Blade of Toshubi
He slices, he dices, he juliennes!
Blade of Toshubi is a Furry Comic following the story of the rogue ninja mouse Toshubi whose family has been killed by the feline army.
Tropes used in Blade of Toshubi include:
- All Just a Dream: The 2008 Halloween Cameo Caper
- Anti-Hero: Toshubi isn't a very nice guy, but he's been getting better.
- After the End
- April Fools' Day: 2012
- Badass
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Its mentioned on her cast page that Lamika is as bad as she due to all the torture and abuse she endured from Toh.
- Big Bad: Advisor Toh and/or the Feline Emperor.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Spiders, worms, and flies.
- Bondage Is Bad: Toh
- But What About the Astronauts?
- The Cameo: Occasionally features characters from comics the author likes.
- Cats Are Mean: Only a handful of currently known Felines aren't either a Complete Monster or a rampant dog kicker. This includes a few literal Rape The Dog moments from Toh. [1]
- Censor Suds: Neko's introduction page.
- The Charmer: Raool.
- Con Lang: Each race has their own language.
- Crapsack World
- Creepy Souvenir: Toh collects tails from his "playthings" when they "break".
- Dark Action Girl: Lamika, sort of... (might also be The Dragon).
- Deadly Dodging: Seen in this fight.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Jessica and Eri become friends after Jessica beats Eri, (With a little help.) in a fight.
- Depraved Bisexual: Lamika
- Disabled Love Interest: Mesi, the one-legged, tongueless girl Raool meets.
- Disproportionate Retribution: The Empire doesn't take kindly to villages housing fugitives, even if the village didn't even know.
- The Dragon: Advisor Toh to the Emperor. Lamika to Toh.
- Dragon-in-Chief: Advisor Toh is clearly the real power behind the Empire.
- Drunk Duck: Hosted on.
- The Empire: The Feline Empire, natch.
- Erotic Eating: Eri
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Corporal.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: the crossover with a Pessimistic Sense of Inadequacy & The KAMics.
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Felines and Rodents are Chinese/ Japanese (Samurai, Ninjas and Kung-Fu Monks), Cows are Brittish (a Visual Pun based on "Beefeater", felt hats and red coats, strong navy, Crystal Dragon Jesus religeon), and Vampire Bats are, of course, Romanian/German (big, scary castles, heavy accents with the "W"s pronounced as "V"s).
- From a Certain Point of View: Jessica firmly believes that the noises she heard her mother and Toshubi made in the kitchen were the sounds of them "wrestling" and nothing more.
- Furry Comic
- Funetik Aksent: Tatiana
- Gorn: The battles tend to be quite bloody.
- Girlish Pigtails: Jessica's hair is done up in pigtails.
- Good People Have Good Sex: Toh's a sadist who is also into erotic roleplay. Toshubi and Betsy merely engage in some light frottage. Also: Raool and Mesi have one hell of a one-night-stand (missionary start to finish).
- Gender-Restricted Ability: Toh's shocked to learn that magic isn't.
- Heel Face Turn: Masato decides to defect from the Empire after seeing firsthand just how brutal they are.
- Humiliation Conga: Kai
- Hulk Speak: Kanoda
- Human Popsicle: Every human on the Arks. They're waiting for the Nanovirus to die off in 300 years, which translates to "two years awake-time".
- Inevitable Waterfall: Toshubi goes over one while fleeing the feline palace guards.
- I Don't Like the Sound of That Place: The Toshubi World Map shows an island in the center of the remaining landmass, which is shattered into micro-continents, labeled "Disease Island".
- Intangible Woman: The wizard the Emperor hires can walk through walls.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Toshubi is slowly becoming one.
- Kamehame Hadoken: Kazuo, (A Meowlin Monk) fires off one of these against Lamika.
- Ki Attacks: Kazuo's training with the Meowlin allow him to chanel his Ki into physical attacks.
- Knight Templar Parent (Toshubi himself)
- Made a Slave the survivors from the attack on the villiage who weren't
slainmurdered outright. - Missed Him by That Much 'Exit Lamika, Enter Reiko'
- Morality Pet (Jessica)
- Naked on Arrival: Neko
- Nanomachines
- Nightmare Sequence: One-pager & multi-pager
- Ninja
- Only Six Faces: Everyone has the same nose...
- Or Was It a Dream?: The 2008 Halloween Cameo Caper
- Our Vampires Are Different: Anthropomorphic Vampire Bats, natch. They pride themselves on having gentler ancestors than Canines, because dogs would maul their prey to death, while a vampire bat's feed would remain unnoticed.
- Parental Substitute: Toshubi to Jessica
- Please Don't Leave Me: Quoted word for word Right Here.
- The Power of Love:
"We females have great power. If used properly, it can do great things. If abused, it can do terrible things..."
- Punch Clock Villain: The few Feline Empire soldiers not complete monsters or dog kickers are portrayed as this.
- Unsound Effect
- Rain of Arrows
- Rape as Drama
- The Rival: Valavor
- Rodents of Unusual Size: Toshubi & the rest of the mice in his village.
- Roof Hopping
- Ruins of the Modern Age: The Test of Stealth requires one to evade giant worms that have taken over an abandoned missile silo, and one pinup shows Toshubi Above the Ruins of a pre-war city.
- Sacrificial Lion: Jessica's mother, Betsy.
- Scars Are Forever
- Schedule Slip: Thanks to his job's mandatory overtime
- Schizo-Tech
- Scary Shiny Glasses (Toh does this often. His author is learning to do this)
- Sex Slave: Villagers deemed to be suitable for "entertainment," Toh's "Playthings". Subverted with Masato, he bought Eri from Doc to protect her, and has just gone AWOL to get her away from Kohi's "soldiers".
- Shout-Out: To the Star Wars episode IV barfight.
- The closest the characters get to a proper cussword is "Snikes!"
- Kanoda Smash!
- Stripperific: Reiko
- Shameful Strip: After Jessica beats Eri in a winner-takes-all, first-blood duel.
- Signed Up for the Dental: Masato the Rookie joined the Feline Army to get medicine for his sick sister.
- Sinister Silhouettes: The Feline Emperor
- Splash Panel: A two-pager right here.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Jessica is very much this.
- The Starscream: Kohi
- Take Care of the Kids: Betsy, (Jessica's mother.) begs her daughter to accept Toshubi as a guardian.
- Time for Plan B: Used here
- Translation Convention: See "Welcome to Marklar" below
- The Virus: in a Gameplay and Story Segregation sort of way. It kills humans, but furries are apparently immune.
- Welcome to Marklar/ Starfish Language: Each race`s language consits of a single word, the onomatopea of the sound the animal they`re based on makes.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Jessica calls out Reiko for using her...shall we say, "feminine charms to manipulate Toshubi into letting her join.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Why indeed?
- Winged Humanoid: Tatiana and her folk. Lampshaded:
"...I think you are merely jealous of my beautiful vings."
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Jessica
- You're Drinking Breast Milk: Toshubi is shocked to learn Betsy had been breastfeeding him while he was unconsious.
- Zombie Apocalypse: As part of the 2008 Halloween Cameo Caper
- ↑ Said dog's name is Sadie, by the way.
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