Replacement of loanwords in Turkish

The replacing of loanwords in Turkish is part of a policy of Turkification dating back to the Ottoman Empire. Contemporary Turkish includes Ottoman Turkish loanwords—mostly of Persian and French, but also Arabic, Greek, and Italian origin—which were officially replaced with their Turkish counterparts suggested by the Turkish Language Association (Turkish: Türk Dil Kurumu, TDK) as a part of the cultural reforms—in the broader framework of Atatürk's Reforms—following the foundation of Republic of Turkey.

The TDK, established by Atatürk in 1932 in order to conduct research on the Turkish language, also undertook the initiative to replace only Arabic loanwords with their Turkish counterparts. The Association succeeded in removing several hundred Arabic words from the language. While most of the words introduced into the language in this process were newly derived from existing Turkish verbal roots, TDK also suggested using old Turkish words which had not been used in the language for centuries; like yanıt, birey, gözgü. Most of these words are used today widely while their predecessors are not used in daily language anymore. Some words were used before language reform too but they were used much less than the Persian ones. Some words were taken from rural areas but most of them had different meanings, like ürün. Mongolian also played an important role too, because Mongolian preserved the old Turkic borrowings, such as ulus and çağ.

There are generational differences in vocabulary preference. While those born before the 1940s tend to use the old Arabic-origin words (even the obsolete ones), younger generations commonly use the newer expressions. Some new words have not been widely adopted, in part because they failed to convey the intrinsic meanings of their old equivalents. Many new words have taken up somewhat different meanings, and cannot necessarily be used interchangeably with their old counterpart.

Origin of the words in Turkish vocabulary, which contains 104,481 words, of which about 86% are Turkish and 14% are of foreign origin

Many of the loanwords (especially the Arabic, Persian and French ones) are still widely used today, though decreasing in tendency.

Connotations and implications of word choice

Historically, Arabic was the language of the mosque and Persian was the language of education. Its deliberate usage (eschewing the usage of a "western" word) often implies romanticism or a religious subtext, respectively. Similarly, the use of European words may be favored to impart a perceived "modern" character. The use of "pure Turkic" words may be employed as an expression of nationalism or as a linguistic "simplification".

Origin of the words in Turkish vocabulary

The 2005 edition of Güncel Türkçe Sözlük, the official dictionary of the Turkish language published by Turkish Language Association, contains 104,481 words, of which about 86% are Turkish and 14% are of foreign origin.[1] Among the most significant foreign contributors to Turkish vocabulary are Arabic, Persian, French, Italian, English, and Greek.[2]

Word derivations

Most of the new Turkish words are derived from other words with thematic suffixes. For example:

bat- is the root of the verb batmak, which means "to sink" or "to set". The derived word batı means "west" or the cardinal direction in which the sun "sinks". Another example would be aylık, which means "salary" as well as monthly. This is derived from the word ay, which means "moon, month".

Here are some other examples of derivations:

  • gün means "day" → günce means "agenda", güncel means "current", gündem means "current events and news", güncellemek means "to update", günay means "date", güney means "south", güneş means "sun", günlük means "diary" or "daily", gündüz means "daytime" (opposite of night) or "morning",
  • kes- is the root of the verb "to cut" → kesi means "incision", kesici means "cutter", kesin means "accurate", kesinlikle means "definitely", kesinleşmek means "to become definite", kesinsizlik means "the state of indefinity", keskenmek means "to pretend to hit with a hand motion", kesmece is a saying that means "the agreement of cutting a fruit before buying it", keser means "adze", kesiklik means "sudden feeling of tiredness, lethargy", kesilmek means "to act like something", kesir means "fraction", kesirli means "fractional", kesit means "cross section", keski means "chisel", keskin means "sharp", keskinlik means "acuity" and "sharpness", kesim means "segment", kesimlik means "animal (or tree) fit or ready to be slaughtered/cut", kesinti means "interruption", kesintili means "on and off", kesintisiz means "uninterrupted" and "seamless", kesme means "an object cut in the form of a geometrical shape", kestirme means "short-cut", kesik means "interrupted", kestirmek means "to forecast" and "to nap", kestirim means "guess", kesen means "a line that intersects a geometrical entity", kesenek means "deduction", kesişmek means "to intersect", kesişim means "intersection",
  • sap- is the root of the verb "to deviate" → sapık means "pervert", sapak means "turn" (as in roads, traffic),
  • duy- is the root of the verb "to hear", "to feel" → duyu means "sensory", duyarlı means "sensitive", duyarlılık means "sensitivity", duygu means "feeling", duyarga(ç) means "sensor", duyargan means "allergen", duyarca means "allergy", duyum means "hearsay", duyumsamazlık means "apathy",
  • yet- is the root of the verb "to suffice" → yeter means "sufficient", yetki means "authority", yetenek means "talent",
  • başka means "other" → başkalaşım means "metamorphosis",
  • tek means "single" → tekel means "monopoly", tekdüze means "monotonous",
  • ev means "home" → evlilik means "marriage", evcil means "domestic",
  • seç- is the root of the verb "to choose" → seçenek means "choice", seçkin means "elite", seçim means "election",
  • düş- is the root of the verb "to fall" → düşük means "miscarriage",
  • sür- is the root of the verb "to last", "to put forward" → süreğen means "chronic", sürüm means "version",
  • yaz- is the root of the verb "to write" → yazar means "writer", yazgı means "fate", yazılım means "software", yazanak means "report", yazıt means "inscription", yazman means "secretary", yazıcı means "printer", yazın means "literature", yazım means "orthography", yazışma means "correspondence", yazdırım means "dictation",
  • ver- is the root of the verb "to give" → veri means "data", vergi means "tax", verim means "efficiency",
  • öz means "self", "real" → özel means "special", özen means "attention", özgü means "peculiar", özgül means "specific", özge means "other", özne means "subject", özgün means "original", özgür means "free", özümleme means "assimilation", öznel means "subjective". The verb özle- (meaning "to miss", "to long for") is also derived from this word, and özlem is a noun that means "longing".

Some of the Turkish words are also compound words, such as:

  • Başvuru means "application". It is derived from baş (meaning "head") and vuru (meaning "hitting"), so the literal English translation of this compound word would be "head-hitting"
  • Ayak means "foot", and kap means "container", and the compound word ayakkabı means foot-container, "shoe".
  • Ana means "main", and yasa means "law", and the compound word anayasa means "constitution".
  • Öz means "self", and veri means "giving", and the compound word özveri means "altruism, self-sacrifice".
  • Büyük means "big", and elçi means "messenger", and the compound word büyükelçi means "ambassador".
  • Kesim means "cutting", ev means "house", and kesimevi means "slaughterhouse".

For more information, see the related article: Turkish vocabulary.

Lists of replaced loanwords

Loanwords of Arabic origin

The list gives the Ottoman Turkish word, the modern spelling of the word in Turkish (as suggested by TDK), the modern Turkish equivalent, and its meaning in English. Arabs also used the following words as loanwords for their language.

* Old words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.
** New words that are not as frequently used as the old words.

Ottoman Turkish word and its transliteration Modern spelling of the Ottoman Turkish word Modern Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Remarks
acele*acele ivedi**urgent(ly) The Turkish word is derived from the verb ivmek, which means "to hurry".
ʻaḍale*adele kasmuscle From the verb kasmak which means "to tend". The modern word has practically replaced the old one.
عفو ايتمك ʻafu itmek*affetmek bağışlamakto forgive bağışlamak is actually Persian and related with bahşiş ("baksheesh").
عائله ʻaile*aile ocak**family The new sense 'family' of the Turkish ocak 'hearth' did not become widespread. It is mostly used in its old sense. Ocak can also mean January.
عقد ʻaqd*, مقاوله mukâveleakit, mukavele sözleşme, anlaşma, bağıtcontract
عقل ʻaql*akıl us**wisdom While the Turkish word is almost never used, its derivatives (such as uslu, meaning "demure", "well-behaved") are more widely employed.
علاقه ʻalaqe*alaka(lı) ilgi(li)relevant, related to
عامل ʻâmilamil etkenfactor
عملية ʻamaliyyahameliye işlemoperation, process
عامه ammeamme kamupublic, community
عنعنه a'naneanane gelenek, görenektradition
عساكر asakir*asker **, çeri**soldier While the Turkish words are never or very rarely used, its derivatives (such as subay, meaning "army officer" and yeniçeri, meaning "janissary") are commonly used.
عصر asr*asır yüzyılcentury The compound Turkish word literally means "hundred-year"
بارز bâriz*bariz kesin, belliobvious, accurate
بسيط basîṭ*basit kolayeasy, simple The Turkish word is derived from the word kol, meaning "arm". Both are commonly used.
بعض bazı*bazı kimisome (pronoun)
أبيض abyâz*beyaz akwhite The Arabic word and the Turkish word are used in somewhat different contexts: "beyaz" translates as "fair" or "(white) clean"
جمعة camiʻah*camîa toplulukcommunity
جبراً cebrencebren zorlaforcefully
جلسة calsah*celse oturum(law) hearing, session
ceninisakıtceninisakıt düşükmiscarriage See the section "word derivations" above to see how this word is derived.
جنوب cenûbcenup güneysouth
جرحة cerahahcerahat irinpus
جواب cevâb*cevap yanıtanswer The new word is from old Turkic yanut. cevap is still popular.
جهاز cihaz*cihaz aygıtapparatus
جوارى civarı*civarı dolaylarıapproximately, around
جمله cümle*cümle tümce**sentence The new word derived from tüm ("all, entire").
دفعه defʻa*, کره kere*defa, kere keztimes (repetition) An example is: "I did this three 'times'". Both defa and kere are still in popular use.
dâ‘ir*dair ilişkinpertinent (to)
دفينه define*define gömütreasure The Turkish word is derived from the verb göm-, which means "to bury".
دليل delil*delil kanıtevidence
دور devr*devir çağera The new word is actually from Mongolian. The Mongolian word is from Old Turkic çak.
دوره devre*devre dönemsemester The old word is used in many other meanings, and not used anymore in the meaning of "semester".
ابعاد ebʻâd*ebat boyutdimension, size ebʻâd is the plural of بعد (buʻd, buut).
ابدى ebedî*ebedî sonsuzforever The Turkish word literally means "without-end".
اجداد ecdâdecdat ataancestry The Turkish word literally means "father".
اجل ecel*ecel ölüm(predestined time of) death
اجنبى acnebi*ecnebi el, yadstranger, foreigner
ادبيات edebiyyat*edebiyat yazın**literature
اهميات ehemmiyyetehemmiyet önemimportance
البسه elbise*elbise giysicloth The Arabic word is in fact the plural of libās
أمر emr*emir buyrukorder, command The pure Turkish word is from old Turkic buyruk.
امنيه amniyyah*emniyet güvenliksecurity The Turkish word is derived from the word güven, meaning "trust".
اثر eser*eser yapıtproduction (music, film) The Turkish word is derived from the verb root yap-, meaning "to do".
اسير esîr*esir tutsakhostage The Turkish word is derived from the verb tutuz-.
اطراف etraf*etraf ortalıksurroundings, surrounding area The Arabic word is the plural of the word taraf, which means "side" (see below in this list).
اوراق evrâk*evrak belgepaper document In Arabic, evrāk is the plural of vārāk; in modern Turkish, evrak is used as often a singular, although it should be used as a plural of varak.
اول evvel*evvel öncebefore The Turkish word is derived from the word ön, meaning "front". The original Arabic word (awwal) literally means "first".
فعال faʻâl*faal etkinactive The Turkish word is derived from the auxiliary word et-, meaning "to do".
فائد faiz*faiz ürem**, getiriinterest (monetary) While the word ürem is never used, the latter word is common in daily language rather with the meaning of "yield".
فقير، فقره fakir, fukara*fakir yoksulpoor The Turkish word is derived from the word yok. This word is a negation word, which can mean "there is not", "do (does) not have", "do (does) not exist".
فايدة fâydah*fayda yararbenefit, utility
فن fenn*, علم ʻilm*fen, ilim bilimscience The Turkish word is derived from the verb root bil-, meaning "to know".
فيضان feyezanfeyezan taşkınflood, overflow
فرقة furqahfırkat ayrılıkdisparity The Turkish word is derived from the word ayrı, meaning "separate, different".
فكر fikr*fikir görüşopinion The Turkish word is derived from the verb root gör-, meaning "to see".
فعل fiʻl*fiil eylemverb The Turkish word is derived from the verb eyle-, which is derived from the auxiliary verb et-, meaning "to do".
غرب garbgarp batıwest Please see the beginning of this article for the derivation of this word.
غير gayrgayri olmayan, başka, dışınon-, other In Arabic, gayr-i is a prefix which means non- as in "he is a non-Muslim"; "he is not a Muslim". The term gayrimüslim (non-Muslim) remains the politically correct term in Turkey, used frequently in newspapers etc.
غذاء gıda*gıda besinfood
حادثه hadise*hadise olayevent, happening, fact, occurrence The Turkish word is derived from the verb ol-, meaning "to be", "to become".
حافظه hâfıza*hafıza bellekmemory The new word is commonly used in electronics, like computer memory, i.e. önbellek for cache
خفيف hafif*hafif yeğni**light (in weight) The Turkish word is rarely used.
حفريات hafriyyâthafriyat kazıexcavation The Turkish word is derived from the verb root kaz-, meaning "to dig".
حق haqq*hak payportion The old word hak has many other meanings in Turkish.
حقيقت haqîqat*hakikat gerçekreality
حاكم hâkim*hâkim yargıçjudge
حال hâl*, وضعيت vazʻiyet*hâl, vaziyet durumsituation
خليطه halîtahalita alaşımalloy
حامله haʻmile*hamile gebepregnant
خراب harâb*harap yıkıkruin
حرارت harâret*hararet 1: ısı, 2: sıcaklık1: heat, 2: temperature The old word can be used in both meanings in Turkish language.
حركة harekkat*hareket devinim**movement, motion
حرف harf*harf ses, imce**letter The new word also means "sound".
حسره hasra*hasret özlemlonging
حساس hassas*hassas duyarlısensitive
حشره haşara*haşere böcekinsect
خطا hatâ*, قصور kusûr*hata, kusur yanlışmistake
خاطره hâtıra*hatıra anımemoir
حيات hayât*, عمر ömr*hayat, ömür yaşam, dirim**life
حيثيت haysiyyet*haysiyet saygınlıkrespectability
حزم hazm*hazım sindirimdigestion
هديه hediyye*hediye armağangift
هيئت hey'et*heyet kurulboard (company)
حدت hiddet*hiddet kızgınlık, öfkeanger
حكاية hikâye*hikâye öyküstory
خلاف hilâfhilaf karşıtopposite
حس his*his duygufeeling
خواجه hôca*hoca öğretmenteacher New word is from öğret-, meaning "to teach".
حقوق hukuk*hukuk tüze**(judiciary) law The Turkish word is not commonly used; however, its derivatives (such as tüzük, meaning "regulations, statute") are more widespread
خصوص husûs*husus konusubject
حضور huzûr*huzur dirlik**comfort
حجرة hucre*hücre göze**cell The new word is seldom used. There is a word göze meaning spring, fountainhead, regularly used especially in rural areas, commonly also in East of the Turkey, and not a one derived by TDK.
هجوم hücûm*hücum saldırıattack
حرمت hürmet*hürmet saygırespect
اصرار ısrar*ısrar üstelemeinsisting
ابتدائی ibtidâ‘îiptidai ilkelprimary; primitive
اجتماع ictimaiçtima toplantımeeting, gathering
içtimaiçtima kavuşumnew moon (astronomy)
اجتماعى ictimaiiçtimai toplumsalcommunal
ادرار idrar*idrar sidikurine The original meaning of the Arabic word is "the action of yielding milk". The Turkish word is derived from an old Turkic verb siymek, meaning "to urinate".
افتخار iftihâr*iftihar övünmepride
احتراس ihtiras*ihtiras tutkupassion The Turkish word tutku is derived from the verb root tut- which means "to hold"
احتواء ihtivaihtiva etmek içermekto comprise
إحتياج ihtiyâc*ihtiyaç gereksinme, gereksinimneed iħtiyāj is an Arabic verbal-noun form of iħtāj, meaning "need"
اختيار ihtiyâr*ihtiyar yaşlıold (age) The Turkish word literally means with age.
احتياط ihtiyâtihtiyat yedekbackup, spare
اقتباس iktibasiktibas alıntıcopying (in literature; referencing)
علاوه ilave*ilave ekaddition
الهام ilhâm*ilham esininspiration
عمار ʻimâr*imar bayındırlıkconstruction, development
امكان imkân*imkân olanakopportunity, possibility
املاء imlâ*imla yazımorthography
امتحان imtihânimtihan sınav, yazılıexamination The new word is a borrowing from Tatar. The Tatar word is from sına-, meaning "to test".
امتياز imtiyâz*imtiyaz ayrıcalıkfranchise
انحسار inhisârinhisar tekelmonopoly
انسان insân*insan kul**human The new word is used almost only in religious context.
انطباع intibaintiba izlenimimpression
انتحال intihalintihal aşırmaplagirism
ارتفاع irtifâʻ*irtifa yükseklikaltitude The old word is only used in aviation, as in "the altitude of the plane".
ارثی irsî*ırsi kalıtsal, kalıtımsalhereditary
اسم ism*isim adname
إستحصال istiḥṣālistihsal üretimproduction
إستقلال istiqlal*istiklal bağımsızlıkindependence, freedom
استراحة istirâhat*istirahat dinlenmerest
إستثقال istisḳālistiskal aşağılamaabasement
استثناء istisnâ'*istisna aykırıexception
اشتغال iştigâliştigal uğraş, uğraşıoccupation
اشتراك iştirâk*iştirak ortaklıkassociation
ايضاح izâh*izah açıklamaclarification
ازدواج izdivâcizdivaç evlilikmarriage
قابليه kâbiliyet*kabiliyet yetenek, yetitalent, ability
قادر kader*kader yazgıfate
قفة qaffa*kafa başhead
كافي kâfi*kâfi yeterenough
كائنات kâ'inât*kâinat evrenuniverse
قلب kalb*kalp yürekheart
قانون kânûn*kanun yasalaw
قانون اساسى kanunuesasikanunuesasi anayasaconstitution (law)
قافيه kâfiye*kafiye uyakrhyme
كانون اول kânûn-ı evvel aralıkDecember
كانون ثانی kânûn-ı sânî ocakJanuary
كلمه kelime*kelime sözcük, sözword
قرمز ghermez*kırmızı al**, kızılred The Arabic and the Turkish words are used in somewhat different contexts. kızıl is mostly used for red hair.
قسم kısm*kısım bölümpart
كتاب ketab*kitap betik**book The Turkish word is derived from an old Turkic verb bitimek, meaning "to write". However, the old Turkic verb is ultimately a loanword from Chinese word pi-ti, meaning "brush", "writing apparatus". The new word is used in computing in the meaning of "script".
كفر kufr*küfür sövme**curse
قوة kuvvet*kuvvet güç, erkpower, force In physics, the old word is used for "force" and the new word is used for "power".
كرة küre*küre yuvar**sphere
لطيفه lâtîfelatife şakajoke The new word is actually also of Arabic origin (from the word şaḳā (شقاء)), meaning "pity, being unfortunate"
لسان lisân*lisan dillanguage dil means both tongue in the physical sense and language, while "lisan" only means tongue in the language sense.
لغات lûġatlügat sözlükdictionary
لزوملو lüzûmlu*lüzumlu gereklinecessary
معاش maʻâş*maaş aylıksalary
معباد maʻbed*mabet tapınaktemple
مادة maddî*maddî özdeksel**material, materialistic The Turkish word is exclusively used in the context of philosophy.
مفصل mafsalmafsal eklemligament The old word is used for "hinge" (non-anatomical).
مغدور mağdûr*mağdur kıygın**wronged, injured The new word is almost never used.
مغلوبيات maʻlubiyyat*mağlubiyet yenilgidefeat
محفوظ mahfuzmahfuz saklıhidden
مخلوق mahlûk*mahluk yaratıkcreature Sometimes the plural of the old word (mahlukat) is used by its singular meaning.
محصول mahsûl*mahsul ürünproduct The new word actually meant "weed".
مخصوص mahsûs*mahsus özgüpeculiar
مقصد maksad*, غايه gaye*, هدف hedef*maksat, gaye, hedef amaç, erekgoal
معقول maʻkûl*makul uygun, elverişlireasonable
معنة maʻnah*mâna anlammeaning
معنوي manevî*manevî tinsel**moral, spiritual The Turkish word is exclusively used in the context of philosophy.
مانع mâniʻ*mani engelobstacle
مصرف masraf*masraf gider, harcamacost
mavi*mavi gökçe**blue The Turkish word is derived from the word gök, meaning "sky". Although the Turkish word is rarely used in the context of color, it is a common female name, meaning "pleasant, beautiful".
مجاز mecaz*, استعارة istiaremecaz iğretileme, eğretilememetaphor
مجبور mecbûr*mecbur zorunluobligation, obligatory Both the new and the old words can be used as either a noun or an adjective.
مجهول mechûl*meçhul bilinmeyenunknown
مدني madanni*medeni uygarcivil The new word is derived from Uyghur. The Arabic word means "from Medina".
مدنيات madanniyyat*medeniyet uygarlıkcivilization
مفهوم mefhûm*mefhum kavramconcept
مکروه mekrûh*mekruh iğrençdisgusting The old word also has the religious meaning: "disliked", used by all Muslims. Its Arabic meaning is "hated"
melekemeleke alışkanlıkhabit
melez*melez kırmahybrid
مملکت memleket*memleket ülkecountry The old word is used for "one's native region"
مراسم merâsim*merasim törenceremony
مرثيه mersiyemersiye ağıtelegy
مسافه mesafe*mesafe uzaklıkdistance
mesamemesame gözenekpore
مثانة mesane*mesane sidik kesesiurinary bladder
مثلا meselâ*mesela örneğinfor example
mesele*mesele sorunproblem
مسعود mesʻûd*mesut mutlu, sevinçlihappy
مسئوليات maʻsûliyyat*mesuliyet sorumlulukresponsibility
مشهور meşhûr*meşhur ünlüfamous
مشروبات meşrûbât*meşrubat içecekbeverage
موقع mevkiʻ مكان mekân*mevki, mekân yer, konumlocation
ميدان meydân*, ساحه sâhameydan, saha alan**open area, plaza While the new word is used mainly in mathematics (as in the "area" of a triangle), it is seldom used with the same meaning of the old words except in compound words like havaalanı (airport), not hava meydanı (older version).
ميل meyl*meyil eğim, eğiliminclination
مزار mezar*mezar gömüt**cemetery The Turkish word is derived from the verb göm-, which means to "bury".
منطقة mıntıkamıntıka bölgeregion
mısra*mısra dizeverse
مراث mirâs*miras kalıt**inheritance The new word is almost never used, but its derivatives are in use, such as kalıtımsal ("hereditary").
مسافر misâfir*misafir konukguest
مثال misâl*misal örnekexample örnek is actually Armenian.
مسکين miskîn*miskin uyuşuk, mıymıntılazy
معامله muʻâmele*muamele davranıştreatment, behavior
معما muʻammâmuamma bilmecepuzzle, trivia
معاصر muʻâsırmuasır çağdaş, güncelcontemporary
معاون muʻâvin*muavin yardımcıhelper
معجزه muʻcize*mucize tansık**miracle The new word is almost never used.
مغذي mugaddiimugaddi besleyicinourisher
مغالطه mugalatamugalata yanıltmacadeceptive statement
مغني، مغنيه muganni, muganniyemuganni,muganniye şarkıcısinger
مغايرة mugayeretmugayeret aykırılıkirregularity
مغاير mugayirmugayir aykırıirregular The old word has only remained as a legal term meaning "adverse".
mugbermuğber küskün, gücenmiş, dargınthe state of one not talking to another
muglak*muğlak çapraşıkambiguous
مخابره muhaberemuhabere iletişim, iletişmecommunication
مهاجرة muhaceretmuhaceret göçemigration
مهاجم muhacimmuhacim saldıran, saldırıcıattacker, offender
مهاجر muhacirmuhacir göçmenimmigrant
محدب muhaddepmuhaddep dış bükeyconvex The western word konveks is used too.
محافظة muhafaza*muhafaza korumaconservation
muhafazakar*muhafazakar tutucuconservative
محافظ muhafızmuhafız koruyucuprotector
محاكمه muhakeme*muhakeme yargılama, uslamlamajudgment, argumentation
مدة muddat*müddet süreduration
محقق muhakkak*muhakkak kesin(likle)certain(ly)
محقق muhakkikmuhakkik soruşturmacıinvestigator
محال muhalmuhal olanaksızimpossible
مخالفة muhallaffat*muhalefet karşıtlıkopposition The Arabic word is especially common in the context of politics
مخمن muhammenmuhammen oranlanan, ön görülenpre-determined
مخمس muhammesmuhammes beşgenpentagon
muhamminmuhammin ön görenone that pre-determines
محاربه muhârebe, حرب harbmuharebe, harp savaşwar
محارب muharipmuharip savaşçıwarrior
محرر muharrermuharrer yazılı, yazılmışwritten
محرك muharrikmuharrik kışkırtıcı, ayartıcıprovoker
muharrişmuharriş tırmalayan, irkiltenaggravator
muhassamatmuhasamat çarpışmacollusion
محاصره muhasaramuhasara kuşatmasiege
محاسبه muhasebe*muhasebe saymanlıkaccounting, bookkeeping
محاسبجي muhasebeci*muhasebeci saymanaccountant, bookkeeper
muhassırmuhasır kuşatanone that envelops
muhassalamuhassala bileşkeresultant
muhassasmuhassas ayrılmışreserved
muhatmuhat kuşatılmışone that's enveloped, sieged
muhavvilmuhavvil dönüştürenconverter
muhavvilemuhavvile dönüştürücütransformer
محتمل muhtemel*muhtemel olasıpossible
محتويات muhteviyyâtmuhteviyat içindekileringredients
مقدس mukaddesmukaddes kutsalsacred
منتظم muntazam*muntazam düzgün, düzenlitidy
مربع murabbaʻmurabba karesquare The word kare is actually a loanword itself (from French carré)
murafaamurafaa duruşmacourt hearing
معتدل muʻtedilmutedil ılım(lı)moderate(ly)
موفقيت muvaffakıyyetmuvaffakiyet başarısuccess
مبالغه mübalâgamübalağa abartıexaggeration
مجادله mücâdele*mücadele çaba, uğraşendeavor
مجرد mücerritmücerrit soyutabstract
مدافعه müdâfaʻamüdafaa korumasustain, protect, defend
مداخله müdâhale*müdahale karışmaintervention
مدت müddet*müddet süreduration
مدركه mudrikemüdrike anlıkintellect (in psychology)
mudrirmüdrir idrar söktürücüdiuretic
muebbet*müebbet yaşam boyu, sonsuzlifelong, forever In today's Turkish, the Arabic word is exclusively used in the meaning of "lifelong prisonment"
mueccelmüeccel ertelenmişdelayed
مؤدب mueddepmüeddep usluwell behaved, demure
مؤلفات muelleffatmüellefat (yazılı) yapıt(written) piece
مؤلف، محرر muellif, muharrirmüellif, muharrir yazarwriter
مؤمن muemmenmüemmen sağlanmışsecured
مؤنث muennesmüennes dişilfeminine
مؤسسه mu‘essesemüessese kurumfoundation
muessifmüessif üzücüsaddenning
مؤثر muessirmüessir dokunaklıtouching
مؤسس muessismüessis kurucufounder
mueyyidemüeyyide yaptırımsanction
مفكره mufekkrirehmüfekkire düşünce gücüthought capacity
muferrihmüferrih iç açıcırelaxing, refreshing
مفرد mufrettmüfret tekilsingular
مفلس muflismüflis batkınone that's gone bankrupt
مهم mühim*mühim önemliimportant
مؤمن mü‘minmümin inanan, inançlıbeliever
مناسبت münâsebet*münasebet ilişkirelation
مراجعت mürâcaʻatmüracaat başvuruapplication
مركب mürekkebmürekkep birleşmiş, birleşikcomposed of The word mürekkep is still used in Turkish, to mean "ink"
مرتب murrettipmürettip dizgicitype setter
مسابقه müsâbakamüsabaka karşılaşmamatch, competition
مسامحه müsâmahamüsamaha hoşgörütolerance
مساوى musavimüsavi eşit, denkequal
مستهجن müstehcen*müstehcen uygunsuzinappropriate, obscene
مستملك mustamlakmüstemleke sömürgecolony (exploitee)
مسوده müsvedde*müsvedde taslakdraft
مشابه، مماثل muşabbih, mumassilmüşabih, mümasil benzersimilar
مشبهات muşşabbahatmüşabehet benzerliksimilarity
مشخص müşahhasmüşahhas somutconcrete (in concept, the opposite of abstract)
مشكل müşkülmüşkül çetin**difficult
muşkul-pesendmüşkülpesent titizfussy
مشرك muşrikmüşrik çoktanrıcıpolytheist
مشتق müştakmüştak türevderivative
muştehimüştehi istekliwilling (person)
مشتكي muştekimüşteki yakınan, sızlananone who complains, whiner
مشتملات muştemilatmüştemilat eklentiattachment, appandage
مشترك muşterek*müşterek ortakpartner
muşterekenmüştereken ortaklaşajointly
مشتري muşteri*müşteri alıcı, alımcıcustomer
mut‘amüt'a geçici kazançtemporary earning
مطالعه mütâlâʻamütalâa düşüncethought
متارکه mütârekemütareke antlaşmaarmistice
متعدد muteadditmüteaddit birçoka lot, many
متفن muteaffinmüteaffin kokuşukmalodorous
متعهد muteahhid*müteahhit üstencicontractor
muteahhidlikmüteahhitlik üstencilikcontractor (as a profession)
muteakibenmüteakiben arkadanfollowing
متعاقب muteakibmüteakip sonra, ardındanafter, thereafter
متعاليه mutealiyemütealiye deneyüstücülüktranscendentalism
متعلق muteallikmüteallik ilişkin, ilgilirelated (to)
متعمم muteammimmüteammim yaygınlaşmış, genelleşmişsomething that has widespread
متعارفه mutearifemütearife belit**axiom The French word aksiyom is more common
متبقي mutebakimütebaki kalanremaining
mutebasbısmütebasbıs yaltakçıslimy
متبدل mutebeddilmütebeddil değişen, kararsızone that changes, undecided
متبسم mutebessimmütebessim gülümseyen, güleçone that smiles
متجنس mutecanismütecanis bağdaşıkhomogenous
mutecasirmütecasir yeltenenone who dares
متجاوز mutecavizmütecaviz saldırganattacker
متدين mutedeyyinmütedeyyin dindarreligious The dindar is a Persian loanword, meaning "owner of religion". This is one of the most used words in modern Persian.
متأثر muteessirmüteessir üzüntülüsad (person)
متفكر mutefekkirmütefekkir düşünürthinker, intellectual
متفرق müteferrikmüteferrik dağınıkuntidy
متحمل mutehammilmütehammil dayanıklıdurable
متحرك muteharrikmüteharrik devingen, oynarmobile
متخصص mütehassısmütehassıs uzmanexpert
متشبث muteşşebbismüteşebbis girişimcientrepreneur
متوازي mütevâzî*mütevazi alçakgönüllühumble
متوفى muteveffamüteveffa ölü, ölmüşdead
متفق muttefik*müttefik bağlaşık**ally
مزايده muzayyadehmüzayede açık arttırmaauction
مزمن müzminmüzmin süreğenchronic The new word is seldom used.
نادر nadir*, اندر ender*nadir, ender seyrekrare(ly)
نغمه nağmenağme ezgimelody
nafile*nafile boşunafutile
نصيحت nasîhat*nasihat öğütadvice, counsel
نظير nâzırnazır bakanminister
نفس nefes*nefes solukbreath
نسيج nesiçnesiç dokutissue
نسل nesl*nesil kuşakgeneration
نتيجه netîce*netice sonuçresult
نزيف nezifnezif kanamahemorrhage
نصف nısfnısıf yarı(m)half
نهايت nihâyet*nihayet son(unda)final(ly)
نكاح nikâh*nikâh düğünwedding In modern Turkish, nikâh is generally used for the wedding ceremony, while düğün is used for the wedding reception or party.
نسبت nisbet*nispet oranratio
نطق nutk*nutuk söylevspeech
رأي* rey oy vote
رغما ragmen*rağmen karşındespite, in spite of
رفاه rafāh*refah gönençprosperity
رئيس re'îsreis başkanpresident
روح ruh*ruh tin**spirit The Turkish word is almost never used, except in the context of philosophy
رطوبه rutûbet*rutubet yaşlık, ıslaklıkmoisture
رؤيا rü'ya*rüya düşdream
سادهّ sade, سائد sa'aid*sade yalınplain The Turkish word is rarely used.
صفحة safha*safha evre, aşamastage, phase
صفراء safra*safra ödbile
ساحل sahil*sahil kıyıcoast
صاحب sahip*sahip iye**owner The Turkish word is seldom used; however, it is commonly used in the context of grammar when describing the possessive suffix (iyelik eki)
sahte*sahte düzmecefake
samimî*samimi içtensincere the Turkish word literally means "from inside"
سطح sathsatıh yüzeysurface
سياره sayyâreseyyare araba, taşıtcar Araba is the outdated expression for "car" in Arabic. The current word in Arabic for car is seyyara but in Turkish seyyar, means "transportable" or given to travel.
سبب sebeb*sebep nedenreason
سفاره safaratsefaret büyükelçilikembassy
سلامت selâmetselamet esenlikhealth, soundness
سما semâsema göksky
سنه sene*sene yılyear
seviye*seviye düzeylevel
صحت sıhhatsıhhat sağlıkhealth
سحر sihr*sihir büyümagic
صحبت sohbet*sohbet söyleşichat The new word is used in somewhat different contexts.
سؤال su'âlsual soruquestion
صلح sulhsulh barışpeace
صنع sunîsuni yapayartificial The Turkish word is derived from the verb yapmak, which means "to do".
سکوت sükûtsükût sessizliksilence The Turkish word literally means "soundlessness".
sürʻat*sürat hızvelocity, speed In physics, the old word is used for "speed" (scalar) and the new word is used for "velocity" (vector). The new word is actually a loanword from Persian خيز (khiz), meaning "move!" and gained its new meaning after the 20th century.
شاهد şâhid*şahit tanıkwitness The Turkish word is derived from the verb tanımak, which means "to recognize".
شاعر şair*şair ozanpoet
شرق şarkşark doğueast The Turkish word is derived from the verb doğmak, which means "to be born".
شرط şart*şart koşulcondition
şatafat(lı)şatafat(lı) gösteriş(li)spectacular (noun and adjective)
شمال şimâlşimal kuzeynorth
şuʻûr*şuur bilinçconsciousness The Turkish word is derived from the verb bilmek, which means "to know".
şübheli*şüpheli sanıksuspect; someone charged with an offense
تعلق taalluktaalluk ilinticonnection, relation
طبقه tabaqqa*tabaka katmanlayer
طبيعت ṭabîʻat*tabiat doğanature The Turkish word is derived from the verb doğmak, meaning "to be born".
طبيعى ṭabîʻî*tabii doğalnatural The Arabic word is mostly used with the meaning "certainly, of course". The new word doesn't have this meaning. French loanword natürel is used too.
تعبير، افاده taʻbîr, ifâde*tabir, ifade deyiş**narration
ṭâbiyet*tâbiyet uyruk**nationality
تحليل tahlil*tahlil inceleme(laboratory) test (as in medicine)
تخمين tahmin*tahmin kestirim**guess, prediction
تعقيب taʻkib*takip izlem**follow-up The Turkish word is derivede from the verb izlemek, meaning "to watch".
طلب ṭaleb*talep istekrequest, demand, wish
طلبه ṭalebetalebe öğrencistudent (plural of طالب ṭâlib, "seeker" [of knowledge])
تعمير taʻmîr*, تعديلات taʻdîlât*tamir, tadilat onarımrepair, renovation
طرف taraf*taraf yanside
taraftar*taraftar yandaşsupporter, proponent While the Turkish word is also very common, only the Arabic word is used in the context of "fan or supporter of a sports club".
تاريخ tarih*tarih günay**date (in time) The Arabic word tarih also means "history". The Turkish word günay (literally meaning "day-month") is rarely used.
تسلط tasalluttasallut sarkıntılık(sexual) harassment
تصور tasavvurtasavvur canlandırma, tasarıimagine
تصديق tasdîk*tasdik onayapprove
تصحيح tashîhtashih düzeltmecorrection
تصوير tasvîr*tasvir betimlemedescription
طياره tayyâretayyare uçakairplane
توصيه tavsiye*tavsiye salıkadvice
تعادل teʻâdülteadül denklikequivalence
تعامل teʻâmülteamül tepkime, davranışreaction, behavior
تبسم tebessümtebessüm gülümsemesmile
تبديل tebdîltebdil değişiklikchange
تبريك tebrîk*tebrik kutlamacongratulate The new word also has the meaning "celebration".
تجلى tecellîtecelli belirmeemerge, appear
تجسم tecessümtecessüm görünmeappearance, manifestation
تجربة tecrübe*tecrübe deneyimexperience
تجهيزات techîzât*teçhizat donanımequipment
تداوى tedavi*tedavi sağaltım**therapy
تدبير tedbîr*tedbir önlemprecaution
تأثر te'essürteessür üzüntüagony
teferruatteferruat ayrıntıdetail
تكامل tekâmültekamül evrim, başkalaşımmaturation, metamorphosis, evolution
تقاعد tekaʻüdtekaüt emeklilikretirement
تكفل tekeffültekeffül yükümlenmestanding surety
تكليف teklîf*teklif öneriproposal
تكرار tekrar*tekrar yineagain
تلاش telâş*telaş tasa, kaygıworry
تناسب tenâsübtenasüp uyumcongruity
تنبيه tenbîh*tembih uyarıwarning
tercîh etmek*tercih etmek yeğlemekto prefer
ترجمه tercüme*tercüme çeviritranslation
تردد terreddut*tereddüt duraksamahesitancy
ترتيب tertip*tertip düzenorder, tidiness
تأثير tesir*tesir etkieffect
تسلى teselli*teselli avunmaconsole
تشخيص teşhis*teşhis tanıdiagnosis The Turkish word tanı is the root of the verb tanımak, which literally means "to recognize".
تشكيل teshkilteşkil etmek oluşturmakto constitute
تشرين اول teşrîn-i evvel ekimOctober
تشرين ثانی teşrîn-i sânî kasımNovember
تشويق teşvik*teşvik özendirme, kışkırtma(providing) incentive, provocation
usûl*usul yöntemmethod
عنصر unsur*unsur öğeconstituent, element
عنوان unvan*ünvan san(professional) title
اسلوب uslup*üslup biçem**style
وعد vaʻd*vaat sözpromise (noun)
واقعه vakʻâ*vaka olayevent
وقور vakûrvakur ağır başlıdignified The Turkish expression literally means "heavy headed".
وصف vasf*vasıf nitelikfeature, quality
واسطه vasıtavasıta araçvehicle
وسيع vâsivâsi enginvast
وطن vatan*vatan yurthomeland
vatandaş*vatandaş yurttaş**citizen The Turkish word used to be more common up to thirty years ago.
vaz geçmek*vazgeçmek caymakto change one's mind; to give up (on something/someone) Here, vaz is the Persian loanword, and geçmek is a Turkish auxiliary verb.
وظيفه vazîfe*vazife görevtask, mission
و ve*ve ileand The Turkish word is very common, but is only used to link nouns, and can normally be translated as with.
وهم vehmvehim kuruntuapprehension, fancy
ولاية vilâyet*vilayet ilprovince
تفسير tefsîr*tefsir yoruminterpretation, analysis, comment
ضبط dzabt*zabıt tutanakminute of proceeding, trial
ضمير zamîr*zamir adıl**pronoun
زاويه zaviyezaviye açıangle From aç-, meaning "to open".

Loanwords of French origin

French words started to infiltrate the Turkish language in the 1800s, when administrative reforms (Tanzimat) started taking place in the Ottoman Empire. The extent of French influence was such that the number of French loanwords was close to 5,000.

Most of the French loanwords are still widely used in Turkish today.

* Words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.

Loanword Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Original French spelling
ajanda *andaç (replaced with gündem )agendaagenda
aksesuar *süsaccessory (decorative)accessoire
aktif *etkinactiveactif
alternatif *seçenekalternative (noun)alternatif
analiz *çözümlemeanalysisanalyse
asimilasyon, anabolizma *özümlemeassimilation, anabolismassimilation, anabolisme
astronomi *gökbilimastronomyastronomie
avantaj *üstünlükadvantageavantage
detay *ayrıntıdetaildétail
direkt *doğrudandirectlydirect
dikte *yazdırımdictationdictée
doküman *belgedocumentdocument
domestik *evcildomesticdomestique
egzersiz *alıştırmaexerciseexercice
endemik *salgınendemicendémique
enerji *erkeenergyénergie
enflamasyon *yangıinflammationinflammation
enformatikbilişiminformation technologyinformatique
enteresan *ilginçinterestingintéressant
eritrositalyuvarred blood cellérythrocyte
eksper *bilirkişiexpertexpert
faks *belgeç, belgegeçerfaxfax
faktör *etkenfactorfacteur
fenomen *olguphenomenonphénomène
filoloji *dilbilimphilologyphilologie
filtre *süzgeçfilterfiltre
fizyoloji *işlevbilimphysiologyphysiologie
fonksiyon *işlevfunctionfonction
fotokopi *tıpkıbasımphotocopyphotocopie
garanti *güvenceinsurance, assurancegarantie
global *küreselglobalglobal
gramerdil bilgisigrammargrammaire
grup *öbekgroupgroupe
halüsinasyon *sanrıhallucinationhallucination
histolojidoku bilimihistologyhistologie
homojen *bağdaşıkhomogenoushomogène
Hoplamak*ZıplaJumpOup La
illüzyon *yanılsamaillusionillusion
istatistik *sayımlamastatisticsstatistiques
izolasyon *yalıtımisolationisolation
kalite *nitelikqualityqualité
kampüs *yerleşkecampuscampus
kapasite *sığa, kapsamcapacitycapacité
karakter *kişilik character, personalitycaractère
kategori *ulamcategorycatégorie
kompleks *karmaşıkcomplexcomplexe
konsantrasyon *derişimconcentrationconcentration
konsolidasyon *süreletmeconsolidation (economics)consolidation
kontrol *denetimcontrolcontrôle
kramp *kasınç(muscle) crampcrampe
kriter *ölçütcriteriacritères
kronik *süreğenchronic(ally)chronique
kuaför *güzellik salonu/berberbeauty/hair salon, barbercoiffeur
lenf *ak kanlymphlymphe
liste *dizelgelistliste
lokositakyuvarwhite blood cellleucocyte
medya *basın-yayınmediamédia
mekanizma *düzenekmechanismmécanisme
meridyen *boylamlongitudeméridien
mesaj, posta *iletimessagemessage
metamorfoz *başkalaşımmetamorphosismétamorphose
metot *yöntemmethodméthode
monoton *tekdüzemonotonousmonotone
mobilya *?furnituremobilier
moral *özgüçmoralmorale
mutasyon *değişinimmutationmutation
normal *olağannormalnormal
objektif *nesnelobjectiveobjectif
organizasyon *düzenlemeorganizationorganisation
orijinal *özgünoriginaloriginal
otorite *yetkeauthorityautorité
paradoks *çelişkiparadoxparadoxe
paralel *enlemlatitudeparallèle
parazit *asalakparasiteparasite
pasif *edilgenpassivepassif
performans *başarımperformanceperformance
plaj *kumsalbeachplage
plato *yaylaplateauplateau
popüler, favori *gözdepopular, favoritepopulaire, favori
prensip *ilkeprincipalprincipe
problem *sorunproblemproblème
program *izlenceprogramprogramme
proje *tasarıprojectprojet
prosedür *işlem, işleyişprocedureprocédure
radyoaktif *ışın etkinradioactiveradioactif
randıman *verimefficiencyrendement
rapor *yazanakreportrapport
restoran *aşevirestaurantrestaurant
sekunder, sekonderikincilsecondarysecondaire
sekreter *yazmansecretarysecrétaire
sembol *simgesymbolsymbole
semptom *belirtisymptomsymptôme
sendrom *belirtisyndromesyndrome
sentez *bireşimsynthesissynthèse
sistem *dizgesystemsystème
simülasyon *öğrencesimulationsimulation
standart *ölçünstandardstandard
statik *durukstaticstatique
statü *durumstatusstatut
subjektif *öznelsubjectivesubjectif
teori *kuramtheorythéorie
tretuvarkaldırımpavement / sidewalktrottoir
tümör *urtumortumeur
versiyon *sürümversionversion
viraj *dönemeçturn (as in traffic)virage
ultrason *yansılanım (the act of echoing)ultrasoundultrason

Loanwords of Persian origin

The list gives the Ottoman Turkish word, the modern spelling of the word in Turkish (as suggested by TDK), the modern Turkish equivalent, and its meaning in English.

Most of the original Persian words are still widely used in modern Turkish. In fact, there are over 1,500 Persian words in Turkish. However, for many of the Persian words (unlike Arabic words), there is no TDK-prescribed equivalent. TDK did not put as much effort into replacing Persian words as it did for Arabic words, largely because the Persian words were better assimilated into the language. Arabic language and culture is general perceived by Turks to be more "foreign" than Persian language and culture, which had a native presence in Anatolia since the time of the Achaemenids, and was patronised for millennia afterwards by other dynasties with a presence in Anatolia such as the Sasanians, Seleucids, Seljuks, Sultanate of Rum, and lastly, the Ottomans, amongst others.

* New words that are not as frequently used as the old words.

Ottoman Turkish word Modern spelling of the Ottoman Turkish word Modern Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Remarks
چابكçabukivedi *quick(ly)Çabuk is related to Old Armenian ճապուկ (čapuk)[3]
çeşittürkind, varietyÇeşit is still in popular use.
چهار یکçeyrekdörtte birquarterBoth the Persian and the Turkish expressions literally mean one in four
دردdertağrıpainDert changed meaning and is now used as "problem"
دیگرdiğeröbür, ötekiother
دشمنdüşmanyağı *enemyThe Turkish word is almost never used.
انديشهendişekaygıworry (noun)
گزيدهgüzideseçkinélitePlease see the beginning of this article for the derivation of "seçkin"
خستهhastasayrı*patient, sickThe Turkish word is never used. But its derivative sarılık is. The original Persian word actually means tired
همیشهhemîşeher zamanalwaysThe Her Zaman is a Persian loanword, meaning "any time". This is one of the most used words in modern Persian.
هنوزhenüzdahayetBoth words are still in popular use.
kurnazaçıkgözlücunningThe Turkish word literally means open-eyed. Both words are used.
مهتابmehtapay ışığımoonlight
پاپوشpabuçayakkabıshoeBoth the Persian and the Turkish words literally mean foot coverer
سرخوشsarhoşesrik *drunkThe Persian word (serhoş) literally means head-sweet. The Turkish word is derived from the verb root es-, meaning to blow, to fan (wind). The Turkish word is no longer used.
سربستserbesterkin *free, footlooseThe Turkish word is almost never used.
سرسریserseribaşıboşbum, runaboutThe Turkish word is rarely used.
سياهsiyahkarablackThe Persian and the Turkish word are used in somewhat different contexts.
بهارsonbahargüzfall (season)The Persian word behar means spring. The Turkish compound word sonbahar (which literally means last-spring) means fall. The compound word ilkbahar'(first-spring')means spring. But often just the word "bahar" is used.
شهرşehirkentcityThe word kent is actually of Sogdian origin. Sogdian is an Iranian language that is now extinct.
تازهtazeyeninewtaze and yeni are used in different ways. While taze means rather fresh, yeni means new.
یاورyaveryardımcıhelperThe Persian word is hardly ever used.
زهرzehirağı *poison, toxinThe Turkish word is rarely used.
زنگینzenginvarsıl *, varlıklı, varlı **richThe Turkish word is rarely used.
زورzorçetin *difficultBoth words are used but çetin means very difficult or unfeasible.

Loanwords of other origin

* Words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.

Loanword Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Origin language Original spelling Remarks
angarya *yüklentidrudgery, forced laborGreekαγγαρείαThe Turkish word is still unused.
endoskopi *iç görüm ("inside seeing")endoscopyEnglishThe Turkish word is less common.
fetüs *dölütfetusLatinfetusThe Turkish word is used occasionally.
genetik *kalıtım (bilimi) ("the science of heredity")geneticsGermanGenetikBoth the loanword and the Turkish word are used.
hegemonya *boyundurukhegemonyGreekηγεμονίαThe Turkish word is more commonly used.
İnternet *Genel AğInternetEnglishThe Turkish word is still unused.
konsonantünsüzconsonantGerman[4]KonsonantThe loanword is now unused.
kundura *ayakkabıshoeItalianconduraThe Turkish word is more commonly used.
otoban *otoyolhighwayGermanAutobahn
vokal *ünlüvowelGerman[5]VokalThe loanword is now unused.
pezevenk *dümbükprocurerArmenianբոզավագThe Turkish word is less common.
gollark: In the hypothetical scenario in which I had backdoors, I could theoretically just make it accept itself as valid if it was signed by potatOS keys and not your own.
gollark: It still can't verify itself.
gollark: In any case, I can neither confirm nor deny that there wouldn't be much stopping me from just sending backdoored copies into your signing process.
gollark: Well, the program can't usefully verify *itself*.
gollark: I see.

See also


  1. "Güncel Türkçe Sözlük" (in Turkish). Turkish Language Association. 2005. Archived from the original on 2007-03-21. Retrieved 2007-03-21.
  2. "Türkçe Sözlük (2005)'teki Sözlerin Kökenlerine Ait Sayısal Döküm" [Numerical list on the origin of words in Türkçe Sözlük (2005)] (in Turkish). Turkish Language Association. 2005. Archived from the original on 2007-03-01. Retrieved 2007-03-21.
  3. "چابک - Wiktionary". Retrieved 2018-06-07.
  4. TDK Online Dictionary - konsonant Archived 2007-08-22 at the Wayback Machine
  5. TDK Online Dictionary - vokal Archived 2007-08-22 at the Wayback Machine


  • Yazım Kılavuzu, the official spelling guide of the Turkish language on TDK website
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