< Celestial Refresh

Celestial Refresh/Characters

A few of the (many) characters who have appeared in the Online RP Site Celestial Refresh. Note that while these characters are from established works already on this site, their personalities may be quite different from their original canon.

Fair warning, too: much of the information here may be confusing to read about if you aren't familiar with the site. Characters are organised according to their player-made faction. Also contains some unmarked spoilers in regards to the characters' original works, so you've been warned.

Altruistic Valorians

The Valorians multiversal peace-keeping force formerly established within the city of Soleanna. They are finalising a move to Space Colony ARK. Generally contains the most moral of the Multiverse's inhabitants; those who would help others even at great risk to themselves.

Tropes related to the Altruistic Valorians:

Miles Tails Prower

Once a sidekick of a legendary hero, Tails now stands as one of the most powerful and intelligent beings in the multiverse. He is considered a genius, though he is still quite young.

Viewtiful Joe

One of many famous heroes from movieland, known for his hot blood.

  • Arc Fatigue: The topic that killed him went on for quite some time.
  • Sitcom: Is effectively forming one with Dante and Deadpool, once they take over Seventh Heaven.

Shadow the Hedgehog

Shaking off his identity as living weapon, Shadow has become the second-in-command the the Valorians.


A pacifistic, albeit powerful robot that fights for everlasting peace.

Garrus Vakarian

One the the Valorian's newer recruits, whose polarising views have caused much discussion among the faction's members.

Lords Of Midnight

Ambitious rulers of evil persuasion usually find themselves here, but more often than not, wind up fighting amongst themselves in their vies for power. Still one of the more powerful influences on the Multiverse.

Tropes related to the Lords of Midnight:

  • Anachronism Stew
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Well, they're not called the Lords for nothing.
  • Evil Counterpart: To the Noblesse Oblige, in some ways.
  • Five-Bad Band:
    • The Big Bad: Ganondorf. Rules the Lords, and is very protective of his authority.
    • The Dragon: SA-X and Kerrigan. Both command armies equal or more than Ganondorf's, who will only accept commands from them alone. Either could also potentially wrest control of the faction should he ever die.
    • The Evil Genius: SA-X double duties as this, due to her forces holding the highest technology in the group.
    • The Brute: Tabitha. Her only desire is to destroy people she views weaker than her, and joined to get revenge on Apex for leaving her in the lurch. Has not been heard from in some months, though. Dark Samus might count for this position if she weren't The Load.
    • The Dark Chick: B.B. Hood. Delightfully insane, and isn't afraid to show it while she kills you, which, given her status as one of the strongest members, she could do quite easily.
  • Monster Mash: The inhuman members of the faction heavily outnumber those who are - the only definite one who holds authority now is Ganondorf himself, and even he might not qualify.
  • Social Darwinist


A king that now sits on a blood-stained throne


The leader of the X-Parasite race, the SA-X is calm and methodical in most situations.

B.B. Hood

A bounty hunter, long since descended into madness.

Multiverse Garden

A faction dedicated to the training of young students in combat. Students whom are trained here go on to become mercenaries, and take on many missions throughout the Multiverse.

Zack Fair

Instructor of physical combat and swordplay

Paula Polestar

A powerful user of PSI. Once an innocent child, she has suffered many losses.


A guardian from a xenophobic kingdom, now adapting to life with several strange species as his peers.

Aribeth de Tylmarande

A ghostly paladin from the world of Faerun, recently recovered from falling to Blackguard status and escaping Hell itself. Has a tendency to wander away for long periods of travel, training, and contemplation.

Noblesse Oblige

Initially a catch all for Fire Emblem characters or those from Middle Ages settings, the Noblesse Oblige has formed a strong identity based on the fellowship among named members. For this very reason, the faction is remarkably susceptible to having members cursed or kidnapped (occasionally both at once). With their headquarters in ruins, they have retreated to their remaining holdings to plan a counterattack.

Tropes associated with Noblesse Oblige:

  • Five-Man Band: formerly. Sparrow's death and the disappearance of several characters due to their players leaving the site has caused Noblesse Oblige to dwindle to a Power Trio.
  • Medieval European Fantasy: Their headquarters.
  • Out of Focus: None of the players involved with the faction have logged much time on their affiliated characters in the past few months.
  • Schizo-Tech: A spaceport has been established near a town where indoor plumbing is still unheard of. Civilian reactions most commonly oscillate between curiosity, fright and jealousy.


Hailing from an ancient land known as Nippon, Amaterasu is the land's Sun Goddess. After wandering among the Multiverse for a while and getting caught up in an incident on the Tower of Twilight, she joined up with the Noblesse Oblige, at first because of a mutual acquaintance, and then out of a simple desire to protect the multiverse just as she had her home.


Arguably The Heart of the faction, Florina is a pegasus knight from the snowy, impoverished country of Ilia.


A woman from a post-apocalyptic wasteland, an artificial construct designed to control an army. Only recently has she been putting that power to good use. Despite being a clone, she had since given birth to a daughter, Hope, who, thanks to a near death experience in the womb, and a fatal accident after birth, has physically aged four years, and has been granted magical powers stemming from the Netherrealm.


Multiverse veteran Lute joined the faction because she was intrigued by how similar the faction headquarters were to those found on her home world. Due to her off-beat humour and occasionally lacking social skills, she has yet to participate much in group interactions.


Sparrow is a Hero from the land of Albion, and a man of strange behavior. After Eliwood departed Crimea for unknown reasons, Sparrow took charge of Castle Crimea and currently leads the faction in most of it's decisions.


Former head of the Divine City's Academy of Wizardry, Tyurru is a sorceress who specialises in controlling water. She is most often accompanied by a water sprite named Liva, and is famous for terraforming part of the mostly barren Moon.

The Underworld

The Underworld is a fledging yet still dangerous crime syndicate, masquerading as a salvaging company known as the Finders. Exactly what they can do is unknown, but it certainly can't be good.


One of the Underworld's founding members, serving more-or-less as their figurehead. Alias 'Remilia Scarlet'.

Ezio Auditore

Another of the three founding members; an assassin from ancient times, ready to put his skill to good use in the Multiverse.

  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Revenge: Started the faction as a method of extracting justice on whoever drained his hard-earned skills.
  • Put on a Bus: the player has left the board, due to IRL issues. His character is implied to have vanished, too - though a remarkable likeness, more than eighteen months after his disappearance, has shown up in some in-universe media.


...it's Deadpool.


A half-devil looking for his brother

  • Happily Married: Sort of. Is in a long-term relationship with the shapeshifter Trish.
  • Heel Face Turn: Has recently left the Apex, although granted, he didn't get much chance to actually BE a heel...
  • Rule of Cool: Is fond of backflips and generally being stylish.
  • Sitcom: Formed one with Joe and Deadpool, after taking over Seventh Heaven.


A ruthless Nobody joining essentially for something to do.

Phoenixes of Armageddon

The newest faction is a band of brigands, pirates, and anarchist.

Alan Schezar

  • Memetic Mutation: It's a recurring joke that Alan contracted Space Aids as a result of his personal encounter with Jenova.
  • Gender Bender: Has sense given away the belt that did this
  • Big Bad: After Meph's vanishing act, has begun to try and take this title. With insanely powerful stats that only a handful of people could even hope to fight, is well on his way.
  • Mini-Mecha: Alan uses on as his main weapon of war, the newly rebuilt Thanatos Mk II
  • Powered Armor: Most Alan's soldiers use these, being Terrans.
  • Elite Mooks: The fluff behind the summons Alan has. They are supposed to be the elite/veteran versions of his usual mooks, hence why they have actual stats.
  • Five-Bad Band: Seven in this case
    • The Big Bad: Alan, of course.
    • The Dragon: Derek takes on this role being the second in command and the strongest of the group(not including Thanatos)
    • The Brute: Scalieus(with the Thunder of Death)
    • The Dark Chick: Millenia fills this role perfectly. More than happy to flaunt her "assets" and use them to kill you.
    • The Chick: Ally is this, an odd hero role in an all villain group. While she serves Alan with unquestioning loyalty due to her machine brain, she will not harm anyone and is simply with the group to help keep them alive.
    • Sixth Ranger: Ray who is more a cross between the Dragon and Brute. Only not tough enough and too smart to be a brute, and not a capable leader like the Dragon. Instead he fits his own niche as spymaster/assassin.
  • Villainous Friendship: A Type 1 between Derek and Alan. It will not end well for whoever hurts either of them in front of the other.


  • Even Evil Has Standards: Derek, while willing to kill POWs and anyone who is a soldier, refuses to kill civilians and noncombatants.
  • A Father to His Men: Derek is more than willing to take any bullet, spell, or sword meant for his men.


  • Sociopathic Soldier: Is more than willing to use hostages, dirty tricks, or any other under-handed tactics to win. Is the third type mostly due to his training rather than a traumatic event(though the training could be considered traumatic)





  • Terrible Trio: The Advent Children bad guys.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Well woman in this case...or virus. While Alan is the more well known and obvious threat, Jenova is working behind the scenes with him. Considering what she plans to do to the multiverse, people are going to wish Alan was the worst problem.
  • Humanoid Abomination: She is a nothing more than a virus with a hive mind.

Setzer Gabbani

Lunar Shield

A recently formed police force dedicated to keeping the Moon as safe as possible

Optimus Prime



  • Action Girl




  • Cute Mute: Not so cute when you realize how he became mute


Nanoha Takamachi


  • Defrosting Ice King: Very minor case. In light of losing his power base and having to deal with normal people instead of complete maniacs, Smug Snakes, and warmongering bosses to get it back, he's being forced to interact socially to garner connections. Reisen and his soldiers are actively trying to encourage this, but it's unlikely to happen on a major scale.
  • Guns Are Useless: Is highly vexed that guns aren't as effective in the multiverse as they were in his home universe, and plans to eventually avert this.
  • The Unfettered: As seen in a recent topic with Leonora, his turning over a new leaf at the end of his second game appearance has done nothing to remove his pragmatism or vicious streak. You almost feel sorry for those pirates...


Those whom have no interest in factions, or those whom have abandoned theirs. These people work on their own.

+5: Saintly



+4: Virtuous


  • Healing Hands: Her healing is always portrayed as coming from her hands, although her sleeves often cover the process.
  • Good Is Old-Fashioned: Leonora is one of the few to still have very few clues as to how technology really works, despite being friends with Roll, the Robot Maid . She also lives in a low-tech home on Gaia. Justified in that she comes from a low-technology world herself.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Nice Hat: Some characters (Notably Mordecai) seem to be a little too focused on Leonora's mitre...
  • The Red Mage: With a heavier leaning on White Magic (Leonora is in the running for having the strongest healing techniques of any Rank 1 Character), Leonora is still capable of defending herself with Black Magic . Of course, when she runs out of magic, she is literally incapable of dealing damage.
  • White Magician Girl


Son of the marquess of Pherae, Eliwood is a former member of the Noblesse Oblige. He has since joined the Forgotten Hunters to participate more closely in the Hyrule storyline.


A fallen queen of a ruined country


One tough cream puff from Pop Star.

Minato Arisato

An Ordinary High School Student with the ability to summon facets of his personality to do battle.

  • Continuity Nod / Shout-Out: His Flitter account name is RaMeNbOi1990
  • Ditto Fighter: Tsungxpert level, sort of. As he becomes friends with people, he obtains personas that mimic their techniques, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

+3: Heroic



Michael Wilson

  • Berserk Button Don't attack innocents around him. ESPECIALLY not in the Tower of Twilight.
  • Eagle Land: Well duh, just look at where he came from.

Francis York Morgan

+2: Good

Frank West

40 year old photojournalist that is an expert in zombie killing, despite being infected himself and needing to take medicine to suppress the zombie virus.

  • Deadpan Snarker: Most of Franks dialogue.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Frank has a humanized Photo Finish as a partner. She's a rather serious and famous fashion photographer, Frank is an unknown, wacky photojournalist and possible cross dresser. It's impossible for them to not insult each other every now and again.
  • Badass Grandpa: Despite being overweight and middle aged, Frank can perform incredible acrobatics and has knowledge of Karate, Jeet Kwon Do, and Wrestling teqniques.
  • Weapon of Choice: is a katana duct taped to the end of a scythe.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall/Lampshade Hanging: Done regularly.
    • "He wondered if he'd have to pay them, which wouldn't be a problem, since there's apparently a bank on the Moon that just handed out free money."
  • Iconic Item: Franks camera, which he uses in every topic he's in at one point or another.
  • Camera Fiend: Both Frank and Photo fit into this category, except some of Photo's attacks are just using cameras.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Though they're both photographers, Frank's hot blooded method of getting the scoop is to determinedly get the facts by any means necessary , Red Oni, while Photo veers more to more subtle, level headed ways to let the facts come to her, keeping her eyes and ears open for an opportunity for the facts to come to her, Blue Oni.
  • Dirty Old Man: Frank constantly flirts with most young females he meets, most likely because his love life has been less then succesful thus far to no fault of his own.
    • Chivalrous Pervert: Despite constant flirtations and the fact he's usually kidding, Frank would probably stick his neck out for any man or woman he just met, and tries to show respect to people who deserve it.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Spaghetti Time" Said before attacking Rose Shepard, Paletress, and Vanille on the 2nd Hearts Day Slugfest.
  • Improvised Weapon/Improbable Weapon User: Obviously.
  • Awesome Yet Practical: Franks Blast Frequency Gun may be bulky, but it's easily customizable that he turned it into a gun that shoots lightning with just a few simple tweaks and a cattle prod duct taped tot he bottom of the barrel.
    • He also already knows how to make it not only shoot lightning, but also lasers that EXPLODE and concentrated sonic blasts, and is simply looking for the materials to do this with and figure out how to make it fire all three attacks at the same time!
    • See Weapon of Choice above.
  • Badass Normal
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Word of God states that by the end of 2012, Frank will have an entire group behind his back. Frank and Photo already formed a group called Dead Shot Photographers.
    • The Hero: Frank, who's basically Mcgyver if he was a wacky, middle-aged, overweight, Genre Savvy photojournalist.
    • The Fashionista: Photo Finish, obvious, since it's kind of her job.

+1: Reluctant


A young girl with rabbit ears and tail, who was cursed with a set of cat ears. Endlessly optimistic, adventurous, determined, and hot tempered.

  • Character Development: While her boundless determination is still there, recent events are making her a bit more cautious and considerate towards others.
  • Determinator: Despite the below, she's still working towards her goals of removing her curse and helping Chelsea find a way home.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Or rather 'I Need To Lay Down', after the end of the below Trauma Conga Line.
  • It Got Worse: Her cat ears are gone! ...So long as nobody says 'cat' or 'kitten' or the like, and saying them more then once in a row without saying 'bunny' or 'rabbit' to reverse it starts adding MORE cat features.
    • In what's more a step to the side than an actual qualification of this trope, she no longer grows/loses cat features depending on whether someone says a specific word... instead, she gets stuck with two or three random cat features that change every time she falls asleep. She was put off when she woke up the first time this happened covered in orange fur. Luckily, her cat features have been ones that were easily hidden since that point, so she considers it a step up from the previous situation.
  • Trauma Conga Line: After BMD and weeks looking for a cure with Chelsea without results, she went dimension hopping to look for cures in other worlds (forgot to plan a way back), found out Chelsea got dragged along with her, saw Chelsea get mauled (non-fatally) because she distracted her in a fight (something she could have arrived to help with earlier if she wasn't obsessed with searching for a cure first), found a guy named Ventus who tried to help her find a cure, and then was hit with three Hope Spots in a row before learning the attempt to remove her curse made it even worse.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Chelsea. The two are practically opposites, but they do genuinely enjoy the each others company and act with concern when the other is hurt.


A young man struggling with both his desire for vengeance, and his gnawing guilt over previous actions all while working towards saving his father.

  • Byronic Hero: Elements of this mixed with Anti-Hero due to his father's sacrifice, and a rather long talk he had with Lenneth.
  • The Atoner: Wylfred recognizes the errors of his past and is trying his best to make up for them, even though a part of him believes that his betrayals of Ancel and Fauxnel will always condemn him.
  • Enemy Mine: With Ailyth. One moment they are fighting to the death over the fact that Ailyth had played Wylfred like a fool during his Roaring Rampage of Revenge, the next moment they find themselves thrown into the multiverse together. While they both benefit from working with each other when Wylfred isn't bordering upon attacking her, it's a tentative arrangement as far as Wylfred is concerned. Of course, Ailyth has other ideas...
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Subverted by the fact it was a draw, but Wylfred was able to finally put aside his desire to slay Lenneth after battling her just moments after she arrived in the multiverse.

0: Neutral

-1: Misunderstood


A bitter and sarcastic witch with a skill for summoning and a penchant for collecting and creating magical items.

... If there was one thing besides magic that Misery considered herself adept at it was proper civility. These were guests in her home - it would be rude to interrupt the proper flow of conversation. Misery may have the moral inhibitions of the average mad wizard or depraved academic - which, in many ways, were both titles she qualified for - but she DID have standards of her own nonetheless.

-2: Sadistic


-3: Villainous

Metal Sonic

Doppelganger to the Blue Blur, and (supposedly) one of his greatest foes.


An egomaniac computer program bent on the destruction of humanity

  • The Brute: Also far from dumb, but single-minded enough to qualify.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Pulled this early on in Meph's invasion of Hyrule. His factionmates were less than amused.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Seems to happen how any time he's angry. Or significantly annoyed. Or attacking humans.


A sadistic and deceitful first level Nightmaren who prefers the use of cunning strategies and dirty tricks over brute force.

-4: Evil

-5: Impious


NPCs - General

Non-player characters whom have still had a large impact on the game as a whole.

The Shy Guys

Tired of continually being stomped on by Mario, eaten by Yoshi, and used as projectile weapons by everyone else, the Shy Guys have driven themselves to become the predominant economic powerhouse in the multiverse. This has come with the clout to form their own military, police force, and (the unfounded rumors of) a mafia. Despite this, Shy Guys tend to stay out of all but the most multiversal threatening conflicts. There's more profit to be had that way.


A knight from the universe of Vanda, keeper of the four Elemental Crystals.

  • Aborted Arc: The storyline he began only lasted to the end of the competition and the naming of the four elemental guardians; the disappearance of the storyteller behind the plotline resulted in it being abandoned.

NPCs - Yol'Ari Arc

NPCs - God Wars Arc


Bit Swordmaker

Jake the Bastard


The Unknown

NPCs - Judges Arc

Justice Raxeos

Justice Rhea

Justice Olgilve

Justice (?)

Justice (?)

The Golden Enforcer

NPCs - Faction Wars Arc

NPCs - Infection Arc

    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.