
The Pteromalidae are a very large family of mostly parasitoid wasps, with some 3,450 described species in about 640 genera (the number was greater, but many species and genera have been reduced to synonymy in recent years). The subfamily-level divisions of the family are highly contentious and unstable, and the family unquestionably is completely artificial, composed of numerous, distantly related groups (polyphyletic). Accordingly, details of their life histories range over nearly the entire range possible within the Chalcidoidea, though the majority are (as with most chalcidoids) parasitoids of other insects. They are found throughout the world in virtually all habitats, and many are important as biological control agents. The oldest known fossil is known from the Early Cretaceous[1]

Temporal range: Aptian–Present
Catolaccus grandis
Scientific classification

Dalman, 1820

many (see text)

32-35 subfamilies
c. 640 genera
c. 3450 species

In essence, a "pteromalid" is any member of the Chalcidoidea that has five-segmented tarsi and does not have the defining features of any of the remaining families with five-segmented tarsi. Unquestionably, this family will be divided into several families in the near future.[2]


Usually metallic Chalcidoids of varying body size (from 1–48 mm long) and built (slender to quite robust), with the tarsi of the fore and hind legs consisting of five segments, which carry antennae consisting of eight to thirteen segments (including up to 3 annelli), and that in fully winged forms have in the fore wing a marginal vein that is at least several times longer than broad, very often with well-developed postmarginal and stigmal veins, although these are rarely quite short, and nearly always a distinct speculum.[3]


The life strategies of the species in this family vary greatly. There are both solitary and gregarious species, living outside (ectoparasitoid) or inside their prey (endoparasitoid), koinobionts and idiobionts, primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids and even predators that kill and consume the prey immediately.[3] Because of their parasitoid nature, wasps of this family are often used as biological control agents for destructive pests such as american serpentine leafminers.[4]

Subfamilies (32-35)

Asaphinae - Austrosystasinae - Austroterobiinae - Ceinae - Cerocephalinae - Chromeurytominae - Cleonyminae - Coelocybinae - Colotrechninae - Cratominae - Diparinae - Ditropinotellinae - Elatoidinae - Epichrysomallinae - Erotolepsiinae - Eunotinae - Eutrichosomatinae - Herbertiinae - Keiraninae - Leptofoeninae - Louriciinae - Macromesinae - Miscogasterinae - Nefoeninae - Neodiparinae - Ormocerinae - Panstenoninae - Parasaphodinae - Pireninae - Pteromalinae - Spalangiinae - Storeyinae - Sycoecinae - Sycoryctinae

Overview of genera (591 + 1†)

Ablaxia - Abomalus - Acaenacis - Acerocephala - Acoelocyba - Acroclisella - Acroclisis - Acroclisissa - Acroclisoides - Acroclypa - Acrocormus - Aditrochus - Aeschylia - Afropsilocera - Agamerion - Aggelma - Agiommatus - Agrilocida - Aiemea - Allocricellius - Alloderma - Alticornis - Alyxiaphagus - Amandia - Amazonisca - Amblyharma - Amblypachus - Ambogaster - Amerostenus - Ammeia - Amoturella - Amphidocius - Andersena - Angulifrons - Anisopteromalus - Ankaratrella - Anogmoides - Anogmus - Anorbanus - Apelioma - Aphobetus - Apsilocera - Apycnetron - Arachnopteromalus - Ardilea - Arriva - Arthrolytus - Asaphes - Asaphoideus - Asparagobius - Atrichomalus - Ausasaphes - Australeunotus - Australicesa - Australolaelaps - Australurios - Austrosystasis - Austroterobia - Bairamlia - Balrogia - Baridobius - Blascoa - Bofuria - Boharticus - Bohpa - Bomburia - Bonitoa - Boucekina - Boucekius - Brachycaudonia - Brachyscelidiphaga - Bruesisca - Bubekia - Bubekiana - Bugacia - Bulolosa - Bupronotum - Caenacis - Caenocrepis - Callicarolynia - Callimerismus - Callimomoides - Calliprymna - Callitula - Callocleonymus - Calolelaps - Cameronella - Canada - Canberrana - Capellia - Catolaccus - Cavitas - Cea - Cecidellis - Cecidolampa - Cecidostiba - Cecidoxenus - Cephaleta - Ceratetra - Cerocephala - Cerodipara - Chadwickia - Chalcedectus - Chalcidiscelis - Cheiropachus - Chimaerolelaps - Chlorocytus - Choetospilisca - Chromeurytoma - Chrysoglyphe - Cleonymus - Coelocyba - Coelocyboides - Coelopisthia - Collentis - Collessina - Colotrechnus - Conigastrus - Conodipara - Conomorium - Conophorisca - Cooloolana - Coruna - Cratomus - Cryptoprymna - Cybopella - Cyclogastrella - Cyrtogaster - Cyrtophagoides - Cyrtoptyx - Dasycleonymus - Dasyneurophaga - Delisleia - Delucchia - Desantisiana - Dibrachoides - Dibrachys - Diconocara - Diglochis - Dimachus - Dinarmoides - Dinarmolaelaps - Dinarmus - Dineuticida - Dinotiscus - Dinotoides - Diourbelia - Dipachystigma - Dipara - Dirhicnus - Ditropinotella - Divna - Doddifoenus - Doganlaria - Dorcatomophaga - Dozodipara - Drailea - Dudichilla - Dvalinia - Ecrizotes - Ecrizotomorpha - Elachertodomyia - Elachertoidea - Elatoides - Elderia - Encyrtocephalus - Endomychobius - Enoggera - Eopteromalites - Epanogmus - Epelatus - Epicatolaccus - Epicopterus - Epipteromalus - Epistenia - Epiterobia - Erdoesia - Erdoesina - Erixestus - Erotolepsia - Erotolepsiella - Errolia - Erythromalus - Espinosa - Eucoelocybomyia - Eulonchetron - Eumacepolus - Euneura - Eunotomyiia - Eunotopsia - Eunotus - Eupelmophotismus - Eurydinota - Eurydinoteloides - Eurydinotomorpha - Eurytomomma - Eutelisca - Euteloida - Eutrichosoma - Ezgia - Fanamokala - Fedelia - Ferrierelus - Ficicola - Fijita - Frena - Fusiterga - Gahanisca - Gastracanthus - Gastrancistrus - Gbelcia - Genangula - Globimesosoma - Globonila - Glorimontana - Glyphognathus - Glyphotoma - Gnathophorisca - Goidanichium - Golovissima - Grissellium - Grooca - Guancheria - Gugolzia - Guinea - Guolina - Gyrinophagus - Habritella - Habritys - Habromalina - Hadroepistenia - Haliplogeton - Halomalus - Halticoptera - Halticopterella - Halticopterina - Halticopteroides - Hansonita - Harrizia - Hedqvistia - Hedqvistina - Helocasis - Hemadas - Hemitrichus - Herbertia - Heteroprymna - Heteroschema - Hetreulophus - Heydenia - Heydeniopsis - Hillerita - Hirtonila - Hlavka - Hobbya - Holcaeus - Homoporus - Hubena - Huberina - Hyperimerus - Hypopteromalus - Idioporus - Indoclava - Inkaka - Ischyroptyx - Ismaya - Isocyrtella - Isocyrtus - Isoplatoides - Jaliscoa - Janssoniella - Kaleva - Kazina - Keesia - Keirana - Kerya - Klabonosa - Kneva - Kratinka - Kratka - Krivena - Ksenoplata - Kukua - Kumarella - Laesthiola - Lampoterma - Lamprotatus - Lanthanomyia - Lariophagus - Lasallea - Laticlypa - Lelaps - Lelapsomorpha - Lenka - Leodamus - Leptofoenus - Leptogasterites - Leptomeraporus - Licteria - Liepara - Lincolna - Lisseurytoma - Lomonosoffiella - Lonchetron - Longinucha - Lycisca - Lyrcus - Lysirina - Lyubana - Macroglenes - Macromesus - Makaronesa - Manineura - Maorita - Marxiana - Mauleus - Mayrellus - Mazinawa - Megadicylus - Megamelanosoma - Melancistrus - Merallus - Meraporus - Merismoclea - Merismomorpha - Merismus - Merisus - Mesamotura - Mesolelaps - Mesolelaps - Mesopeltita - Mesopolobus - Metacolus - Metastenus - Meximalus - Micradelus - Mimencyrtus - Mirekia - Miristhma - Miscogaster - Miscogasteriella - Mnoonema - Mokrzeckia - Monazosa - Monoksa - Moranila - Morodora - Muesebeckisia - Muscidifurax - Myrmicolelaps - Nadelaia - Nambouria - Narendrella - Nasonia - Nazgulia - Neanica - Neapterolelaps - Neboissia - Nedinotus - Nefoenus - Neocalosoter - Neocatolaccus - Neochalcissia - Neocylus - Neodipara - Neoepistenia - Neolelaps - Neolyubana - Neoperilampus - Neopolycystus - Neosciatheras - Neoskeloceras - Neotoxeumorpha - Nephelomalus - Nepistenia - Nerotolepsia - Netomocera - Nikolskayana - Nodisoplata - Norbanus - Nosodipara - Notanisus - Notoglyptus - Notoprymna - Novitzkyanus - Nuchata - Oaxa - Obalana - Ogloblinisca - Omphalodipara - Oniticellobia - Oodera - Oomara - Ophelosia - Oricoruna - Ormocerus - Ormyromorpha - Ottaria - Ottawita - Oxyglypta - Oxyharma - Oxysychus - Pachycrepoideus - Pachyneuron - Pachyneuronella - Pandelus - Panstenon - Papuopsia - Parabruchobius - Paracarotomus - Paracerocephala - Paracroclisis - Paradinarmus - Paraiemea - Paralaesthia - Paralamprotatus - Paralycisca - Parasaphodes - Paratomicobia - Parepistenia - Paroxyharma - Patiyana - Peckianus - Pegopus - Peridesmia - Perilampella - Perilampidea - Perilampomyia - Perniphora - Pestra - Petipirene - Pezilepsis - Phaenocytus - Plastobelyta - Platecrizotes - Platneptis - Platygerrhus - Platypteromalus - Playaspalangia - Ploskana - Plutothrix - Podivna - Polstonia - Premiscogaster - Procallitula - Proglochin - Promerisus - Promuscidea - Propicroscytus - Propodeia - Proshizonotus - Protoepistenia - Pseudanogmus - Pseudetroxys - Pseudocatolaccus - Pseudoceraphron - Psilocera - Psilonotus - Psychophagoides - Psychophagus - Pterapicus - Pterisemoppa - Pteromalinites - Pteromalus - Pterosemigastra - Pterosemopsis - Ptinocida - Pycnetron - Pyramidophoriella - Queenslandia - Quercanus - Rakosina - Raspela - Rhaphitelus - Rhicnocoelia - Rhopalicus - Riekisura - Rivasia - Rohatina - Romanisca - Roptrocerus - Scaphepistenia - Sceptrothelys - Schimitschekia - Schizonotus - Sciatherellus - Scutellista - Sedma - Seladerma - Selimnus - Semiotellus - Sennia - Shedoepistenia - Sigynia - Sirovena - Sisyridivora - Solenura - Sorosina - Spalangia - Spalangiopelta - Spaniopus - Spathopus - Sphaeripalpus - Sphegigaster - Sphegigastrella - Sphegipterosema - Sphegipterosemella - Spilomalus - Spinancistrus - Spintherus - Spodophagus - Staurothyreus - Stenetra - Stenomalina - Stenophrus - Stenoselma - Stichocrepis - Stictolelaps - Stictomischus - Stinoplus - Storeya - Strejcekia - Striatacanthus - Sympotomus - Synedrus - Syntomopus - Systasis - Systellogaster - Systolomorpha - Szelenyinus - Tanina - Tanzanicesa - Teasienna - Telepsogina - Termolampa - Terobiella - Thaumasura - Thektogaster - Theocolax - Thinodytes - Thureonella - Tomicobia - Tomicobiella - Tomicobomorpha - Tomicobomorphella - Tomocerodes - Toxeuma - Toxeumella - Toxeumelloides - Toxeumorpha - Trichargyrus - Trichilogaster - Trichokaleva - Trichomalopsis - Trichomalus - Tricolas - Tricyclomischus - Trigonoderopsis - Trigonoderus - Trigonogastrella - Trinotiscus - Tripteromalus - Tritneptis - Trjapitzinia - Trychnosoma - Tsela - Tumor - Uniclypea - Uriellopteromalus - Urolepis - Urolycisca - Usubaia - Uzka - Velepirene - Veltrusia - Vespita - Vrestovia - Watshamia - Westra - Westwoodiana - Wubina - Xantheurytoma - Xestomnaster - Xiphydriophagus - Yanchepia - Yosemitea - Yrka - Yusufia - Zdenekiana - Zeala - Zebe - Zolotarewskya †- Dominocephala[5]

Pteromalus cassotis is a parasitoid of the monarch butterfly.[6]

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  1. Barling, Nathan; Heads, Sam W.; Martill, David M. (October 2013). "A new parasitoid wasp (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation of Brazil: The first Mesozoic Pteromalidae". Cretaceous Research. 45: 258–264. doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2013.05.001. ISSN 0195-6671.
  2. Several. "Pteromalidae". BugGuide.
  3. B.R. Pitkin. "Pteromalidae". Universal Chalcidoidea Database.
  4. "American serpentine leafminer - Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)". Retrieved 2019-11-20.
  5. "Pteromalidae". Nederlands soortenregister.
  6. Stenoien, Carl; McCoshum, Shaun; Caldwell, Wendy; Anda, Alma De; Oberhauser, Karen (1 January 2015). "New Reports that Monarch Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Danaus plexippus Linnaeus) are Hosts for a Pupal Parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidae, Pteromalus cassotis Walker)". Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 88 (1): 16–26. doi:10.2317/JKES1402.22.1.
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