Snooker world ranking points 2019/2020

The official 2019/2020 snooker world ranking points for the professional snooker players on the World Snooker Main Tour in the 2019–20 season are based on performances in ranking tournaments over a two-year rolling period. The rankings at the start of 2019/2020 season are determined by prize money earned in the 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons and are updated after every tournament carrying ranking status; the players are re-ranked at the beginning of the current season after removing players relegated at the end of the previous season from the ranking list. As points are accrued from tournaments throughout the current season, the points from the corresponding tournaments from two seasons earlier are dropped. The rankings are used to set the official tournament seedings at various points throughout the season; even though the rankings are officially updated after every tournament carrying ranking status not all the rankings are used as seedings, and only the rankings officially used as seedings are documented below. The total points accumulated by the cut-off dates for the revised seedings are based on all the points up to that date in the 2019/2020 season, all of the points from the 2018/2019 season, and the points from the 2017/2018 season that have not yet been dropped.

Preceded by
2019/2020 Succeeded by

Seeding revisions

Cut-off point Date After 2017/2018 points dropped
1 29 July 2019 Riga Masters Riga Masters
2 12 August 2019 International Championship China Championship
3 30 September 2019 China Championship Paul Hunter Classic
Indian Open
World Open
4 4 November 2019 World Open European Masters
English Open
International Championship
Shanghai Masters
5 18 November 2019 Northern Ireland Open Northern Ireland Open
6 9 December 2019 UK Championship UK Championship
7 3 February 2020 German Masters Scottish Open
German Masters
8 2 March 2020 Players Championship World Grand Prix
Welsh Open
Shoot Out
Players Championship
9 27 June 2020[n 1] Tour Championship Gibraltar Open
China Open
Total 17 August 2020[n 1] World Championship World Championship

Ranking points

No.  Ch 
[n 2]
Player[8][9] Season[10][n 3] Tournament[11][n 4] Season Cut-off point[n 5] Total
17/18 18/19 RM IC CC ENO WO NIO UK SCO EUM GM WGP WEO SSO PC GO TC WC 19/20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Judd Trump 0 852000 175000130004000150000700001200010000080000750010000125000500004000050000 796500 1166500133450013475001324000139400013960001446000155100016410001648500
21 Ronnie O'Sullivan 0 503500 750003000017000100001250020000500500000 597500 1196500117850011785009620009885008355008355006335006285001101000
31 Neil Robertson 0 640500 013500750040000017000750080000350001000001000000050000 324500 841500851000846500821000817500824500875000960000915000965000
42 Mark Selby 0 296500 40003200032000700001350010000170007000060003000010000015000300040000100000 425500 756225781225807500714500724500736500811500804000622000722000
52 Mark Allen 0 434000 32000750020000135007500400002000030003000040000150000600000 225500 677000705000674500607500612500637500659500660000702000659500
62 Kyren Wilson 0 271500 200085007500400032500750065004000400030002000030000500020000200000 350000 559225567725498500494500502000498500506000535500506500621500
72 John Higgins 0 346000 13500130003250020000245007500600040001250010000150000030000 188500 795500802000753000722000738500748000745500695500684500534500
86 Shaun Murphy 0 98000 07500015000075008000100000750030002000007000020003000000 383000 375000375000505000501000511000436000446500486000481000481000
97 Stephen Maguire 0 176500 08500750005000750080000300003000075003000001500000 302000 321000317500316000300500305500350500346500351500496500478500
107 Mark Williams 0 278500 30004750750003000650040005000750040005000600050000 169250 1016000100275010597501016750946750943250872250843750822750447750
111 David Gilbert 0 297000 01350020000300002000000200000000500000 104000 393000399500390500421000415000410000426000421000410000401000
122 Ding Junhui 0 108500 215004750013500020000040006000400007500030000 291250 403500418000272750279750279750479750480250430250412250399750
13 Stuart Bingham 0 290000 085000300020000400017000030003000040000300030000 95500 389500394000381000365500369500386500392500383500355500385500
143 Jack Lisowski 0 246500 400047507500400013500012000300003000004000100030000 86750 398600403350404250360250357750364750393750387750360750333250
156 Yan Bingtao 0 92000 5000085007500050007500400003000400030000200008000500000030000 236500 286000287500293000254000231500261500268000318500307500328500
163 Joe Perry 0 146500 30001350020000400013500200001200075000400012500020001500030000 130000 279000288500292500290500304500294000298000316000304000276500
178 Barry Hawkins 0 157000 047502000075008000750065000110000030001000200030000 101250 408500406250422250419250426750423250430250402250313250258250
182 Gary Wilson 0 167100 4000215000750000170003000175005000125003000000 91000 245600267100256100253100247100264100282100277100258100258100
192 Ali Carter 0 184000 200013500001350040001200030001750030000300050000 72000 310000291500291500274000275500287500308500303500298500256000
2017 Thepchaiya Un-Nooh 0 92225 4000475047507500750004000650010000110003000005000500020000 156000 159725157475150225226225226725228225248225246225246225248225
211 Graeme Dott 0 69000 300021500475040001350040001200075006000200004000000015000 151250 231500241000237750235250239250236250234750241250223250220250
221 Anthony McGill 0 58500 08500130000800006500300004000750040002000100000 156500 217000221500191500164500161000162500167000148500142500215000
2312 Scott Donaldson 0 126000 200085004750004000650010000110005000750030000300015000 80250 163500172000176750176750180750177250200750208250200250206250
243 Tom Ford 0 91500 3000215004750200000004000300040002000030000400020000 107250 188225197725194750199750197250192250193250211750187750198750
256 Zhou Yuelong 0 91000 30004750750040002000030000035000300000200002000 102250 171500158250163750163250163750163750198250218250202250193250
268 Matthew Selt 0 106100 1500047501300040005000300000300010000750000015000 80250 178100178850180850172850173350168350176350183350180350186350
2722 Kurt Maflin 0 59100 150008500200004000001700040003000000500050000 122000 137700139200154600136600134100141100148100146100140100181100
284 Jimmy Robertson 0 130725 08500030008000300065007500030004000050000 48500 221725226225212225204225203725200225198225197225197225179225
2930 Zhao Xintong 0 100500 0475013000750050000120000600010000750075005003000 76750 100500105250118250130750130750142750158750174250177250177250
3014 Michael Holt 0 69500 300047504750400020000300065000600000050000030000 105000 139000139750131500145500145000146500149000196000188000174500
316 Xiao Guodong 0 92100 30008500750075008000065004000600007500400010006000 69500 205100209600210100207100203600195100185100184600179600161600
326 Noppon Saengkham 0 90500 00130000800001200000400040000030000 71000 154600150600159000165000161500163500164000147500140500161500
3310 Matthew Stevens 0 78000 47507500050003000245003000030007500400050020000 82750 138000130750133250130750131250155750159750164750158750160750
348 Martin O'Donnell 0 100000 004750300080003000120003000300004000500300015000 59250 146100146100146250139750142750154750160750157250153250159250
356 Liang Wenbo 0 69000 13500008000300024500040003000750001000500020000 89500 148500162000158000137000137500152000151500154000152000158500
368 Mark King 0 93000 600047504750000120003000030000200020000 55500 183725184475168500154000150500140000144000138500128500148500
3719 Ryan Day 0 102500 04750750030000065003000300000500200015000 45250 245000242750243250231750225750197250193250173750150750147750
3823 Luca Brecel 0 95500 200085001300005000400000400050007500030000 52000 350600209100187500157500161500151500160500149500147500147500
396 Mark Davis 0 101725 08500008000300012000300003000300050000 41000 159725156225154225149725152725164725165725161225156225142725
4022 Anthony Hamilton 0 70000 20000475030005000100001200000300040004000020000 67750 95500885009125097250107250119250118250123750117750137750
411 Hossein Vafaei 0 89500 200003200040008000000000020000 48000 151500147500169500161500159000149000149000149000151000137500
423 Ben Woollaston 0 78600 300085004750300050004000120003000300004000400040000 58250 157600162100152850140350141850148850148350152850145850136850
4317 Lyu Haotian 0 96500 30000475005000065000400003000800040000 38250 193500193500198250192750172750164250168250176250162250134750
4415 Li Hang 0 77000 600007500300050003000170003000300030000010004000 55500 182000150000137500134500135000137000142500138500141500132500
458 Yuan Sijun 0 85000 3000475047503000075006500300030004000300002000 44500 116000120750125500119000124000130500138500141500138500129500
4616 Ricky Walden 0 66000 2000850047501000050004000650040000030000015000 62750 175600184100175250179250177250168750157750152250141250128750
473 Stuart Carrington 0 75500 6000475000800040006500300030003000015000 53250 125500126250125250125750127250133750134250132750131750128750
483 Alan McManus 0 64500 300047500300050000120003000000020000 50750 122500115250112250105250105250112250108750108750108750115250
4913 Robert Milkins 0 70100 085000000650030004000400040000015000 45000 157600162100153100129100119100120600129100127600127600115100
505 Marco Fu 0 68500 47503000500030001200040001100000 42750 11050010350010125097250100250102250111250111250111250111250
5114 Lu Ning 0 77500 2000047503000500006500400040000050030000 32750 795007950084250922509225098750106750107250110250110250
52 Sunny Akani [n 6] 0 55500 47504750300013500065000050000100015000 53500 115500120250119000116500113000104500109500103000103000109000
5321 Martin Gould 0 45500 04750750000650040003000300000300030000 61750 169000161750162250110250110250942501002508825086250107250
5413 Tian Pengfei 0 61000 00475010000040006500300040004000400050040000 44750 61000610006575075750797508625097250101750105750105750
5514 Mei Xiwen 0 54000 40000010000500030006500300030000300040002000 43500 58000580005800073000760008250088500955009750097500
562 Daniel Wells 0 60500 3000850047503000006500040000400050020000 36250 10350010800010375010025010025010675010725010925011025096750
579 Chris Wakelin 0 59225 04750130003000006500750000050020000 37250 12595012670013097512597511997512147512647512347511447596475
588 Sam Craigie 0 63000 300047504750300050000000000200010000 32500 66000707507550083500835008350083500835008550095500
592 Andrew Higginson 0 46000 013500475000400004000030000500200015000 46750 9460010410010225092250962509125096250942509125092750
6016 Elliot Slessor 0 31000 085000400080000040000100003000500300020000 61000 31000395003950051500515005150065500690007200092000
619 Luo Honghao 0 51500 600007500050003000003000001000010000 35500 57500575006500070000730007300076000770007700087000
626 Joe O'Connor 0 60000 200004750300003000040000000010000 26750 62000620006675069750727507275076750767507675086750
632 Liam Highfield 0 35500 30004750475030005000065004000003000500015000 49500 9760010235096500101000950009650096000930008800085000
6410 Mark Joyce 0 27500 2500047507500004000000030000300010000 57250 1300001277501282501082501122508975081250767507475084750
655 Robbie Williams 0 41000 0475047503000500075006500040005000300000 43500 95600100350104500840009150093000100000995009350084500
663 Fergal O'Brien 0 44100 000400080004000004000000400015000 39000 89200712006660071600756007560075600751006810083100
678 Jak Jones 0 32000 4000135004750003000650004000400001000010000 50750 36000495005425054250572506375071750727507275082750
6812 Ken Doherty 0 45500 4750005000750000003000500010000 30750 91500922508125082250862508125079250827507975076250
6910 Jordan Brown 0 21500 00750005000300065000300030003000500020000 51500 21500215002900034000370004350049500530005300073000
7024 Michael Georgiou 0 48100 000300050000650000100000000 24500 129600125600120600120600118100119600125600836008160072600
7126 Michael White 0 33000 0475000001700004000300000010000 38750 13050012825010825091250912509825099250862507525071750
722 Zhang Anda 0 35000 2000475003000800030000003000020002000 27750 37000417504175052750557505575058750607506275062750
732 Sam Baird 0 40000 004750003000000000015000 22750 40000400004475044750477504775047750477504775062750
743 Alfie Burden 0 29000 000300080000030004000030000200010000 33000 29000290002900040000400004000047000500005200062000
753 Craig Steadman 0 38500 20000008000300000000200020000 17000 40500405004050048500515005150051500535005550055500
768 Jamie Clarke 0 15500 000000000400002000200030000 38000 15500155001550015500155001550019500215002350053500
774 Ashley Carty 0 18000 047500000000300030001000020000 31750 18000227502275022750227502275025750297502975049750
78 Ian Burns 0 0 0000500030001200030003000400030001000015000 49000 000500080002000030000340003400049000
79 Alexander Ursenbacher 0 0 20000475000100000300004000300050020000 47250 2000200067506750167501675023750272502725047250
807 John Astley 0 37000 00030000003000003000000 9000 37000370003700040000400004000043000460004600046000
8117 Mike Dunn 0 20000 200004750300000040000002000010000 25750 88500765007425074750647505975059250542504925045750
82 Louis Heathcote 0 0 200047500400000650030000030000200015000 40250 20006750675010750107501725020250232502525040250
83 Nigel Bond 0 0 4750005000024500005000050000 39750 047504750975097503425039250397503975039750
84 David Grace 0 0 200047500000650030003000400000500010000 38250 200067506750675067501325023250232502825038250
855 Lee Walker 0 21000 200000100000000300000020000 17000 23000230002300033000330003300036000360003800038000
86 Dominic Dale 0 0 00475040005000000300030007500500010000 37750 00475013750137501375019750277502775037750
879 Oliver Lines 0 26000 20000000000030000030000 8000 28000280002800028000280002800031000310003400034000
88 Eden Sharav 0 0 0000001200003000000015000 30000 000001200015000150001500030000
892 Harvey Chandler 0 9725 00475005000400000030000030000 19750 972597251447519475234752347526475264752947529475
90 Jackson Page 0 0 200000050003000006000000200010000 28000 2000200020007000100001000016000160001800028000
91 Mitchell Mann 0 0 00750000300000300050003000005000 26500 0075007500105001050018500215002150026500
92 Gerard Greene 0 0 200000000003000400075000010000 26500 2000200020002000200020009000165001650026500
935 Kishan Hirani 0 8600 00475000003000040000005000 16750 860086001335013350133501335020350203502035025350
948 Chen Feilong 0 10500 0003000030000000300050005000 14500 10500105001050013500165001650016500200002000025000
9513 James Wattana 0 17500 0000040003000 7000 17500175001750017500175001750021500245002450024500
964 Fan Zhengyi 0 5500 00040000065000003000005000 18500 550055005500950095001600016000190001900024000
978 Hammad Miah 0 7725 00475030000300000000005000 15750 772577251247515475184751847518475184751847523475
9815 Thor Chuan Leong 0 16500 0000000000050005000 5500 16500165001650016500165001650016500170001700022000
9914 Zhang Jiankang 0 13600 0000000750000000 7500 13600136001360013600136001360021100211002110021100
100 Barry Pinches 0 0 000050000000300000200010000 20000 000500050005000800080001000020000
101 Kacper Filipiak 0 0 20000000300003000300030000005000 19000 20002000200020005000500014000140001400019000
102 Si Jiahui 0 0 00075000400003000003000000 17500 0007500115001150014500175001750017500
103 Chang Bingyu 0 0 200047500050000030000005002000 17250 20006750675011750117501175014750152501725017250
10413 Andy Lee 0 6500 0003000000300000400000 10000 65006500650095009500950012500165001650016500
105 Chen Zifan 0 0 4000000030000030000300003000 16000 40004000400040007000700010000130001600016000
106 Soheil Vahedi 0 0 20000000300000007500100020000 15500 2000200020002000500050005000135001550015500
107 Rod Lawler 0 0 20000000300000300000020005000 15000 200020002000200050005000800080001000015000
108 Igor Figueiredo 0 0 00500000003000400050020000 14500 0005000500050008000125001450014500
109 James Cahill 0 0 20000000065003000300000000 14500 20002000200020002000850014500145001450014500
110 Xu Si 0 0 0003000500000003000002000 13000 00080008000800011000110001300013000
111 Jimmy White 0 0 000000003000000010000 13000 00000030003000300013000
11219 Simon Lichtenberg 0 4600 00000000003000005000 8000 46004600460046004600460046007600760012600
11323 Adam Stefanow 0 7500 20000030000000000000 5000 95009500950012500125001250012500125001250012500
114 Billy Castle 0 0 00000400003000003000200000 12000 0000400040007000120001200012000
115 Jamie O'Neill 0 0 20000000300000000020005000 12000 20002000200020005000500050005000700012000
116 Duane Jones 0 0 04750000000000020005000 11750 04750475047504750475047504750675011750
117 Peter Lines 0 0 00000003000000200005000 10000 00000030005000500010000
118 David Lilley 0 0 0000030000040000050020000 9500 0000300030007000750095009500
119 Brandon Sargeant 0 0 20000030000000003000100000 9000 2000200020005000500050005000900090009000
120 Fraser Patrick 0 0 0000000030000050005000 8500 0000003000350035008500
121 Bai Langning 0 0 2000003000000003000000 8000 2000200020005000500050008000800080008000
122 Andy Hicks 0 0 00000000300000005000 8000 0000003000300030008000
123 Amine Amiri 0 0 0000020005000 7000 0000000020007000
124 Lei Peifan [n 7] 0 0 0000030000000010002000 6000 0000300030003000400060006000
125 Alex Borg 0 0 00000000000005000 5000 0000000005000
126 Riley Parsons 0 0 00000000000000 0 0000000000
127 Steve Mifsud 0 0 0 0 0000000000


  1. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic the Tour Championship and the World Championship were postponed until the summer.[1][2] The final seedings revision has been delayed until 27 June 2020, upon conclusion of the Tour Championship.[3]
  2. "Ch" = Change since the beginning of the 2019/2020 season. See [7] for the player rankings at the start of the season.
  3. The 2017/2018 points only include the ranking points that count towards the next seedings update. All new players or players regaining a place on the tour started on 0 points.
  4. Under World Snooker's rules players are not generally awarded points if they qualify for an event and then withdraw. However, World Snooker's appeals committee reserves the right to award points at their discretion and occasionally the finalised ranking list published after the tournament is inconsistent with the provisional list updated by the WPBSA during the tournament, in the event that discretionary points have been awarded. In such instances this table might include points not documented on the WPBSA's provisional list, which have been factored into the table so the overall totals and rankings match those on the finalised ranking list.
  5. See [7] for the rankings at the first seedings cut-off point; see [12] for the second; see [13] for the third; see [14] for the fourth; see [15] for the fifth; see [16] for the sixth; see [17] for the seventh; see [18] for the eighth; see [19] for the ninth.
  6. Sunny Akani is listed in the official world rankings under the name Akani Songsermsawad.
  7. Lei Peifan is listed in the official world rankings under the name Peifan Lei.
gollark: Is solarflame being wrong again?
gollark: I decided it was apiohazardous and switched back, although it kept randomly switching me to new reddit for a bit.
gollark: I have, in fact, tried it.
gollark: I *like* the "1998 website" aesthetic.
gollark: It uses unreasonable amounts of client side JS and may actually leak memory while old reddit uses mostly HTML, I have uBO anyway, infinite scrolling means you lose your place if the tab is suspended or whatever and can also trap you in an inescapable reddit cycle, and even "compact" view seems to be wasting space on the sides.


  1. "Coral Tour Championship Postponed". World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 17 March 2020. Retrieved 22 March 2020.
  2. "New Dates For Betfred World Snooker Championship". World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 22 April 2020. Retrieved 27 April 2020.
  3. "Full Calendar". World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Archived from the original on 23 June 2020.
  4. "Calendar 2019/2020" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Archived (PDF) from the original on 22 February 2020. Retrieved 22 February 2020.
  5. "Prize Money World Rankings Schedule 2019/2020" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 4 July 2019. Archived (PDF) from the original on 4 July 2019.
  6. "2019/2020 Re-ranking Points List (Seeding Cut-off Points)" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 4 July 2019. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 July 2019.
  7. "World Rankings: After the 2019 Kaspersky Riga Masters" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 29 July 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 July 2019.
  8. "2019/20 Tour Players". World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 6 June 2019. Archived from the original on 9 June 2019.
  9. "Tour Nationalities 2019/20". World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 20 June 2019. Archived from the original on 4 July 2019.
  10. Ranking points accumulated in previous seasons:
  11. "Latest Provisional Seedings". World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Retrieved 26 June 2018.
  12. "World Rankings: After the 2019 International Championship" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 12 August 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 August 2019.
  13. "World Rankings: After the 2019 Evergrande China Championship" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 30 September 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 October 2019.
  14. "World Rankings: After the 2019 World Open" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 4 November 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 November 2019.
  15. "World Rankings: After the 2019 Northern Ireland Open" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 17 November 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 November 2019.
  16. "World Rankings: After the 2019 Betway UK Championship" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 9 December 2019. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 December 2019.
  17. "World Rankings: After the 2020 Betvictor German Masters" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 3 February 2020. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 February 2020.
  18. "World Rankings: After the 2020 Coral Players Championship" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 2 March 2020.
  19. "World Rankings: After the 2020 Coral Tour Championship" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 29 June 2020. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 June 2020.
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