Daily Lives of High School Boys/Characters
While the anime reminded the viewers "you don't really need to remember the characters' names or anything," we tropers still have the obligation to catalogue the cast of the manga and anime series Daily Lives of High School Boys.
(Note: Unless otherwise stated, all boys in this series attend Sanada North Prefectural High School, an all-boys' school.)
The Main Characters
- Voiced by: Miyu Irino
"My name is Tadakuni. I live a normal life, attending a normal school, in a normal town."
A completely normal eleventh-grade schoolboy (so he describes himself) living a completely normal life in a completely ordinary town and studying in an all boys' High School.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Looks surprisingly good in a skirt, a fact that many many artists at Pixiv seem to agree with. This was being lampshaded In-Universe; Yoshitake commented he has no signs of the male hormone when crossdressed.
- Butt Monkey: Forced to play along with a love simulation, tricked into crossdressing, got punched out by the Literature Girl, went Out of Focus for several episodes, has yet to be given a surname... poor boy.
- The Klutz: At least in the unanimated High School Boys and Classroom Cleaning, he broke anything he put his hand on.
- Only One Name: Unlike Hidenori and Yoshitake, he (and Mei) has yet to be given a surname.
- Only Sane Man: It seems almost as if his whole life is a Boke and Tsukkomi Routine.
"My everyday life with my idiotic, hopeless and self-conscious friends still continues!"
Tadakuni, in the anime's Book Ends skit
- Out of Focus: He slipped out from presence in the latter half of the anime--he had zero presence in episode 9, one scene when he choked on mochi in episode 10 (outside of his Chewing the Scenery), and one Eyecatch in episode 11. Episode 10's intro suggested that was because he is a Ridiculously Average Guy, but can also be justified by his part-time job at the pizzeria.
- Ridiculously Average Guy: Lampshaded in the intro to Episode 10, where the other boys conclude that he doesn't get much time on the screen because he's too normal and uninteresting. In the following sponsor message and next episode preview, Tadakuni tries really hard to be interesting, by talking in as loud a voice as he can.
- Second Year Protagonist
- Straight Man
Hidenori Tabata
- Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (teenager) and Yuko Sanpei (Grade 5)
"That's it, Tadakuni! Run! Run, Tadakuni! Leave behind your Tsundere childhood friend! Throw out your little sister who's unrelated by blood! Run past that beautiful, mysterious transfer student until she fades into the distance! Hold on to that hand, and just, just... keep running!"
Tadakuni's classmate who looks stoic and emotionless. Despite his calm, stoic appearance, he is actually a stubborn Large Ham with an odd sense of humor.
- Chick Magnet: He's the only male character that females ever crush on, such as the Literature Girl and Emi.
- Genre Savvy: Usually towards gaming tropes.
- Hot-Blooded
- Inner Monologue: If he is the focus of a skit, expect extensive examples of this, especially his scenes with the Literature Girl.
- In-Series Nickname: His father calls him "Megane"--despite his brother Yuusuke wearing glasses as well.
- Large Ham: Hidden under a stoic shell.
- Non-Action Guy: At least he claims to be this in High School Boys and Killer Shoot.
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses
- Running Gag/Say My Name
- Second Year Protagonist
- Stoic Spectacles: Subverted as he just looks stoic. And he doesn't need them for vision purposes either.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: At least once. In Episode 1's intro, he believed Square Enix and Sunrise's involvement in their show would suddenly infuse it with mecha and/or RPG elements. And in a way, he's right -- in High School Boys and Indoor Adventure the trio took to roleplaying after playing Dragon Quest, and he is the most excited about it, impersonating various stock RPG characters.
Yoshitake Tanaka
- Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura
"A friend is... someone who walks with them even if they follow a different path! Someone who can bear the burden of their sins! Isn't that what it means to be a true friend!?"
Tadakuni's other friend, who looks more friendly and easygoing than Hidenori is... yet he's an idiot who shares Hidenori's odd sense of humor.
- Butt Monkey: Back in his childhood, but any memory of his mishaps are now attributed to Mitsuo.
- Catch Phrase: "It's surreal"
- The Comically Serious: High School Boys and Annoyances shows more than a few examples of this.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He was the legendary Bully Hunter "Rubber Shooter", and came out of the brawl with the "Archdemon" relatively fine.
- Dye Hard: When he was younger, he had brown hair, which is why Hidenori doesn't recognize him as Rubber Shooter at first.
- Hidden Eyes: A running visual gag.
- Fan Nickname: Gilgamesh, on account of his blonde, slicked-back hair.
- Hair of Gold: Fits to a T in all senses of the trope.
- Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Motoharu asked him a bunch of Internet neologisms in High School Boys and Lies, and he made up the answer for every one except MMORPG.
- Second Year Protagonist
- True Companions: Amongst the trio, he subscribes to this philosophy the most.
- With Friends Like These...: After a touching monologue about how he'll walk down the same path as his friends, even as panty thieves, he immediately gets sold out to Mei by Tadakuni and Hidenori, and rats them out in return.
Sanada North High Student Council
Student Council President
- Voiced by: Akira Ishida
The handsome President of Sanada North High's Student Council, who does little actual work and is often absent from the Student Council room.
- Bishonen
- Boisterous Weakling: He starts a fight against Ringo only to get his ass kicked without landing a single punch.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Hair of Gold
- Mr. Fanservice: During Episode 4, where Ringo caught him wearing his underwear inside the horror house.
- Non-Action Guy
- Student Council President
- Team Dad: This is why he's still seen with respect despite doing none of the work.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Parodied in his fight with Ringo. He says he doesn't hit girls... after he misses a punch and gets locked in a chokehold.
Student Council Vice-President
- Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto
The Vice-President of the Student Council. Despite his scary appearance, he's well-mannered and polite.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Cross-Popping Veins: Always
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Face of a Thug: He lampshaded that in High School Boys and Wiring.
- Hair of Gold: Plays it very straight.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Japanese Delinquents: Subverted, yet he claims to be one before.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Younger Than He Looks: Seriously, does he look like he's only seventeen? Ringo even once thought he was 28.
Motoharu the Delinquent
- Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa
Tadakuni's classmate and a member of the Student Council. Despite his notoriety as a delinquent, he only really looks the part.
- Butt Monkey: To his sister Mino and her friends.
- Custom Uniform: Fitting his image, he never buttons up his shirt, let alone wear the tie.
- Face of a Thug
- Japanese Delinquents: Subverted.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Parental Abandonment: He's pretty much living with Mino.
- Perma-Stubble
- Real Men Cook: To the surprise (and distress) of Mino.
- Second Year Protagonist
Toshiyuki Karasawa
- Voiced by: Yuuki Ono
A quiet, stoic member of the Student Council who's always seen wearing a hat.
- Chick Magnet: Both Tadakuni's little sister and Habara like him.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Custom Uniform: Inverted, oddly enough: Karasawa is the only one of his peers who can be counted to be wearing his school uniform's necktie, even during the summer.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Face of a Thug
- First-Name Basis: Among the cast of High School Girls are Funky.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Japanese Delinquents: Subverted as a matter of course.
- Last-Name Basis: Among his peers in Sanada North; it stands out as other of his classmates were all in First-Name Basis.
- Never Bareheaded
- Only Sane Man
- Scars Are Forever: Keeps an ugly scar on his forehead as a reminder of an injury inflicted to him by Habara back when she was the "Archdemon". Volume 5 of the manga reveals that this is not the only one he has -- he has prominent ones on his chest, his arm, and a long one down his back.
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: Asked Yanagin to allow herself to get a dose of his Kinniku Buster as payback for beating him up back in Grudge.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He is Habara-phobic, ever since giving him a nasty wound that left an ugly scar on his forehead. Shown in extreme detail in High School Girls are Funky--Demon.
- Zen Survivor: He came out the worst of it out of the Archdemon's victims, and he has the scar to prove it.
Other High School Boys
- Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto
A classmate of the main characters. He's also the biggest loser in class.
- Butt Monkey: The biggest of them all. Not even Tadakuni's "Out of Focus" syndrome can match up to all the crap that happens to him, as he even got all of Yoshitake's Butt Monkey-hood attributed to him!
- Cosmic Plaything: Other boys spent whole chapters discussing his misfortunes -- even misattributing others' mishap to him.
- In High School Boys and Kick the Can, Hidenori, Yoshitake and Motoharu played a rather physical game of kick-the-can... with his Zaku Gunpla as the can. Turns out they bought him a new Gunpla for his birthday present, but decided to destroy the older one because they're identical. Of course, the replacement is actually a bootleg, and come the next Eyecatch Mitsuo drops it off a trash bin.
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode 10's High School Boys and Consequences is essentially one long string of Mitsuo going from one blunder to another. To top it all off, he ends up completely missing a Crash Into Hello encounter with a girl running Late for School when he stops to tie his shoelaces (and even thought he actually got lucky there)... and then he steps in dog shit.
- Genre Blind: In High School Boys and Annoyances, Hidenori considered him to have zero comprehension and is annoying to watch movies with.
- Porn Stash: Keeps one in his house. His parents discovering it caused his Heroic BSOD in High School Boys and Mitsuo's Problem.
- Second Year Protagonist
- The Trickster: His "killer shots" in High School Boys and Killer Shots all amounted to playing Dirty.
Takahiro Matsumoto
- Voiced by: Showtaro Morikubo
A student from Sanada West High and a classmate of the Literature Girl, who lives across the street from Karasawa and Habara.
- Butt Monkey
- Looks Like Cesare
- Nervous Wreck: It comes with living next to an ex-bully.
- Those Two Guys: Along with his unnamed friend.
Takahiro's Friend
- Voiced by Junichi Suwabe
A student from Sanada West High who hangs around with Takahiro.
- No Name Given
- Those Two Guys: With Takahiro.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Deathly afraid of bugs.
- Wrong Genre Savvy
High School Girls Are Funky Major Characters
- Voiced by: Yukana
A girl from Sanada West High who lives next to Karasawa. Like her Distaff Counterpart Tadakuni, Yanagin and Ikushima frequently hangs out at her house. Eight years ago, however, she was the "Archdemon," the most dreaded kid in town. After a joint effort to "pacify" her by other kids, amongst which were Yanagin and "Rubber Shooter", she has completely changed for the good.
- Ax Crazy: As a child.
- The Bully: She used to be.
- Combat Pragmatist: She has absolutely no understanding of the concept of fair play. She doesn't punch, she gouges. She was even ready to bash Yanagin and Ikushima's heads in with a large piece of rock when they prepared to fight each other. Cue an "Oh Crap" reaction from both girls.
- Dark Action Girl: A very young one as the Archdemon.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Tadakuni.
- Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male): Deconstructed -- her social life with any male in town has been completely ruined by her days as the "Archdemon".
- Enfant Terrible: Was once this.
- The Generic Girl: Completely generic and unremarkable aside from all the spoiler bits.
- Girl Next Door: Literally, too, as she lives right next to Karasawa.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: As Archdemon.
- Heel Realization: She would fall into Heroic BSOD whenever any reminder of her history as the Archdemon is raised.
- Loving Bully: To Karasawa. Unfortunately for her, his experience with her has left him traumatized and scared shitless of her.
- One-Man Army: Ten kids, amongst which were Yanagin and the "Rubber Shooter", can barely make a draw with the "Archdemon".
- Only One Name: Habara is her surname.
- Pettanko: Yanagin and Ikushima mock her for it.
- Red Baron: "Archdemon"
- Reformed but Rejected: Everyone in town still remembers her as the "Archdemon" rather than the sweet, generic Girl Next Door she is now. Yes, she has kissed her romantic life and larger-scale friendships goodbye since third grade.
Takahiro:Perhaps it's better for her to leave this town.
- Red Filter of Doom: During her flashbacks.
- Retired Outlaw: Unfortunately for her, almost every male teenager in Sanada City is still very wary of her.
- Sailor Fuku
- Super Strength: Unanimated chapters shown she still has Archdemon's powers. Although, she wasn't really aware of that.
- In High School Girls are Funky -- Superficially, she incidentally bursted a volleyball.
- In High School Girls are Funky -- Megaton Poke, Yanagin had Habara try out the"punch machine" in the arcade in which the former just broke the new record. While Habara didn't get as many points as Yanagin by far... close inspections revealed a hole on the punching pad after Habara played with it, and upon asking Habara said she didn't know she has to clench his fist in the first place...
- Straight Man: towards the more oddball Yanagin and Ikushima.
- Tears of Remorse: Played for Laughs -- frequently cries these whenever other people bring up her past as the "Archdemon".
- Voiced by: Yuu Kobayashi
Habara's oddball friend from Sanada Central High, who, like her Distaff Counterpart Hidenori, often has something to say (translate: scream) about high school boys.
- Action Girl: Downplayed -- she knows karate but has discontinued since middle school. This is still plot relevant as for this reason (among others) she was part of the team that barely "pacified" Habara in the past.
- Always Second Best: To NAGO in their school.
- Berserk Button: The idea of dating -- see "Celibate Hero".
- Celibate Hero: She hates the idea of dating in general, and has reacted violently at Ikushima when the latter wondered how can she get a boyfriend (punched her face in), or suggested that she wears glasses to look cute (threatened to rape her and eventually beat her up with a wrench).
- Does Not Like Men: Played with -- while she claims boys are pathetic puddles of mess, she can actually get along well with them, especially Karasawa and Takahiro, not to mention that she was one of the kids assembled to fight the "Archdemon" with intent to avenge Karasawa's terrible wound.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Hidenori.
- Genre Savvy: She's at least aware of gender perceptions as portrayed during the previous decade's fiction.
- Hair Decorations: A small hairclip.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Heel Face Turn: As a kid she was originally a part of Habara's gang, but turned to the alliance because...
- Heel Realization: ...of what happened to Karasawa.
- Hot-Blooded
- Huge Schoolgirl: Like "Action Girl," it was Downplayed -- while she's now no different from any other girls in this series, at the time she fought with the Archdemon, she was considered big.
- "Just Joking" Justification: Used this after seeing Habara and Karasawa's response to her retelling of the "battle" against the "Archdemon".
- Large Ham: Unlike Hidenori, she is very public about it.
- Meganekko: She subverts the "sweet glasses girl" archetype usually associated with the trope by being a loud-mouthed hothead. When Ikushima asked about that, she claims she only wears them not so much as a cuteness factor than as a remedy for her poor eyesight -- and threatened to rape her.
"I'm not wearing them to fit in character stereotypes! I wore them because my eyes are bad!"
- Morality Pet: A self-imposed one for Habara, always keeping an eye on her in case she relapses back into being the "Archdemon".
- Only Known By Her Nickname: Downplayed. Yanagin, the name her neighbours call her, is actually a diminutive of "Yanagi," a name her classmates in Central Perfectual would more likely use.
- Tomboy: A very mild case.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Unknown Rival: To NAGO.
- Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou
Habara's other friend from Sanada East High, who always goes along with whatever Yanagin's up to.
- Action Girl: She is an active wrestler.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Yoshitake. Hilariously enough, when the two interact with one another, it's incredibly awkward.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hypocritical Humor: Criticizes boys about putting on airs when she does the same thing herself. Yoshitake instantly recognizes what she's doing, but decides to keep silent and just play along.
- Know-Nothing Know-It-All: Puts on an air of knowing all about high school boys when she has no experience with them at all (except with Karasawa.)
- Only One Name
- Wrestler in All of Us: Not that readers/viewers can see her in action, though.
Other High School Girls
Literature Girl/"Yassan"
- Voiced by: Youko Hikasa
"She's probably hoping for an unrealistically romantic "Boy Meets Girl" encounter...! Can her mind shake off gravity or what? See, she's already got a distant look in her eyes. I can already tell that her romantic maiden gauge is reading full!"
(Hidenori's Internal Monologue, High School Boy and the Literature Girl 3)
A girl from Sanada West High who wrote a Romance Novel about an encounter between a girl and a geeky, solitary boy who can control wind, and then tried to reenact it in the series' Real Life. Hilarity Ensues, especially when she projects the "boy" to Hidenori, who is well-aware of what she's trying to invoke...
- Adorkable: Trying to reenact her own novel by sitting beside a boy (who happened to be Hidenori) on the Artificial Riverbank? Check.
- All Love Is Unrequited: She crushes hard on Hidenori. Unfortunately, he's too weirded out by her to reciprocate.
- Casting Gag: Tall, Dark and Bishoujo? Check. Sports a Hime Cut? Check. Has a taste for literary subjects? Check. Awkward in her interactions with Hidenori? Check. The casting department must have clearly thought of Mio Akiyama when they cast Youko Hikasa as the Literature Girl.
- Chase Scene: Runs after Hidenori in Episode 10's High School Boys and Running after he left her a note (on the previous skit, High School Boys and Winter) asking her to return his overcoat he left on her way back in Episode 7... all because Hidenori saw her walking with her classmate Takahiro to school, then casually walked away -- she wanted to make sure Hidenori didn't get the wrong idea.
- The Chew Toy/Slapstick Knows No Gender: In particular, High School Boys and the Way You Are.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Dojikko: To an unbelievable extent.
- Epic Fail: Her segment in Episode 7, High School Boys and The Way You Are, is basically one string of failure after failure -- her papers were blown away, she stumbles to the ground, fails to open a box of Band-Ages with her fingernails, coughs out her drink, accidentally lets out a trail of snot, gets her tissues blown away, and finally slides and hits Hidenori -- ending with her breaking down crying. Then Hidenori accidentally headbutts her into unconsciousness while standing up, as a coup de grace to an incredibly humiliating day.
- Geeky Turn On: To repeat, the protagonist in her novel is a "solitary, introrverted Otaku." Downplayed as Hidenori is not.
- Hime Cut
- Hypocritical Humor: In High School Boys and Assertiveness, she says that girls flirting with guys in public are shameless. Takahiro and his friend immediately remind her that she chased Hidenori down.
- Inelegant Blubbering: Any kind of humiliation would bring her into this, such as:
- At the end of High School Boys and Literature Girl, when the reason for her strange antics towards Hidenori was discovered.
- Breaking down crying like a little child after a humiliating string of Epic Fails in High School Boys and The Way You Are.
- At the end of High School Boys and Assertiveness, when Takahiro reminded her of how she chased Hidenori across town.
- Informed Ability: Character sketches portray her as an otherwise sociable, popular girl in Sanada West High... when not sitting next to Hidenori.
- Leitmotif: A lonely piano piece, which resonates well with her seemingly solitary nature, but is also non-indicative of the hilarity that ensues from her interactions with Hidenori. It was even used as the ED for the first episode.
- Longing for Fictionland: Deconstructed and Played for Laughs. Slightly Downplayed as she's only in "fictionland mode" when on that Artificial Riverbank or close to Hidenori; High School Boys and Assertiveness shown a bit of her loud other side.
- Most Writers Are Writers
- Not What It Looks Like: Chased Hidenori in Episode 10 to clear up any misunderstanding caused by him seeing her walking with Takahiro.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: "Literature Girl" is how the author and the viewers call her. In-Universe she's only known as "Yassan."
- A strange note: Some Chinese Language Fan Sub groups would even translate "Yassan" into "Literature Girl."
- The Quiet One: Only when she's with Hidenori; she just uttered 2 lines in the 5 skits involving Hidenori. She is more talkative with her classmates like Takahiro.
- Sailor Fuku
- Strange Girl: This is how Hidenori sees her.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Bonus points, too, for being voiced by Youko Hikasa.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Thinks Like a Romance Novel: When she's around Hidenori on that riverbank, she goes full into this mode. Too bad she's also...
- Wrong Genre Savvy: She doesn't seem to realize that she's in a comedy series, and thus all her attempts to invoke romantic love tropes end up backfiring and humiliating her, most of the time.
- Yandere: Played for Laughs. For an example, just ask the "Overly Self-Conscious Girl" -- the latter received her Death Glare just because Hidenori happened to sit next to the latter on the Artificial Riverbank.
- Voiced by: Aoi Yuuki
Student Council President of the all-girls Sanada East High, who's determined to prove the superiority of girls over boys.
- Big Eater: In High School Boys and Getting Hit On, she ate a whole plate of takoyaki and two taiyaki in short succession -- and she wants more.
- Blush Sticker
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: How did a complete airhead like her even managed to become the Student Council President of Sanada East High?
- Custom Uniform: Anime only. The longer she hangs around the Sanada North High School student council, the more she gains their dress sense. It comes to the point where she's not even wearing her necktie, sweater vest, or even tucking in her uniform blouse into her skirt anymore.
- The Ditz: She's not the brightest bulb in town. For example, on a visit to Sanada North High in High School Girls and Panties, it took her an hour to find out the reason for a lost internet connection: the cable was never plugged on. Then she unwittingly flaunts her panties to Motoharu, the President and the Vice-President; fortunately for her she doesn't get to see them in the act, much less their horrified reaction.
- Does Not Like Men
- Dude Magnet: Gets hit on in short order by three different groups of guys, the last of whom was the Student Council President.
- Genre Blind: During High School Boys and the Savior, she clearly couldn't read the mood, even though Motoharu, Karasawa and the Vice-President were trying to set up a Rescue Romance scenario for her.
- Hair Decorations
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: Downplayed as she already has superiority undercurrents before her first visit to Sanada North, but was only fired up because she found Sanada North's Student Council a more well-managed institution than her school's.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Karasawa was able to distract her by meowing.
- Leitmotif: While not as noticeable as Literature Girl's, Ringo also has a goofy one, which can be heard during her visits to the Sanada North Student Council.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Straw Feminist: A very mild example.
- Student Council President
- Tsundere: Type B -- she actually gets along fine with other people, like the members of the Sanada North student council, but she reacts violently to the antics of their pretty-boy Student Council President.
- Voiced by: Ayahi Takagaki
"Shut up! If you don't die right now, I'll kill you! If you don't wanna get killed, then die!"
Tadakuni's younger sister and a freshman at Sanada Central High. Despite talking with Tadakuni only once a month, she often ends up getting involved in her brother and his friends' hijinks.
- The Faceless
- Girlish Pigtails
- Running Gag: Her brother and his friends keep stealing her lingerie.
- Super Strength: In High School Boys and Tower she can lift both Hidenori and Motoharu on her shoulders, and in High School Boys and UFO Catchers she can shake a UFO Catcher at the arcades which the main trio together couldn't even move.
Tadakuni, Hidenori and Yoshitake, in unison: "Just what IS she?"
- Voiced by: Risa Hayamizu
"It's pretty rare, what we have. Not many siblings get along, you know?"
Motoharu's older sister and a third-year from Sanada West High. Because their parents aren't around much, they're close, relatively speaking.
- Big Eater: In High School Boys and Cooking she ate several croquettes, fried rice, katsudon and Salisbury steak in succession.
- Cool Big Sis: But she used to be (and still is at times) a Big Sister Bully.
- The Faceless
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Motoharu.
- Parental Abandonment
- Sailor Fuku
- The Trickster: Motoharu thinks this is why she's a bit more distant with others. Not that viewers can see that.
Yoshitake's Older Sister
- Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu
"Did you know? Most entertainers get plastic surgery."
Yoshitake's older sister, third-year schoolgirl at Sanada Central High, and a compulsive liar. She's desperate for a boyfriend, and gets highly upset when others bring this fact to light.
- Berserk Button: Pointing out that she doesn't have a boyfriend.
- Big Sister Bully
- Consummate Liar: The main reason why Yoshitake doesn't like her.
- The Faceless: Parodied -- not even Yoshitake knew how she looked!
- Fiery Redhead
- Minor Insult Meltdown: She tries to kill the main trio after Hidenori points out to her (with no malicious intent) that she's always alone on Christmas.
- No Name Given
- Last-Name Basis: only referred by Yuusuke by her surname Tanaka.
- Roar Before Beating
- Sanity Slippage: she certainly had a case of No Love Makes Her Crazy in High School Boys and Older Brothers and Sisters.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Performs a particularly brutal Release German Suplex on Tadakuni.
Nago (奈古)
- Voiced by: Junko Minagawa
"These guys are pissing me off."
A third-year from Sanada Central High and a senior staff in a pizzeria where Tadakuni and Yasunori work part-time.
- Cool Big Sis: To Tadakuni.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fat Girl
- Huge Schoolgirl: Word of God said her height is 171cm.
- Inexplicably Identical Individuals: Nago and NAGO (though their names are written differently in kanji -- 奈古 versus 名護) go to the same school, and the latter looks exactly like her slim and cute reflection in a concave mirror.
- Meganekko: subverted as she is quite grumpy.
- Perpetual Frowner
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Or at least, she would, if she went on a diet and stopped frowning.
- Surrounded by Idiots
NAGO (名護)
- Voiced by: Junko Minagawa
Yanagin's "rival" at Sanada Central High. Her relation to that Nago, if there is any, is unknown.
Note: Due to name similarities with the Nago above, she is referred to in capitals.
- The Ace: Outdoes Yanagin in academics, martial arts and eating.
- Action Girl: Outdoes Yanagin in karate.
- Big Eater: Finishes a jumbo ramen in no time.
- Huge Schoolgirl: She's One Head Taller than Yanagin--but subverted in that she doesn't have the insecurities associated with her height.
- Inexplicably Identical Individuals: Compared to Nago.
- Meganekko
- The Rival: To Yanagin, although she isn't even aware of this.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Yanagin's Sempai
- Voiced by: Shizuka Ito
Student Council President of Sanada Central High, who mentors Yanagin, Habara and Ikushima on how to be "better" high school girls. Apparently has a past with Karasawa as well.
- Captain Ersatz: Character sketches describe her as looking "a little bit familiar" -- she is basically a brunette, loud-mouthed version of Hinagiku Katsura, complete with sharing the same voice actress.
- Cool Big Sis
- The Ditz: Invoked -- she's smart but she encourages girls to become this as some sort of girlish charm. It is for this reason that she is disparaging of Yanagin's street smarts.
- Genre Savvy: At the very least, knowing most girls in last decade's fiction are ditzy to an extreme.
- Hot-Blooded
- Sempai-Kohai
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: With Habara's Sempai.
- Student Council President
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tsurime Eyyes
Overly Self-Conscious Girl
- Voiced by: Haruna Ikezawa
A student at Sanada Central High who gets bothered by every little thing that happens around her.
- Butt Monkey: Already got a taste of the Literature Girl's Yandere tendencies just because Hidenori accidentally sat next to her at their usual Artificial Riverbank. She's basically a female version of Mitsuo.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Mitsuo, down to sharing his reddish-brown hair and an incredibly bad luck.
- Inner Monologue: Justified given how self-conscious she is. In High School Boys and the Literary Girl 4, she has as much of inner monologue as Hidenori.
- Running Gag
"This guy's totally into me!"
- The Trickster: She's playing around with the guys in High School Boys and Distance. Then Yoshitake comes in and turns the tables on her.
- The Trope Without a Title: like the Literature Girl, this name is not even used in-universe.
Other Characters
Yuusuke Tabata
- Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai
Hidenori's older brother and a college freshman.
- All Men Are Perverts: He's a pervert (stealing Mei's panties and bringing it around with him), and apparently so do all his friends and acquaintances, and that's not to mention his younger brother and his friends.
- Idiot Hair
- Megane
- Not So Different: He's as perverted (see "All Men Are Perverts") and sees Yoshitake's older sister's Berserk Button with contempt as the main trio. It also helps that he used to be the ringleader of their group before he left for college.
Rubber Shooter/Yoshitake
- Voiced by: Romi Park
A mysterious kid whose true identity remains unknown. He saved Hidenori from bullies when he was young--and continued to be Hidenori's role model. He was also part of the team that "pacified" Habara.
- Bully Hunter
- Cool Mask: It's Kamen Rider.
- Fail O'Suckyname: Due to Separated by a Common Language, while "rubber" would only mean rubber bands in Japan, most other English speakers would be confused about what he shoots, especially the Americans.
- Just Whistle: Defied -- although he tells Hidenori to call him with the whistle when he needs help, later he tells him not to rely on the strong to always help him.
- Leitmotif: Pachelbel's Canon
- Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi
A girl who lives in Hidenori's maternal hometown.
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode 9's High School Boys and Dropkicks and High School Boys and the End of Summer.
- Action Girl
- Actor Allusion: While she performs a dropkick to Hidenori, he screams "Tiro Finale!" -- an obvious nod to one of her voice actress's most famous roles as Mami Tomoe.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Cannot Spit It Out: Spent many days during summer break with Hidenori trying (to no avail) to confess to him.
- Shaggy Dog Story: She finally finds the chance to confess her love to Hidenori on a festival, which coincides with his last day in town. But just when she thinks she finally found her chance (after several days without much success)...
- Surprise Incest: ...Hidenori makes a most surprising revelation to her: they are cousins.
"And so, I ended my summer break without being able to do a thing."
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