Blue Exorcist/Characters
Characters appearing in Blue Exorcist. Work In Progress, additions are greatly welcomed.
All names are in the Western order.
Main Characters
Rin Okumura
Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto
The protagonist. Rin and his twin brother Yukio were raised by Father Fujimoto Shiro. Something of a Delinquent but with a good heart, he turns out to be the son of Satan.
- Adaptation Dye Job: In the manga his hair is pure black, the anime translated that color to blue.
- Almighty Janitor: In terms of overall combat he is a lot stronger than his fellow classmates. This is extremely evident when fighting Amaimon -- while he easily curbstomped his allies, he had to put a little more effort defeating him.
- Made even more obvious when Rin fought Amaimon with his sword drawn, almost defeating the latter if the battle wasn't interrupted. Amaimon, one of the strongest demons in Gehenna that no exorcist will be able to defeat on their own.
- Expanded upon and taken Up to Eleven in episode 17, where he utterly trashes Amaimon, who was earlier shown to be casually defeating Shura and Angel - a high class exorcist and the strongest exorcist in the order, respectively.
- Anti-Anti-Christ: He's the son of Satan but he wants to kick his ass.
- Badass Abnormal: Given his lineage...
- Berserk Button: Do not harm Yukio or Shiemi in any way.
- Berserk Mode: If he stays in his demonic state too long, he'll become more or less a vessel of violence and not much else.
- Book Dumb
- Cain and Abel: Played with and ultimately subverted.
- Calling the Old Man Out: He wants to kill daddy Satan.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: As shown when Shura accidentally mixes up their drinks.
- Character Development: Already in practice. He started out much angrier and discontented than he is now. Although still insecure, he seems to be happier and a bit more easygoing.
- Cool Sword
- Fangs Are Evil: Inverted.
- Fantastic Arousal: His tail, at least in fanworks. Since this is a shounen-series and less-focused on something like this, it is up to debate whether this is canon or not. Pulling it does result in massive pain and near-incapacitation.
- Familiar: His is a Mega Neko.
- Foil: To Yukio, he has the friendly personality that everyone loves.But he's also Book Dumb and sometimes has the maturity of a 10 year old.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Happily Adopted: Until Fujimoto died.
- Healing Factor: Chopping his foot off? This is nothing!
- Hellfire: His Blue flames.
- Heroic BSOD: Occurs in chapters 25 and 26 of the manga, where he thinks he's better off dead, can't unsheathe his sword due to lack of confidence, and is sentenced to execution. After a Cooldown Hug from Shiemi, he's a-okay, though!
- He Who Fights Monsters: A constant struggle for him as he never wants to become a true monster himself.
- Hidden Depths: He's an amazing cook. A-ma-zing.
- Hot-Blooded
- Hunter of His Own Kind: Mephisto calls him the Blue Exorcist, fated to hunt and exterminate his own kind.
- I Am What I Am: After the defeat of the Impure King, he realizes he must accept the Satanic Flames inside him if he is to grow as a person and Exorcist.
- Idiot Hero: Especially compared to Yukio, who's also his professor.
- Immortality: Type III. He's got the Healing Factor down pat, and the lack of aging can be inferred from the fact that Mephisto Pheles, another Son of Satan, has served the organization for over 200 years yet looks no older than thirty.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He has a good heart and genuinely loves his friends but is more often than not a bit abrasive.
- Kill It with Fire: His modus operandi when fighting with demons. Recently, he has learned to control it so that it selectively damages creatures(i.e. demons) within its range and leaves normal humans unscathed.
- Laser Guided Tykebomb: Is kept alive just to become a weapon to destroy Satan. Inverted since the ones who were raising him were good guys, and most of them had the good sense to be nice to him about it.
- Meaningful Name: The kanji for Rin's name, 燐, means "Phosphorus".
- In addition, the Greek word for phosphorus, Φωσφόρος , literally means "light-bearer." In Latin, this is "lucem ferre," more commonly shortened to Lucifer.
- Pointy Ears
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Yukio's blue.
- Screw Destiny: Doesn't care about being a demon or a tykebomb--every time the subject is brought up, he just yells that he will become an exorcist.
- Sibling Triangle: With Yukio towards Shiemi.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Yukio.
- Son Of Satan
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Subverted -- he can somewhat control his flames, but the longer he stays with his sword drawn, the more he loses control of himself. As shown in Chapter 14, he can completely stop acting like a human.
- Super Strength: Shown to have this.
- Supreme Chef
- Shonen Upgrade: Subverted, as Rin has had his powers all along. All he needs is to unlock (and learn to control) them all.
- Technicolor Fire: It's blue
- Fire becomes blue if it hits high enough temperatures, so it's Truth in Television.
- Telepathy: He and Kuro are able to communicate using telepathy. He's able to read Kuro's thoughts, though it remains to be seen how his range of this communication goes with other demons.
- In the anime, his hearing of demon's language extends to Ukobach too.
- Tiger Versus Dragon: The tiger to Bon's dragon.
- To Be a Master: Rin desires to be like Shiro and become the highest class Exorcist. While not his only goal, it is a major one.
- Tsundere: An adorable mild version.
- Tsurime Eyes
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: To Yukio. Ironically, Yukio has always envied his tougher, more confident brother which makes him more susceptible to the dark side.
- Wreathed in Flames: When he draws on his demonic powers.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It is a show called Blue Exorcist after all. Considering he glows blue flames and is half-demon, It's probably justified.
Yukio Okumura
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama
Rin's younger twin brother, a professor, and a Middle First-Class Exorcist. Very smart and mature, more so than his brother. A calm and a competent teacher.
- The Ace: Is there anything he can't do?
- Broken Ace: Given his level of self-hatred for his own weaknesses and on some level hating his brother and the only father he ever knew.
- Badass Bookworm: Rin can hardly believe that he was the same kid he once defended from bullies.
- Beauty Mark: Has three of them and he's a little embarrassed by them.
- Berserk Button: Same as Rin's. Really.
- Big Little Brother: Sort of. He's extremely smart (got the top score in his incoming class), tall, very handsome and a well accomplished Middle First Class Exorcist at 15 years old. Compare him to his older, shorter, less brilliant twin, Rin, who's only an ExWire currently.
- Bishie Sparkle
- Demonic Possession: In the anime, by his father.
- Foil: To Rin, he has the brains and maturity, but is missing out on Rin's friendly extroverted personality.
- Freak-Out: Following an arduous battle with Toudou, Toudou regenerates from pieces on the ground and grabs him with a disembodied hand telling Yukio that his self-loathing is the first step to becoming a demon, and that Yukio's true nature is a demon. Bullets ensue.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Towards his older brother and father. In chapter 35, he looked this at seeing Tatsuma praise Rin as "a great man like his father", Fujimoto Shiro.
- The Gunslinger
- Guns Akimbo: Sometimes, and in the anime trailer.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Subverted
- Happily Adopted: Until Fujimoto died.
- He Who Fights Monsters: His Broken Ace feelings and self-loathing could easily turn him into the very thing he fights.
- Hidden Depths: Reads Jump Square every month and even likes gag manga, of all things.
- Hot Wings: In the anime following possession by Satan.
- Improbable Age: He is the Exwires teacher and Rin's younger twin brother.
- Megane
- Minored in Asskicking: Much to his older brother's annoyance..
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Rin's red.
- The Resenter: Oh and how.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Whenever he wants to be imposing.
- Sibling Triangle: With Rin towards Shiemi.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Rin.
- Summon Magic: Though not having a meister as a Tamer, he summons a group of Naiads to imprison Saburota Toudou in a sphere of water. Unfortunately due to his inexperience, Toudou immediately escapes.
- Tsundere: Male familial version towards Rin.
- Wise Beyond Their Years
Shiemi Moriyama
Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa
A former Ill Girl who loves gardening and all nature. Good-natured and sweet. Demonstrates extensive knowledge of plants. Used to be seen only in a kimono.
- Admiring A Shadow: Has always believed that Yukio was perfect and has always admired him for it, but after witnessing an argument between him and Rin in chapter 36 she realizes that that's not the case.
- Apologises a Lot
- Badass Adorable
- Barrier Warrior: In fighting the Naberius during the Page exam, she used Niichan to grow a tree barrier.
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Izumo's Veronica.
- Bob Haircut
- Character Development: Goes from a Shrinking Violet barely able to go to school without shaking uncontrollably. To a Plucky Girl, who with her powerful familar is able to fight with the best of them.
- Comically Missing the Point/Insult Backfire: When Izumo laments that she can't believe she has friends like her, who's "as shameless as a weed", she thinks it's a pep talk and vows to become "as strong as a weed".
- Cute Clumsy Girl
- Damsel in Distress
- Extreme Doormat: Was this in the beginning because of her belief that that's how friends treat friends. She grew out of it.
- Familiar: Has one named "Nii-chan," a small, cute plant demon. It's really useful.
- Fragile Flower: Probably the most sensitive person in this manga, but she's getting better.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Green Eyes
- Green Thumb
- Hair of Gold and Hair Antennae
- Hair Decorations: After getting her school uniform.
- Hello, Nurse!: The boys' reaction when she first but on her school uniform.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: Called herself useless alot when she didn't have her familiar.
- Hidden Buxom: The guys are utterly gobsmacked when they see her wearing something other than her modest, concealing kimono.
- Complete with Gainaxing.
- Hikikomori: At first, before Rin got her interested in seeing more of the world.
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- Innocent Flower Girl: Sorta subverted since she's not sick anymore and she's starting to get over her shyness, but she's still kind and she still has plenty of knowledge on plants, flowers and the like. And she also lives at a herbs/plant shop.
- Ill Girl
- Love Triangle: She is the Archie in the Sibling Triangle between Rin and Yukio, and she is the Betty in a love triangle with Izumo for Rin.
- Luminescent Blush: In the manga, Shiemi blushes in almost every panel she's in.
- Nice Girl
- No Social Skills: In the manga, she thought that Rin not telling her that he was the son of Satan meant that she wasn't a good trustworthy friend. Needless to say, she took it pretty personally.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Given everything else here, it should be obvious that Shiemi often ends up like this, much to Rin's confusion and Izumo's chagrin.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Her familiar, Nii-chan.
- Tender Tears
- The Nicknamer: with herbs
- Tareme Eyes
- The Medic
- Oblivious to Love: She doesn't seem to notice all the love triangles that involve her.
- Plucky Girl
- Shrinking Violet
- Squishy Wizard: Without her familiar, she's pretty defenseless.
- Stepford Smiler: Shows signs of being this, she's very optimistic and always wants to help out her friends but she hides her sadness when she can't do anything.
- Summon Magic
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's the girly girl to Izumo's tomboy.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Later on with Izumo.
- Zettai Ryouiki: After getting her school uniform.
Cram School Students
Ryuji "Bon" Suguro
Voiced by: Kazuya Nakai
Child of the Head Priest of the Cursed Temple Satan destroyed 16 years ago. Bon is trying to acquire the title of Meister in both Aria and Dragoon. Also wants to kill Satan.
- Badass Bookworm
- Blush Sticker: It must be seen to be believed.
- Calling the Old Man Out: In later chapters.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: Bon passes out drunk after one drink when Shura mixes up the drinks... again.
- Delinquent Hair/Face of a Thug
- Eye Pop: Didn't seem to take Rin seriously when he said Blackie could change sizes.
- Genius Bruiser
- Hidden Depths: Rin immediately assumes that Bon's nothing but an angry brute. Turns out he's very smart, hardworking, and loves cleaning and meditation, not to mention he's an eloquent reciter.
- Hot-Blooded
- It's Personal: Against Satan, for wrecking his family's temple and scaring many people away from it, who believed it to be a cursed place.
- Not So Different: From Rin. Lampshaded by Konekomaru and Renzo.
Renzo: Aren't they rather...similar?
Konekomaru: So much so that they can't be around each other!
- Perpetual Frowner
- Death Glare: And he is worried about it
- Playing with Fire: In chapter 27, he inherited the red flames of Gouhaen from his father.
- The Rival
- Scholarship Student
- Skunk Stripe
Izumo Kamiki
Voiced by: Eri Kitamura
A stubborn, haughty girl with twintails who initially mocked Shiemi. Instant Expert at calling up Familiars, rather skilled in combat.
- Alpha Bitch
- Badass Adorable
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Shiemi's Betty.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Pointed out by Rin who nicknames her "Eyebrows" against her will.
- Brainy Brunette: Is at the top of her class.
- Break the Haughty
- Girlish Pigtails
- Familiars: Has a pair of very powerful foxes who almost killed her when they saw she wasn't as strong as she seemed.
- Friendless Background: Happened due to being the only one who could see demons and such.
- Ice Queen
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While rather rude and blunt to those around her, she's also a genuinely good girl. She encourages Shiemi (in her own way) when the latter has given up and is the first to defend Rin (and for a while, the only one to stand by his side) when it's revealed that he's the son of Satan and all his other friends are uneasy around him.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: When no one's around of course.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Not exactly evil, just prideful.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The tomboy to Shiemi's girly girl. Although she's not that tomboyish...
- Tsundere: Type A, right down to the twintails and kneesocks.
- Tsurime Eyes
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair: In the anime and some colored manga pages.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade S, even!
Renzou Shima
Voiced by: Koji Yusa
One of Bon's childhood friends from Kyoto. A slightly perverted Buddhist priest with pink hair and entomophobia.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Takes every opportunity he can to flirt with a female.
- Lovable Coward: Contemplates running away most of the time. If he does run, he never fails to come back for his friends.
- Nun-Too-Holy
- Rose-Haired Guy: Much to his father's chagrin.
- Subverted that it's just dyed but fits the trope otherwise.
- Simple Staff
- Theme Naming: His siblings are named Kinzou (not that one) and Juuzou (not that one, either).
- Why Did It Have To Be Bugs?
Konekomaru Miwa
Voiced by: Yuuki Kaji
The other of the Kyoto trio. He's a short priest with a shaved head and a timid nature. Good at reciting scripture, though not nearly at the level that Bon can.
- Animal Motifs: Cats.
- Happily Adopted: By his best friend's family no less.
- Megane
- Parental Abandonment: His parents both died on the Blue Night.
- The Smart Guy
- Theme Naming: Let's see, loves cats, drinks hot milk every day, hates being cold. His first name almost literally translates to 'Circle of Kittens'.
- Smart People Wear Glasses
True Cross Academy Staff
Mephisto Pheles
Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya
Chairman of the True Cross Academy who, after Fujimoto died, was ordered to kill Rin. However, he accepted Rin's proposal in becoming an Exorcist and entered him into True Cross Academy. Can turn into a dog. He's also another Son of Satan, making him Rin's half-brother.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Of eye color variety. He has Blue Eyes in the manga and Green Eyes in the anime.
- The Chessmaster/Guile Hero/Manipulative Bastard: Depending on who he's really working for (other than himself), Mephisto is shaping up to be one of these. Pity the guys on the other side.
- Devil in Plain Sight: He may be a subversion though. After all, while he certainly is a son of Satan, he was also close friends with Fujimoto and is one of the good guys right now. Technically, at least. See For the Evulz below.
- Eccentric Mentor: If Mephisto really is on the side of the Exorcists, then he is this. Older than most of other characters? Check. Knows more than he lets on most of the time? Check. Usually acts like comic relief? Check. Eccentric? Double check. Cares not for what others may think? Considering his fashion sense, probably check. Acts like a mentor/protector/guide? Check, to his students and school. More powerful than he shows? Considering he was able to drag a berserker Rin around while calmly sheathing his sword and pleasantly talking to someone, that would most likely be a check[1]. Seems to prefer letting his students solve problems by themselves? Mostly check, with him making a few nudges here and there. He seems to fit this trope very well but then, if he's not on the side he claims to be on, he may be a subversion.
- Familiar: Has two different ones so far. One is Ukobach, a demon who, as shown in the anime, cooks food for Rin and Yukio. The other is apparently disguised as his umbrella most of the time.
- For the Evulz: (Or is it for the goodz?) His reason for being the leader of the side that wants to take down his dad is because he's bored.
- Fun Size: His dog form.
- Gratuitous German: While it is the correct usage, he gratuitously uses "eins, zwei, drei" occasionally, which simply means "one, two, three". He has also used two spells called "Kuchen Cuckoo House" (kuchen being the German word for "cake", used in other languages to describe various other sweets) and "Das Stärkste Gefängnis", meaning "the Strongest Prison". This is possibly justified in that his namesake originates from German folklore.
- Hellish Pupils
- Idiot Hair: And how. It's hidden under the hat.
- The Insomniac: The tankobon claims he has one hour of sleep a night.
- Lethal Chef
- Man in White: More often than not.
- Meaningful Name/Named After Somebody Famous: Named after the demon in the archetypal Deal with the Devil German tale of Faust.
- Nice Hat
- Otaku: According to the character profiles in the tankobon, he enjoys movies, manga, anime, video games, music, toys, and subcultures.
- Public Domain Character: In the anime continuity, at least, where it's made explicit that he is the very same Mephistopheles who contracted with Faust in the original folktale. In the manga, this remains to be seen.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Has been working with the exorcists for 200 years.
Shura Kirigakure
Voiced by: Rina Satou
26-year-old Badass Upper First Class Exorcist swordswoman. Rather busty and favours wearing very little clothing. Has long red hair and acts a bit childish. Also an instructor.
- Adult Child
- Badass: An Upper First-Class exorcist trained personally by Father Fujimoto. She basically kicks ass every time she draws her sword. Even Mephisto takes her seriously when she starts to (perhaps unknowingly) mess with his plans a little. For Mephisto, this is definitely saying something as he doesn't seem to take things seriously 98% of the time.
- Boobs of Steel
- Bottle Fairy: She even drinks on the job, if presented with the opportunity.
- Brilliant but Lazy: She avoided promotions to be near Fujimoto, who she also considered as her father; however she really is that lazy and that gifted, which infuriates Yukio to no end.
- Captain Ersatz: Yoko from Gurren Lagann. Red hair in a ponytail, long weapon strapped to her back, bikini and booty shorts uniform, tough attitude, big boobs & big boots.? C'mon.
- Christmas Cake: She introduces herself to her class as eighteen and constantly interrupts Yukio whenever he tries to tell everyone that she's really twenty-six years old.
- Gainaxing
- Gamer Chick
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Ignore the Fanservice: In the Toplessness From the Back shot neither Yukio or Rin are concerned about her state off dress
- The Ladette
- Meaningful Name: Shura means "bloodshed" or "carnage."
- Ms. Fanservice
- Mundane Utility: In the OVA she uses her Hammerspace tattoo to get a beer.
- Multicolored Hair
- Red Headed Heroine
- Samus Is a Girl
- Stripperific
- Sexy Mentor: To Rin.
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Toplessness From the Back: Here. Along with Yukio. [2]
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Not quite, she keeps her sword in a magical tattoo located just above her bosom, but it still calls this trope to mind.
- Stomach of Holding: Same thing
- Zettai Ryouiki
Satan, The Demon King
The ruler of Gehanna, and father of Amaimon, Mephisto, Rin, and Yukio.
- Archnemesis Dad
- Ax Crazy: Nearly every time he pops up...
- Big Bad: He is the Demon King
- Body Horror: Anyone he possesses without sufficient compatibility
- Completely Missing the Point: Oh, Satan. When Yuri said she dreamed of a world where demons and humans could live together, she didn't mean that you should turn Assiah into a wasteland in the process. Also, "nurturing a life" implies that you are not allowed to possess said life at a later date. Poor Communication Kills indeed.
- Demonic Possession: Well, he tries but fails, due to the number of people who can perfectly house his full power being limited to less than five people.
- Playing with Fire: The Blue Flames
- Jerkass: How he treated Rin on their first meeting, while possessing Fujimoto.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: However, the Anime plays with it, stating because no one can house his flames, he can't stay in Assiah and has little understanding of life. When he fell in love with Yuri, and she was sentenced to death, he caused the Blue Night in an attempt to save her. Then again, they didn't make an attempt to gloss over all the deaths he's caused.
- Kick the Dog: See Jerkass
Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara
Mephisto's younger brother and the second son of Satan, known as the "Earth King". He seems rather detached and childish and doesn't care much about Rin, preferring to go tour Japan.
- Anime Hair: He has a horn/spike hairstyle similar to Tao Ren's.
- Badass: He's a special kind. "I murdered so many of his brethren, so he'll cooperate". He also fights Berserk!Rin pretty well while carrying Shiemi on one shoulder. He has a reputation of being pretty much impossible for any exorcist to beat.
- Berserk Button: A good way to get him serious or into a fight is to laugh at him. So don't laugh at him. Ever.
- Beware the Silly Ones
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Demonic Possession: Technically, for a demon to stay in Assiah aside from being born, they have to do this. An Omake stated he's possessing some poor guy...or hamster in the anime.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Dissonant Serenity: The whole time he's fighting Rin and the others, he seems...calm. Amused. He also lets out a cheerful "yaaaay" when Rin unsheathes Kurikara.
- Dull Surprise
- Expy: Don't his facial expressions and lack of social skills somewhat resemble Niizuma Eiji?
- Funny Rin's seiyuu voiced him.
- Fangs Are Evil
- Meaningful Name: Name is that of the Prince of Hell.
- I Shall Taunt You
- Lightning Bruiser: One finger from him could break a bone and he was so fast that Rin could hardly keep up with him.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "'Don't screw around' is my line."
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Byoooooo~n.
- Ship Tease: With Shiemi. "I know, I'll make her my bride." It's not like he was serious, though.
- That's not Ship Tease at all, he was just trying to push Rin's Berserk Button. It worked.
- Super Strength: A poke from him breaks bone.
- He also launches Rin through a roller coaster by just flicking him.
- Tareme Eyes: An inversion where a male villain has 'em.
- Tranquil Fury
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Shiro Fujimoto
Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara
Adoptive father of Rin and Yukio, Badass Preacher, and a member of the True Cross Order. Rather eccentric. A loving father. Former Paladin. Now deceased.
- Badass Preacher
- Cool Old Guy
- Death by Origin Story: In the first chapter, Satan uses Demonic Possession and takes over his body to tell Rin that he's the son of Satan. He fights him off but doesn't manage to live.
- Deceased Adoptive Parents Are The Best
- Dying Moment of Awesome: He dies fighting off the strongest demon of Gehenna.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Megane
- Nun-Too-Holy
- Papa Wolf
- Posthumous Character
- Smoking Is Cool
Kuro (Blacky)
A cat sith who used to be the guardian deity of some local silk farmers. Was forgotten by people as the times changed, going berserk, but Fujimoto was able to tame him and make him his familiar. Later became Rin's familiar after he calmed Kuro from the rage of hearing about Fujimoto's death.
- Cool Pet
- Familiar
- Head Pet/Parrot Pet Position: In his small form.
- Mega Neko
- Multiple-Tailed Beast: He has two tails of the split version.
- Panthera Awesome
- Sizeshifter
- Telepathy: Rin can read his thoughts.
Saburota Toudou
A former exorcist, now demon. He revived the IK and forced Karura to possess him for the sake of power. His reasons for turning traitor are yet unknown, and likely related to his jealousy of and attempts to catch up with his father and siblings.
- Affably Evil: He is always very polite, even when he betrays both the exorcists and Mamushi. In fact, he arguably became even more polite after he revealed himself to be evil.
- Batman Gambit: Pulls one off by obtaining both demon eyes through a bit of manipulation and trickery, then using them to deliberately awaken the Impure King. He knew that this would cause Tatsuma to show up and try to defeat the Impure King using his familiar Kurara. This weakened Tatsuma, allowing Toudou to kill him (who was saved by a revived Karura) and force Karura to possess Toudo himself. It had all gone according to plan.
- Cannibalism Superpower: He noms demons to control their powers.
- Evil Feels Good: He implies this much while talking to Yukio. Said to Yukio almost verbatim as "it's nice to be a demon".
- Hannibal Lecture: Gives one and more on a regular basis to Yukio.
- First one: after revealing himself as an exorcist fallen to a demon, he mentioned he was always in the shadow of his father and brothers, and he never could voice his doubts about his path. It rattles Yukio, but Yukio decides that he is not Saburota, but himself.
- Second one: In their next confrontation, Saburota says that Yukio's father and brother are what have defined his paths in life and that he had no real choice in his path, leading him to despise his brother for having no idea what agony he went through. Yukio admits that he does love and hate his brother, but above all else he hates himself the most.
- THIRD one: Following his discovery of Yukio's blue eyes (after almost killing the kid) and after Yukio thought Saburota was destroyed, Saburota regenerates and comments that self-loathing is the first step to becoming a demon and that Yukio's true nature is that of a demon. Yukio has had enough of Toudou by this point.
- Obfuscating Incompetence: He was first seen as an Upper Second Class exorcist with a timid personality who provided some exposition about an incident involving one of the demon eyes. He seemed like an incompetent, but reasonably brave and decent, guy. And then it turns out it was all an act. He had in fact already turned traitor and only exposed himelf as The Mole in the chapter in which he was introduced. He has since shown considerable competence and cunning. He is now one to watch out for.
- Stalker Without a Crush: In his own words, he is "very interested" in Yukio.
- Start of Darkness: He described his. He wanted to be like his father and brother, but was discontent with living a life he felt was shaped by others. Ultimately he became a demon and is working for his own goals.
- Youthful Freckles: A frightening inversion, as he turned younger following devouring Karura but he's still a 55 years old.
Arthur Auguste Angel
The newly appointed Paladin. Angel follows the orders of the Vatican to a T. He'll do so even knowing full well that his actions are immoral in the eyes of others. Very little is known about his past.
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Damn Heroes: In episode 25.
- BFS: Caliburn. And it talks too!
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Shura calls him "a saint on the outside and a devil on the inside". He's also shown shades of a sadistic personality.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Both on the delivering and receiving ends. He easily manages to subdue both Rin and Shura, but when Amaimon went into an Unstoppable Rage, he was almost immediately knocked out.
- Fantastic Racism: In the anime, "for the kin of Satan, just being alive is a sin!"
- In the manga, referring to Mephisto, "his kind specializes in deceit!"
- Honor Before Reason: As of episode 24, he's admitted to realizing that the Vatican is going in the wrong direction, but he refuses to betray them and will still follow his orders.
- Lawful Stupid: Arthur will follow the orders of his superiors, without question, even knowing that they may obstruct some people's good intentions.
- Talking Weapon: Again, Caliburn.
Ernst Frederik Egin
So far only seen in the anime, he is grandfather to Rin and Yukio. First seen during the Blue Night in episode one and having lost his daughter, Rin and Yukio's mother to a witch hunt that was nothing more than a political stunt by the Grigori in order to gain power, he has good reasons for his prejudice against all things demon, as well as some ill will towards members of the True Cross Order.
- Church Militant: The True Cross Order was always this, but after he's appointed as the new Pope he brings it up to eleven by allowing "holy weapons" that are basically enchanted sub-machine guns to be used by high school students.
- Evil Laugh: As seen in episode 23.
- Fantastic Racism: Towards demons.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Why he has to wear a mask.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: VERY extreme. Even willing to kill his own grandson through an extremely painful magical/religious ritual in order to "win the war against Gehena."
Yuri Egin
The mother of Rin and Yukio, who died shortly after giving birth to them. In the Anime, she was regarded as the "Witch of the Forest", living with demons and being possessed willingly by Satan. Her father ordered her Burned at the stake, which resulted in the Blue Night.
- Burn the Witch: So close it's not funny
- Cry for the Devil: Literally.
- Death by Childbirth
- Friend to All Living Things
- Sealed Evil in a Can: She was able to host Satan, so they bonded and one thing led to another... and then we got Rin and Yukio
- Sympathy for the Devil: Again, literally...