RFE Phonetic Alphabet

The RFE Phonetic Alphabet, named for a journal of philology, Revista de Filología Española (RFE) is a phonetic alphabet originally developed in 1915 for the languages and dialects of Iberian origin, primarily Spanish. The alphabet was proposed by Tomás Navarro Tomás and adopted by the Centro de Estudios Históricos in Madrid for the RFE and by the Instituto de Filología de Buenos Aires.[1] It is used solely in works based on Hispanic themes, such as the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI), as well as phonetics manuals. Additionally, this phonetic alphabet is taught at the universities of Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico.[2]


Bilabial consonants
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
bbondadbon̹dáđ̥Voiced bilabial stopb
ppadrepáđreVoiceless bilabial stopp
mamaramárVoiced bilabial nasalm
mismo (And.)mím̥moVoiceless bilabial nasal
ƀhabaáƀaVoiced bilabial fricativeβ
ƀ̥las botas (And.)la ƀ̥ótahVoiceless bilabial fricativeɸ
Labiodental consonants
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
confusokom̭fúṡoLabiodental nasalɱ
ffácilfáθi̧lVoiceless labiodental fricativef
vvida (emphatic)viđaVoiced labiodental fricativev
Interdental consonants
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
cruz divina (emphatic)krúẓ ḍiƀínaVoiced interdental stopd̪͆
hazte acááθṭe akáVoiceless interdental stopt̪͆
onzaóṇθaInterdental nasaln̪͆
θmozomóθoVoiceless interdental fricativeθ̪͆
đruedar̄wéđaVoiced interdental fricativeð̪͆
calzadokaḷθađoVoiceless interdental laterall̪͆
Dental consonants
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
dduchodúĉoVoiced dental stop
ttomartomáɹVoiceless dental stop
montemón̹teDental nasal
desdedéz̹đeVoiced dental fricativeð
hastaás̹taVoiceless dental fricativeθ
faldafál̹daDental lateral approximant
Alveolar consonants
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
nmanomã́noAlveolar nasaln
asno (And.)án̥noVoiceless alveolar nasal
ŝchobu (W.Ast.)ŝóƀuVoiceless alveolar affricateʦ
zlos días (Mex.)lo zíah
srosa (And.)r̄osa
żrasgarr̄ażǥáɹVoiced alveolar fricativez
casakáṡaVoiceless alveolar fricatives
llunalúnaAlveolar lateral approximantl
muslo (And.)mųl̥loVoiceless alveolar lateral approximant
rhoraǫ́raAlveolar flapɾ
multitudmųr̥titúVoiceless alveolar flapɾ̥
carrokár̄oAlveolar trillr
ɹcolorkolǫ́ɹAlveolar approximantɹ
ɹ̊trigo (Mex.)tɹ̊íǥoVoiceless alveolar approximantɹ̥
ɹ̱honra (Chil.),
pondré (Mex.)
Geminated voiced alveolar approximant[ɹː]
ɹ̱̊perro (Chil.)pę́ɹ̱̊o / pę́ɹ̱oGeminated voiceless alveolar approximant[ɹ̥ː]
Prepalatal consonant
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
añoán̮oPalatal nasalɲ
ŷyugoŷúǥoVoiced palatal affricateɟ͡ʝ
ĉmuchomúĉoVoiceless postalveolar affricateʧ
žmayo (Arg.)mažoVoiced postalveolar fricativeʒ
šrexa (Ast.)r̄ešaVoiceless postalveolar fricativeʃ
ymayomáyoVoiced palatal fricativeʝ
jefe (Chil.)ẙefe / ẙjéfe
jnietonjétoPalatal approximantj
inquietoiŋ́ḱj̊éto / iŋ́ḱj̊eto
castillokas̹tíl̮oPalatal lateral approximantʎ
Pospalatal consonants
RFE Example Transcription
Velar consonants
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
ggustargųs̹táɹVoiced velar stopg
kcasakáṡaVoiceless velar stopk
ŋnuncanṹŋkaVelar nasalŋ
ǥrogarr̄oǥárVoiced velar fricativeɣ
xjamásxamásVoiceless velar fricativex
łmalalt (Cat.)məlạłVelarized alveolar lateral approximantɫ
whuesowéṡoVoiced labio-velar approximantw
fuera (esp. enf.)fw̥éraVoiceless labio-velar approximantʍ
Uvular consonants
RFE Example Transcription
ŋ̇don Juandoŋ̇ ẋwán
Laryngeal consonants
RFE Example Transcription Consonant IPA
hhorno (And.)hǫ́rnoVoiceless glottal fricativeh
RFE Description
į ę ǫ ųLowered
i e a o uUnmarked vowels
ẹ ọRaised
ąFronted a
Backed a
ǫ̈Labialized ę
öLabialized e
ų̈Labialized į
üLabialized i
ĩ ã ũ õ, etc.Nasalized vowels
á ó ę́ ã́Vowels with stress marker
aː oː lː sː mː nː, etc.Long (Vowel Length or Gemination)
đ đ̥, etc.Reduced sounds


  • RFE (1915) "Alfabeto fonético de la revista de filología española"; Revista de Filología Española 2: 374-376.
  • Navarro Tomás, Tomás (1966) "El alfabeto fonético de la Revista de Filología Española"; Anuario de Letras 6: 5-19.
gollark: It kind of does, I think, possibly under Cheating.
gollark: Come on, this is tJ09 we're talking about.
gollark: OR WOULD THEY?
gollark: Probably Halloween; I came up with a possible explanation.
gollark: ✨ 📻 🐀

See also


  1. Pop 1950
  2. Cuétara Priede 2004, p. 46


  • Alvar, Manuel; & Mouton, Pilar García. Textos Andaluces en Transcription fonética. Madrid : Editorial Gredos.
  • Cuétara Priede, Javier. 2004. Fonética de la ciudad de México: Aportaciones desde las tecnologías del habla. México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
  • Face, Timothy L. 2008. Guide to the Phonetic Symbols of Spanish. Sommerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
  • García Mouton, Pilar; & Moreno Fernández, Francisco (dir.). 2003. « Alfabeto fonético y otros signos », in Atlas Lingüístico (y etnográfico) de Castilla - La Mancha, Universidad de Alcalá. <http://www2.uah.es/alecman>
  • Llisterri, Joaquim. 2012. La Transcription fonética, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Navarro Tomás, Tomás. 1915. “Alfabeto fonético ”, in Revista de Filología Española, tomo 2, pp. 374–376.
  • Navarro Tomás, Tomás. 1966. “El alfabeto fonético de la Revista de Filología Española”, in Anuario de Letras, tome 6, 1966, pp. 5–19.
  • Martín Butragueño, Pedro. 2012. Fonología variable del español de México. sección Alfabeto fonético
  • Pop, Sever. La dialectologie : aperçu historique et méthodes d'enquêtes linguistiques, J. Duculot, Louvain, 1950, 2 vol. (volumen 1 y volumen 2)
  • El International Phonetic Alphabet y el de la RFE
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