< Danny Phantom

Danny Phantom/Funny

  • If anything, Super Danny in one episode of his intended mockery of the superhero genre. Nothing is more amusing than him shouting out seriously (and dramatically): "You Felonious Fiend!"
    • The best bit ever uttered by Super Danny

"Curse this infernal messy room! This looks like a job for the VACUUM CLEANER!"

  • The following exchange from "Parental Bonding":

Jazz: By the way, Danny, just so you know, I'm onto your little secret.
Danny: What?! What secret?
Jazz: The clumsiness, the nervousness, I can't believe I didn't figure it out before. You have a girlfriend!
Danny: It's a lie, I'm not a ghost! *Beat* I mean, she's not my girlfriend. She's just going to the dance with me.

Jack: That's great. I can meet her and talk to her about ghosts!

Jazz: You better let her know your family's insane now, Danny. If you marry her, and she finds out later, that's entrapment.

  • From Bitter Reunions...

Jack: Danny, meet Harriet Chin, she's a big time journalist for the Milwaukee Journal now, but back in our college days she was just Harrie...Harrie Chin! Haha-Get it?!

Maddie: *sighs* I'm really sorry Harriet.

Harriet: Sweetie, you married him...you should be.

    • Or this...

Jack: Hey that's my song! Come on let's Pogo! *grabs Maddie and drags her off dancing dorky-knocking people down on the dance floor*
Danny: Ok, I'm officially mortified.

Harriet: What took so long?

      • And especially this!

*Skulker holds a green glowing arm blade up to Danny's throat.*
Danny: *nervous laughter* Uh, the glowing blade is new.

Skulker: You like it? I've had some upgrades! :D

Jazz: "You're toast!"
Danny: "Oh yeah? You and what toaster!" *gets punched in the face*

  • Danny gets two in "Lucky In Love," after Shadow throws a lightning rod into a car, impaling the roof:

Danny: Optional sunroof. Nice.

  • In addition to when he and Johnny are pretending to fight to fool Kitty, and Danny delivers a particularly painful punch to Johnny's nose.

Johnny: I thought this was supposed to be a pretend fight!
Danny: Then pretend that didn't hurt! *punches him again*

  • Jack's belief in Santa Claus during the Christmas Episode had him building an entire landing point decorated with related holiday goodies on top of the Fenton Opt Center with a glaring arrow sign that reads, "This Way, Santa" just for Santa's sleigh.
  • This little ditty from "Doctor's Disorders":

Jack: "Why should we trust you?
Bert Rand: "Because I'm with the government and I can audit your taxes if you don't."
Jack: "... We trust you."

  • In "Reign Storm", when the Ecto-Skeleton is draining Jack:

Maddie: Vlad, help me get these pants off Jack!

Vlad: Nope. Sorry. That's all you.

  • Kindred Spirits proved even Vlad's holograms - well, at least the Maddie ones - didn't like him, in another CMOF:

Holographic Maddie: Going critical... Losing coherence... And I never loved you. I love the Jack program.
Holographic Jack: [slides onscreen and puts an arm around the holographic Maddie. He waves.] Vladdy!
[They kiss.]

    • Speaking of Vlad's holograms, in the Grand Finale, two copies of holo-Maddie have a Cat Fight over who gets to inform Vlad of some good news, complete with computer based insults at each other. Sadly, we don't get to see the whole thing.
  • In "What You Want," this exchange had this troper in stitches. Well, Danny's response, that is:

Tucker: You just had to save the day, didn't you?
Danny: Um, yeah, because a car smashing into the 28th floor of anything is BAD!!!

    • And then the Surfer Dude calling Danny and Tucker "hallucinations".
  • What, no love for "Dude, you are one seriously-crazed-up froot loop"?
    • Or its response?!

Vlad: "A Fruit loop would not have been able to make his first million on a series of invisible burglaries. A Fruit loop would never have thought to overshadow enough millionaires to become the richest man on the planet. I. AM. NOT. A. FRUIT. LOOP!"

  • After Ghostwriter was defeated (because he couldn't find a word rhyming with orange), the following exchange happened:

Walker: [holding an orange] Orange?
Ghostwriter: Get that thing away from me!

  • Paulina's line in "Memory Blank":

Paulina: She surrendered her individuality for a boy, I'm so proud of her!

    • The photo montage when Danny gets his memory back. Dynamic music is playing during all the photos of Danny fighting ghosts. Then it suddenly changes to a picture using invisibility to sneak in and out of the girls locker room complete with cheery music. It was even funnier the second time the photo was flashed.
    • This moment is the page image for Power Perversion Potential.
  • This little bit, courtesy of Vlad Plasmius and Danny Phantom, from "Torrent Of Terror"-

Vlad: Uh, no. I was just going to introduce you to a friend of mine. Danny, this is Vortex. Vortex, Danny. Well, gotta fly...Ta! (Flies off).
Danny: (Deadpan) My hero...

    • "GIMMIE A "V"! (Beat) Someone's going to give me a "V" or there's gonna be trouble..."
    • And earlier in the episode, we get this bit of dialogue between Vlad and Vortex:

Vortex: Did people tell Piccasso to stop painting the Mona Lisa?
Vlad: That was Da Vinci you dolt.
Vortex: Whatever!

    • Also, throughout the episode, Danny zapping Vlad with lightning, cyclones, and other weather whenever he gets angry.
      • This...

Tucker: Look on the bright side Danny; until we get back he's going to have to cater to your very whim and desire.
Sam: Yeah, he wouldn't want to make you angry.
(The two smirk evilly at at Vlad who looks back slightly worried)
Danny: *evil grin* This pleases me.

  • "Secret Weapons" proves Jazz isn't the only one with a victory dance when Maddie shakes her thang after winning against Jack on checkers.

Maddie: Nobody likes a sore loser, Jackie!

  • "Boxed Up Fury" has a great one:

Jazz: Eat my fire, dragonbreath! [shoots Fenton Bazooka]
Maddie: Ten heads, meet nine tails! [whips out the Jack o' Nine Tails]
Jack: I DON'T HAVE A CLEVER QUIP! [shoots gun]

  • More or less everything Poindexter said in "Splitting Images" was a CMoF. One of my favorites was when he responded to Sam's question (While in Danny's body) about where Poindexter went with, "Oh, that square? He flew the coop, perrr-manent like." What makes this even funnier are his hand gestures and the looks on Tucker and Sam's faces.
  • This bit from "Maternal Instincts"....

Danny: Bye Vlad! And as a lonely single man in your 40's...might I try suggesting internet dating... or a cat!
Vlad: Mark my words Maddie, no one says no to Vlad Masters. You will rue the day that you spurred my affection...AND. I. WILL. NOT. GET. A. CAT!!

    • Bonus points for him ACTUALLY getting a cat in season three!
    • Another one from that episode is Maddie running through the house trying to find a phone while Danny fights Vlad, opening doors to find cars, ATVs, and a helicopter and not noticing them because she's so busy. After she comes back in to where Danny and Vlad are, she's in the middle of talking to him when she finally realizes it.
  • This bit from Reign Storm.

Valerie's Dad: (walks in on Danny in ghost mode and Valerie in her hunting costume arguing with each other) What is going on here?
Both stare at him
Valerie: (turns and points at Danny) You're not the boss of me!
Danny: (Rips off Valerie's mask, exposing her identity. Valerie screams in surprise) No, but he is!
Valerie's Dad: Valerie?!
Valerie: (screams, then turns to Danny) You are so dead! (lunges at him but is stopped by her father).
Valerie's Dad: You've been hunting ghosts? Are you okay?
Valerie: I'm fine.
Valerie's Dad: (Puts her down) THEN YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!

    • There's also this scene towards the end:

Reporter: Danny Phantom has gone from "villain" to "hero" in the eyes of many in our town.

(Valerie shoots the tv with her weapon)

Valerie: That depends on who you're asking.

Valerie's Dad: (off-screen) Valerie! Was that the ecto-gun?

Valerie: (hiding it behind her back) No!

  • The Percussive Prevention bit. Maddie knocks Jack down, who gets stopped by Jazz, and so on and so forth...

Danny: I was gonna hit every one with a ghost blast, but this is much more effecient.

  • How about this little gem?

Paulina: You did not just call me "shallow," did you?
Sam: If you mean, do I think I could stand in a puddle full of you and not get my feet wet, then, yeah.

  • The episode "Doctor's Disorders". After Danny (or rather, his dad's snot rag) causes Spectra's new body to turn into an overweight, fudge craving mucus monster, Danny offers this line.

Danny: There's a "You blew it" pun in there somewhere, but I'd rather not.

    • Some fighting later, this exchange happens.

Spectra: Let's BOOGIE!
Danny: See? That's the kind of pun I was avoiding with the whole "blew it" comment.

    • And, of course, before any of that:
  • Tucker kicks in vent, then drops into room*

Tucker: Hello, models! …I mean, uh, Danny! You're okay!

Danny *strapped to an operating table*: Tucker! You broke into the hospital?!


Danny: You… broke into a hospital?

Tucker: Please stop saying hospital. Because I will run, and leave you here to perish.

  • "Invis-o-Bill"
  • The Accidental Hug in "One of a Kind."
    • And the fact that it was used again in "Memory Blank"
  • Danny and Sam flying into a giant cutout of Ember whilst distracted by one another in "Fanning The Flames" ("Flying's... nice. *SPLAT!* Falling stinks."), and earlier Lancer's over-the-top excalmation:

Mr. Lancer: Lord of the Flies! They're slipping right through my hands!

  • This exchange between Tucker and the Fright Knight in "Fright Night":

Tucker: Yeah, yeah, very scary. The fake horse is pretty neat though. What's it made out of, flaming bedsheets?
Fright Knight: Flaming bedsheets of DEATH!

  • Danny and Co.'s reaction to the town naming his super hero identity as "Inviso-Bill".

Danny: Guys, we have a problem.
Sam: I'll say, Inviso-Bill?!

Tucker: Yeah man...you need a publicist.

-- Or later this...

Paulina: You're that one who saved me...Inviso-Bill right?

Danny: Ugh...I need a publicist.

    • Or when Kitty was posessing Paulina, blackmailing Danny...

Kitty (in Paulina): Maybe...*in Paulina's voice* or maybe Paulina can let it slip that Danny Fenton is really the ghost boy? *smirk*
Danny: Uh...That's Inviso-Bill.

  • Between Dash and Danny, when Danny's trying to rally the students against a ghost invasion.

Dash: Why should we listen to you, Fen-turd?
Danny: You're right Dash, let's ask the other kid who comes from a family of ghost hunters and knows how to use all their equipment. <beat> No favors, now who's with me?

  • Danny and Tucker fall asleep and end up snuggled together. They wake up that way, scream, and yank their arms back.
  • When Sam and Tucker spy on the Guys in White in "Livin' Large", they end up getting found out and handcuffed to a pole. This leads to one of the only funny lines of Sam's that actually sticks in this troper's mind: "You can't do this to us! I know the law! I read a graphic novel version of the Constitution!"
    • Likewise in that episode, the Guys in White continually trying and failing to use the Fenton Works technology.
  • Danny venting at Jazz's incompetent attempts to help him fight ghosts is hilarious.

Jazz: That was good work tonight, Danny. We caught three ghosts.
Danny: No, we caught one ghost three times, all of them ME!

  • "I ask you again. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH JUMPSUITS?!"
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