List of political entities in the 9th century

Political entities

Map of the Old World in 900 AD
NameCapital(s)State typeExistedLocation
Abbasid CaliphateBaghdadEmpire750 – 1256 ADAfrica: North; Asia: West
AghlabidsKairouanEmirate800 – 909 ADAfrica: North-central
Kanem EmpireNjimiEmpirec. 700 – 1387 ADAfrica: North-central
Kingdom of AksumAksumKingdomc.100 – c.940 ADAfrica: Northeast
AlodiaSobaEmpire680 – 1504 ADAfrica: Northeast
MakuriaDongolaKingdom340 – 1312 ADAfrica: Northeast
Idrisid dynastyFezEmpire788 – 985 ADAfrica: Northwest
Ghana EmpireKoumbi SalehEmpirec. 400 – 1235 ADAfrica: West
MayaVariousKingdom City States2000 BC – 900ADAmericas: Central
ZapotecVariousKingdom City States700 BC – 1521 ADAmericas: Central
PuebloVariousTribal chiefdom's12th century BC – 14th century ADAmericas: North
CañariTumebambaTribal Confederacy500 – 1533 ADAmericas: South
Tiwanaku empireTiwanakuEmpire300 – 1000 ADAmericas: South
Wari EmpireHuariEmpire500 – 1100 ADAmericas: South
Avar KhaganateKhaganate567 – 804 ADEurope: Balkans
Byzantine EmpireConstantinopleEmpire395 – 1453 ADEurope: Balkans, Asia: West; Africa: Northeast
Emirate of CreteChandaxPrincipality824 – 961 ADEurope: Balkans
First Bulgarian EmpireVariousEmpire681 – 1018 ADEurope: Balkans
Principality of HungaryEsztergom, SzékesfehérvárPrincipality895 – 1000 ADEurope: Balkans
Principality of Lower PannoniaVariousPrincipality/client839 – 875 ADEurope: Balkans
NarentinesTribal chiefdom/countship/dukedom6th – 10th centuries ADEurope: Balkans
Principality of Serbia (medieval)RasPrincipality768 – 969 ADEurope: Balkans
TravunijaTrebinjePrincipality/client850 – 1482 ADEurope: Balkans
AilechGrianán AilighKingdom450 – 1283 ADEurope: British Isles
AirgíallaClogherTribal Federation/Kingdom331 – 1590 ADEurope: British Isles
Kingdom of BreifneCroghanKingdom700 – 1256 ADEurope: British Isles
BrycheiniogTalgarthKingdom450 – 1045 ADEurope: British Isles
CaiTribal kingdom25 – 871 ADEurope: British Isles
CeTribal kingdom1st century – 900 ADEurope: British Isles
ConnachtTribal chiefdom/Tribal kingdomc. 10th century BC – 1474 ADEurope: British Isles
Dál RiataDunaddKingdom501 – 878 ADEurope: British Isles
DumnoniaIsca DumnoniorumDukedom/principality290 – 875 ADEurope: British Isles
DyfedKingdom410 – 910 ADEurope: British Isles
Kingdom of East AngliaRendlesham, DommocKingdom6th C – 918 ADEurope: British Isles
FortriuTribal kingdom1 – 850 ADEurope: British Isles
GlywysingCardiffKingdom490 – 1063 ADEurope: British Isles
GwentCaerwent, Porth-is-CoedKingdom420 – 1081 ADEurope: British Isles
GwyneddVariousKingdom420 – 1261 ADEurope: British Isles
KentDurovernumKingdom455 – 871 ADEurope: British Isles
LeinsterKingdom436 – 1632 ADEurope: British Isles
Kingdom of the IslesKingdom848 – 1266 ADEurope: British Isles
MeathDublinKingdom1st century – 1173 ADEurope: British Isles
MerciaTamworthKingdom527 – 918 ADEurope: British Isles
Kingdom of NorthumbriaBamburghKingdom653 – 954 ADEurope: British Isles
OsraigeKilkennyKingdom150 – 1185 ADEurope: British Isles
PictlandKingdom250 BC – 850 AD[1]Europe: British Isles
PowysVariousKingdom488 – 1160 ADEurope: British Isles
ScotlandStirling, EdinburghKingdom843 – 1707 ADEurope: British Isles
StrathclydeDumbarton, GovanKingdom450 – 1093 ADEurope: British Isles
SussexSelseyKingdom477 – 860 ADEurope: British Isles
TyrconnellDun na nGallKingdom464 – 1607 ADEurope: British Isles
Uí FailgheRathangan, DaingeanKingdom507 – 1550 ADEurope: British Isles
UlsterKingdom465 – 1177 ADEurope: British Isles
WessexWinchesterKingdom519 – 1018 ADEurope: British Isles
Khazar KhaganateVariousNomadic Kingdom618 – 1048 ADEurope: East; Asia, Central; Eurasian: Caucasus
Kievan Rus'KievFederated principalities882 – 1283 ADEurope: East
MagyarTribal Confederation/Principality1100 BC – 895 ADEurope: East
Rus' KhaganateNot specifiedTribal Kingdom830 – 899 ADEurope: East
Volga BulgariaBolghar, BilärKingdom660 – 1236 ADEurope: East
NorwayVariousKingdom872 AD – presentEurope: Nordic
Duchy of Benevento after 774, Principality of BeneventoBeneventoDukedom/Principality/Client571 – 1074 ADEurope: South
Papal StatesRomePontifical states754 – 1870 ADEurope: South
San MarinoSan MarinoRepublic301 AD – presentEurope: South
Duchy of TridentumBeneventoDukedom/Principality574 – 1802 ADEurope: South
Republic of VeniceVeniceRepublic697 – 1797 ADEurope: South
Principality of SerbiaPrincipality7th c. – 960Europe: South
ArmoricaKingdom/Dukedom343 – 1532 ADEurope: West
Kingdom of AsturiasVariousKingdom718 – 924 ADEurope: West
Viscounty of BéarnVariousViscounty9th century – 1620 ADEurope: West
CarantaniaKarnburgPrincipality658 – 828 ADEurope: West
Carolingian EmpireAachenEmpire800 – 888 ADEurope: West
Emirate of CórdobaCórdobaPrincipality756 – 929 ADEurope: West
CornouaillePrincipality430 – 1084 ADEurope: West
County of FlandersVariousCountship862 – 1795 ADEurope: West
FranciaTournai, ParisKingdom/Empire481 – 843 ADEurope: West
Kingdom of FranceParis, VersaillesKingdom843 – 1792 ADEurope: West
Kingdom of GaliciaSantiago de CompostelaKingdom409 – 1833 ADEurope: West
LotharingiaKingdom855 – 959 ADEurope: West
Kingdom of NavarrePamplonaKingdom824 – 1620 ADEurope: West
Old SaxonyDukedom758 – 804 ADEurope: West
PoherVorgiumPrincipality520 – 936 ADEurope: West
Raetia CuriensisChurBishopric (religious state)452 – 1160 ADEurope: West
Duchy of ThuringiaDuchy631 – 1440 ADEurope: West
ArminiyaDvinPrincipality/Client653 – 884 ADEurasian: Caucasus
Principality of IberiaTbilisiPrincipality580 – 891 ADEurasian: Caucasus
SarirHumrajKingdom/Client453 – 12th century ADEurasian: Caucasus
AfrighidsKathKingdom/Client305 – 995 ADAsia: Central
Kara-Khanid KhanateBalasagun, Kashgar, SamarkandNomadic confederation840 – 1212 ADAsia: Central
KashgarKashgarKingdom/Client80 – 850 ADAsia: Central
KhotanKhotanKingdom56 – 1006 ADAsia: Central
Tatar confederationNot specifiedConfederation8th century – 1202 ADAsia: Central
Tibetan EmpireLhasa, Pho brangEmpire618 – 907 ADAsia: Central, East
AnuradhapuraAnuradhapuraKingdom377 BC – 1017 ADAsia: South
AyAykudiKingdom4th century BC – 12th century ADAsia: South
Kingdom of BumthangChakhar GuthoKingdom7th – 17th centuries ADAsia: South
Chera KingdomKingdom5th century BC – 1102 ADAsia: South
Eastern ChalukyasVengi, RajamundryKingdom624 – 1129 ADAsia: South
Garhwal KingdomVariousKingdom888 – 1949 ADAsia: South
Ghurid dynastyVariousSultanate879 – 1215 ADAsia: South, West, Central
Gurjara-PratiharaKannaujEmpire650 – 1036 ADAsia: South
Kabul ShahiKabul, WaihindKingdom/Empire6th century – 1026 ADAsia: South
KamarupaVariousKingdom350 – 1140 ADAsia: South
RajarataVariousKingdom377 BC – 1310 ADAsia: South
Western Ganga dynastyKolar, TalakadKingdom350 – 1000 ADAsia: South
Bruneian EmpireVariousEmpire7th century – 1888 ADAsia: Southeast
ChampaVariousKingdom192 – 1832 ADAsia: Southeast
Gangga NegaraGangga NegaraKingdom2nd – 11th centuries ADAsia: Southeast
Khmer EmpireMahendraparvataEmpire802 – 1431 ADAsia: Southeast
LangkasukaKedah, PattaniKingdom100 – 1516 ADAsia: Southeast
Lavo KingdomLavo, AyodhayaKingdom450 – 1388 ADAsia: Southeast
Melayu KingdomJambiKingdom4th – 13th centuries ADAsia: Southeast
Pyu city-statesSri KsetraFederated City States250 BC – 1085 ADAsia: Southeast
Sunda KingdomVariousKingdom669 – 1579 ADAsia: Southeast
Thaton KingdomThatonKingdom300 BC – 1085 ADAsia: Southeast
Tang dynastyChang'an, LuoyangEmpire618 – 907 ADAsia: East, Central
KhitansShangjingKingdom/Client388 – 1211 ADAsia: East, China
JapanVariousEmpire660 BC – presentAsia: East, Japan
BalhaeDongmoEmpire698 – 926 ADAsia: East, Korean Peninsula
SillaGyeongjuKingdom55 BC – 935 ADAsia: East, Korean Peninsula
UsanKingdom512 – 930 ADAsia: East, Korean Peninsula
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See also

List of political entities in the 9th century
Preceded by
8th century
Political entities
of the 9th century
Succeeded by
10th century


  1. Salway, Peter. "Gaelic Kingdoms: Kingdoms of Caledonia". 2014. The History Files. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
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