Arc Rise Fantasia/Characters
L'Arc Bright Lagoon
A mercenary for hire working for the empire. L'Arc is a stubborn swordsman who does what he wants to do. And once he is revealed to be a Child of Eesa, L'arc has a hard time dealing with everything that's being forced on him. To make matters worse, his Childhood Friends become their sworn enemies, his Clingy Jealous Girl does a NASTY Face Heel Turn, and he has almost no idea what to do but to look for a solution to solve everything. L'Arc's encounter with Ryfia is the first event that changes everything he has stood for.
- Always Someone Better: Alf's perception of him.
- Broken Aesop: L'Arc destroys Eesa so that people can go back to living without gods... except they made gods because they were lost without them. So, really, who's to say that it's not going to start all over again?
- The Chosen One: One of the two.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Elemental Powers: Namely Dishing Out Dirt, Playing with Fire and Holy Hand Grenade.
- The Hero
- Heroic Sacrifice: In order to purify the Hozone, the party needs the power of the Singing Stone, but they also have to destroy the core as a result. But without the core, their objective would be pretty much impossible to achieve. Therefore, L'Arc is secretly instructed by Dr. Sonia to become the new core (as he's the only person left with the Eesa Factor), meaning he has to say goodbye. Don't worry though, he's only going to sleep. He wakes up 500 years later, his goal achieved, in the epilogue.]]
- Idiot Hero: Mostly averted, as shown from the Wise Beyond Their Years trope below. L'Arc's not stupid by any means. Just a tad ignorant.
- Ineffectual Loner: At the beginning of the story.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Older Than They Look: At the end of the epilogue, he's now 517 years old.
- Rage Against the Heavens
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Naturally, he's the red oni to Alf's blue. Eventually, the roles seem to get reversed, with L'Arc being the one to think things through more near the end of the game.
- Summon Magic: Thanks to being a Child of Eesa.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: When offered the chance to take revenge on Rastan, the man who killed his father, he refuses because he states it will only continue the cycle of revenge.
A very naive young girl whom L'Arc finds wandering in the forest. Ryfia pretty much behaves like a young child as she has no idea what her words mean to others like saying she likes L'Arc a lot. This is one of the reasons Adele hates her guts so much. She happens to be a Diva meant to direct the Child of Eesa to offer a law to Eesa to help the world and its people.
- Betty and Veronica: She's Veronica.
- The Chick
- Elemental Powers: Making a Splash and Light'Em Up.
- Hair Decorations
- Literal-Minded
- The Medic: OF COURSE!
- Mini-Dress of Power: She doesn't hold back with her staff when attacking, so she still fits this trope.
- Mysterious Waif
- Older Than They Look: Like all of the Divine Race. Even more so at the game's end, after waiting for 500 years for L'Arc to wake up.
- Simple Staff
- Squishy Wizard
- To Be Lawful or Good: Forms the basis of her Character Development.
- Troperiffic
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Alfonse "Alf" Zena Meridia
The very good and benevolent second prince of the Empire and L'Arc's best friend. Alf worries too much about what goes with the Empire whenever it looks like it's trying to Take Over the World. As it turns out, he's a Child of Eesa like L'Arc. Once the Empire launches a surprise attack on Antrax, Alf defects from the group to fulfill his role by siding with Adele, considering L'Arc as his sworn enemy.
- Cool Sword
- The Chosen One: The other one.
- Deal with the Devil: He makes a pact with Real; that if he can prove humans can live without Ray for a year, Real will stop all Hozone pollution.
- Despair Event Horizon: He does not take losing Adele well.
- Elemental Powers: Light Is Not Good.
- Face Heel Revolving Door
- Hammerspace: His sheath can hold swords much larger than itself.
- I Just Want to Be Badass: He believes that he's the inferior one out of himself, L'Arc, and Weiss.
- Karma Houdini: He's let off scott-free at the end of the game despite everything he's done.
- The Lancer: Until he gets his own Five-Man Band.
- Love Makes You Stupid, Crazy, and Evil.
- Martial Pacifist
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Somewhat subverted in that he's Blue for the most part, but has a few Red traits (namely when it comes to Adele. Eventually goes even farther into Red Oni territory, with L'Arc being more of a Blue Oni.
- The Rival / Rival Turned Evil
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Shut UP, Hannibal: He stabs Ignacy while he's giving his Hannibal Lecture. To be fair, Alf had some very personal reasons for wanting to kill the bastard.
- Summon Magic: Thanks to being a Child of Eesa.
- Tomato in the Mirror: A very weird subversion. He turns out to be the second Child of Eesa but he doesn't really care about it.
- The Unfavorite: How he views himself.
- Unwitting Pawn: Honestly, you'd think him and Suzaku were competing to be this trope's new poster boy or something.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: His harsh laws after he takes over the Empire are mostly to prove to Real that humans can live without Ray.
- You Kill It, You Bought It: Alf takes over as Emperor after offing Weiss. Mostly for Adele's wishes.
Niko Bennex
The most cowardly soldier of the entire empire, Niko is quick to flee during most dangerous situations though he still manages to be a loyal friend to L'Arc and company. It's beyond all of us how he still works for the empire to these days.
- Butt Monkey
- Chekhov's Skill: In a small skit, Cecille teaches Niko to fly a lightship. 20 hours later he uses this skill for his Heroic Sacrifice.
- Chivalrous Pervert: In his own words, "No man can resist a... beautiful woman". When she's Ms. Fanservice, we don't blame you.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- The Gunslinger
- Kid Appeal Character
- La Résistance: Joins up with them after leaving the party.
- Lovable Coward
- Killed Off for Real
- The Load: While he can be useful in battle due to his long-range attacks and high AP gain, his cowardly acts during cutscenes often end up with one of the team members getting hurt. L'Arc is pretty much at the end of his rope about it by the time he leaves the party.
- The Mole: His special pardon from the stockade involved him following L'Arc and telling Weiss and Freya what is going on. Overcome with guilt (which the team just assumed was him being a coward all the time), he left the team and joined the resistance.
- Opt Out: After the events of Carbunculus and Leslie's sister Angie, Niko asks to go to the lightship, apologizing. The group is wary that he is ashamed of being a coward all the time though that might have been only part of it. By the time they get back, he leaves a letter saying he isn't cut out to help the group fighting Rogress and saving the world, and has returned to Diamant.
- Playing with Fire
Cecille Garcia
A very energetic girl who is a very skilled fighter despite her age. Cecille thinks of herself as a Hero of Justice, and she idolizes anyone in the world recognized as a master. She is Dynos' older twin sister. However, Dynos grew older than Cecille because he woke up from his magic-induced sleep earlier than she did, thus he aged first.
- The Big Girl
- Cain and Abel: She's the Abel to Dynos' Cain.
- Calling Your Attacks: CECILLE PUNCH!
- Companion Cube: She certainly likes the team's lightship.
- Cute Bruiser & Little Miss Badass
- Detached Sleeves
- Elemental Powers: Shock and Awe, Holy Hand Grenade and Dark Is Not Evil.
- Genki Girl
- Hero Complex
- Heroic BSOD: She begins to doubt her "justice" after being forced to kill her brother, though L'Arc is able to snap her out of it soon afterwards.
- Hot-Blooded
- I Call It "Vera": Yep, she named the 1000 year old lightship after herself: Cecille the Brave. That's even the name highlighted just before you click to get on making it official, replacing Old Lightship.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Develops one with Rastan.
- Justice Will Prevail: Ayup. She even quotes it verbatim during the final battle. She sounds like she's channeling Bang Shishigami half the time she's with you.
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
- Magic Knight
- Mega Twintails
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Older Than They Look: Same story as Ryfia.
- Princess Curls
- Token Mini-Moe
- Yin-Yang Bomb: Her strongest Excel Act merges equal masses of Light and Dark in a "forbidden combo" that creates a beam of immense power.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki: Type C
A mysterious man that helps the party to escape death. Serge is a man who only follows those who hire him to do anything regardless what the job might be. He turns out to be Leon but changed his name to forget about his troubled past. He has an ill sister that he loves with all his heart.
- Bishounen
- Chivalrous Pervert: He tends to be a little flirty with the female party members.
- Elemental Powers: Playing with Fire, Making a Splash, Dishing Out Dirt and Blow You Away.
- Gentleman Thief: One of his alternate outfits. It's even called "Gentleman Thief".
- Handicapped Badass: He may never use a sword like he use to, but that doesn't stop him from being a badass mage fighter.
- Knife Nut
- Kid Hero: As Lightning Leon, he was leader of the Lord Knights... at the age of fourteen.
- The Lancer
- Magic Knight: Similar to Malik, he's a mage who can defend himself with weapons rather than a fighter who can cast magic.
- Although he might have fought a bit more like Zelos when he was younger, for he used a sword before Ignacy crippled him.
- The Nicknamer: Refers to Cecille as "Minimal Lady" and Leslie as "Violent Femme".
- These nicknames even appear in the game's "Mercs" menu (equivalent of a glossary).
- Older Than They Look: He's thirty-three.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Averted and justified. He's really "Lightning" Leon of the Lord Knights, but since you can count the number of people who know this on one hand he doesn't feel the need to conceal his identity.
- Sixth Ranger: To Alf's party.
- Squishy Wizard
Rastan Oigen
Rastan is a skilled swordsman who wanders the land seeking revenge for the death of his family. For some reason, he travels with L'Arc. That reason being his atonement for having killed L'Arc's father due to Ignacy's blackmailing him. Much later, L'Arc finally brings himself to pardon Rastan, welcoming him as a loyal friend.
- The Atoner
- Badass Longcoat
- Barrier Warrior: Comes with two Excel Acts that provide self protection status. He also starts out with Earth Magic (primary defensive buffs) and some of the weapons skills he unlocks in his swords lean towards this.
- Cassandra Truth: Nobody believes him when he says he isn't the legendary Leon. He really, really isn't.
- Cool Old Guy
- Death Equals Redemption: He plans to let L'Arc kill him to atone for him killing his father Rex. L'Arc, however, isn't having any of it since he knows the one who created that circumstance was Ignacy.
- Dual-Wielding
- Elemental Powers: Dark Is Not Evil, Shock and Awe, An Ice Person and Holy Hand Grenade.
- Genius Bruiser
- Intergenerational Friendship: Develops one with Cecille.
- Older Than They Look: He's part of the Divine Race as well.
- My Greatest Failure: In his own words, betraying the trust of a friend. In other words, leading Rex to his death, all to save his family... who end up dead anyway.
- The Smart Guy: Mostly due to his age and experience.
- Unwitting Pawn
Leslie Ferrati
A woman with lots of intel about many things. She was once a general for the Republic until she dropped out, but she still supports her nation and her best friend who happens to be the governor.
- Cool Big Sis
- Elemental Powers: Playing with Fire, Shock and Awe and Holy Hand Grenade.
- Guns Akimbo
- Healing Shiv: One of her Excel Acts: Healing Bullet.
- Les Yay: With Shelly.
- Ms. Fanservice: Even without her Underboobs she still provides this role. Let us count the ways.
- Absolute Cleavage: In some of her alternate outfits.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Catgirl: Dressed like one in one of her alternate outfits
- Cleavage Window
- Fashionable Asymmetry
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- She's Got Legs: And with one her Excel Acts turning her into a momentary Kick Chick, we get to see a lot of them.
- Sibling Triangle: In her backstory. She and her younger sister both fell in love with the same man.
- Stripperiffic: With an outfit that skimpy, she might as well just not bother with clothes.
- The Tease
- My Country, Right or Wrong: Subverted. She's very loyal to the Republic, but knows that there's something wrong with it and takes it upon herself to investigate.
- Noodle Incident: Nothing's ever stated clearly, but there is a serious dominatrix vibe to some of her conversations with Serge that makes one wonder just what they were doing during their time in Alf's party.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Sixth RangerTo both groups.
- Ship Tease: Her flirting with Serge has led to this.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
Adele Nevanlinna
Adele is one of L'Arc's childhood friends. She harbors shy but strong feelings for L'Arc, and everything goes down the toilet for her when Ryfia gets into the picture. She turns out to be the next Real's Diva, her mother having been killed moments before she got promoted. It Gets Worse for everyone from there...
- Awesome but Impractical: The dress she wears as the Real Diva. Seriously, how does she even sit down in that thing?
- Ax Crazy: And how!
- Betty and Veronica: She's the Betty.
- Break the Cutie
- The Chick: To L'Arc's party. Eventually promoted to this and The Lancer / The Dragon and The Dark Chick of Alf's Five-Man Band.
- Damsel in Distress: Although, ironically, she takes her level in badass after it happens. Emphasis on bad.
- Despair Event Horizon
- Elemental Powers: An Ice Person & Casting a Shadow
- Face Heel Turn
- If I Can't Have You
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: She goes batshit insane when L'Arc summons Simmah to protect
RyfiaWeiss from Girtab, assuming that it means he doesn't care about her. In her viewpoint, L'Arc would save Ryfia from an army of undead, but could care less if she got hit by a Rogress attack. - Killed Off for Real
- Manipulative Bitch: Sure, it was for revenge on Weiss for what happened at Antrax, but if she never had Dynos stir up confusion by having Undead Meridian Soldiers attacking Batrachites, the treaty would have gotten off without a hitch and the Meridian citizens wouldn't have the need to raise a rebellion.
- Nice Hat: Gets one later on.
- Opera Gloves
- Pimped-Out Dress: After her kidnapping.
- Pretty in Mink
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Sanity Slippage: Post Face Heel Turn.
- Token Evil Teammate: Taken to nightmarish levels.
- Tsundere: Type B, eventually becomes a full-fledged Yandere.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: She takes it extraordinarily well.
- Yandere
A general in the Empire who is very fond of L'Arc and Alf. He eventually joins Alf in his quest to propose Real's Law to Eesa, but he feels that only L'Arc can make Alf change the error of his ways. That doesn't mean he'll disobey Alf for the better, though.
- An Axe to Grind
- The Big Guy / The Brute
- Cool Old Guy
- Elemental Powers: Blow You Away & Shock and Awe.
- Failure Is the Only Option: What he believes in regards to Alf's plan. However, he still follows them out of loyalty.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: His Volthorn special move can one-shot the entire party if you don't SPLIT THE HELL UP.
- My Master, Right or Wrong
- Undying Loyalty: Yeah... See where we're going with this one?
Dynos Garcia
AKA Deathchanter, Dynos roams the world looking for Real's Diva. He eventually finds the next Real's Diva (Adele) and decides to protect her. He's also Cecille's (age-wise) younger brother who got out of his sleep, resuming his aging earlier as a side-effect.
- Animate Dead
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Cain and Abel: He's the Cain to Cecile's Abel.
- Death Seeker: Implied by Clyde.
- Elemental Powers: Casting a Shadow and Light Is Not Good.
- Emo Teen: A rare version where his angst is actually justified and Played for Drama rather than just being the subject of ridicule. See "Offing the Offspring" for further details.
- Failure Knight: It's heavily implied that the reason Dynos is so loyal to Adele is because he failed to prevent the assassination of Rafil, Adele's mother and the previous Real Diva.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being quite the Jerkass, especially in the beginning, he does have some positive traits that mean Alf keeps him around in his party. The main one is his loyalty to Adele.
- Killed Off for Real
- Magic Knight: Again, a mage who can defend himself rather than a magic-using fighter.
- Older Than They Look: Being Cecille's brother and all.
- Obviously Evil
- Offing the Offspring: His father tried to get him to be an assassin. That didn't work out, so his dad tried to take his Dragon Gem. If a member of the Divine Race loses that particular stone, then they turn into a Feldragon while being totally unable to stop the change from happening. When that didn't work, his dad turned himself into a Feldragon just so he could kill Dynos for his failure. Yeah, Dynos' dad was kind of a douche.
- Recurring Boss
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Smart Guy / The Evil Genius
- Summon Magic: It's how he summons his undead when you fight him.
- Token Evil Teammate:Double subverted. He is one, but his evil is overshadowed by Adele after she goes Ax Crazy
- Trauma Conga Line: See Offing the Offspring. Is it any wonder this guy turned out as messed up as he did?
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Dynos did not have a good relationship with his father.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: His "Doubly Dark" Excel Act has him merge a mass of Dark magic with a mass of Light magic into a beam of mixed power. Wait, this sounds familiar...
- To be fair, Dynos learned his technique before Cecille learned hers. You could use it during the Ruins of Ebur where you controlled Alf's party for a portion of the stage.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Prince Weiss Dona Meridia
The prince who rules over the Empire with an iron fist, brother to fellow prince Alf and L'Arc's half-brother. He is totally obssessed with world domination.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Prince in charge of an empire? Check. Long golden fencing blade? Check. Giant bulging wing that grants him some strength at the cost of his life? Check.
- Ax Crazy: Done very subtly. He's not completely insane, but it's still clear from his expressions and inflections during battle that he's a kill-crazy bastard.
- Badass
- Bastard Bastard: Ayup. There's quite a few people who believe that he shouldn't be on the throne because he's a concubine's son, but his response to them is pretty much "Up yours".
- Blessed with Suck / Cursed with Awesome: Sure, Eesa's Curse gave him a pretty cool wing that gives him a buffing Excel Act, but it was that same curse that was used on him when he tried saving his own mother. Not to mention it made his father, the other victim of the curse, deadly sick to the point of committing suicide. Okay, sure, the Meridian Bible that cursed him had been tampered with, but it's a bit harsh.
- Cain and Abel: Given the personalities, you'd think Weiss would be the one that offs Alf, he even attempts so back at Antrax. However, in the end, he dies by Alf's hand. By that point, their roles in this have been switched; Weiss the fallen Abel, and Alf the traitorous Cain.
- Captain Ersatz: He's pretty much Seto Kaiba in a fantasy setting.
- Cool Sword
- Dark Is Edgy
- Death Equals Redemption
- Easily Forgiven: Does the party forget that he tried to genocide the crap out of a religious order, in which there were bound to be lots of totally innocent people who didn't have ulterior motives? Apparently so.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He agrees to a peace treaty. Considering how, until that point, he's expressed very strong imperialistic sentiments, it's something of a surprise to the party.
- Evil Is Stylish: In spades.
- The Evil Prince: Let's see here... Invading a nation to kill their religious leader through a sneak attack with no formal declaration of war no less, manipulating his half-brother to help carry out said plan, fully intending to kill his other, younger half-brother after he (quite rightly) tried to stop him, taking pleasure in slaughter and conflict in general, being an unrepentant militaristic bastard... are we missing anything here?
- Faith Heel Turn: Losing faith in Eesa is basically his Start of Darkness.
- Fantastic Discrimination: Against religious types in general.
- For the Evulz: He invaded a whole country because he wanted to personally kill their religious leader.
- He Who Fights Monsters: He spends a lot of time talking about how religious types are Manipulative Bastards and that he doesn't think their gods are much better. However, it's very clear to anybody who sees him that he's become exactly the kind of insane tyrant he believes himself to have been fighting against.
- Hypocrite: He claims to want to "free" people from the rule of gods, but since his modus operandi comes across as nothing short of "Take Over the World" he'd really just be replacing the rule of Eesa with his own. However, this is totally in-character for Weiss.
- Jerkass: Yeah, Weiss is kind of a douche.
- Kick the Dog: Is most definitely not above this.
- Killed Off for Real
- Large Ham: It's not sure whether it's intentional or not, but his English VA clearly had a lot of fun playing this guy.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mismatched Eyes
- Moral Myopia: He considers fratricide more than once in order to fulfil his goals, yet he's outraged when his brother's decided he's had enough and turns on him.
- Obviously Evil: Come on, his theme tune sounds like a Pantomime villain's! Also? His Excel Act is named Dark Flames.
- One-Winged Angel: Almost literally.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Borderline example. You can see some of his left eye, but not the iris.
- Poor Communication Kills: A number of problems could have been avoided if he had just taken the time to explain things to people.
- Rage Against the Heavens
- Smug Snake: Subverted, since he really can back up his threats. It comes with being a Warrior Prince.
- Troperiffic: Oh hell yes!
- Warrior Prince: Once again, in spades!
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: With much, much more emphasis on the "Extremist" part than most examples. See He Who Fights Monsters.
- Winged Humanoid: Even if he only has one wing.
Walter Ignacy
Ignacy is a dangerous criminal; the person who forced Rastan to kill L'Arc's father by blackmailing him with keeping his family hostage. He also works for Hosea to accomplish his goals.
- Badass Grandpa
- Big Bad: Due to the story having multiple villains, it's not quite clear who's the real Big Bad of Arc Rise Fantasia. Ignacy's list of atrocities means that he's a more worthy candidate for the title than most, however.
- The Dragon: To Hosea, although it turns out he was going to backstab him and the rest of the Divine Race once he no longer needed them.
- Bastard In Sheep's Clothing.
- The Chosen One: He becomes a Child of Eesa after stealing Alf's Eesa Factor. Too bad he never gets to use it.
- Cool Sword
- Dark Is Edgy
- Devil in Plain Sight / Obviously Evil: To be fair, it's not like he tries to hide it.
- Evil Old Folks
- Faux Affably Evil
- Flash Step: In-battle only. Outside of it he has a rather goofy-looking running animation.
- I Have Your Wife: It's how he made Rastan his Unwitting Pawn.
- Manipulative Bastard: He took Rastan's family and used them as hostages to get him to kill L'Arc's father, Rex.
- One-Winged Angel: Subverted. Alf kills him before he can do anything of the kind.
- Professional Killer: As part of an assassination unit working under Hosea.
- The Starscream: To Hosea, and all of the Divine Race.
A man who fully believes that following Imaginal's law will benefit humanity. And by saving humanity, he means saving only the Divine Race.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Justified in that they received their power from Imaginal.
- The Chessmaster: Attempts to invoke this trope through manipulation of the Senate and use of the Aion Unit. Things don't go so well when the heroes catch on, however.
- Fantastic Racism: Let's just say that he doesn't seem to be the biggest fan of the Common Race.
- Fat Bastard
One of Ignacy's henchwomen. Paula works alongside Luna by killing anyone who opposes Ignacy. After being defeated again, the two of them disband from Ignacy by taking quests to make a living.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Heel Face Turn: Not during the actual story, but a guild quest of all things.
- Hot-Blooded: According to the official site, anyway.
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
- Playing with Fire: Her "Dance of Flames" attack.
- Sinister Scythe
- Zettai Ryouiki
The second person who works for Ignacy. Just like Paula, Luna is a very deadly woman. Just like her fellow companion, she leaves Ignacy behind to pursue better goals.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Heel Face Turn: Like her sister, during a guild quest.
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
- Parasol of Pain
- Parasol of Prettiness
The Rogress of Light that joins L'Arc. He is the one who sets L'Arc on the quest to bring peace to the world. He also turns out to be Ryfia's father transformed into a Rogress.
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Luke, I Am Your Father: He's really Ryfia's father.
The Rogress of Darkness. He only obeys the Real's Diva's Child of Eesa, who happens to be Alf himself, until L'Arc obtains his power almost at the end of the game.
- Dark Is Evil / Dark Is Not Evil: It depends if he's on your side or not.
The Rogress of Fire.
- Large Ham: His English VA certainly comes off as this.
- Playing with Fire
The Rogress of Wit.
- Badass Adorable
- My Greatest Failure: Blames himself for the creation of Eesa.
The Rogress of Ice who disguises herself as Luze's attendant. She also happens to be the leader of all the Rogress.
- An Ice Person
- Badass
- Bishoujo Line: She's the leader of the Rogress and the most powerful. Her Rogress form consists of several ice crystals, but she still retains her human characteristics.
- Cool Sword: Please accept our apologies.
- Guide Dang It: Finding her, for starters. Some people have a lot of difficulty fighting her, too.
- Immortality: Implied. Possibly a Type II.
- Not-So-Small Role: Along with Luze, she seems to just be a minor character at first.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue Oni to Luze and possibly Simmah as well while he was still human.
- The Stoic
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Well, she is Saura after all.
Other Characters
One of the generals from the Empire. Though it doesn't look like it, she worries about Niko's well-being behind all the harsh punishment she issues on him.
- A God Am I: Justified in a very sympathetic way. She was made to be a god by people, so she's understandably upset about how they're now trying to kill her.
- Anti-Magic: Prevents the use of the Rogress during the first fight with her.
- Because Destiny Says So: Insists that L'Arc chooses a Law even when he starts to disagree with them.
- Break the Cutie: Played with. She was broken before the story even began. The events of the game see her trying to get better. It doesn't take.
- Butt Monkey: The last time you see her.
- Designated Villain: Discussed in-universe. L'Arc actually says that there was never any choice but to kill her.
- Deus Ex Homine
- Good Shepherd: Travels around the world, helping others and spreading the teachings of Eesa.
- God Is Good: Eesa is clearly good at heart... but L'Arc pushed her way too far.
- Light'Em Up
- Nice Hat
- Not-So-Small Role: At first, she just seems to be a minor character. You meet her while she and Saura are being harassed by some bandits in Diamant.
- Physical God: It comes with being the real Eesa.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Personality-wise, she's a very benevolent Red Oni to Saura. Oddly enough, both are clad in blue.
- To Be Lawful or Good: She eventually chooses "Lawful" because the "Good" guys are trying to kill her.
- Trauma Conga Line; As you'll find out in her backstory, Luze just can't catch a break.
- Wham! Episode: She's really Eesa.