List of fictional African countries

This is a list of fictional countries that are set somewhere in the continent of Africa.


  • Africa: Africa is portrayed as one country in various works, typically comprising an expansive and sparsely-populated jungle or savanna.[1]
  • African Confederation: Future African country that includes present-day Somalia, that is the birthplace of Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Afrinia: African country used in World Bank training exercises[2][3]
  • Afromacoland: African country in the novel Chief the Honourable Minister by T. M. Aluko
  • Azania: African country from Evelyn Waugh's novel Black Mischief but with earlier origins in Roman histories.
  • Abuddin: A Middle East country in the series Tyrant


  • Babar's Kingdom: from children's book, a country of intelligent bipedal elephants.
  • Bahari: from the CBS television series Scorpion, a small north African nation under the brutal rule of a dictatorship. The nation is a former Nazi German colony and there are several Nazi German military bases located in the deserts of the country.
  • Balaika : A fictional Central African country in the 2014 BBC Radio 4 Play "When The Laughter Stops", written by Sibusiso Mamba, co-created with Daliso Chaponda and with additional material by Ava Vidal. In the play two stand up comedians get into trouble in a country that is in the process of deciding whether homosexuality should be a capital offence.
  • Balic: A fictional African country featured in the Japanese anime television series Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid.
  • Bangalla: from The Phantom comic strip. The Phantom's base lies in the deep woods of this central African nation.
  • Bapetikosweti: The "homeland" state in which the South African satirist Pieter-Dirk Uys (under the guise of his drag character, Evita Bezuidenhout) was the South African ambassador. Bapetikosweti's capital Laagerfontein was also the sight of a major Boer battle, and today contains the Lunaville Casino and most famously Blanche-Noir, the South African Embassy to the Independent Homeland of Bapetikosweti. After the democratic elections of 1994, Bapetikosweti was re-incorporated into South Africa.
  • Beninia: from John Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar
  • Birani: African nation featured in the film The Gods Must Be Crazy. Located near Namibia and Angola. Has a Banana Forest at a place called Dumgase.
  • Bialya (Currently Greater Bialya): an evil nation in the show Young Justice, led by a mind controlling female by the name of Queen Bee. She is part of The Light, a group of supervillains.
  • Bocamo: a gold-producing West African state from the Mission: Impossible TV episode "Kitara". Renowned as a particularly brutal practitioner of apartheid.
  • Bonande: West African country in the film La Nuit de la vérité
  • Bongo Congo: African kingdom in animated cartoon series King Leonardo and His Short Subjects
  • Botswanga: African country in the film Le crocodile du Botswanga
  • Bulmeria: an African country mentioned in the webcomic, It's Walky!
  • Bulungi: A country located south of Côte d'Ivoire and southeast of Liberia featured in an article by satirical news group The Onion. In the article, the United States' "ambassador" to Bulungi is accused of making the country up. Bulungi's capital city is Yabba-Dabba.
  • Buranda: African country in the BBC comedy series Yes Minister, formerly known as "British Equatorial Africa"
  • Butua: African country of cannibals in the novel Aline and Valcour by the Marquis de Sade.


  • Carbombya: country mentioned in the Transformers series
  • Claw Island: African nation occupying the island of Madagascar as portrayed in a video by The Onion about the United States sending USD $3 billion worth of aid to Andorra.


  • Equatorial Kundu: West African republic originally depicted on the Aaron Sorkin series The West Wing, and later on The Newsroom and IZombie (TV series).


  • Federal Republic of South Africa: A South African state mentioned in the 1991 novel Vortex, by Larry Bond and Patrick Larkin. It is the successor state to the apartheid-era "Republic of South Africa" and is established after a civil war takes place in South Africa over the fate of apartheid in the early 1990s; its capital is Johannesburg after having been moved there from Pretoria due to the latter city's negative association with the apartheid regime and the subsequent civil war.


  • Gafir: A fictional nation situated at the cross roads of the read sea, littered with desert, once under British rule until the year 1950, was created as an April Fools' Day joke as Instagram’s country of the day in 2018.
  • Genosha: an island nation which was established as a mutant homeland in Marvel Comics
  • Ghalea: a small African nation whose pro-Western government is key to stability in the area, from the Mission: Impossible episode "The Money Machine"
  • Gindra: a small nation in Central Africa formerly the home of Outer Heaven in Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
  • Gorilla City: a city of super-intelligent gorillas in the DC Comics Universe; In 1999 it became a member of the United Nations
  • Gorotoland: an African republic and site of Cold War conflict in Allen Drury's novel Capable of Honor.
  • Great Islam Nation: a theocratic state which extends on Middle-East and Africa in the two novels Wang by French author Pierre Bordage.
  • Guadec: African country in an episode of Spooks. Led by reformist President Manu Baffong.
  • Gwinalia: fictional African country in the PBS show Chocolate.



  • Kalao: African country affected by a covered-up industrial accident, Panique
  • Kalubya: North African country corresponding to the location of Libya in Operation Thunderbolt arcade game
  • Kalya: West African country in the novel The Zinzin Road by Fletcher Knebel. Capital city: Ft. Paul.
  • Kamanga: Southern African country between Namibia and Mozambique in the novel Tenth Man Down by Chris Ryan. Ruled from the poverty-stricken capital of Mulongwe, Kamanga is the very model of post-colonial corruption, nepotism, and greed. The territory, once a British possession, is now suffering from an AIDS epidemic, while poaching goes unchecked during a brutal civil war. Uranium, diamonds, and bauxite are key resources, although they remain in the hands of the European-descended elite. Kamanga uses the Kwacha as its national currency. This "Kwacha" is a fictional currency, but it has the same name as the Malawian kwacha and the Zambian kwacha.
  • Kambawe: location of Tom Stoppard's 1978 play Night and Day
  • Kambezi: Southern African country occurring in several MacGyver episodes, located somewhere near Zimbabwe and home to a population of black rhinos, a protected species approaching rapid extinction thanks to South African poachers. Kambezi is also in fact a military dictatorship, and relies heavily on the smuggling of dagga. Kambezi was later used in season 3 of Blindspot, but was a Central African monarchy at war with its neighbor and seeking control of a pipeline.
  • Kangan: African nation in the novel Anthills of the Savannah (1984) by Chinua Achebe
  • Katanga: African country, neighboring Sierra Leone, in Frederick Forsyth's The Dogs of War (1974)
  • Kenyopia: belligerent African nation in Totally Spies! TV series attempting to conquer its fictional neighbor Lyrobia (see below)
  • Kharun: fictional country that Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg visits in the second season of Borgen
  • Khokarsa: ancient African empire that serves as the primary setting for Philip José Farmer's Khokarsa series
  • Kijuju: African country in Resident Evil 5, which is subject to viral experimentation
  • Kinjanja: African country in the 1994 film A Good Man in Africa, starring Sean Connery
  • Kivukiland: African kingdom in the 2001 South African comedy movie Mr Bones by Leon Schuster, starring Leon Schuster[4]
  • Kôr: African country in the novel She by H. Rider Haggard
  • Kukuanaland: African country in the novel King Solomon's Mines (1885) by H. Rider Haggard
  • Kush: African country from John Updike's 1978 novel The Coup


  • Ligeria: African home of the agent Benjamin N’udu in the Canadian TV series InSecurity
  • Logosia: African country from the Mission: Impossible TV episode "The Crane"
  • Lombuanda: an independent white-supremacist African country on the Gulf of Guinea in the Mission: Impossible episode "The Diamond". Underdeveloped and densely forested, Lombuanda is ruled by French-speaking settlers who keep two million black citizens starved and without 'schools, hospitals, or any voice in government'. The title of prime minister is held by Hendrik Durvard, a despotic white Lombuandan who plans to use a 27,000-carat diamond to finance his seizure of tribal reserves.
  • Lopongo: a small West African country on the Gulf of Guinea created by miniature wargaming aficionado DestoFante.
  • Lyrobia: African nation in French/Canadian animated TV series Totally Spies! containing desert and rain forest environments, with an Arabic-inspired culture
  • Lamumba: A small, prospering county, published in DC Comics, and was first seen in Doom Patrol #100, "The Fantastic Origin Of The Beast Boy."


  • Malagawi: African country in le Professionnel, film by Georges Lautner starring Jean-Paul Belmondo.
  • Matobo: a state based on Zimbabwe, from the 2005 film The Interpreter. "Matobo" is also used briefly in 24: Redemption in a scene where an international videoconference takes place and on 24 (season 7), where Ule Matobo (fictional) is a former president of Sangala, the fiction African nation. The nation was also used as the setting for the Swedish film Morgan Pålsson - världsreporter, but spelled with an accent, Matóbo.
  • Maurania: African country in Paradise video game.
  • Mittleafrika: A German colony in the Kaiserreich alternate timeline.
  • Moloni Republic: Southern African country from the video game Metal Gear Acid.
  • Mombaka: an African country featured in the films Red Scorpion and Jagga Jasoos.
  • Mumbambu: African nation occupying the Central and East region as portrayed in a video by The Onion about the United States sending USD $3 billion worth of aid to Andorra as it was believed to be south of Mumbambu in Africa, not Europe.


  • Nagonia: African country in Yulian Semyonov's spy novel TASS Is Authorized to Announce..., and in the 1984 film of the same title
  • Nambabwe: a parody of Namibia (formerly South West Africa) during the time of its UN-supervised independence from South Africa. A spoof of the transition by the UN peace-keeping forces was the subject of a 1990 comedy film by Leon Schuster, Oh Shucks...Here Comes UNTAG.
  • Nambia: African country described by "Donald Trump", possibly an erroneous portmanteau of Tanzania, the Gambia, and Namibia[5]
  • Nambutu: a fictional African nation in the 2006 film Casino Royale.
  • Naruba: a fictional West African country in Designated Survivor. It is located in between Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Benin and Burkina Faso. Its capital city is Soji. It is mentioned to be one of the poorest nations on the planet, with conflicts arising from warlords such as Atsu Kalame.
  • Narubu: fictional country from ARMY Wives.
  • Natumbe: African country from Dynasty TV series
  • Nayak: imaginary West African country in the 2004 film La Nuit de la vérité (Night of Truth)
  • Neranga: "new African country" featured in a Rumpole story called "Rumpole and the Golden Thread" by John Mortimer
  • New Zanzibar: featured in The Simpsons episode "Simpson Safari", this country only existed for a few moments between Tanzania and Pepsi Presents New Zanzibar.
  • Ng'ombwana: African country depicted in the 1974 novel Black As He's Painted by Ngaio Marsh
  • Ngombia: West African country featured in the 1963 Tom Swift Jr. novel Tom Swift and His Repelatron Skyway.
  • Niberia: African country in the 2009 film The International
  • Nibia: African country in the 1995 film Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
  • Numbani: West African city-state bordering Nigeria in the video game Overwatch
  • Nyala: African country depicted in the novel Juggernaut by Desmond Bagley


  • Odan: a Central African republic at war with its neighbor and seeking control of a pipeline in season 3 of Blindspot.
  • Opar: located deep in the jungles of Africa. Portrayed as a lost colony of Atlantis in Edgar Rice Burroughs's series of Tarzan novels.
  • Outer Heaven: fortified microstate founded by a "legendary mercenary" 200 km north of the fictional Galzburg, South Africa



  • Republic of West Africa: This country is highlighted in the episode 6 of season 1 of Madam Secretary, "The Call" when the country's government intends to carry out ethnic cleansing. It is also found in several kinds of scam spams.
  • Republic Of Alabanda: This country is located in fiction Kenya led by Tiger Fang General and Governor Krima in 1964 Kokusai Himitsu Keisatsu second installment Trap of Suicide Kilometer.


  • Sahelise Republic: African country mentioned in The West Wing, episode "In This White House"
  • Shakobi: African monarchy from That's So Raven TV series, episode "The Royal Treatment"
  • Samgola: a parody of Angola bordering Nambabwe in Leon Schuster's film Oh Schucks...Here Comes UNTAG.
  • Sangala: A nation from 24: Redemption and 24 (season 7) where Jack Bauer comes to after running away from his life. As a coup d'etat takes place, with rebels using brainwashed children as soldiers. The nation is later invaded by the US in season 7.
  • Sonzola: an African republic mentioned in the novels of Christopher Brookmyre
  • Sotho: a kingdom in Africa mentioned in a 1997 episode of the German TV series Küstenwache (note: the name and the royalist form of government seem to refer to the real existing Kingdom of Lesotho – however, in the episode, the King of Sotho comes to Germany to order ships for his coastguard, which would not make any sense for the real Lesotho, since the country is landlocked).
  • Suaoriland: a country in East Africa briefly mentioned in Donna Tartt's novel The Secret History.


  • Talgalla: A fictional African country featured in Dave Brubeck's jazz musical The Real Ambassadors.
  • Tanzaberia: An African country featured in the Disney Channel show K.C. Undercover.
  • Transvalia: not actually a state in its own right, but rather a parody of Orania. Leon Schuster made a comedy film called Sweet 'n Short (1991), which was a parody of life in the New South Africa. The film was made in 1990 shortly after Nelson Mandela was released from prison - many of the fictional events portrayed therein actually came to pass in post-apartheid South Africa.
  • Trucial Abysmia: East African country in the G.I. Joe comics.


  • Umbutu, National Republic of: A post invasion nation in Independence Day: Resurgence that during the 1996 War was the one place where the Harvesters landed.
  • United Mitanni Commonwealth: A fictional African country in Lee Correy's science fiction novel Manna.
  • United Oceans: A country set in the Nubain Desert. In an area called Bir Tawil.
  • United States of Southern Africa: A country born out of the Republic of South Africa in 2061: Odyssey Three
  • United States of Southern Africa: A country born out of the Republic of South Africa in World War Z
  • UAC: An Unnamed African Country depicted in the video game Far Cry 2, can also be presumed to be named Seko.


  • Vagondu: A sub-saharan African country featured in director Odnalor Ladan's film, Smoke Before Fire. The current president of Vagondu is Stefan Balagot.


  • Wadiya: Country ruled by the protagonist in the 2012 film The Dictator. Located in present day Eritrea.
  • Wakanda: small African nation featured in the Marvel Comics series The Avengers. The nation is ruled by King T'Challa, also known as the super hero Black Panther.
  • West Angola: a fictional African country referred to in Scandal.
  • West African Union: a fictional merger of Liberia and Sierra Leone in Seafighter a 1999 novel by James H. Cobb. Ruled by Premier-General Obe Belewa.[6]
  • West Monrassa: Central African country in an episode of Spooks. Run by President Gabriel Sakoa, a corrupt leader planning a genocide against the people in the north of the country.


gollark: Very unreliable.
gollark: They just sort of spontaneously sometimes work?
gollark: Just improve it. The GTech™ system was finally fixed.
gollark: Oh. I ran into a lot of boron underneath my base by accident.
gollark: Why not digitally mine?


  1. Zimmerman, Jonathan (2014-07-09). "Americans Think Africa Is One Big Wild Animal Reserve". The New Republic. Retrieved 16 May 2017.
  2. "AfDB-World Bank: Improving the Quality of Projects - African Development Bank". 2006-01-23. Retrieved 2010-12-11.
  3. "Slide 1" (PDF). Retrieved 2010-12-11.
  4. Mr. Bones (2001) - IMDb
  5. Karimi, Faith. "Trump praises nonexistent African country's health care". CNN. Retrieved 2020-05-25.
  6. Cobb, James H. (1999). Seafighter. Headline. ISBN 0-7472-6149-0.
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