Danny Phantom/Characters
A list of the major characters in the animated series Danny Phantom.
Team Phantom
Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom
Voiced by: David Kaufman
"It's been a month since the accident and I still barely have any control. If somebody catches me, I go from geek to freak around here!"
Main hero of the series: Upon obtaining his ghost powers through a Freak Lab Accident, 14-year old Danny uses it to combat the various ghosts that inhabit his hometown. He starts off shy, naive, Book Dumb, and emotional, constantly trying to find a place in the world, whether it be gaining popularity or through his ghost powers. By the end of the series, Danny gains confidence, courage, and matures considerably and finds his path as a hero.
- Adorkable
- An Ice Person: Season 3.
- Appropriated Appellation: Defied; the town calls him "Inviso-Bill" and he HATES it.
- Badass Adorable: Depending on who you ask for the adorable part, but yeah.
- Betty and Veronica: The Archie for Sam's Betty and Paulina, then Valerie's Veronica.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Danielle.
- Blue Eyes: His eye color when in human form and using his ice powers.
- Book Dumb
- Can't Get in Trouble For Nuthin': "Overshadowing" has some creative unethical uses.
- Character Development
- Chest Insignia
- Clark Kenting
- Combo-Platter Powers
- Comes Great Responsibility
- Cool Loser
- Dogged Nice Guy: For Paulina. He gets over it.
- Flying Brick
- Freak Lab Accident
- Green Eyes: His eyes go from Blue Eyes to green when he goes ghost.
- Hand Blast: His most often used power.
- Heartbroken Badass: During the climax of "Fanning the Flames".
- The Hero
- Hero with Bad Publicity
- How Do I Shot Web?
- Idiot Ball: He gets better over time.
- Kaleidoscope Eyes
- Kid Hero
- The Kirk
- Make Me Wanna Shout: The Ghostly Wail, from "The Ultimate Enemy" onwards.
- New Super Power
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: It's bad enough that half the time people blame his ghost identity for things other ghosts have done, but other times, he gets in trouble as a human too!
- Ordinary High School Student
- Painful Transformation: Danny gaining or losing his powers has him screaming in agony. Not fun.
- Part-Time Hero
- Puberty Superpower
- Screw Destiny: "The Ultimate Enemy".
- Self-Duplication
- Shonen Hair
- The Snark Knight: At times.
- This Loser Is You
- Triple Shifter
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: As Danny Phantom.
- Would Hurt a Child: At least, Danny doesn't seem to have a problem scrapping with his underage nemesis Youngblood.
Samantha "Sam" Manson
Voiced by: Grey DeLisle
"Parents don't listen. Even worse, they don't understand. Why can't they accept me for who I am!?"
Danny's childhood friend and primary love interest: Sam is a strict vegetarian Goth with an often contradictory personality; she's as rational and levelheaded as she is forceful and selfish. She strives to protect the environment as much as she rebels against her parents. She often keeps Danny (and Tucker) from doing anything too extreme.
- Action Survivor
- Badass Normal
- Bare Your Midriff
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Paulina, then Valerie's Veronica for Danny's Archie.
- Childhood Friend Romance: Unlucky Childhood Friend at first, but then became a Victorious Childhood Friend at the end.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Does Not Like Spam: Or any kind of meat for that matter.
- First Girl Wins
- Goth
- Granola Girl
- Informed Judaism
- Interspecies Romance: Considering Danny is a ghost hybrid, it's pretty obvious this trope is in effect here.
- Perky Goth: Kind of.
- Positive Discrimination: Actually, goes for all the main female characters in the series.
- Purple Eyes
- Secretly Wealthy
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: At least until the final episode.
- The Snark Knight
- Soapbox Sadie
- The Spock
- Tomboyish Name
Tucker Foley
Voiced by: Rickey D'Shon Collins
"Some people have a lot, and some people don't, but everybody's got something. Me? I got charms, good looks, and modesty."
Danny's childhood friend "since forever", Tucker is a Techno Geek who considers himself God's gift not only to women, but to all humankind. Has a tendency to run into the Sidekick Glass Ceiling that usually leads to With Great Power Comes Great Insanity moments. Unfortunately suffers serious Flanderization by end, if not to make room for the Danny/Sam angle.
- Action Survivor
- Black Best Friend
- Black and Nerdy
- Book Dumb: Despite how intelligent he is shown to be, when changing his grades it is revealed most of them are D's and F's.
- Big Eater: Will eat just about anything, except vegetables.
- Butt Monkey: More apparent in later episodes.
- Extroverted Nerd
- Flanderization
- Gadgeteer Genius
- I Just Want to Be Special: Although in the series finale, he becomes the youngest mayor of Amity Park.
- The McCoy
- Nice Hat
- Out of Focus: Later seasons put more emphasis on Danny's relationship with Sam and Jazz playing more of sidekick role to Danny.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Proud to Be a Geek: At first he hates being called "nerd" and "techno geek", but eventually he accepts it.
- Real Men Eat Meat
- Real Men Wear Pink: In a Freeze-Frame Bonus when he is changing his grade, it shows that the only A he has is in "sewing".
- Shipper on Deck: While pretty much everyone was aware of things between Danny and Sam, it was most obvious with Tucker.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Trademark Favorite Food: Meat, lots of it.
Jazz Fenton
Voiced by: Colleen O'Shaughnessey
"16, biologically, but psychologically, I'm an adult."
Danny's older sister is a intelligent 16-year old who claims to be an adult trapped in a teenager's body. As such she's often playing a parental role towards her entire family: trying to lead her parents into normality and shielding a then unsure Danny from the harsh realities of the outside world. After finding out Danny's Secret Identity, she slowly gains admiration for her growing brother and eventually becomes part of "Team Phantom". She eventually lets down her shield and slowly starts to act her age, all the while happily acknowledging her love for ghosts -- at several times, becoming a Badass Bookworm.
- Badass Bookworm: Except "Secret Weapons".
- Companion Cube: When she was younger, she had Bearbert Einstein.
- Cool Big Sis
- Emo Teen: Pre-Character Development.
- Hidden Depths: Several, but notable for being hinted at but followed up is her revealing that deep down she's resentful of all the attention her parents give to ghosts, as well as her brother being able to be a part of that - she gets a Not So Different moment with Freakshow when they both are shown to have "Ghost Envy." This is never brought up again in the series.
- Not So Above It All: Ghost hunting in general, or acting her actual age.
- Promotion to Parent: For a time.
- Secret Secret Keeper: From "My Brother's Keeper" through "The Ultimate Enemy," afterwards she becomes a regular Secret Keeper.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
Valerie Gray
Voiced by: Grey DeLisle and Cree Summer
"See why I need to hunt these ghosts? They think they can do whatever they want, but somebody has to stop them."
Main Anti-Hero: Valerie started off as the Rich Bitch before a ghost dog (with Danny in tow) cost her father his job, forcing her to lead a poor, unpopular existence. She was given advanced ghost weapons from Vlad Masters by mail and used them to extract her revenge. She eventually makes it a full time job with Danny Phantom as her primary target. She grows to see the world beyond her once shallow view and eventually develops a romantic interest with Danny Fenton, unaware of his alter ego.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Hero: Type III or IV.
- Badass Normal
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Sam's Betty for Danny's Archie. (Replacement)
- Character Development: From Rich Bitch and Spoiled Brat to Badass Normal Anti-Hero
- Charles Atlas Superpower: A 14-year old who knows ninth degree martial arts.
- Commuting on a Bus: She was once a major player in the first two seasons, but barely makes an appearance in the last season. Her story arc hasn't even wrapped up either.
- Dating Catwoman
- Fallen Princess
- Fantastic Racism
- Heel Realization: In "D-Stabilized" she finally realizes she's been working with the main villain. Of course, since it's the second to last episode nothing really comes of it.
- Hot Amazon
- The Huntress
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: More noticeable when in her battle suit.
- It's Not You, It's My Enemies
- Knight Templar
- Loves My Alter Ego: She likes Danny Fenton. Danny Phantom, not so much.
- Meaningful Name
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Danny.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Poor, misguided Valerie is wrong on so many things.
Dash Baxter
Voiced by: S. Scott Bullock
Standard issue bullying jock who on the outside is the typical menacing antagonist in Danny's school while deep inside, he portrays a far more sensitive soul, used mostly for laughs.
- The Bully: And he knows it!
- Expy: Of Flash Thompson.
- Genre Savvy: See below
- Jerk Jock: There's somewhat of a twist on this trope in that despite acting up to the Jerk Jock stereotype, he is also strangely Genre Savvy as to the future of most fictional Jerk Jocks, as he casually makes references to high school being the peak of his life and having to face a future of pumping gas.
- Small Name, Big Ego
Voiced by: María Canals Barrera
A girl Danny held a crush on before he wised up and moved on. She's the standard issue Alpha Bitch and like all stereotypes like her, tends to victimize the less popular girls and focus primary on shallow mannerisms. She harbors a crush on Danny Phantom.
- Alpha Bitch
- Bare Your Midriff
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Sam's Betty for Danny's Archie. (Originally)
- Loves My Alter Ego
- Rich Bitch: Ironically, Sam has qualities that fit this, too. This must be Danny's type.
- Spicy Latina
- Spoiled Brat
Mr. Lancer
Voiced by: Ron Perlman
The primary teacher (and vice-principal) of Casper High. Often strict with an inability to connect with his students, Mr. Lancer may seem like a bullying mentor to Danny (at times, he will often favor Dash simply because he's a popular football player), but deep down, he wants all his students to succeed.
- Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: He used to have hair before he ended up bald. Ironically, he has massive hair everywhere else on his body.
- Hidden Depths: He loves playing online games.
- Ink Suit Actor: He kinda does look like a cartoony Ron Perlman with a shaved head and goatee.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: In "The Ultimate Enemy", while Danny's family and friends were 'Gone But Not Forgotten' after the Nasty Burger explosion, he was just 'Gone'.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: He has a 'photo' of his sister (or rather him in a dress) and explains that he uses this job to see her again, thereby motivating students to get better.
- Lampshaded when he wonders why no one ever figures it out.
- Sadist Teacher
- Stern Teacher: He does this all the time, but one particular episode states that he's doing this job to meet up with his sister. Then it's subverted as he then asks why no one realizes it's him in a dress.
- Totally Radical: Abuses this.
- Unusual Euphemism: Uses book titles that fit the situation.
Vlad Masters/Plasmius
Voiced by: Martin Mull
"I am not a villain; all I wanted was love."
A devious Villain with Good Publicity, Vlad is a manipulative, clever, genius billionaire who has made it his lifetime goal to kill his former best friend Jack Fenton and subsequently take back the woman he loves, Maddie. His other goal is to convince Danny to join his side as his surrogate son due to their similar natures (that Danny often denies) and powers. Has a bit of a redemptive side since he's pretty much made to be sympathetic...in a superficial way, but later turns stereotypically evil by Season 3 through Villain Decay.
- Arch Enemy
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad
- Broken Ace
- The Chessmaster
- Combo-Platter Powers
- Consummate Liar: All too often, all too well.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Flying Brick
- Foe Yay
- Heel Realization: In Ultimate Enemy, an older, depowered Vlad admits that spending ten years having lost everything did have some benefits.
"If any good came out of this, it's that ten years without ghost powers gave me the chance to see what a fool I'd been."
- Killed Off for Real...Maybe.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Manipulative Bastard
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Me's a Crowd: The main power that makes him Danny's superior. Although Danny does get it himself eventually.
- Murder the Hypotenuse
- Not So Different: With Danny.
- Pick on Someone Your Own Size: Also with Danny.
- The Resenter
- Silver Fox: His human form.
- Unusual Euphemism: Uses snack foods.
- Villainous Breakdown: Season 2 Finale.
- Continues into Season 3 actually. Could be a valid explanation for his Motive Decay and maybe even his Villain Decay, as he changes his views on Danny completely as a result.
- Villain with Good Publicity
- We Can Rule Together
Box Ghost
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen
A Running Gag Harmless Villain, Box Ghost's main shtick are anything cardboard and square (and the occasional bubble wrap). Consistently pathetic and easy to beat, he remains determined to be taken seriously. He Took a Level in Badass in the Bad Future, becoming incredibly muscular and gaining the ability to form exploding boxes out of energy.
- Butt Monkey: Frequently.
- Catch Phrase: "I am the Box Ghost!" "BEWARE!"
- Future Badass: Surprisingly!
- Harmless Villain: Up until he steals Pandora's Box. Once that was done, he was given his own Wanted Poster.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: When he gets a hold of Pandora's Box, run.
- Improbable Weapon User: Mostly boxes, but him being one of the few with telekinesis can also attack with the items packed inside the boxes, as Danny can testify. And then there's Pandora's Box with its contents....
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Large Ham
- Took a Level in Badass: His future self was more serious and powerful. He also gained a power boost from Pandora's box which temporarily made him one of Danny's most difficult enemies to beat.
- Unknown Rival
- Workplace-Acquired Abilities: It is implied that he was a longshoreman when he was still alive.
Lunch Lady
Voiced by: Patricia Heaton and Kath Soucie
"Would you like to try my [insert food here]?" (person refuses) "Then [insert horrifying statement here]!"
Her goal is to serve food to everybody, but she goes into a homicidal rage if people refuse. She doesn't like vegetables.
- Apron Matron
- Chef of Iron
- Evil Chef
- Improbable Weapon User: Her power is similar to Box Ghost, except she can telekinetically control food, cups, plates, utensils, anything that has to do with a kitchen.
- Lethal Chef
- Mood Swinger: She talks very sweetly one minute, then screams at the top of her lungs in a blind rage the next.
- Workplace-Acquired Abilities: She was a former chef of Casper High.
Box Lunch
Voiced by: Kath Soucie
From the Bad Future, she is the daughter of Box Ghost and Lunch Lady.
- Combat Pragmatist: Danny assumes that she's as much as a pushover as her parents, but she uses tactics like closing the gap while Danny is occupied dodging her food and boxes so she can hit him.
- Cute Bruiser
- Girlish Pigtails
- Kid From the Future
- Lamarck Was Right: She has both of her parents powers. She also has a perfect blend of their personalities.
- One-Scene Wonder: Only appears in The Ultimate Enemy.
Voiced by: Mathew St. Patrick and Kevin Michael Richardson
One of the show's most recurring villains, Skulker is a ghost obsessed with hunting to such an extent that he's considered the Ghost Zone's greatest predator. Growing bored, he looked to the real world for a challenge and fixated on Danny, whose hybrid nature made for an endlessly exciting hunt. Skulker's power and threat level tend to fluctuate- in some episodes he's portrayed as a very cunning and dangerous opponent, in others as borderline comic relief. In the Bad Future, he somehow merged with Technus to become Skulk Tech.
- Goatee of Evil
- BFG: There are a lot of improbably huge guns built into that battlesuit...
- The Dragon: To Vlad on occasion.
- Egomaniac Hunter
- Enemy Mine: On several occasions.
- Humiliation Conga: In his first appearance, he accidentally hooks up his battlesuit to Tucker's PDA. Since said PDA holds Danny's schedule, Skulker is forced to follow, being jerked around like a puppet by his own armor.
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game
- The Man Behind the Curtain: The real Skulker is a tiny and pathetically weak ghost; the body most people see is just a high-tech suit. As he spends almost all of his time in the suit, however, this isn't a huge weakness.
- Worthy Opponent: He and Danny hate each other but do seem to respect each other's abilities, to the extent of teaming up several times when something nastier comes down the pipe. He even states as much in the series finale.
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen
"I AM TECHNUS! Master of technology and destroyer of worlds!"
Another common enemy, Technus is an eccentric ghost with formidable technological powers and the goal of WORLD DOMINATION- who gets defeated in every appearance, largely due to his bad habit of shouting his plans at the top of his lungs (though his upgrade into Technus 2.0 helped him break that habit). Nonetheless, as long as he can possess sufficiently advanced machinery, he can be quite formidable. In the Bad Future, he somehow merged with Skulker to become Skulk Tech.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Shades
- Genre Blind: Very much so in his original form. His upgrade negated this though.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Has shades of this after his upgrade. His Xanatos Gambit in his last major appearance certainly falls into this. He not only tricked Danny into Dating Catwoman with Valerie to distract him, but possessed her suit to trick Danny Phantom into blowing it apart right in front of her, convincing her that he'd have done the same to her. He then proceeded to give her an upgraded battlesuit to take advantage of that. Even more impressive considering how Genre Blind he was before.
- Large Ham
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Interfacing with the Fentons' computer allowed him to transform into 'Technus 2.0'. Not only did it give him a new look and stronger powers, it came with a huge boost in Genre Savvy. Overall, it did make him far more formidable than he was before.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Rob Paulsen did a really good impression of Gilbert Gottfried as Technus.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Spent a fair amount of episodes imprisoned in Level Zero of the Doomed video game...until Danny forgot he was in there and deleted the file, setting him free.
- Take Over the World: His stated goal.
- Technopath: He commonly refers to himself in some form of "Technus! Ghost Master of Technology!" because of this.
- Totally Radical
Voiced by: Peri Gilpin
"So you wish it, so shall it be."
A ghost genie who is forced to grant people's wishes, most of them resulting a terrible price on the wisher. As a human, Desiree was the Sultan's favored lover of his harem, a love she gave back. The Sultan's jealous wife drove her away, forcing her to remain vindictive and heartbroken throughout the series.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Beat It by Compulsion: A drawback to her powers.
- Does Not Like Men: Touched on slightly in the debute episode.
- "No man may lay their hand on me unless I wish it!"
- Jackass Genie: Damn if she'll make others happy!
- Hartman Hips
- Hoist by Her Own Petard: She grants wishes and has no choice but to do so. In fact, in her debut episode she was defeated when Danny wished that she got sucked into the Fenton Thermos.
- This was also the reason she wasn't used much (beside her VA being busy) since the writers couldn't think of any other way to beat her.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Reality Warper: Her powers are generally limited to whatever (imaginative) people wish for.
- Wishplosion
Voiced by: James Arnold Taylor
A ghostly sheriff obsessed with maintaining order at any cost, Walker doesn't have as many appearances as some of the other rogues' gallery members, but is still a very significant villain for being the ghost who reveals the existence of ghosts to the world at large and is responsible for Danny's rep as a Hero with Bad Publicity.
- Corrupt Hick: If his accent is anything to go by.
- Evil Albino
- The Jailer
- Judge, Jury, and Executioner: Don't forget that he's also executioner and executioner. He really enjoys that part of the job.
- Knight Templar
- Took a Level in Badass: He's a lot more formidable in "Public Enemies" than he is in his first appearance in "Prisoners of Love". And he was a pretty formidable foe to begin with!
- Xanatos Gambit: In "Public Enemies" he pulls off one almost perfectly, turning the whole town against Danny while suffering no lasting consequences himself beyond being sent back to the Ghost Zone.
Penelope Spectra
Voiced by: Tara Strong
On the outside, Spectra looks to be a kind, perky woman who just wants to help teenagers and their depression. In reality, she is a Vain Sorceress ghost who sucks in their emotions to further her youth and beauty. Beneath that bubbly personality, Spectra is sadistic and immoral.
- Crazy Prepared: If one pays attention in her debut episode, she keeps the air conditioner on full blast, so people see puffs of air. However, when Danny sees a photo with a blast of air escaping his mouth, he notes that Spectra used it to confuse him about her being a ghost.
- Emotion Eater
- Fountain of Youth: She needs the depression of teenagers to keep her youthful.
- Hannibal Lecture: A very defining trait of hers as she prone to trying to demoralize her opponents since she need negativity to function otherwise she left wide open.
- The Shrink: Her disguise in her first episode.
Prince Aragon
Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker Prince Aragon is the ruthless and cruel older brother of Princess Dorathea (AKA The Dragon Ghost), both of whom appeared to have lived in the Middle Ages (the 4th to the 16th centuries).
- Black Dragon
Ember McLain
Voiced by: Tara Strong
"Ohhh, Ember, so warm and tender! You will remember my name!"
A punk rock Diva, Ember hates all sense of authority and adults. She wants to Take Over the World strictly so people will always remember her name. She tends to be a blunt person. In the Bad Future, she is overweight and her vocal cords have been damaged, rendering her unable to sing.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Emotion Bomb
- Evil Diva
- Flaming Hair: It gets longer the stronger she gets. She can use it as a weapon. Backfired when she accidentally set Youngblood's pirate ship on fire.
- Goth Spirals: On her right eye.
- Instrument of Murder: Ember could smack people around with her electric guitar.
- Love Potion: Love Guitar, leaning more towards Magic Music.
- Musical Assassin
- Pirate Girl: She wears Pirate garb during the episode "Pirate Radio" where she and Youngblood team up to take over Amity Park.
- Popularity Power: The more people say her name, the stronger she gets.
- Say My Name: On her first appearance. She wasn't happy when it didn't work.
- Shipper on Deck: For Danny and Sam, though mockingly.
- Villain Song: "Remember".
- X Meets Y: Appearance-wise, she looks like Gene Simmons mixed with Dr. Rockso.
Voiced by: Taylor Lautner
A little, immature boy who likes to play dress up. Despite his size and youth, he can be incredibly dangerous.
- Creepy Child: Especially in his second appearance, in which he gleefully tries to drive Danny insane and kill Jazz.
- Cute Bruiser
- Invisible to Adults: And teenagers who think they are adults.
- Undead Child
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: His gimmick changes in every episode. He's been a Pirate, a Cowboy, etc. Although this is justified as he is a kid.
Johnny 13
Voiced by: William Baldwin
A scruffy punk on a motorcycle. His main goals are raising havok and pleasing his girlfriend, Kitty. In the Bad Future, he is in a wheelchair.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Why Kitty and Jazz are attracted to him.
- Badass Biker
- Chivalrous Pervert: While he loves Kitty very much, he can't help ogling the ladies, infuriating her to no end.
- Cool Bike: That can drive along walls and fly.
- Living Shadow: It has a mind of its own, and is quite powerful. His Weapon of Choice, besides his bike.
- Thirteen Is Unlucky
- Weaksauce Weakness: Bright light will temporarily disintegrate his shadow, and water will turn it into a puddle.
- Winds of Destiny Change: Anything his shadow passes through receives bad luck. Danny used this against him by tricking the shadow into touching some equipment Johnny was using.
Voiced by: Chynna Phillips
Johnny 13's girlfriend. She mostly follows his path, but can be quite dangerous, especially when she's angry. She seemed the least changed in the Bad Future, but joined Johnny and the others in attempting revenge.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Clingy Jealous Girl: REALLY hates it when Johnny is looking at other women besides her.
- Demonic Possession: In her first appearance, Johnny needed to find a host body for her to inhabit in the human world. This was dropped in later episodes, and in one episode she uses her possession in an attempt to get Johnny jealous.
- Kiss of Death: It's a blown kiss, but anyone who is hit by it becomes trapped in another dimension (not the Ghost Zone).
- Operation: Jealousy: To tick off Johnny, she dates Danny while secretly overshadowing Paulina.
- Woman Scorned: Johnny's got to learn to stop his wandering eye.
Ghost Writer
Voiced by: Will Arnett
A one-shot villain from the Christmas Episode, he tried to get revenge on Danny for accidentally destroying one of his poems.
- Didn't See That Coming: The other villains teaming up with Danny to take him down for having the audacity to attack someone on Christmas.
- Disproportionate Retribution
- Hot Librarian
- Meganekko: Male version.
- Rewriting Reality: Anything he types into his keyboard comes true.
- Rhymes on a Dime: In his new poem all of the time.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Oranges, since nothing rhymes with "orange."
Fright Knight
Voiced by: Michael Dorn
A ghost considered to be the spirit of Halloween, Fright Knight is a very powerful Sealed Evil in a Can inadvertently released by Danny, who was trying to put together a haunted house as part of a detention for Mr. Lancer. He was resealed at the end of the episode, only to be released later by Pariah to serve as The Dragon. At the end of Reign Storm, he was seen to make an alliance with Vlad to take down his master, but this is never really followed up on. In "The Ultimate Enemy's" Bad Future, Dark Danny seems to have inherited his loyalty.
- Artifact of Doom: His sword, the Soulshredder.
- Black Knight
- The Dragon: To Pariah and Dark Danny. He's implied to become this for Vlad as well, but this is never really elaborated on.
- Magic Knight
- Punny Name
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- The Starscream: Partial example. He clearly resents being Pariah's minion, but is too scared of him to actually betray him until Vlad shows up with a better offer.
Pariah Dark
Voiced by: Brian Cox
"It's a burden, isn't it child--Having so much power?"
Absolute ruler of the Ghost Zone until he was defeated and imprisoned, Pariah is far and away one of the most powerful character to appear in the series, to the extent of effortlessly owning Vlad within seconds of being freed and commanding the allegiance of Fright Knight, another tremendously powerful villain. He was inadvertently released by Vlad, who was looking for his artifacts of doom, the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire, and immediately proceeded to conquer both the Ghost Zone and Amity Park. Ultimately, Danny was able to seal him again (with some help), but the Ghost King was not destroyed and may yet be free to walk the world again. In some ways he can be compared to the likes of Darkseid, Trigon, and Apocalypse as the one villain whose power far outstrips all others and can threaten truly apocalyptic damage.
- Big Bad: Of the first TV-movie.
- Eye Beams: Or rather eye beam, as he's missing one eye. His most common attack.
- Evil Overlord
- Expy: Darkseid.
- Physical God
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Spikes of Villainy
- The Worf Effect: Vlad is one of the most powerful characters in the show. Pariah's effortless curbstomping of him proved that the Ghost King was not to be trifled with.
- 0% Approval Rating: None of the ghosts like him and even Fright Knight only seems to serve him out of fear. Fits since his name is Pariah, which means something that is despised or avoided.
Dark Danny
Voiced by: Eric Roberts
"You don't get it, do you? I'm still here! I still exist! That means you still turn into me."
Danny's alternate future counterpart through a fusion between his ghost half and Vlad's after an accident that renders his family, friends, and teacher dead from a Nasty Burger explosion. He is a straight-to-the-point villain who all but creates mayhem and destruction in his path with absolutely no guilt for his cause. Danny eventually defeats him and with Clockwork's aid, changes the future. Dark Danny now exists outside of time, forever trapped in the Fenton Thermos. Though less powerful than Pariah and (arguably) less cunning than Vlad, he is perhaps the most dangerous villain in the show because of his personal nature and utter depravity.
- And I Must Scream: Being trapped in the thermos for all eternity. Though its kind of hard to feel sorry for him considering how evil he is.
- Ax Crazy: If the ruins of a future Amity Park didn't tell you.
- Badass Cape
- Big Bad: Of the second TV-movie.
- Composite Character: In-Universe. He's a fusion between Danny and Vlad's ghost halves. The end result, however, is an evil all his own.
- Creepy Monotone
- Evil Counterpart
- Evil Makeover: The skin and eye color change and the flaming hair look really cool according to fans. The uniform that came later...?
- Fallen Hero: Very happy to be as such, disturbingly.
- Fate Worse Than Death: He's stuck in that Fenton Thermos forever and ever and ever...
- Which makes his fate (arguably) more tragic and terrifying than the other villains'. Imagine being trapped for all eternity with nothing to keep you company but your own insanity and the memories of the atrocities you committed. Not to say he didn't deserve it.
- Flaming Hair
- Future Me Scares Me: And HOW!
- Knight of Cerebus
- Make Me Wanna Shout: It took him ten years to master the move though. He got REALLY angry when his past self mastered it quicker.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Apparently. No actual onscreen deaths occur but it's heavily implied he's a mass murderer that's destroyed most of the Earth's population if what we see of the world outside the ghost shield was like is anything to go by.
- Painful Transformation: Absorbing Plasmius looks really painful. Some fans have speculated that in that moment, Phantom was fighting for dominance.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Was sealed away in a Fenton Thermos and left with Clockwork.
- Self-Made Orphan: He caused their deaths to ensure his own future. Selfish or Badass?
- Slasher Smile: Just look at the picture above.
- The Sociopath
- Temporal Paradox
- This Is Your Brain on Evil
- Too Powerful to Live: Though he was originally stated to appear in the last episode and was Marmel's choice for Big Bad until he got fired. Go figure.
- Then again, this trope would've probably applied anyway as he no doubt would've met his end in the last episode.
- You Can't Fight Fate: ...according to him (and a number of fans), anyway. "...me? I'm inevitable."
- 0% Approval Rating: More so than Pariah, most everyone in his timeline HATES him, only Fright Knight seems to serve him willingly.
Jack Fenton
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen
"So, Danny, you and your little friends want to hunt ghosts."
Danny's bumbling father, Jack Fenton is an obsessive inventor of ghost weaponry and gadgets, designed to rip them apart molecule by molecule. Naturally, this usually results in a panicky Danny Phantom whom Jack considers as one of his enemies, despite having saved the world countless times. Tends to be clueless, but can briefly turn into a Badass Normal if his loved ones are threatened.
- Adult Child
- Ambiguous Innocence: His research and his "Hunting ghost company".
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents
- Beware the Nice Ones: His reply to Vlad in the series finale proves this.
- Big Fun
- Bumbling Dad
- Can't Bathe Without a Weapon: At the begining of "Reality Trip".
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Sure he's shown to be clumsy and Danny can't help but be embarrassed by him, but if his family is in danger, he'll strike without warning.
- Drives Like Crazy: Defies all speed limits, red lights, and certain laws of physics.
- Fantastic Racism: He wanted to dissect Inviso-bill "atom by atom" because he was a ghost. And he was quite aware that he was a sentient, feeling being.
- For Science!: See the above trope.
- Genius Ditz: He seems to have invented most of the (incredibly advanced, though often eccentric) Fenton gadgets himself, but is largely inept in every other way.
- It's also mentioned that he got a solid B minus average in High School.
- It's All About Me: While he really loves his family, he tend to easy forget when in the "zone" and put his feelings and research in the front constantly until brutally forced by the circunstances. Also he had a very skewed sense of morality and empathy for those things he considered evil or wrong.
- Moral Myopia
- No OSHA Compliance: Seriously, the guy should never be allowed to use anything beyond a pair of scissors; if the setting wasn't so idealistic half of his actions should end in Moral Event Horizon.
- Not So Different: Honestly, he and Vlad are almost identical. It shows better in the bad future where Vlad accept and treats Danny with the same amount of love and respect that the Fentons do. They are also selfish, driven, somewhat amoral and form a very deep line between "them and us".
- Parental Obliviousness
- Papa Wolf: Trust us. Hurting Jack and Maddie's kids, or trying to? Bad idea.
Maddie Fenton
Voiced by: Kath Soucie
"What, you think I sit home and invent new cookies all day?"
Equally obsessed with ghost hunting and research as her husband Jack, Maddie nevertheless remains far more logical, competent, and calmer then her husband. She is the main romantic target for Vlad.
- Action Mom
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents
- Women Are Wiser: Or relatively so.
- Happily Married: Like many series, her husband is less-then-perfect, but she loves him, a key point that Danny uses against Vlad.
- Hartman Hips: Not on the same level of Dexter's mom, but... WOW!
- Hot Amazon: Jack seems to think so.
Maddie: Hold down the fort, Jack! I'll go after our tot! Those trees will not stop me!
(grabs an axe and jumps out the window)
Jack Fenton: Oh, man, that is hot!
- Hot Mom
- Hot Scientist: Technically.
- Impossible Hourglass Figure
- Mama Bear: Really. Just... don't try and hurt the Fenton kids.
- Parental Obliviousness
- Purple Eyes
Danielle/Dani Phantom
Voiced by: AnnaSophia Robb and Krista Swan
"It's "Dani" with an "I"."
Danny's clone, created by Vlad as a stepping stone to the perfect Danny Fenton/Phantom clone to call as his own son. Unlike the various other Danny clones, Danielle has a mind of her own, possessing a naive behavior with much of Danny's traits and character. She is often childish and spunky, but well-meaning. An imperfect clone, she is constantly dissolving and until the second-to-last episode has to keep her powers in check. Danny plays a somewhat older brother figure to her.
Voiced by: David Carradine
"The Observants look at time like they're watching a parade, one thing after another passing by in sequence right in front of them. I see the parade from above, all the twists and turns it might or might not take."
The ghost of time, Clockwork keeps the flow of time and interferes when he feels something is disturbing said flow. He is mysterious and powerful, knowing every aspect of time: past, present, and future. He remains a neutral influence in Danny's life, playing only by his rules. He doesn't perceive time as a linear sequence of events; this is reflected in his appearance, which constantly fluctuates in age.
- Big Good: Even when one take his neutrality in consideration, he’s the closest to this in the series
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dungeon Master
- The Omniscient
- Omniscient Morality License
- Sinister Scythe
- Time Dissonance
- Time Master
- Time Stands Still
- Time Travel Tense Trouble
- The Watcher
Voiced by: Bob Joles
Danny's mentor when he received his ice powers. Frostbite is a giant Yeti-like ghost, leader of his tribe and all-around nice guy.
- An Ice Person
- Mr. Exposition: All he does is provide explanation to what is currently happening.
- Training from Hell: What he puts Danny through to master his ice ability. It ended up turning into hell for his people every time Danny screwed up.
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