Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures/Characters
DMFA has Loads and Loads of Characters, so it was only natural there'd be a character page here for it sooner or later.
Look out for spoilers, particularly if you go to the cast pages proper.
Main Characters
Daniel Ti'Fiona is the brother of Alexsi and a retired adventurer. More or less the star of the comic.
- Badass Abnormal
- Badass Long Robe: He went around in a robe until the SAIA arc, and was quite touchy about people mistaking it for a dress. Wildy buys him a replacement in the Randomized arc.
- Big Brother Instinct
- Brown Note
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Hard Head
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Hyperspace Arsenal
- I Know Mortal Kombat: He owes his agility at least in part to playing a lot of Dance Dance Revolution.
- Idiot Hero: Not particularly proud of being one but at least acknowledges that he is one.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Whenever his hair is let down which can be well seen here. Contributes greatly to the Dude Looks Like a Lady aspect of him.
- Mood Swinger: According to Abel, all Cubi are like this, due to being "creatures of emotion".
- Retired Badass: It seems hard to believe, but when things get serious, Dan really is a skilled fighter.
A faerie whose favored/default form is a purple-furred cat, Mab lives in a pocket dimension in Dan's closet and is an integral part of the main cast.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal
- Berserk Button: Do not pull on her antenna.
- The Chessmaster
- Cloudcuckoolander: Though, compared to some fae, Mab comes off as pretty well-grounded.
- The Ditz
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Hot Mom: Her daughter Rose, though in a subversion Mab wasn't even expecting to be a mom when she got her
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Older Than They Look: Way older.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
Supporting Characters
A half kangaroo rat/kangaroo, short, shy, cute Jyrras is also a scientific genius with a sizable fortune due to his inventions and the influence of his mother, a highly respected lawyer.
- Adorkable
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Zigzagged, and not just because Jyrras is a gay/bisexual/bisexual in denial of his hetero side boy, either. The characters he's been canonically established as attracted to first of all are Dan; a goofy, goodhearted, retired adventurer, and Lorenda; a sweet-natured, easy-going nice girl. But Dan turns out to be a major Badass from his adventuring days and then gets even more powerful when he turns out to be an Incubus, while Lorenda is a half-demon who, while she normally avoids it, has no qualms about eating people alive. And then he falls for the seemingly "bad boy" Incubus Abel -- a Deadpan Snarker Jerkass... who turns out to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold with a Dark and Troubled Past that makes him The Woobie or at least a Jerkass Woobie.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Inverted. Jyrras is the youngest of seven, the only boy, and the only one to be a kangaroo rat like their dad instead of a kangaroo like their mom. The result is that they persistently treat him like a baby and goodheartedly pick on him for being "so adorable", and with their superior size and strength, he can't do anything to stop them pestering him.
- Bi the Way: Subverted. Shortly after we first find out he's in love with Daniel, Abel then reveals he also has a crush on Lorenda. Then Lorenda reveals she doesn't find him attractive and even thought he was gay before his confession of feelings for her. He then declares that he must truly be gay, he was obviously just trying to pretend he's not by subconciously confusing his feelings of friendship for her with romantic attraction to her.
- Though Abel may think that Jyrras actually is bi, he's just leapt to the conclusion he's purely gay after Lorenda rejected him.
- Gender Equals Breed: He's a kangaroo rat like his dad, while his sisters are all kangaroos like their mom.
- Incompatible Orientation: First with Dan and then with Abel.
- Lethal Chef: As of strip 1314.
- Mad Scientist: While it has yet to be directly related to the series, Jyrras is a very skilled inventor who has even accidentally created life. Twice, in fact.
- Shrinking Violet: Jyrras is the shyest character in the series.
- Transparent Closet: As lampshaded by Lorenda in comic 829, Jyrras is a pretty big walking collection of stereotypical "gay markers" and his sisters were certain he was gay from about the time he first became friends with Dan.
- Truly Single Parent: Created Deathbringer and M.A.C.E. and calls them "his daughters", who in turn call him "their father."
- The Woobie: To some fans at least.
A chubby but friendly Cow/Demon-Mare half-breed, Lorenda Soulstealer lives at Jyrras's mansion and looks out for him.
- BBW/Fat and Proud: As shown here.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Quiet, polite, level-headed, good-natured, fun-loving, always tries to treat Beings with respect, always pays her rent on time... and eats people.
- Big Eater: She's officially described as "most often seen: eating" and having cooking as one of her hobbies. Plus, there's the whole "eating people" thing.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: She's half Being (Cow), and half Creature (Demon-Mare), Lorenda's mother ate Lorenda's father for cheating on her before discovering she was pregnant with Lorenda, her mother is still one of the most notorious Demons around, and her Demon relatives include Dark Pegasus and Regina Darkblood.
- What perhaps really screws things up is that she acknowledges that her mother and uncle really do love her. It's just, well, they're pretty stereotypical Demons and Lorenda's sensibilities are more those of a Being.
- Covert Pervert: Hides Cubi porn on the top shelf, fortunately Abel doesn't know what xxx means.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Early Installment Weirdness: Lorenda is more openly predatory early in the strip's run.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Creatures in general tend to eat Beings without remorse. Lorenda will eat (or at least used to eat) not only Creatures that try to prey on her or her friends, but also Beings who manage to make her mad. She even has to move in with Jyrras because of her appetite.
- And yes, she WILL eat hamburgers made of beef, so if you think about it Jyrras is now living with a cannibalistic serial killer.
- Rose-Haired Girl: She has pink hair (and pink hair for her tailtip), and white fur with black marks on her arms.
A small drake, Mab's apparent pet/best companion and bane of Dan's life.
- Fluffy the Terrible: Dan, Abel and Fi have all been terrorized by him at some point. Normally, he just seems a harmless pet.
- The Unintelligible: except for Mab, it might be part of his Obfuscating Stupidity, as Abel noted he could speak Common, even though that was a dream (it's yet to be clarified exactly how he could do this). He's also been shown speaking Common to Mab, though that might just be Translation Convention.
A hot-blooded, hot-tempered, mischievous ferret with a major tomboyish streak. She and Dan have been friends since they were kids, and Dan's vendetta with Regina has something to do with her mother's death.
- Arranged Marriage: Wildy apparently has one waiting for her in two years.
- Cute Bruiser: Small as Jyrras, but considered the meanest, scariest member of the group.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead: Though it's fur, not skin, she has the coloration for it anyway.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: No, really. Abel, though, thinks of her more as a Jerk with a Heart of Jerk.
- Furry Fandom: Inverted. She's a furry member of the Human Fandom, which is the comic world's equivalent in terms of reputation.
- The Ladette: The time she flashed a bunch of Jehova's Witnesses while declaring that if boys could sit around playing videogames topless, then so could she, is a pretty strong hint of this.
- Otaku Surrogate: Apart from being a Yaoi Fangirl.
- Shipper on Deck: Self-lampshaded here
- Yaoi Fangirl
Lost Lake Denizens
A cat-based Incubus who was originally going to be Dan's roomate at the Succubus And Incubus Academy, he ended up being sent back to live at Lost Lake and be Dan's teacher instead.
- Afraid of Blood: And he's actually had this since before seeing Devin killed and then his father killing his best friend and brutalizing his mother.
- Ambiguously Gay: He likes cooking, decorating, and making clothes, and his default outfit is a skirt and thigh-high boots. Some of the characters and many of the readers suspected he was gay because of this. (He isn't, but he also isn't straight. Or bi.)
- Asexuality: By his own statement the closest thing he has to a sexual orientation is "not interested".
- Brought Down to Normal: As a consequence of not feeding on emotions for an extended period of time. Aaryana theorizes that Abel's Being half is becoming dominant, which explains why he is able to dream when Cubi normally can't dream.
- Dark and Troubled Past: He's got two whole comics, each a littany of pain and sorrow.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Even the Guys Want Him / Even the Girls Want Her / Memetic Sex God: Everyone is gay (and furry) for Abel. No exceptions.
- Gender Bender: And this is why you're still gay for Abel even if you're female. He definitely identifies as male, but he's extremely cavalier about shapeshifting himself female.
- Jerkass Woobie
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Kuudere
- Mismatched Eyes
- Mr. Fanservice / Ms. Fanservice: Read the above again and below and tell me he's not.
- Multicolored Hair: Three colors; his hair is the same color as his fur, i.e. beige-tan-ish with black spots, and the ends are brown.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: He turns 400 soon.
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Supreme Chef: Everyone loves his baking.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: You've probably figured out by now how the meme came around. Ironically enough, when he was younger he thought he looked like a pervert without a shirt.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: He doesn't dress exclusively in women's clothing, but he typically wears a skirt, and for most of the gratuitous cosplay montage he had on a skirt or dress.
- The Woobie
Dan's elder half-sister (same father, different mothers), the owner of Lost Lake.
- Badass Normal
- Cool Big Sis
- Drop the Hammer/Hyperspace Mallet
- Everyone Loves Blondes
- Tsundere: Usually Type A.
A "Warp-Aci", a kind of extradimensional familiar, that was originally supposed to disguise itself as Dan's letter to attend SAIA and then teleport him there. Through a complicated series of accidents involve Pip, he became Dan's instead.
A mysterious figure who started visting the Lost Lake early in the series run and has recently moved into a relationship with Alexsi.
- Indeterminate Furry: Unless you know the truth.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: His father's kind of a dick.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Hee.
Random Goers
A cat-based Succubus on a quest to find and kill Dan for killing her friend, Destania, she gave it up after falling in love with Merlitz. Extremely proud of being a Succubus, the relationship broke up during the SAIA arc and she went on to become a teacher at the Academy.
- Horny Devils: She's a Succubus.
- Put on a Bus: The character was borrowed from a Furcadia player who was a friend of the author's, as was Merlitz. When the players broke up and left Furcadia, the author broke the characters up and gently removed them from the comic.
- Tsundere:For Abel. Yes, really.
A Phoenix B, Aliyka somehow manages to be both an adventurer and a pacifist. An old friend of Dan's, who met her during his first encounter with Dark Phoenix.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Put on a Bus: She and Merlitz caught the same one.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: She rarely does it but when she does, look out.
A group of about four rats who live in the basement at Lost Lake. They became Dan's roomies when he was sent to live down there, but he and they get on well enough.
- No Name Given: The three males.
Wildy San's brother, an exile and leader of the Twinks.
- The Chessmaster: Someone else who's gearing up for something big...
- Sibling Rivalry: With Wildy.
Deebs (Deathbringer) and M.A.C.E
Artificial life-forms accidentally created by Jyrras, Deebs is a living wad of bubblegum that typically takes the shape of a tiny bunny and M.A.C.E is a powerful humanoid robot.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: M.A.C.E. sometimes.
- Deathbringer the Adorable: Deebs, the Trope Namer.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Deebs.
- Robot Girl: M.A.C.E.
- Rubber Man: Deebs is made of bubble gum.
- Tin Man: M.A.C.E. switches between being an Emotionless Girl and a Bratty Teenage Daughter.
Kria Soulstealer's brother (real name "Aliph Soulstealer"), creator of the whole school of necromancy, but disillusioned with that sort of magic, to the point he now specialises in creating "Death Guards", which are golems fueled by the harvested souls of the undead.
- Back From the Dead: Multiple times!
- Came Back Wrong: Kria notes that he seems to get more and more... off... each time he is brought back to life.
- Contractual Genre Blindness: Prefers the "classic" ways of villaining. This hasn't exactly helped him when facing Dan.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: However, his dislike for the undead has lead him to cast a killing spell in mid-sentence. His mid-sentence.
- Evil Overlord
- Faux Affably Evil: He will kill people mid-sentence and smile at you politely while he rips your heart from your chest (which he almost succeeded to do to Dan)
- Old Shame: He hates being reminded that he originated the Undead.
An undead cat who Kria Soulstealer used to keep as a slave, when the Undead spontaneously "awoke" forty years ago, she took him in as a kind of adopted son. Secretly, his original self was an associate of Abel's, murdered shortly before he discovered who his father was.
- Came Back Wrong: Devin Soulstealer might even have a different "Soul" than the one Abel knew.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: As seen in Abel's Story.
Headmistress of SAIA, she started the academy during the Dragon-Cubi War to protect young cubi and help them to develop and learn.
- Affably Evil: Self-confessed insane sadist, headmistress of SAIA and strongly implied to kill on a whim, and yet…
- Dead Little Sister: More like dead family. Her entire clan is wiped out, and she's the only one left.
- The Dumbledore: She runs an academy for emotion-eating, mind-reading, shape-shifting, inherently magical Creatures. Acting weird comes with the territory. It's partially explained by the fact that being an "orphaned" Cubi Clan Leader tends to leave one a little loopy.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Got into a major fight with Destania when she suggested using Being children to demonstrate methods of torture on, and not only told Aniz how disgusted she was by his treatment of Abel but promptly punched him for it.
- Eyes of Gold
- Gag Boobs: She's the most buxom of all the characters in the series. Even other Cubi assume she's abusing her shapeshifting abilities to get them, though it's hard to say whether they're actually natural or not. She also lampshades the trope by noting that if they were any bigger, she'd need to reinforce her spine to handle them.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: As she sadly lampshades in the second half of Abel's story, nobody seems to ever notice.
- Hope Springs Eternal: Her clan's signature emotion was Hope.
- I Want Grandkids: The reason why she's so thrilled that Pyroduck is dating Alexsi.
- Large and In Charge: According to Cyra, all Clan Leaders are naturally huge. She's just shapeshifted herself down. Which makes it a lot less unusual that she would know nearly everything going on at SAIA. Theoretically, she could be as big as the academy itself.
- Last Of Her Kind: Not in the obvious sense, since there are plenty of cubi around. But Fa'Lina's the last of her clan. And clan leaders can neither have more children nor convert others into their clan, so she always will be.
- Mood Swinger: Apparently, all Cubi are like this and it gets worse the more powerful they are. Fa'Lina is a very powerful Succubus.
- Older Than They Look: As with many Cubi.
- Omniscient Morality License: She claims to have this, but also freely admits to being an insane sadist because they're apparently a package deal.
- Really Nine Thousand Years Old
- Rose-Haired Lady
- Sizeshifter: See Large and In Charge.
- Team Mom: To her school. Her clan was originally known for this.
Kria Soulstealer, notorious Demon-Mare, mass murderer, rampant cannibal, spreader of chaos. Also Lorenda's mother and not without her good side.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Take a look at the examples on the main page and on the trope page and be eternally grateful that you don't (and sorry if you do) have a parent like her. Seriously, all she needs are the standards to have given her daughter to complete the package.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: It's something of a characteristic for all Demons, as they are creatures of chaos. Even by Demon standards, though, Kria is implied to be rather distracted and whimsical.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: As a pure-blooded Demon, this comes with the territory, though by Demon standards, especially, it's actually a very loving one. What makes it painful for her is that the clash between her own demonic nature/attitudes and Lorenda's more Being-based standards means that she and her daughter fight and quarrel a lot, which genuinely hurts her.
- Blue and Orange Morality: Creatures are bad about this, but Demons are big on the "might makes right" view of the world. She's quite at a loss as to why this often makes Lorenda mad at her, usually reacting by either being confused or simply upset about how Lorenda turned out in such an unDemonic fashion. She blames herself for it, accusing the root cause of being her allowing Lorenda to go to a base high-school (where she was exposed to the "corruptive influence" of hippies) instead of a private school for demon-mares.
- Dirty Old Woman: Despite not looking that old. This part of her personality becomes more evident as her flesh-eating monster aspect is pushed to the background. Particularly noted examples of this are her declaring Jyrras to be "so friggen hot" after he bites her for pushing him around, and her willingness to publicly boast about how her daughter has apparently shacked up with an attractive adventurer (Dan).
- Her rampant flirtation with Dan throughout the Return of Dark Phoenix arc (which culminates in her trying to have sex with him in the Randomosity arc) may or may not fall into this, as Dan is an Incubus and so may be unintentionally attracting her despite his wishes.
- Early Installment Weirdness: Our first sightings of her are eating Lorenda's dad in flashback and failing to understand that her daughter doesn't like her mom eating everyone they meet on a nature walk (having caused so many disappearances that adventurers were getting called in to investigate). To say nothing of what happens when she's introduced to Jyrras' family. There's a reason she's seen casually paying a check for randomly killing 12 Beings to help explain just why it is that Beings don't really like Creatures and have responded with authorizing adventurers. Around the SAIA arc, she too stops getting much mention of her willingness to eat Beings or even to go on random rampages.
- Even Evil Has Standards: As well as the "played for laughs" version where she proclaims eating Lorenda's father for cheating on her was less cruel then taking him to court, there's the more serious aspect that she refuses to hurt friends, family and students.
- Hot Mom: Lorenda's mother, but very, very hot.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Originally the most voracious predator in the series, at that. Like most Demons, she sees no problems with eating Beings, and even openly brags about how Lorenda used to eat other kids when she was little.
- It's All About Me: Kria doesn't care if chasing an ice cream truck in your nightgown looks silly, because worrying about what other people think means that you actually care about other people's opinions.
- Let's Get Dangerous: From the way she acts in the present, many forget that she IS a highly skilled demon. Sort of overlaps with Early Installment Weirdness.
- Older Than They Look: Common to all Creatures, who stop physically aging in roughly their twenties despite living for millenia.
- Pet the Dog: She went through the trouble of retraining Devin after he got his soul and essentially raised him, when a lot of others simply got rid of their undead. There's also her letting Abel escape the massacre that killed Devin in the first place and her genuine guilt that he had to see it in the first place.
A tauric three-eyed cobra-like Mythos that Dan meets while accompanying Mab to buy a new home, she is quite attracted to Dan, and reassures him that it's a natural feeling, as her kind are immune to Charm Person effects.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She got exiled from her family for ripping off her brother's arm (her species can regenerate limbs, though) and can breath fire.
- Most Common Superpower: Art Evolution has been VERY kind to Matilda.
- Nice Girl: She's sweet, kind, understanding, playful, a little silly, but otherwise just a very nice girl.
- Playing with Fire: When she bothers breathing in, she breathes out fire.
- Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: Two "arms" on an upraised torso, four "legs" on a quadrapedal lower body.
An ex-adventurer who was let go from his group upon claiming to have met a dimension-travelling human, a skilled pyromancer. Had a short-lived romance with Aaryana, but broke things off with her and then left to become an adventurer again after the SAIA arc.
- Only Sane Man (early on)
- Playing with Fire: He's a fire mage.
- Put on a Bus: The character was borrowed from a Furcadia player who was a friend of the author's, as was Aaryana. When the players broke up and left Furcadia, the author broke the characters up and gently removed them from the comic.
A Demon of the Soulstealer family, though apparently neither directly related to Kria or Dark Pegasus. Self-centered and vapid even by Demon standards. Dan and Wildy have a history with her; they've vowed to kill her.
Real Worlders
The Author Avatar of, well, Amber. Usually has to be persuaded to continue to write the comic.
- Author Avatar
- Butt Monkey
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: The "Question From The Readers" pages.
A replacement of a former real-life character (A TMNT doll). Was originally a character in an earlier comic that Amber did as a school project. Mainly acts as a foil with Amber, motivating her through various means.
Those Without An Official Cast Page
Abel's father, who tricked Abel's mother into bearing his child by murdering her husband and assuming his form.
- Complete Monster: To the same degree as the average 'cubi, at least, but he has the distinction of getting all of his recent acts actually shown on-panel. Apparently, that makes a lot of difference.
- Moral Event Horizon: Let's see… puts Abel's mother through years of emotional trauma, kills Abel's best friend when she tries to stop him, and finally kidnaps Abel and forces him into SAIA under pain of death, driving him to a severe Heroic BSOD. And that's just the stuff he's done onscreen.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Villainous Breakdown: He seems smug, calmly sadistic and generally in-control at first... which abruptly collapses when Hennya seriously injures him and things stop going as planned.
A faerie whose favorite form is that of a fox, he wears a patch to give himself more angelic wings and hide his antennae because he thinks they make him look girly.
- Happily Married: To Neni, of course.
- Running Gag: And that was the last time I let Neni edit a page!!
Mother of Destania and grandmother to Dan.
- Every Woman Is Hotter With Hair Decs
- Evil Matriarch: Heavily implied.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- Green Eyes: She not only has these, but every member of her clan does too as a defining trait, including Dan's hypothetical daughter with Matilda.
- Moral Event Horizon: She destroyed a city to gain tri-wing status, although the "destroy" part was not intended, since the plan was to kill its guardian dragon and take over the city. It backfired when the dragon turned out to be much more powerful than she thought, and the resulting energy surge glassed the city.
- My Greatest Failure: She seems to regret her Moral Event Horizon these days.
- Statuesque Stunner: Takes it to its logical conclusion by being a Large and In Charge Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever.
- Was It Really Worth It?: However exactly she destroyed that city, she found out it wasn't worth it.
A feline-based Succubus, Dan's mother.
- Hot Mom: Dan's, actually.
- Retired Monster: She used to be head of the Pain & Terror Department at SAIA, teaching Cubi how best to physically and mentally torture Beings for emotional sustenance before ripping them apart and eating their souls. Fa'lina once got into a fight with her for planning to to use Being infants as "demonstration materials" in her classes on torture. Abel describes her as possibly the coldest, evilist creature in SAIA and that she literally wrote the book on evil.
- You Need to Get Laid: Seems to have mellowed out somewhat after getting married.
- Ambiguous Gender: Mink is assumed to be a very girly boy, but could also be a female who lacks Non-Mammal Mammaries.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The forumites love him.
- Keet
- The Messiah: He has some shades of this. From a clan of healers, willing to forgive the guy who killed his mother, and regularly bounces about in a cloud of energy.
- A recent comic tells us he's the clan representative of that class of healers, which means he is an approved representation of the clan's image and interests.
- "There is hope".
- Motor Mouth: Who needs backgrounds when you have walls made entirely of Mink ramblings?
- Stripperiffic: The guy runs around in nothing but a loincloth. All the time.
- Or sometimes, s/he wears a skirt.
- Ho Yay: With Abel. Maybe.