Riverside Records discography

This discography of the Riverside label includes the two principal 12" LP series. The main label's mono series had a 12- (later RLP 12-) prefix and the RLP 1100 series consisted of stereo issues (not given here) of albums also released in mono. The Jazzland subsidiary is also listed, but the earlier 10" series are omitted. They principally were the 1000 series of reissues of early jazz, and the 2500 series of new recordings unrestricted to a single style. Albums issued on the subsidiary Battle (largely gospel), Judson and Washington labels are also omitted, as are the 100 series (12" reissues of early jazz), 600 series (folk music), and 800 series (primarily folk, cabaret, and comedy).


RLP Artist Album
201 Monk, Thelonious Plays Duke Ellington
202 Sullivan, Joe New Solos by an Old Master
203 Weston, Randy Get Happy with the Randy Weston Trio
204 Lowe, Mundell The Mundell Lowe Quartet
205 Parenti, Tony Ragtime!
206 Bell, Marty The Voice of Marty Bell - The Quartet of Don Elliott
207 Lewis, George Jazz in the Classic New Orleans Tradition
208 Lowe, Mundell Guitar Moods
209 Monk, Thelonious The Unique Thelonious Monk
210 Mayl, Gene Dixieland in Hi Fi
211 Davison, Wild Bill Sweet and Hot
212 Sutton, Ralph Classic Jazz Tradition'
213 Helm, Bob & Lu Watters Riverside Roustabouts
214 Weston, Randy With These Hands...
215 Janis, Conrad Dixieland Jam Session
216 Bechet, Sidney Creole Reeds
217 Barbarin, Paul & Sharkey New Orleans Contrasts
218 Elliot, Don & Rusty Dedrick Counterpoint for Six Valves
219 Lowe, Mundell New Music of Alec Wilder
220 Corwin, Bob The Bob Corwin Quartet featuring the Trumpet of Don Elliott
221 Gee, Matthew Jazz by Gee
222 Henry, Ernie Presenting Ernie Henry
223 Evans, Bill New Jazz Conceptions
224 Drew, Kenny Kenny Drew Trio
225 Alpert, Trigger Trigger Happy!
226 Monk, Thelonious Brilliant Corners
227 Weston, Randy Trio and Solo
228 Sims, Zoot Zoot!
229 Gryce, Gigi Gigi Gryce and the Jazz Lab Quintet
230 Lewis, George Jazz at Vespers
231 Halen, Carl Gin Bottle Jazz
232 Weston, Randy Jazz à la Bohemia
233 Hawkins, Coleman The Hawk Flies High
234 Mann, Herbie Sultry Serenade
235 Monk, Thelonious Thelonious Himself
236 Drew, Kenny This Is New
237 Terry, Clark Serenade to a Bus Seat
238 Lowe, Mundell A Grand Night for Swinging
239 Dorham, Kenny Jazz Contrasts
240 Jaspar, Bobby With George Wallington, Idrees Sulieman
241 Rollins, Sonny The Sound of Sonny
242 Monk, Thelonious Monk's Music
243 Various Artists Blues for Tomorrow
244 Various Artists Jazz for Lovers
245 Mann, Herbie Great Ideas of Western Mann
246 Terry, Clark Duke with a Difference
247 Monk, Thelonious & Gerry Mulligan Mulligan Meets Monk
248 Henry, Ernie Seven Standards and a Blues
249 Drew, Kenny Pal Joey
250 Redd, Freddie San Francisco Suite
251 Lincoln, Abbey That's Him!
252 Ware, Wilbur The Chicago Sound
253 Johnson, Dick Most Likely
254 Kelly, Wynton Piano
255 Dorham, Kenny 2 Horns / 2 Rhythm
256 Golson, Benny The Modern Touch
257 Thielemans, Jean ("Toots") Man Bites Harmonica!
258 Rollins, Sonny Freedom Suite
259 Dixieland Rhythm Kings At The Hi Fi Jazz Band Ball
260 Red Onion Jazz Band Dance Off Both Your Shoes
261 Halen, Carl Whoopee Makers' Jazz
262 Monk, Thelonious Thelonious in Action
263 Bradshaw, Evans Look Out for Evans Bradshaw!
264 Griffin, Johnny Johnny Griffin Sextet
265 Adams, Pepper 10 to 4 at the 5 Spot
266 Henry, Ernie Last Chorus
267 Various Artists Riverside Drive
268 Grosz, Marty Hooray for Bix!
269 Adderley, Cannonball Portrait of Cannonball
270 Albany, Joe & Warne Marsh The Right Combination
271 Terry, Clark In Orbit
272 Various Artists Eight Ways to Jazz Cole Porter
273 Mitchell, Blue Big 6
274 Griffin, Johnny Way Out!
275 Dorham, Kenny This Is the Moment!
276 Brooks, John Benson Alabama Concerto
277 Lincoln, Abbey It's Magic
278 Baker, Chet (Chet Baker Sings) It Could Happen to You
279 Monk, Thelonious Misterioso
280 Roach, Max Deeds, Not Words
281 Baker, Chet Chet Baker in New York
282 Jones, Philly Joe Blues for Dracula
283 Lewis, George George Lewis of New Orleans
284 Various Artists Saxophone Revolt
285 Adderley, Nat Branching Out
286 Adderley, Cannonball Things Are Getting Better
287 Abdul-Malik, Ahmed Jazz Sahara
289 Dixieland Rhythm Kings Jazz In Retrospect
290 Golson, Benny The Other Side of Benny Golson
291 Evans, Bill Everybody Digs Bill Evans
292 Baker, Chet Chet Baker Introduces Johnny Pace
293 Mitchell, Blue Out Of The Blue
294 Various Artists New Blue Horns
295 Terry, Clark Top and Bottom Brass
296 Bradshaw, Evans Pieces of Eighty-Eight
297 Dorham, Kenny Blue Spring
298 Kelly, Wynton Kelly Blue
299 Baker, Chet Chet
300 Monk, Thelonious The Thelonious Monk Orchestra at Town Hall
301 Adderley, Nat Much Brass
302 Jones, Philly Joe Drums Around the World
303 Adderley, Cannonball Cannonball Takes Charge
304 Griffin, Johnny The Little Giant
305 Monk, Thelonious 5 by Monk by 5
306 Taylor, Billy Billy Taylor with Four Flutes
307 Baker, Chet Chet Baker Plays the Best of Lerner and Loewe
308 Lincoln, Abbey Abbey Is Blue
309 Mitchell, Blue Blue Soul
310 Montgomery, Wes The Wes Montgomery Trio
311 Adderley, Cannonball The Cannonball Adderley Quintet in San Francisco
312 Monk, Thelonious Thelonious Alone in San Francisco
313 Jones, Philly Joe Showcase
314 Heath, Jimmy The Thumper
315 Evans, Bill Portrait in Jazz
316 Priester, Julian Keep Swingin'
317 Timmons, Bobby This Here is Bobby Timmons
318 Adderley, Nat Work Song
319 Taylor, Billy Uptown
320 Montgomery, Wes The Incredible Jazz Guitar of Wes Montgomery
321 Hooker, John Lee That's My Story
322 Adderley, Cannonball Them Dirty Blues
323 Monk, Thelonious Thelonious Monk at the Blackhawk
324 Jones, Sam The Soul Society
325 Lateef, Yusef The Three Faces of Yusef Lateef
326 Harris, Barry Barry Harris at the Jazz Workshop
327 Clay, James and David Newman The Sound of the Wide Open Spaces!!!!
328 Kelly, Bev Love Locked Out
329 Morgan, Dick Dick Morgan at the Showboat
330 Adderley, Nat That's Right!
331 Griffin, Johnny The Big Soul-Band
332 Wilkerson, Don The Texas Twister
333 Heath, Jimmy Really Big!
334 Timmons, Bobby Soul Time
335 Mangione Brothers Sextet Jazz Brothers
336 Mitchell, Blue Blue's Moods
337 Lateef, Yusef The Centaur and the Phoenix
338 Griffin, Johnny Johnny Griffin’s Studio Jazz Party
339 Taylor, Billy Warming Up!
340 Jordan, Clifford Spellbound
341 Russell, George Stratusphunk
342 Montgomery, Wes Movin' Along
343 Johnson, Budd Budd Johnson and the Four Brass Giants
344 Adderley, Cannonball The Cannonball Adderley Quintet at the Lighthouse
345 Kelly, Bev In Person
346 McBrown, Lennie Eastern Lights
347 Morgan, Dick See What I Mean?
348 Snowden, Elmer Harlem Banjo!
349 Clay, James A Double Dose of Soul
350 Wardell, Roosevelt The Revelation
351 Evans, Bill Explorations
352 Thornton, Teri Devil May Care
353 Clayton, Buck Goin' to Kansas City
354 Harris, Barry Preminado
355 Adderley, Cannonball Cannonball Adderley and the Poll Winners
356 Various Artists New Orleans: The Living Legends
357 Various Artists New Orleans: The Living Legends
358 Jones, Sam The Chant
359 Serrano, Paul Blues Holiday
360 Pike, Dave It's Time for Dave Pike
361 Jazz Five, The The Hooter
362 Montgomery Brothers Groove Yard
363 Timmons, Bobby Easy Does It
364 Barrett, Sweet Emma New Orleans: The Living Legends
365 Thomas, Kid New Orleans: The Living Legends
366 Feldman, Victor Merry Olde Soul
367 Mitchell, Blue Smooth as the Wind
368 Griffin, Johnny Change of Pace
369 Robinson, Jim New Orleans: The Living Legends
370 Pierce, Bill & Dede Pierce New Orleans: The Living Legends
371 Jazz Brothers Hey Baby!
372 Heath, Jimmy The Quota
373 Davis, Eddie "Lockjaw" Afro-Jaws
374 Cox, Ida Blues For Rampart Street
375 Russell, George Ezz-thetics
376 Evans, Bill Sunday at the Village Vanguard
377 Adderley, Cannonball African Waltz
378 Humphrey, Percy New Orleans: The Living Legends
379 Bocage, Peter New Orleans: The Living Legends
380 Norris, Walter The Trio
381 Hope, Elmo Homecoming!
382 Montgomery, Wes So Much Guitar
383 Morgan, Dick Settlin' In
384 Friedman, Don A Day in the City
385 Cottrell, Louis New Orleans: The Living Legends
386 Thomas, Kid New Orleans: The Living Legends
387 Griffin, Johnny White Gardenia
388 Adderley, Cannonball The Cannonball Adderley Quintet Plus
389 Various Artists Chicago: The Living Legends
390 Various Artists Chicago: The Living Legends
391 Timmons, Bobby In Person
392 Harris, Barry Listen to Barry Harris
393 Robinson, Jim New Orleans: The Living Legends
394 Pierce, Bill & Dede Pierce New Orleans: The Living Legends
395 Murphy, Mark Rah!
396 JFK Quintet Jazz Frontiers From Washington
397 Riverside Jazz Stars A Jazz Version Of Kean
398 Hines, Earl A Monday Date
399 Evans, Bill Waltz For Debby
400 Heath, Jimmy Triple Threat
401 Armstrong, Lil Chicago - The Living Legends
402 Lewis, Meade Lux The Blues Piano Artistry of
403 Montgomery, Little Brother Chicago: The Living Legends
404 Adderley, Cannonball The Cannonball Adderley Sextet in New York
405 Jazz Brothers Spring Fever
406 Jackson, Franz Chicago: The Living Legends
407 Jackson, Milt & Wes Montgomery Bags Meets Wes
408 Hope, Elmo Hope-Full
409 Jones, Elvin Elvin!
410 Montgomery, Little Brother Chicago: The Living Legends
411 Jefferson, Eddie Letter From Home
412 Russell, George The Stratus Seekers
413 Harris, Barry Newer Than New
414 Mitchell, Blue A Sure Thing
415 Cobb, Junie New Hometown Band
416 Adderley, Cannonball Greatest Hits
417 Odetta Odetta and the Blues
418 Hunter, Alberta Chicago: The Living Legends
419 Dameron, Tadd The Magic Touch
420 Griffin, Johnny The Kerry Dancers
421 Monk, Thelonious Greatest Hits
422 Timmons, Bobby Sweet and Soulful Sounds
423 Santamaria, Mongo Go Mongo
424 JFK Quintet Young Ideas
425 Poole, Billie Sermonette
426 Wynn, Albert Chicago: The Living Legends
427 Byrd, Charlie Latin Impressions
428 Evans, Bill Moon Beams
429 Jackson, Milt Big Bags
430 Sweets Edison & Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis Jawbreakers
431 Friedman, Don Circle Waltz
432 Jones, Sam Down Home
433 Adderley, Cannonball Know What I Mean?
434 Montgomery, Wes Full House
435 Harris, Barry Chasin' the Bird
436 Byrd, Charlie Bossa Nova Pelos Passaros
437 Griffin, Johnny Grab This!
438 Blakey, Art Caravan
439 Mitchell, Blue The Cup Bearers
440 Russell, George The Outer View
441 Murphy, Mark That's How I Love the Blues!
442 Smith, Johnny "Hammond" Black Coffee
443 Monk, Thelonious Thelonious Monk in Italy
444 Adderley, Cannonball Jazz Workshop Revisited
445 Evans, Bill Interplay
446 Jackson, Milt Invitation
447 Mance, Junior Junior's Blues
448 Byrd, Charlie Byrd's Word!
449 Byrd, Charlie Byrd in the Wind
450 Byrd, Charlie Mr. Guitar
451 Byrd, Charlie The Guitar Artistry of Charlie Byrd
452 Byrd, Charlie Charlie Byrd at the Village Vanguard
453 Byrd, Charlie Blues Sonata
454 Byrd, Charlie Once More! Charlie Byrd's Bossa Nova
455 Adderley, Cannonball Cannonball's Bossa Nova
456 Lytle, Johnny Got That Feeling!
457 Nistico, Sal Comin' On Up
458 Poole, Billie Confessin' The Blues
459 Montgomery, Wes Boss Guitar
460 Monk, Thelonious Two Hours With Thelonious 1
461 Monk, Thelonious Two Hours With Thelonious 2
462 Griffin, Johnny Do Nothing 'til You Hear from Me
463 Friedman, Don Flashback
464 Blakey, Art Ugetsu
465 Heath, Jimmy Swamp Seed
466 Smith, Johnny "Hammond" Mr. Wonderful
467 Byrd, Charlie Byrd at the Gate
468 Timmons, Bobby Born to Be Blue!
469 Rodriguez, Willie Flatjacks
470 Lytle, Johnny Happy Ground - reissue of Jazzland JLP 44
471 Levitt, Rod The Dynamic Sound Patterns
472 Montgomery, Wes Fusion! Wes Montgomery with Strings
473 Evans, Bill How My Heart Sings
474 Adderley, Nat Little Big Horn
475 Ellington, Duke & Billy Strayhorn Great Times!
476 Webster, Ben & Joe Zawinul Soulmates
477 Adderley, Cannonball Nippon Soul
478 Jackson, Milt For Someone I Love
479 Griffin, Johnny Wade in the Water (rerelease of RLP 331)
480 Lytle, Johnny The Village Caller!
481 Byrd, Charlie Byrd Song
482 Smith, Johnny "Hammond" Open House!
483 Monk, Thelonious Thelonious Monk Story 1
484 Monk, Thelonious Thelonious Monk Story 2
485 Friedman, Don Dreams and Explorations
486 Heath, Jimmy On the Trail
487 Evans, Bill At Shelly's Manne-Hole
490 Monk, Thelonious Monk & Coltrane
491 Monk, Thelonious Monk in France
492 Montgomery, Wes Portrait of Wes
493 Blakey, Art Kyoto
494 Montgomery, Wes Guitar on the Go
495 Jackson, Milt Milt Jackson Quintet Live at the Village Gate
496 Smith, Johnny "Hammond" A Little Taste
498 Byrd, Charlie Solo Flight
499 Adderley, Cannonball Cannonball in Europe!
901 Gryce, Gigi & Donald Byrd Jazz Lab (Reissue of RLP 229)
902 Sims, Zoot Zoot Sims Quintet
903 Dorham, Kenny Swingers, The
904 Weston, Randy & Art Blakey Zulu (Trio And Solo)
905 Mann, Herbie & Jack Sheldon Californians
906 Drew, Kenny Hard Bop (This Is New)
907 Terry, Clark and Eddie Henry Cruisin'
908 Lowe, Mundell Low Down Guitar (A Grand Night For Swinging)
909 Drew, Kenny Tough Piano Trio
910 Terry, Clark and Kenny Dorham Top Trumpets
911 Various Artists East Coast Sounds
912 Ware, Wilbur Chicago Cookers (The Chicago Sound)
913 Weston, Randy Greenwich Village Jazz (Jazz A La Bohemia)
914 Dorham, Kenny
915 Elliott, Don Double Trumpet Doings
916 Rhyne, Mel Organizing
917 Herman, Woody Fourth Herd, The
918 Baker, Chet Chet Baker in Milan
919 Rouse, Charlie Takin' Care of Business
920 Land, Harold West Coast Blues!
921 Baker, Chet Chet Baker with Fifty Italian Strings
922 Lytle, Johnny Blue Vibes
923 Alexander, Joe Blue Jubilee
924 Collins, Joyce Girl Here Plays A Mean Piano
925 Priester, Julian Spiritsville
926 Rosengren, Bernt & Lars Werner Bombastica
927 Thomas, Rene Guitar Groove
928 Benton, Walter Out of This World
929 Gordon, Dexter The Resurgence of Dexter Gordon
930 Mance, Junior The Soulful Piano of Junior Mance
931 Davis, Eddie & Johnny Griffin Tough Tenors
932 Red, Sonny Breezing
933 Land, Harold Eastward Ho! Harold Land in New York
934 Hayes, Tubby & Ronnie Scott Message From Britain, The
935 Spann, Les Gemini
936 Gonsalves, Paul Gettin' Together!
937 Harriott, Joe Southern Horizons
938 Moore, Wild Bill Wild Bill's Beat
939 Davis, Eddie & Johnny Griffin Lookin' at Monk!
940 Jordan, Clifford & Sonny Red A Story Tale
941 Mance, Junior Junior Mance Trio at the Village Vanguard
942 Davis, Eddie & Johnny Griffin Griff & Lock
943 Green, Bennie Glidin' Along
944 Lytle, Johnny Happy Ground
945 Sleet, Don All Members
946 Monk, Thelonious Monk & Coltrane
947 Adderley, Nat Naturally!
948 Garland, Red Bright and Breezy
949 Harriot, Joe Free Form
950 Navarro, Fats Fats Navarro with the Tadd Dameron Quintet
951 Rendell, Don Roarin'
952 Jordan, Clifford Starting Time
953 Mance, Junior Big Chief!
954 Moore, Wild Bill Bottom Groove
955 Shearing, George George Shearing and The Montgomery Brothers
956 Strozier, Frank Long Night
957 Anderson, Chris Inverted Image
958 Cook, Junior Junior's Cookin'
959 Red, Sonny The Mode
960 Davis, Eddie & Johnny Griffin Blues Up & Down
961 Ashby, Dorothy Soft Winds
962 Garland, Red The Nearness of You
963 Mance, Junior The Soul of Hollywood
964 Pettiford, Oscar Last Recordings
965 Various Artists Great Big Band and Friends
966 Nistico, Sal Heavyweights
967 Lytle, Johnny Nice and Easy
968 Dameron, Tadd 1948
969 Jordan, Clifford Bearcat
970 Strozier, Frank March of the Siamese Children
971 Stitt, Sonny Low Flame
972 Rollins, Sonny Sonny's Time
973 Garland, Red Solar
974 Red, Sonny Images
975 Adderley, Nat In the Bag
976 Davis, Eddie & Johnny Griffin Tough Tenor Favorites
977 Mance, Junior Happy Time
978 Metronomes, The Something Big
979 Roach, Max Conversation
980 Morgan, Lee Take Twelve
981 Lytle, Johnny Moon Child
982 Dorham, Kenny And Friends
983 Kelly, Wynton Whisper Not
984 Mangione, Chuck Recuerdo
985 Golson, Benny Reunion (The Modern Touch)
986 Rollins, Sonny Shadow Waltz (Freedom Suite)
987 Garland, Red Red's Good Groove
988 Baker, Chet Polka Dots and Moonbeams (In New York)
992 Jones, Philly Joe Drums Around the World - reissue of RLP-302
993 Griffin, Johnny The Little Giant
996 Terry, Clark Quartet With Thelonious Monk (In Orbit)
997 Davis, Eddie Alma Alegre
1001 Various Artists Stars Of Jazz 1961, The
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gollark: Down with "no advertising other servers" rules, which are blatantly an attempt to reduce competition!
gollark: I never did launch osmarks.tkcraft™, since SC came back.
gollark: Also because TC is dead right now, →→¶¢.
gollark: Or at least Terrariola's... ability to request monopolies?
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