. Destroying the crystal during the second boss fight in the Crystal Cave is the only way to damage and kill him.
- Transplant: Originated in the Kings Field series.
Covenant Leaders
Oswald of Carim
Voiced by: David Gant
A mysterious pardoner and bishop of Velka, Goddess of Sin and Justice, found after ringing the first Bell of Awakening. While he does not belong to a join-able Covenant, he serves two functions: 1) allowing the player to leave their current Covenant without penalties, and 2) to pardon the player's sins, resetting any NPC you angered to become docile again and remove your name from the Book of the Guilty.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Preacher
- Cool Mask
- Church Militant: While this isn't immediately obvious, the description of the sword he uses (Velka's Rapier) is a pretty good indication of what he's capable of (attacking him also confirms this, but it isn't advisable, should you accidentally attack another NPC)...
- Deadpan Snarker: Most everything that comes out of his mouth is dripping with sarcasm.
Oswald: Stocking up on Indictments? How honorable of you!
- Evil Laugh: Well, not necessarily evil per se, but definitely a pretty creepy one.
- Sinister Minister: He's not necessarily evil, but he definitely casts an aura of ominousness and scorn. He doesn't say anything insulting to the player, at least until he/she sins, and even then he plays it off with a hearty laugh.
- Smug Smiler
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Daughter of Chaos
Voiced by: Charlie Cameron
One of the seven Daughters of Chaos and sister of Quelaag the Chaos Witch and Quelana of Izalith. Found in a hidden room off of her sister's boss arena, alongside her servant Eingyi. Allows the player to join the Chaos Servant Covenant.
- Body Horror
- Cute Monster Girl
- Dark Is Not Evil: Despite being transformed into a half-demon by the Flames of Chaos and leader of the Chaos Covenant, is arguably the kindest and most selfless person in the game.
- Godiva Hair
- Half-Human Hybrid: Became fused with a Chaos Spider from the waist down, alongside her sister Quelaag.
- Ill Girl: Sucked the blight pus from the residents of Blighttown and became deathly ill, blind, and lost most of her powers as a result. The eggs she lays can never bring life, and she's in constant pain. She became a Fire Keeper to survive, but the damage was done.
- If you feed her A LOT of humanity, she stops using the 'pained' dialogue when speaking to you, and her legs begin to move with more strength, indicating you at least relieved the worst of it.
- Morality Pet: For Quelaag.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- The Unintelligible: Speaks the Chaos Language instead of English/Common. You can understand her if you equip the Old Witch's Ring you chose as your Gift or by trading with Sparkly the Crow. Then kick yourself once you can understand her.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Voiced by: Clare Corbett
Daughter of Gwyn, Queen of Sunlight, Princess of Anor Londo and Keeper of the Lord Vessel. Allows the player to join the Princess's Guard Covenant. In actuality, she has long since left Anor Londo and Lordran to marry a foreign God of Fire. The version encountered is an avatar created by Gwyndolin as a means for him to guard Anor Londo, deceive and manipulate the Undead sent to Lordran into linking the fire, and eventually use her "beloved by all" reputation to rule man through her by proxy.
- Absolute Cleavage: And HOW.
- Big Beautiful Woman
- Decoy Leader
- Gag Boobs: What Gwynevere is definitely known for.
- Hot Goddess
- Ms. Fanservice: Oh yeah... Word of God from the Japanese-only art book says that Miyazaki preferred a more elegant design. The artist who drew Gwynevere was so satisfied with his design that when Miyazaki looked at the artist's face, he couldn't say no to him.
- She's Got Legs
- Sideboob
- Statuesque Stunner: Justified, as she is a goddess.
Dark Sun Gwyndolin
Voiced by: Harry Lister Smith
The lastborn son of Gwyn and guardian of Anor Londo. Born a Moon Sorcerer, he was raised like a daughter and has a feminine appearance as a result. Allows the player to join the Blade of the Darkmoon Covenant. He uses his powers of illusion to make Anor Londo appear as if its still daylight, and all the enemies encountered within, save the Painting Guardians, are elaborate illusions created by him. Contrary to Gwynevere residing near the top of Anor Londo, he hides himself below the castle within his father's honorary tomb. Killing Gwynevere or entering his hideout will aggravate him greatly, causing him to attack.
- Bishonen
- Bonus Boss
- The Chessmaster: Continuing his father's instructions to prevent the rise of the Dark Lord, but manipulating the situation to his advantage.
- Cool Crown
- Does Not Like Shoes: His armour appears this way when worn by the player. As for Gwyndolin himself, he can't exactly wear shoes, seeing as he has a writhing mass of snakes instead of legs...
- Dropped a Bridget On Him
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Gender Blender Name
- Jerkass Gods
- The Man Behind the Man
- Man in White
Everlasting Dragon
One of the few remaining descendants of the ancient stone dragons, a whelp stuck in the Ash Lake. Allows the player to join the Path of the Dragon Covenant.
- Extreme Doormat: Takes no action if the player decides to cut off his tail for the Dragon Greatsword and still allows the player to join his Covenant afterwards. The cutting also does not break Covenant if the player has already joined.
- Granted, he's possibly rooted in place from the archtrees and therefore harmless.
- It's been revealed that due to the Dragons being akin to elemental spirits inhabiting constructed bodies, it losing its tail isn't exactly that big of a deal, as it can reconstruct it.
- Granted, he's possibly rooted in place from the archtrees and therefore harmless.
- Gameplay Ally Immortality: Not an ally per se but is harmless and offers perks if the player joins his Covenant. More importantly, apart from his tail he is immune to all damage.
Alvina of the Darkroot Wood
Voiced by: Eve Karpf
A large, grey-white, talking cat that resides in the Darkroot Woods. Allows the player to join the Forest Hunter Covenant. She was once friends with Sir Artorias and the Great Grey Wolf Sif, but "publicly" considers the legend of Artotias's covenant with the Abyss naught but a fairy tale while ordering her Hunters to protect the forest, and indirectly guard Artorias's gravesite.
- Cats Are Mean
- Civilized Animal
- Glasgow Grin/Cheshire Cat Grin
- Mega Neko: She's around the size of a grizzly bear.
- Shout-Out: To the Cheshire Cat.
- Talking Animal
- Verbal Tic: When she speaks, an undertone of deep yowling can be heard.
Sunlight Altar
A simple altar made in front of a broken statue for worshiping the sun and Gwyn's firstborn child, a god of war who's foolishness led to the annals of ancient history being lost, resulting in him being stripped of his deific status and his name stricken from the new annals of history. Kneeling at this altar will allow the player to join the Warrior of Sunlight Covenant if your Faith stat is 50 (pre-1.04 patch) or 25 (post-1.04 patch).
- Unperson: Fucked up so bad he was stripped of his powers, sent into exile, and even his name was removed from the records. There are several empty statue alcoves that may have once contained statues of him. Apparently, destroying the official library really pissed off Dad.
Misc. Beings
Anastacia of Astora
Voiced by: Emma Pierson
The Fire Keeper of the Firelink Shrine. A martyr from an unnamed village in Astora, she was treated as a witch by the villagers, eventually leading to her tongue being cut out and either her legs broken or feet severed to prevent her from escaping. Should you come across Knight Lautrec and leave him alive, he will eventually murder her for her Fire Keeper's Soul. You can obtain an item needed to go after Lautrec and retrieve her soul. She can then be restored to life, even regenerating her severed tongue.
- Broken Bird
- Dying as Yourself: What she wants more than anything.
- The Speechless: She gets better, but considers her restored ability to speak a sin.
- Unwanted Rescue: Of a sort. She's fine with being resurrected, its having her tongue back that she takes issue with. This is justified because, as a firekeeper, she was raised (possibly from birth) to never speak out against her Fate Worse Than Death.
Crestfallen Warrior/Heartbroken Soldier
Voiced by: Matt Morgan
- Call Back: His opening dialogue is very similar to the Crestfallen Warrior's from Demon's Souls.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Eeyore: At first. Later, he becomes inspired by what the player has accomplished and decides to take up his sword again. It goes badly for him, and he ends up becoming Hollow on the outskirts of New Londo.
- Expy: Of the Crestfallen Warrior from Demon's Souls. He even has the same voice actor.
- Go Out with a Smile: If the player kills him in Firelink Shrine, the Crestfallen Warrior compliments him and says that he thinks you've done him a favor.
- Lampshade Hanging: In one conversation he states, "I don't really care, I'm just simply crestfallen...".
- Worthy Opponent: "Not too shabby."
Dragon Slayer Ornstein
One of Gwyn's top knights and Captain of the Four Knights. Guards the Cathedral of Anor Londo along with Executioner Smough.
- Animal Motifs: Lions.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Has an impressive trophy room with the Four Knights.
- Badass
- Blade on a Stick
- The Dragon: Although he'd object to the trope name, he is the Captain of the Four Knights and thus one of if not Gwyn's top lieutenant. Also a minor subversion, in that you kill him about halfway though the game.
- Dual Boss: With Smough.
- Due to the Dead: Should you kill Smough first. Not that the latter would return the favor...
- Flash Step/Videogame Dashing: Ornstein's hyper fast attack in which he glides across the ground.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: His most dangerous attack in the second stage and will most likely kill you in one hit.
- Lightning Bruiser: Most of the time, his first move is to charge the player very fast with his spear. Lightning Lightning Bruiser in fact, as many of his attacks are imbued with this element.
- Scary Impractical Armor/Bling of War: Some of the coolest armor in the game, making him look like a blinged-out Dragoon. He presumably sees through his lion-head helm's open mouth, though his field of vision would be ridiculously limited.
- Shock and Awe
- The Slow Walk: When he's not jumping around or attacking, he tends to swagger slowly towards the player.
Executioner Smough
The Executioner of Anor Londo, seeking the approval of Gwyn. Guards the Cathedral of Anor Londo alongside Dragon Slayer Ornstein.
- Acrofatic: He's very agile for someone his size. Justified as he's a minor God, and he may not actually be that bulky under his armor.
- Drop the Hammer
- Dual Boss: With Ornstein.
- Due to the Dead: Averted, both in his day job and boss battle. Ornstein is respectful of Smough if he his killed first. Smough just smashes Ornstein flat if the Dragonslayer falls first.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Not him, but his armor. The max-stat Black Phantoms released into the games of players who broke the street date wore his armor.
- Evil Laugh
- Fat Bastard
- I'm a Humanitarian: Used the remains of criminals he executed as food seasoning. This naturally horrified those around him.
- Jiggle Physics: Definitely present. Just watch his chest.
- Scary Impractical Armor: Not really scary, but pretty intimidating and definitely impractical: there are no visible eye holes (his "face" is actually part of his helm and judging by the player version, sits above where his actual head is), and he can't even walk normally in it. Not that it really slows him down.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Desperately seeks the approval of Gwyn and the Four Knights by doing the above, presumably to show how ruthless he is. This backfires spectacularly: Kingseeker Frampt, a personal friend of Gwyn, thinks so little of him that he'll only pay one soul for Smough's, and it's implied the Four Knights, including Ornstein, don't like him much more than that.
Hawkeye Gough
One of the Four Knights of Anor Londo. He lead the great-archers during the war against the dragons. His Hawk Ring is found in near the Giant Blacksmith.
- Animal Motifs: Hawks.
- The Archer
- Ascended Extra: He, along with Artorias, are slated to appear in the additional expansion on the PC version of the game.
- The Big Guy
- Fixed Forward-Facing Weapon: An unusual case to the usual examples. His custom longbow was built big enough to have it be required to be anchored to the ground in order to be fired. It doesn't help that the "arrows" it uses are cited as iron spears.
- The Ghost: The only mention of Gough in the base game is his Hawk Ring and the hat of the archer Pharis of the Darkroot Garden.
Lord's Blade Ciarin
One of the Four Knights of Anor Londo. She was a mistress at using daggers and possibly worked as the group's subterfuge and assassination expert. A corpse carrying her Hornet Ring is found near Artorias' grave, indicating that she was possibly quite close to the fallen knight and met her end at his grave.
- Animal Motifs: Hornets.
- The Ghost: She has the least info known about her of the Four Knights.
- Knife Nut
- Lost in Translation: Ciarin is referred to as kanojo, meaning she or her, in the description of the Hornet Ring in the Japanese version of the game.
Artorias the Abysswalker/Artorias of the Abyss
One of the Four Knights of Anor Londo. Artorias was a holy warrior, tasked with hunting down the Darkwraiths of New Londo.
- Animal Motifs: Wolves.
- Ascended Extra: He is confirmed to be one of the new bosses the player will face in the additional expansion on the PC version.
- BFS: Both versions of his greatsword.
- Black Knight: Artorias is one of the most mysterious characters in lore.
- Defector From Decadence: He made a Covenant with the creatures of the Abyss.
- The Faceless: The current artwork of him bears heavy resemblance to the Nazgul.
- Fallen Hero: When he made the Covenant, his greatsword became corrupted. Originally a divine weapon meant to cause more damage to unholy beings, it became cursed and able to hurt the ghosts that occupy the New Londo Ruins.
- The Ghost: In the base game, he is mentioned by a few NPCs and his sword (two versions), shield and ring can all be used by the player, but he does not physically appear in any shape or form.
- Made of Iron: His Wolf Ring mentions his unbreakable will. The player gains this ability when using this ring.
- Master Swordsman: His Wolf Ring mentions him as being unmatched with a greatsword.
Havel the Rock
One of Lord Gwyn's followers, Havel is actually a Bishop, thought if he belongs to the Way of White is not known. He is also the sworn enemy of Seath the Scaleless.
- Anti-Magic: Invented the Great Magic Barrier miracle to combat the sorcery he hated.
- Ax Crazy: After going Hollow. Locked up for his own and everyone else's safety by Gwyn. Although the item description when it says "For his own good, of course" can be taken as sarcastically toned.
- Badass Preacher: As one of Gwyn's followers, there's no doubt he faced several dangers and came out on top.
- Beef Gate: Acts as this for one entrance into Darkroot Basin.
- Carry a Big Stick: His Dragon's Tooth, which is speculated to be made from one of Seath's teeth.
- Church Militant
- Fantastic Racism: Was known to hate sorcery. This was also one of the reasons he hated Seath.
- Improbable Weapon User: He wields a huge tooth. As a club.
- Mighty Glacier: Wears one of the heaviest armors in the game, as well as one of the heaviest weapons. Is he slow? Yes. Can he one-shot a bitch? Oh yeah.
- Tin Tyrant: Although not really metal. His armor is actually carved out of stone.
Giant Crow
A giant crow who can transport the player between Firelink Shrine and the Undead Asylum.
Sparkly the Crow/Snuggly the Crow/Hawk Girl
An unseen NPC, who, should you happen upon her nest, will ask for items that are "warm and soft", and will leave something different in return.
- Canon Welding: Perhaps.
- Expy: Of the character of the same Fan Nickname from Demon's Souls. It is also possible that they could be the same character.
- Verbal Tic: She peppers her speech with crow-like cries.
- The Voice
- You No Take Candle
Oscar, Knight of Astora
Voiced by: Oliver Le Sueur
A knight on pilgrimage to ring the Bells of Awakening. He is found on his last legs within the Undead Asylum and will attack the player as a Hollow if/when you return there.
- Almost-Dead Guy
- I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin
- Nice Guy
- Passing the Torch: Implores that the player to ring the Bells of Awakening in his stead.
- Sacrificial Lamb: Provides the player character with the Estus Flask and key out of the Asylum, all at the cost of his life.
Knight Lautrec of Carim/Knight Lautrec the Embraced
Voiced by: Daniel Roberts/William Vanderpuye
A knight from the kingdom of Carim, a land of religious justice, and a follower of the Goddess Fina.
- Ax Crazy
- Cool Helmet
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Let's see. He convinces the player to rescue him by way of promising rewards. He warns you about a certain other notorious NPC. He kills Anastacia, the firekeeper of Firelink Shrine, for her soul. This would greatly help in preventing the loss of humanity, keeping him from going Hollow. If you use the Black Eye Orb found on Anastacia's corpse, you can invade Lautrec in the halls of Anor Londo, who has gathered some allies on his journey. It also makes him more difficult to kill than if you attacked him in his cell or at Firelink Shrine.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Goddesses: Lautrec's item descriptions show that, in spite of his monstrous nature, he wears armor symbolizing the loving embrace of his goddess Fina.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Lautrec may be a cold-hearted sadistic killer, but Patches gives him the creeps (or so he says), and he warns the player to stay away from him. This is played with because Patches warns the same thing about Lautrec. Which one of the two is more evil is up for debate, but since Patches retires as a merchant, and Lautrec dies by the player's hands, it doesn't matter anyway.
- Evil Laugh: Often.
- Expy: Of Yurt the Silent Chief from Demon's Souls. He even uses the same type of weapon as Yurt... two of them, in fact.
- The Faceless
- It's All About Me
- Light Is Not Good: Unlike his counterpart from Demon's Souls, his armor is a bright yellow color, and is designed in a way to show his devotion to the goddess Fina.
- Loners Are Freaks: Considers the love of the Goddess Fina all that he needs, leading to his sociopathic behavior. Although how much of a loner he really is can be questioned. When he is fought in Anor Londo, he has two unidentified, silent cohorts who aid him in battle. His dialogue and the situation suggest that he might have some ulterior motive for stealing Anastacia's soul, and has been herding people into his world and killing them for some unexplained purpose. The two men are apparently in league with this scheme.
- Obviously Evil: Lautrec has the tendency to end his conversations with ominous laughter. Then there's his sinister voice...
- Villains Never Lie: Never once is he actually dishonest towards the Player. He does give you a reward after you free him and return to Firelink Shrine; plus, he straight out tells you that he has no more use for the maiden before you go off to ring the second bell.
Solaire of Astora
Voiced by: Daniel Flynn
A knight from Astora who journeyed to Lordran on a personal quest to find his own inner Sun.
- Badass Normal: The descriptions for all his equipment summarizes that all his combat prowess is from good, old-fashion, rigorous training. No magical enchantment here!
- Be Careful What You Wish For: His journey is all about finding his own personal Sun. He "gets" it when he's infected and possessed by a Sunlight Maggot.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bi the Way: He'll flirt with the player regardless of their gender:
If I didn't know better, I'd think you have feelings for me! Oh, no, dear me. Pretend you didn't hear that!
- Brainwashed and Crazy: One of the possible conclusions to his sidequest has him possessed by a Chaos Bug, leaving the player little choice but to kill him in self-defense.
- Break the Badass: Solaire begins the game as a jolly knight with impressive combat capabilities, but as the game goes on, he becomes deeply depressed at his inability to find himself a Sun, and lets his guard down just long enough to get possessed and become murderous as a result. (unless the player manages to find out how to save him).
- Expy: Much like Siegmeyer, he is very similar to Ostrava in spirit and Biorr in character. He inherits his attitude and affinity for combat from Biorr, while his side story is very reminiscent of Ostrava's in that it leads to a downward spiral into depression and unfortunate death. Although his death can be averted.
- The Faceless: Subverted if he gets possessed.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Being brainwashed by a maggot and killed is his happier ending. If you bring him with you to fight Gwyn, he will link the fire in his own world, condemning himself to a horrible burning existence.
- Good Is Dumb/Dumb Muscle: Patches' opinion on Solaire.
- Heroic BSOD: As the game goes on. As he becomes depressed, he can be found slumped on the floor and barely responsive.
- Hidden Depths: Has a good deal of knowledge about the time distortions that permeate Lordran.
- The Lancer: Solaire is about as close as it gets in terms of a true companion for the protagonist, especially considering the solitary nature of the game. He is the NPC with the most summon signs, being available for 5 boss fights, the last of which is Gwyn. The final example will only be available if you save him from the maggots in Lost Izalith.
- Nice Guy
- Shock and Awe: As a Warrior of Sunlight, Solaire is able to fling lightning bolts at foes.
Witch Beatrice
Not a character whom you speak with per se, Beatrice can still be of great help to you because you can find her summon sign near two very difficult bosses, and her aid makes both of those bosses tremendously easier. During your initial travels, you just can't seem to find her though...
It turns out that, in linear time, Beatrice first came to Lordran centuries ago, so long ago that New Londo wasn't even flooded. She was a self-taught sorceress and on finding she had the Darksign, seemingly decided to go to Lordran to do something about it, since dealing with her own problems was something she did habitually. Given where you find her equipment though, it's likely she tried fighting the Four Kings by herself, possibly after helping you fight them... and it cost her her life, permanently. You can find her body and her gear just after beating the Kings.
- Black Magician Girl: Oh yeah. She's devastatingly powerful and makes fighting both the Moonlight Butterfly and the Four Kings massively easier. Too bad it wasn't enough to defeat the Kings by herself...
- Cute Witch: Almost surprisingly so. Compared to most other characters and what we see of her phantom and whatnot, she's practically twee.
- Dead All Along
- Optional Party Member: After a fashion. While you never have to take a phantom in to a bossfight, her signs can be a little hard to see. Missing her first summon makes her second unavailable.
- Robe and Wizard Hat
- Shout-Out: Very likely a double: firstly, to a certain other witch named Beatrice, and secondly, her armor and appearance, straight down to color, hugely resemble that of Schierke the witch from Berserk.
Siegmeyer of Catarina
Voiced by: Miles Richardson
A knight from Catarina with no sense of self-preservation, who decided to venture to Lordran on a whim for one last adventure.
- Badass Mustache: Visible only when using the camera to see into his helmet.
- Beware the Nice Ones: "I am Siegmeyer of Catarina, and you shall feel my wrath!!"
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Catch Phrase: "Mhmmm... Mhmmm... Oh-Hoh!" and "Here I sit, in quite a pickle...".
- Expy: He has elements of both Biorr and Ostrava from Demon's Souls.
- In Harm's Way
- Lord Error-Prone
- Nice Guy
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Screaming Warrior: If he aids the player in battle against the Chaos Eaters in Lost Izalith, he lets out a pretty epic battle cry.
- Sleepyhead: Falls asleep standing up. In full armour. While stranded in the middle of a poison swamp.
Sieglinde of Catarina
Voiced by: Charlie Cameron
Daughter of Siegmeyer of Catarina. She searches diligently for her father with the player's assistance.
- Action Girl
- Kill the Ones You Love: She is forced to kill Siegmeyer after he turns Hollow.
- Shout-Out: She apparently looks like Hermione under that helmet.
Vince & Nico
- Jerkass: Subverted with Vince who initially acts rude towards the player the first time they talk. If the player talks to him again, he starts responding more politely.
- Those Two Guys
- The Unintelligible: Nico, who just seems to mumble whenever the player speaks to him.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
"Trusty" Patches
Voiced by: William Vanderpuye
A vagabond with a burning hatred for clerics. Sets up shop as a merchant if you play your cards right.
- Affably Evil
- Bald of Evil
- Berserk Button: He despises clerics. He wasn't exactly fond of them in Demon's Souls, either. Although given the bleak setting in both games, this can be easily explained in each game's backstory.
- Blade on a Stick
- Blatant Lies:
(after attempting to kill the player character by activating a trap) …I slipped and flipped that lever, you see…
(after kicking the player into the pit) These... temptations, they can, well, overcome me...
- Canon Welding
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Although, unlike the previous game, he doesn't try to kill the player after becoming a merchant.
- Dirty Coward
- Easily Forgiven: Depending on the player character's answer to him when he asks if they're friends after his second murder attempt.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He warns the player to watch out for and to stay away from Lautrec (this is a Call Back to Demon's Souls, where he says much the same thing about Yurt the Silent Chief). He also refers to Petrus as "scum": while this could simply be down to his hatred of clerics, it turns out that Petrus is indeed not a nice guy (perhaps he witnessed Petrus' abandonment of Rhea...).
- Evil Laugh: He's fond of the odd evil chuckle, but he lets out a spectacular one after he kicks the player character into the pit in the Tomb of Giants (and an even eviler one if he believes the player to be a cleric).
- Fantastic Racism: Towards clerics, to the extent that he'll try to kill the player if he believes them to be one.
- Half Truth: Technically, there is treasure in that hole...
- Heel Face Turn: Becomes a merchant and remains at Firelink Shrine after the player character defeats Nito and proceeds not to bother them from that point on... much like in Demon's Souls.
- Hidden Depths: If the player should have him back at Firelink Shrine and then proceed to make him hostile, he seems to be genuinely saddened should he manage to kill them.
- Ironic Nickname: "Trusty" Patches.
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass
- Laughably Evil
- Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: Unlike Lautrec and the Heartbroken Soldier, who are simply callbacks to characters from Demon's Souls, Patches reappears here as "Trusty Patches", with the same voice actor and Schmuck Bait tactics. While the game refers to him as Trusty Patches, the strategy guide uses the name (Patches the Hyena) from Demon's Souls.
- Legacy Character: He first appeared in Armored Core: For Answer. Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are his second and third appearances, respectively.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Oh Crap: His (non-hostile) reaction to the player emerging from the pit is priceless.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Progressively Prettier: To an extent: compare his appearance in this game to his previous appearance [dead link]
in Demon's Souls.
- Most likely due to better character customization. In Demon's Souls, a lot of the NPCs didn't look like their character pictures during the loading screens because of it.
- Schmuck Bait: A big fan of this.
- Sinister Schnoz
The Pinwheel
A necromancer residing in the Catacombs below Lordran.
- Doppelganger Attack
- Mask of Power: Three of them.
- Power Parasite: He siphons off Gravelord Nito's abilities while Nito lies dormant.
Priscilla the Crossbreed
Voiced by: Clare Corbett
A half-dragon being residing within the Painted World of Ariamis. She was actually condemned there by the Gods for her power of the "Lifehunter", which they feared could defeat them. Her old doll, found on a new corpse dropped into your former cell in the Undead Asylum, is required to enter the painting. Defeating her is completely optional, as she is docile when you enter the boss arena. She even points you towards the exit, wishing to be left alone.
- Bad Powers, Good People: Harmless, anyway. If you cut off her tail (or craft her signature scythe), the resulting weapon bears her Lifehunter ability and demonstrates that the Gods had every reason to be afraid.
- Blatant Lies: The inhabitants of the Painted World of Ariamis are "peaceful and kind", Priscilla?
- Fridge Brilliance: She's not the only one that wants you out of the painting. They do, as well, and are just less polite about how they decide to tell you.
- Bonus Boss
- Cute Monster Girl
- Does Not Like Shoes: Goes barefoot. This helps track her if she turns invisible during the fight against her.
- Expy: One of Maiden Astraea from Demon's Souls. She even has the same voice actress. She even calls you out on your offensive dickery.
- Half-Human Hybrid: The daughter of a dragon and possibly a human.
- Non-Malicious Monster
- Pretty in Mink: Wears a floor-length white fur robe, if it even is a robe.
- Sinister Scythe: Wields one appropriate for her size. Her soul can be used in Weapon Ascension to remake it for the player to use.
- Statuesque Stunner: She towers over the player, who comes up to about her knees.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
Chaos Witch Queelag
One of the seven Daughters of Chaos and guardian of the second Bell of Awakening. She and her sister were fused with Chaos Spiders when the Bed of Chaos came into existence. The two found their way to Blighttown, taking on the blight-infected Undead as servants. While Quelaag wanted to leave them to their fate, her sister took pity on them. After her sister fell deathly ill from the blight pus she sucked from their infected followers, Quelaag became her sole caretaker, and began using the Bell of Awakening as an excuse to kill any Undead who journeyed into her Domain as a source of harvesting humanity to alleviate her sister's constant pain.
Lady of the Darkling
Voiced by: Jenny Funnell
Servant of Gwyndolin, a member of the Blade of the Darkmoon, and the Fire Keeper for the first bonfire found in Anor Londo. She will hunt the player down should they fell either Gwynevere or Gwyndolin.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Serves Gwyndolin because he accepted her as a follower despite her hideous appearance and gave her a suit of armor to hide her Undead form.
- Berserk Button: She won't like it one bit if you choose to kill Gwynevere and/or Gwyndolin.
- Body Horror: Mentioned, but never seen by the player.
- The Faceless
- The Stoic
Voiced by: Sean Barrett
The Guardian of the Seal, and the last remaining of the three New Londo healer-sorcerers who long ago undertook the task of guarding the seal keeping the Four Kings and the Darkwraiths locked away, in order to pay atonement for all who were sacrificed when they sealed away the darkness. He will give the Chosen Undead the Key to the Seal after he/she obtains the Lordvessel, and is the only character in the game with the ability to cure curses without the use of a Purging Stone.
- The Atoner
- Badass Grandpa
- Cool Old Guy
- Does Not Like Shoes
- The Faceless: Not only does he wear a hood, but he also wears a mask.
- Godzilla Threshold: Along with his two fellow sealers, Ingward had New Londo flooded to stop the Darkwraiths from spreading to other areas of Lordran. New Londo was once a civil place, teeming with life, but this incident had wiped out the townsfolk. These people now roam the ruins as ghosts, and the Darkwraiths are very much alive and kicking.
- Nice Guy
Great Grey Wolf Sif
Guardian of a Field of Blades graveyard found within the Darkroot Basin, which pay honor to Knight Artorias the Abysswalker. He himself wields a now powerless version of his old friend's greatsword, which he holds in his mouth. Defeating Sif grants the player a ring called the Covenant of Artorias, allowing them to traverse the Abyss and slay the Four Kings.
- Big Badass Wolf
- Cutlass Between the Teeth
- Fragile Speedster: Sif is this in comparison to other bosses. Sif has fairly high damage, but for the most part, it isn't capable of one shotting you like the Stray Demon and the Gaping Dragon. Sif is also extremely fast and agile, but comparatively low in defense and armor.
- Gender Blender Name: Sif is the name of a Norse goddess.
- Undying Loyalty: Defends the tomb of his friend to the death, even when he is too weak to stand.
The Four Kings
Rulers of former New Londo whom Gwyn granted their positions and a piece of his Lord's Soul for their council. However, they fell prey to the beasts of the Abyss, eventually leading to the whole of New Londo being flooded and magically sealed. They now reside within the Abyss itself: a pitch black void in which nothing can survive, save those who have made a covenant with said Abyssal beasts.
- Expy: Of the Nazgul.
- Fallen Heroes: Were once noble and just rulers.
- Synchronization
- Wolfpack Boss: Each King's health equates to about one-fourth of the boss health meter, but this is played with in a few ways: the total boss health is actually less than four individual kings' health added up, the kings respawn when slain, and inflicting enough damage to empty the boss health, however distributed between the individual kings, will win the fight, even if some of them are still alive. This can lead to such shenanigans as beating the Four Kings by fighting a total of five kings, killing two and only wounding the other three.
Ceaseless Discharge
This massive fire creature is the source of all the lava that fills the Demon Ruins and restricts access to Lost Izalith. This creature watches over an altar, on which is placed the body of one of the Daughters of Chaos. Picking the Gold Hemmed Black armor set up will aggro the beast, leading to a boss battle. Word of God states that this is the brother mentioned in the Orange Charred Ring description, according to the recently released Japanese official art book.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Berserk Button: He seems content to ignore you (or otherwise doesn't even notice you) up until you desecrate the tomb of his sister and take her Gold-Hemmed Armor. Then he shows no mercy.
- Body Horror: He was originally born with inflamed sores that oozed lava. That is horrifying enough, but after he lost the ring his sisters made to ease his pain, his sores eventually turned him into the abomination you see now.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Fate Worse Than Death: Perpetually being burned by lava certainly counts.
- Magma Man
- Unfortunate Name
Bed of Chaos Guardian
The eldest of the seven Daughters of Chaos, she protects the Bed of Chaos from any invaders that wish to harm it. While she shares the same model as Quelana, they are not the same character. Creator of the Chaos Fire Whip pyromancy spell, which was her signature spell.
Kirk, Knight of Thorns
A notorious Darkwraith who attacks the protagonist several times over the course of the journey.
- Anti-Villain: Possibly. Not only are the Darkwraiths more morally ambiguous than outright evil, but Word of God confirms that he's actually a Chaos Servant. Indeed, you even find his armor near the Daughter of Chaos. If that's the case, he was never attacking you For the Evulz, he was gathering humanity to help soothe the Ill Girl's pain!
- Black Knight
- Recurring Boss: He’s notable for being the only invading NPC who attacks you more than once.
- Spikes of Villainy: He's called the Knight of Thorns, and his armor is appropriately covered with spikes.
Gaping Dragon
A mutant dragon trapped within the Depths. Killing it gives you the key to Blighttown.
- Big Eater: According to Word of God, it was originally a normal dragon that became so obsessed with eating, its body mutated into a giant maw. Now it can only think about eating.
- Body Horror: It was originally a normal stone dragon.
- Eaten Alive: Not Gaping Dragon, but you.
- Extreme Omnivore
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Its most obvious physical feature.
- Obsessed with Food: So obsessed with eating that it became corrupted by this desire.
- Was Once a Man: Well, dragon.
Xanthous King Jeremiah
A legendary exile from unknown parts. Invades you in the Painted World of Ariamis.
- Expy: Of the Old Monk from Demon's Souls. Both were legendary exiles who wore golden robes. The Xanthous crown is almost identical to the one worn by the Black Phantom summoned by the Old Monk for his boss fight.
- Meaningful Name: Xanthous means yellow. And what color is his armor again...?
- Playing with Fire: A pyromancer, and not a bad one either.
- Whip It Good: Wields and drops the Notched Whip.
Maneater Mildred
A mysterious woman wearing a sack on her head who invades you in the swamps of Blighttown. Defeating her allows you to summon her for help against Quelaag.
- BFS: She wields a giant butcher's knife of sorts.
- Brawn Hilda
- Defeat Equals Friendship
- I'm a Humanitarian: Possibly. Dialogue from Laurentius suggests that if he remained stuck in the Depths, someone would've come to feast upon him. He may have been referring to the Gaping Dragon, but considering he specifically mentions it being a female, and given Mildred's nickname, one gets the sense her moniker isn't just for catchy alliteration. The Japanese name "Mirudoretto cannibalism" confirms it.
Paladin Leeroy
A paladin knight available for summoning against the Pinwheel boss in the Catacombs. He later invades the player deep into the Tomb of the Giants.
- Face Heel Turn: Will invade you even if you summoned him for the Pinwheel battle. Most other NPCs attack you because they've gone Hollow, but Leeroy is most likely aware of his actions.
- Light Is Not Good: He's a Paladin and a member of the Way of White covenant. He also tries to kill you for unknown reasons without having gone hollow.
- Shout-Out: To Leeroy Jenkins of Internet and World of Warcraft fame.
Iron Knight Tarkus
A fearsome knight clad in Black Iron armor from the kingdom of Berenike. He can be summoned to help in the fight against the Iron Golem atop Sen's Fortress.
- Badass: Earns the title because he doesn't need your help to slay the Iron Golem.
- BFS: His greatsword, naturally.
- Black Knight: A heroic and silent example.
- Disc One Nuke: Provided the AI is having a good day, Tarkus has the ability to solo the Iron Golem, sometimes by knocking him off the boss arena.
- Mighty Glacier