List of rabbis

This is a list of prominent rabbis. Rabbis are Judaism's spiritual and religious leaders.

See also: List of Jews.

Rabbis: Pre-Mishnaic (Tannaim) (Zugot) (ca. 515 BCE – 70 CE)

See: Mishnah, Tannaim, Zugot.



Rabbis: Mishnaic (Tannaim) (ca. 70–200 CE)

See Mishnah, Tannaim.
  • Akiva, (c.40–c.137) 1st-century Judea, central scholar in Mishnah
  • Eliezer ben Jose, the son of Jose the Galilean (?-c.160), famous for Baraita of thirty-two mitzvoth, and father of Rabbi Hananiah
  • Judah haNasi, (?–c.217) 2nd century, Judah the Prince, in Judea, redactor (editor) of the Mishnah
  • Rabbi Meir, considered one of the greatest of the Tannaim of the third generation (139-163)
  • Shimon bar Yochai, 1st-century mystic, reputed author of the Zohar
  • Tarfon, member of the third generation of the Mishnah sages, who lived in the period between the destruction of the Second Temple (70 CE)
  • Yohanan ben Zakkai, (c.30 BCE–90 CE) 1st-century sage in Judea, key to the development of the Mishnah, first to actually be called “Rabbi”.

Rabbis: Talmudic (Amoraim) (ca. 200–500 CE)

See Talmud and Amoraim.
  • Judah III, scholar, son of Gamaliel IV, Nasi (290–320)
  • Abaye, Talmudist in Babylonia (?–337)
  • Rabbi Jonah, Amora in Palestine (before 340)
  • Rava, Amora in Babylonia (c.280–352)
  • Hillel II, creator of the Hebrew calendar, son of Judah II, in Judea, Nasi (320–365)
  • Rav Papa, Amora in Babylon (c.300–375)
  • Ravina I, primary aide to Rav Ashi in Babylonia (?–420)

Rabbis: Middle Ages (ca. 500–1500 CE)

See: Geonim and Rishonim.

Abudarham. David ben Yosef ben David (née Elbaz). Rishon rabbi in Seville, Spain, in 14th century. Authored the Sefer Abudarham on explanation of Sefardi liturgy and customs. Completed c. 1339

  • Abba Mari, (Minhat Kenaot), 13th-century French Talmudist
  • Abraham ibn Daud, (Sefer HaKabbalah), (c. 1110–c.1180) 12th-century Spanish philosopher
  • Abraham ben David of Posquières, (c. 1125–1198) 12th century, France
  • Abraham ibn Ezra, (Even Ezra), (1089–1164) 12th-century Spanish-North African biblical commentator
  • Abdullah ibn Saba', Rabbi convert to Islam, considered central figure in the configuration of Shia Islam.
  • Abdullah ibn Salam, (550 - 630) rabbi, converted to Islam and was a companion of Islam's founder, Muhammad
  • Amram Gaon, (?–875) 9th-century organizer of the siddur (prayer book)
  • Asher ben Jehiel, (Rosh), (c. 1259–1327) 13th-century German-Spanish Talmudist
  • Bahya ibn Paquda, (Hovot ha-Levavot), 11th-century Spanish philosopher and moralist
  • Chananel Ben Chushiel (Rabbeinu Chananel), (990–1053) 10th-century Tunisian Talmudist
  • David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra, (1479–1573) also called Radbaz, born in Spain, was a leading posek, rosh yeshiva and chief rabbi
  • Dunash ben Labrat, (920–990) 10th-century grammarian and poet
  • Eleazar Kalir, (c.570–c.640) early Talmudic liturgist and poet
  • Eleazar of Worms, (Sefer HaRokeach), (1176–1238) 12th-century German rabbinic scholar
  • Eliezer ben Nathan, (1090–1170) 12th-century poet and pietist
  • Rabbenu Gershom, (c.960–c.1040) 11th-century German Talmudist and legalist
  • Gersonides, Levi ben Gershom, (Ralbag), (1288–1344) 14th-century French Talmudist and philosopher
  • Hasdai Crescas, (Or Hashem), (c. 1370–c.1411) 14th-century Talmudist and philosopher
  • Hillel ben Eliakim, (Rabbeinu Hillel), 12th-century Talmudist and disciple of Rashi
  • Ibn Tibbon, a family of 12th and 13th-century Spanish and French scholars, translators, and leaders
  • Don Isaac Abravanel, (Abarbanel), (1437–1508) 15th-century philosopher, Talmudist and Torah commentator. Also a court advisor and in charge of Finance to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.
  • Isaac Alfasi, (the Rif), (1013–1103) 12th-century North African and Spanish Talmudist and Halakhist; author of "Sefer Ha-halachot"
  • Jacob ben Asher, (Baal ha-Turim ; Arbaah Turim), (c. 1269–c.1343) 14th-century German-Spanish Halakhist
  • Jacob Berab, (1474–1546) 15th–16th-century proponent of Semichah (Ordination)
  • Joseph Albo, (Sefer Ikkarim), (c. 1380–1444) 15th-century Spain
  • Joseph ibn Migash (1077–1141) 12th-century Spanish Talmudist and rosh yeshiva; teacher of Maimon, father of Maimonides
  • Judah ben Joseph ibn Bulat (c. 1500 - 1550), Spanish Talmudist and rabbi
  • Ka'ab al-Ahbar, Iṣḥaq Ka‘b ben Mati, (?– 652/653) was a prominent rabbi from Yemen who was one of the earliest important Jewish converts to Islam.
  • Maimonides, Moshe Ben Maimon, (Rambam), (1138–1204) 12th-century Spanish-North African Talmudist, philosopher, and law codifier
  • Meir ben Samuel (c. 1060–1135) known by the Hebrew acronym (RaM) was a French rabbi and tosafist,
  • Mordecai ben Hillel, (The Mordechai), (c. 1250–1298) 13th-century German Halakhist
  • Nahmanides, Moshe ben Nahman, (Ramban), (1194–1270) 13th-century Spanish and Holy Land mystic and Talmudist
  • Nissim Ben Jacob (Rav Nissim Gaon), (990–1062) 10th-century Tunisian Talmudist
  • Nissim of Gerona, (RaN), (1320–1376) 14th-century Halakhist and Talmudist
  • Obadiah ben Abraham of Bertinoro, (Bartenura), (c. 1445–c.1515) 15th-century commentator on the Mishnah
  • Rashbam, (Samuel ben Meir), (1085–1158) French Tosafist and grandson of Shlomo Yitzhaki, "Rashi"
  • Rashi, (Solomon ben Yitzchak), (1040–1105) 11th-century Talmudist, primary commentator of the Talmud
  • Saadia Gaon, (Emunoth ve-Deoth ; Siddur), (c.882–942) 10th-century exilarch and leader of Babylonian Jewry
  • Samuel ben Judah ibn Tibbon, (c. 1150–c.1230) 12th–13th-century French Maimonidean philosopher and translator
  • Tosafists, (Tosfot) 11th, 12th and 13th-century Talmudic scholars in France and Germany
  • Yehuda Halevi, (Kuzari), (c. 1175–1241) 12th-century Spanish philosopher and poet devoted to Zion

Rabbis: 16th – 18th centuries

See: Acharonim.

Rabbis: 16th – 17th centuries

Joseph ben Ephraim Karo

Rabbis: 18th century

Orthodox rabbis, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries

See Orthodox Judaism.

Orthodox rabbis: 19th century

Ben Ish Chai
Tzemach Tzedek
Chasam Sofer

Orthodox rabbis: 20th century



Alter of Slabodka
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer
  • Rabbi Yehezkel Abramsky (1886–1976), author of Chazon Yehezkel
  • Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira (1889–1984), Kabbalist
  • Rabbi Amram Blau (1894–1974), Haredi rabbi from the Hungarian community of Jerusalem and one of the founders of the fiercely anti-Zionist Neturei Karta
  • Rabbi Shmuel Bornsztain (1855–1926), Shem Mishmuel, Second Sochatchover Rebbe
  • Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler (1892–1953), (Michtav Me'Eliyahu) religious philosopher and ethicist
  • Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (1867–1948), also known as the Maharitz, was the first Rebbe of Dushinsky
  • Rabbi Baruch Epstein (1860–1941), (Torah Temimah), Lithuanian Torah commentator
  • Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein (1866–1933), ( Levush Mordechai), Talmudist and co-head of Slabodka yeshiva
  • Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (1895–1986), (Igrot Moshe), Russian-American legal scholar and Talmudist
  • Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Ferber (1879–1966), (Kerem HaTzvi), author, leader and renowned scholar
  • Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel (1849–1927), (Alter / Sabba), early 20th-century founder of Slabodka yeshiva, Lithuania
  • Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Friedman (1891–1971), Boyaner Rebbe of New York
  • Rabbi Rogatchover Gaon (1858–1936), (Rav Yosef Rosen), Talmudist and Hasidic leader
  • Rabbi Boruch Greenfeld (1872–1956), (Reb Boruch Hermenshtater), Hasidic mystic and scholar, author of Ohel Boruch
  • Rabbi Yaakov Yehezkiya Greenwald (1882-1941), Rabbi in Pápa, Hungary, author of Vayageid Yaakov
  • Rabbi Yosef Greenwald (1903-1984), (Pupa Rav) author of Vaychi Yosef
  • Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan (1839–1933), (Chofetz Chaim), Posek, and ethicist, compiler of classic works. Born and lived in Poland. Famous for writing the Mishnah Berurah, a work on Jewish Law.
  • Rabbi Ben Zion Halberstam (1874–1941), second Bobover Rebbe, killed by the Nazis in 1941
  • Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner (1906–1980), (Pachad Yitzchok), European-born, American and Israeli rosh yeshiva
  • Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky (1891–1986), rabbinical leader and educationalist
  • Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky (1899–1985), ("Steipler Gaon"), Ukrainian-born scholar
  • Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934–1983), (Living Torah) writer and mystic
  • Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz (1878–1953), (Chazon Ish) Haredi leader in Israel
  • Rabbi Pinchas Kohn (1867–1941), last rabbi of Ansbach, a founder and executive director of World Agudath Israel
  • Rabbi Aharon Kotler (1891–1962), Lithuanian scholar, founder of Lakewood Yeshiva in the United States
  • Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth (1918–2001), long-time Chief Rabbi of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • Rabbi Gershon Liebman (1905–1997), leader of the Novardok Yeshiva movement in France
  • Rabbi Elyah Lopian(1876–1970), known as Reb Elyah, prominent in the Mussar Movement
  • Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer (1870–1953), renowned Lithuanian Rosh Yeshiva
  • Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz (1886–1948), (Mr. Mendlowitz) European-born head of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in the United States
  • Rabbi Meir Simcha of Dvinsk (1843–1926), (Ohr Somayach ; Meshech Chochmah) Lithuanian-Latvian Talmudist and communal leader
  • Rabbi Shulem Moshkovitz (?–1958), Hasidic rebbe in London
  • Rabbi Yisroel Ber Odesser (1888–1994), Breslover Hasid and Rabbi
  • Rabbi Chanoch Dov Padwa (1908–2000), (Cheishev Ho'ephod), rabbinical head of UOHC, London
  • Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto (1973–), Israeli Orthodox rabbi, leader of Mosdot Shuva Israel, a global organization, based in Ashdod and New York
  • Rabbi David Rappoport (1890-1941), rosh yeshiva of the Baranovich Yeshiva
  • Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Rosen (1899–1984), rabbi and leader of the Breslov Hasidim in Uman, Ukraine before World War II
  • Rabbi Moshe Rosenstain (1881-1940), mashgiach ruchani of the Lomza Yeshiva in Poland
  • Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902–1994), Hasidic mystic and scholar, seventh Rebbe of Lubavitch
  • Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn (1860–1920), fifth Rebbe of Lubavitch
  • Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn (1880–1950), sixth Rebbe of Lubavitch
  • Rabbi Joseph ben Yehuda Leib Shapotshnick (1882–1937), British rabbi
  • Rabbi Simcha Sheps (1908-1998), rosh yeshiva of Torah Vodaath
  • Rabbi Shimon Shkop (1860–1939), Rosh Yeshiva in Telz and Grodno
  • Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (1848–1932), rabbi and co-founder of the Edah HaChareidis community in Jerusalem during the British Mandate of Palestine
  • Rabbi Abraham Sternhartz (1862–1955), rabbi in Ukraine and key figure in the chain of transmission of Breslover teachings
  • Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum (1887–1979), (Satmar Rebbe), Hasidic Hungarian-American rebbe known for strong anti-Zionist positions
  • Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman (1874 - 1941) Prominent rabbi and rosh yeshiva in Europe. One of the Chofetz Chaim's closest disciples and a noted Torah scholar.
  • Rabbi Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl (1903–1957), (Min HaMeitzar) European scholar involved in rescue efforts during the Holocaust

Modern Orthodox

Orthodox rabbis: Contemporary (ca. 21st century)


  • Rabbi Shlomo Amar (1948–), Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel
  • Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu (1929–2010), former Sephardic Chief Rabbi
  • Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (1944), American-born Israeli rabbi, currently president of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshivah in the settlement of Yitzhar in the West Bank
  • Rabbi David Bar Hayim (1960–), founder of Machon Shilo, proponent of Nusach Eretz Yisrael
  • Rabbi Israel Meir Lau (1937–), former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel and current Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv
  • Rabbi Dov Lior (1933–), Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba and Hebron
  • Rabbi Zalman Melamed (1937–), rabbi of Beit El
  • Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl (1935–), Chief Rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem
  • Rabbi Meir Porush (1955-), Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Agudat Yisrael, son of Menachem Porush
  • Rabbi Menachem Porush (1916–2010), Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Agudat Yisrael
  • Rabbi Avraham Shapira (1914–2007), former Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, the head of Mercaz haRav yeshiva
  • Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik (1917–2001), Renowned scholar of Talmud, Halakha and a Rosh Yeshiva
  • Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz (1937–), 21st-century Israeli Talmud scholar and philosopher
  • Rabbi Aryeh Stern (1944–), Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and student of Zvi Yehuda Kook
  • Rabbi Moshe David Tendler, son-in-law of Moshe Feinstein, and noted bioethist


Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky
Rabbi Dovid Twersky, Grand Rabbi of Skver
Rabbi Yechezkel Roth of Karlsburg
Rabbi Shlomo Miller

Modern Orthodox

See also article Modern Orthodox for a list of rabbis.

Open Orthodox rabbis, 20th and 21st centuries

See Open Orthodoxy.

Conservative rabbis, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries

See: Conservative Judaism and Rabbinical Assembly

Conservative rabbis: 19th century

Conservative rabbis: 20th century

Conservative rabbis: Contemporary (ca. 21st century)

Union for Traditional Judaism

Reform rabbis, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries

See Reform Judaism.

Reform rabbis: 19th century

Reform rabbis: 20th century

  • Paula Ackerman, first female to perform rabbinical functions in the United States, not ordained
  • Leo Baeck (1873–1956), Reform rabbi
  • Pauline Bebe, first female rabbi in France
  • Laszlo Berkowitz, Reform rabbi, Temple Rodef Shalom
  • Lionel Blue, British rabbi, writer and broadcaster
  • Abraham Cronbach, Reform rabbi & educator
  • Maurice Davis, Reform rabbi, past Chairman, President's Commission on Equal Opportunity
  • David Max Eichhorn (Jan. 6, 1906–July 16, 1986), Reform Jewish rabbi, author, founder of Merritt Island's Temple Israel,[3] and Army chaplain among the troops that liberated Dachau
  • Elyse Goldstein, first female Rabbi in Canada, educator and writer
  • Regina Jonas, first female rabbi in the world
  • Julia Neuberger, British Reform rabbi
  • Gunther Plaut (1912–2012), Reform rabbi and author, Holy Blossom Temple
  • Sally Priesand, Reform rabbi, first female rabbi in the United States
  • Murray Saltzman (1929–2010), Reform rabbi
  • Abba Hillel Silver, Reform rabbi and Zionist leader
  • Jackie Tabick, first female rabbi in Britain
  • Stephen S. Wise (1874–1949), Reform rabbi and Zionist activist

Reform rabbis: contemporary (ca. 21st century)

  • Rachel Adler, theologian and Hebrew Union College professor
  • Arik Ascherman, American-born Reform rabbi and human rights activist for both Jews and non-Jews in Israel-best known for advocating for Palestinian human rights.
  • Rebecca Dubowe, first deaf woman to be ordained as a rabbi in the United States
  • Denise Eger, former rabbi of Beth Chayim Chadashim (world's first LGBT Synagogue) and founder of Temple Kol Ami in West Hollywood, first female and open lesbian to serve as president of Southern California Board of Rabbis, officiated at the first legal same-sex wedding of two women in California
  • Lisa Goldstein, Executive Director of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality,
  • Alysa Stanton, first ordained Black female rabbi (Reform) in America
  • Margaret Wenig, rabbi known for advocating for LGBT rights

Reconstructionist rabbis, 20th and 21st centuries

See: Reconstructionist Judaism.

Reconstructionist rabbis: 20th century

Reconstructionist rabbis: Contemporary (ca. 21st century)

Karaite rabbis

See: Karaite Judaism.
See: Karaite Hakhamim.

Other rabbis

See Jewish Renewal ; Humanistic Judaism

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See also


  1. "Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik as Philosopher". Spertus, Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership. February 16, 2014. This conference situated Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, the great American Talmudist and Modern Orthodox leader, within the tradition of Western philosophy that includes ancient, medieval, and modern figures, ranging from Aristotle to Maimonides to Kant.
  2. Ain, Stewart (January 14, 2001). "Nassau Plans to Tax Parsonages". Rockville Centre (NY); Nassau County (NY): The New York Times. Retrieved July 29, 2010.
  3. New York Times obituary, July 23, 1986.
  4. "Black Rabbi Reaches Out to Mainstream of His Faith", Nikko Kopel, New York Times, March 16, 2008






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