List of delegates to the Continental Congress

The Continental Congress was initially a convention of delegates from several British American colonies at the height of the American Revolution era, who spoke and acted collectively for the people of the Thirteen colonies that ultimately became the United States of America. The term most specifically refers to the First Continental Congress of 1774 and the Second Continental Congress of 1775–1781. More broadly, it also refers to the Congress of the Confederation of 1781–1789, thus covering the entire period the Continental Congress served as the chief legislative and executive body of the U.S. government.

The unicameral Congress of the Confederation, officially styled "The United States in Congress Assembled," was composed of delegates elected by the legislature of the various states. The Confederation Congress was the immediate successor to the Second Continental Congress; and delegates to it were similarly chosen. Many of the delegates to the initial 1775 session of the Second Continental Congress had also attended the previous First Continental Congress. Altogether, The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress lists 343 men who served as delegates to the Continental Congress in three incarnations from 1774 to 1789; also listed are another 90 persons who were elected as delegates but never served.


Convened in response to the Intolerable Acts passed by the British Parliament earlier that year, the 56 delegates to the First Continental Congress sought to help repair the frayed relationship between the British government and its American colonies. They organized an economic boycott of Great Britain in protest and petitioned the king for a redress of grievances. They also resolved to reconvene in May 1775 if necessary.

Delegates from the various colonies did indeed reconvene for a Second Continental Congress as scheduled, but by the time they gathered, the Revolutionary War had begun. Moderates in the Congress still hoped that the colonies could be reconciled with Great Britain, but a movement towards independence steadily gained ground. At this juncture Congress simultaneously sent an Olive Branch Petition to King George III, hoping for a rapprochement, and issued a Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, which contained the words "Our cause is just. Our union is perfect... being with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live slaves...".

Signing of Declaration of Independence by Charles Édouard Armand-Dumaresq, c.1873

Congress functioned as a de facto national government from the outset by establishing the Continental Army, directing strategy, and appointing diplomats. It eventually adopted the Lee Resolution which established the new country on July 2, 1776, and it agreed to the Declaration of Independence two days later.

Afterward, the Congress functioned as the provisional government of the United States through March 1, 1781. During this period, in addition to successfully managing the war effort, its primary achievements included: drafting the Articles of Confederation, the first U.S. Constitution; securing diplomatic recognition and support from foreign nations; and resolving state land claims west of the Appalachian Mountains. When the Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states, the Continental Congress became the Congress of the Confederation, which helped guide the new nation through the final stages of the Revolutionary War. Under the Articles, the Confederation Congress had limited power. It could declare war, sign treaties, and settle disputes between the states. It could also borrow or print money, but did not have the power to tax; nor could it compel the individual states to comply with its decisions. It convened in eight sessions (a ninth failed to achieve a quorum) prior to being supplanted in 1789, when the United States Congress became the nation's legislative branch of government under a new Constitution.

Article V of the Articles of Confederation

Article V of the Articles of Confederation provided for the annual election of delegates to Congress by legislatures of the various states to terms that commenced on the first Monday in November, in every year. Each state could send 2–7 delegates, and no person was permitted to serve as a delegate for more than three years within a span of six years. State legislatures also had the authority to recall or to replace its delegates at any time. Prior to 1781 delegates to the Continental Congress served at the pleasure of the state legislature that commissioned them, neither term limits nor specific start– / end–date of service existed.

For the most convenient management of the general interests of the United States, delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the legislatures of each State shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first Monday in November, in every year, with a power reserved to each State to recall its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead for the remainder of the year.

No State shall be represented in Congress by less than two, nor more than seven members; and no person shall be capable of being a delegate for more than three years in any term of six years; nor shall any person, being a delegate, be capable of holding any office under the United States, for which he, or another for his benefit, receives any salary, fees or emolument of any kind.

Each State shall maintain its own delegates in a meeting of the States, and while they act as members of the committee of the States.

In determining questions in the United States in Congress assembled, each State shall have one vote.

Freedom of speech and debate in Congress shall not be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Congress, and the members of Congress shall be protected in their persons from arrests or imprisonments, during the time of their going to and from, and attendance on Congress, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace.[1]

Elected delegates who participated

The following tables list the 343 people who served in Congress: 1st Continental, 2nd Continental, or Confederation, between 1774 and 1789, as well as the year(s) of their active participation.


Delegates from Connecticut
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Andrew Adams1778
Joseph Platt Cooke1784–1785; 1787–1788
Silas Deane17741775–1776
Eliphalet Dyer17741775–17791782–1783
Pierpont Edwards1788
Oliver Ellsworth[2]1778–17811781–1783
Titus Hosmer1778
Benjamin Huntington17801782–1783; 1788
Samuel Huntington1776; 1778–17811781; 1783
William Samuel Johnson1785–1787
Richard Law17771781–1782
Stephen Mix Mitchell1785–1788
Jesse Root1778–17811781–1782
Roger Sherman[3]17741775–17811781; 1783–1784
Joseph Spencer1779
Jonathan Sturges1786
James Wadsworth1784
Jeremiah Wadsworth1788
William Williams1776–1777
Oliver Wolcott1776–1778; 17811781–1783
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]


Delegates from Delaware
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Gunning Bedford Jr.1783–1785
John Dickinson[lower-alpha 1]1779
Philemon Dickinson1782–1783
Dyre Kearney1787–1788
Eleazer McComb1783–1784
Thomas McKean17741775–1776; 1778–17811781–1782
Nathaniel Mitchell1787–1788
John Patten1786
William Peery1786
George Read17741775–1777
Caesar Rodney17741775–1776
Thomas Rodney1781–1782; 1786
James Sykes1777
James Tilton1783–1784
Nicholas Van Dyke1777–17811781
John Vining1784–1785
Samuel Wharton1782–1783
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]


Delegates from Georgia
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Abraham Baldwin1785; 1787–1788
Nathan Brownson1777
Archibald Bulloch1775
William Few1780–17811781–1782; 1786–1788
William Gibbons1784
Button Gwinnett1776
John Habersham1785
Lyman Hall1775–1777
John Houstoun1775
William Houstoun1784–1786
Richard Howly1780–17811781
Noble Wimberly Jones1781–1782
Edward Langworthy1777–1779
William Pierce1787
Edward Telfair1778; 1780–17811781–1782
George Walton1776–1777; 1780–17811781
John Walton1778
Joseph Wood1777–1778
John Joachim Zubly1775
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]


Delegates from Maryland
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Robert Alexander1776
William Carmichael1778–1779
Charles Carroll ("Barrister")[5]1776–1777
Charles Carroll ("of Carrollton")[6]1776; 1777–1778; 1780
Daniel Carroll[7]1781–1783
Jeremiah Chase1783–1784
Samuel Chase[8]17741775–17781784; 1785
Benjamin Contee1788
James Forbes1778–1780
Uriah Forrest1787
Robert Goldsborough17741775–1776
John Hall1775
John Hanson[9]1780–17811781–1782
William Harrison Jr.1786
William Hemsley1782–1783
John Henry1778–17801785–1786
William Hindman1785–1786
John Eager Howard1788
Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer[10]1779; 1780–17811781
Thomas Johnson[11]17741775–1777
Thomas Sim Lee1783
Edward Lloyd1783–1784
James McHenry1783–1785
William Paca17741775–1779
George Plater1778–1780
Richard Potts1781
Nathaniel Ramsey1786–1787
John Rogers1775–1776
David Ross1787–1789
Benjamin Rumsey1776–1777
Joshua Seney1788
William Smith1777
Thomas Stone1775–1776; 17781784
Matthew Tilghman[12]17741775–1776
Turbutt Wright1782
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]


Delegates from Massachusetts
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
John Adams17741775–1777
Samuel Adams17741775–17811781
Thomas Cushing17741775–1776
Francis Dana1777–17781784
Nathan Dane1785–1788
Elbridge Gerry1776–17801783–1785
Nathaniel Gorham[13]1782–1783; 1785–1787
John Hancock1775–1778
Stephen Higginson1783
Samuel Holten1778–17801783–1785; 1787
Jonathan Jackson1782
Rufus King1784–1787
James Lovell1777–17811781–1782
John Lowell1782
Samuel Osgood1781–1784
Samuel Allyne Otis1787–1788
Robert Treat Paine17741775–1776
George Partridge1779–17811781–1785
Theodore Sedgwick1785–1786; 1788
George Thatcher1787–1789
Artemas Ward1780–17811781
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]

New Hampshire

Delegates from New Hampshire
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Josiah Bartlett1775–1776; 1778
Jonathan Blanchard1784
Nathaniel Folsom17741777–1780
Abiel Foster1783–1785
George Frost1777–1779
John Taylor Gilman1782–1783
Nicholas Gilman1787–1789
John Langdon1775–17761787
Woodbury Langdon1779
Samuel Livermore1780–17811781–1782; 1785–1786
Pierse Long1785–1786
Nathaniel Peabody1779–1780
John Sullivan17741775–1775; 1780–17811781
Matthew Thornton1776–1777
John Wentworth Jr.1778
William Whipple1776–1779
Phillips White1782–1783
Paine Wingate1788
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]

New Jersey

Delegates from New Jersey
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
John Beatty1784–1785
Elias Boudinot17781781–1783
William Burnet1780–17811781
Lambert Cadwalader1785–1787
Abraham Clark1776–1778; 1780–17811781–1783; 1786–1788
Silas Condict1781–1783
Stephen Crane17741775–1776
Jonathan Dayton1787–1788
John De Hart17741775–1776
Samuel Dick1784–1785
Jonathan Elmer1777–17781781–1783; 1787–1788
John Fell1778–1780
Frederick Frelinghuysen[14]1778–17791782–1783
John Hart1776
Francis Hopkinson1776
Josiah Hornblower1785–1786
William Houston1779–17811784–1785
James Kinsey17741775
William Livingston17741775–1776
James Schureman1786–1787
Nathaniel Scudder1778–1779
Jonathan Sergeant1776–1777
Richard Smith17741775–1776
John Stevens1784
Charles Stewart1784–1785
Richard Stockton1776
John Cleves Symmes1785–1786
John Witherspoon1776–17811781–1782
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]

New York

Delegates from New York
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
John Alsop17741775–1776
Egbert Benson1784; 1787–1788
Simon Boerum17741775
George Clinton1775–1776
Charles DeWitt1784
James Duane17741775–17811781–1783
William Duer1777–1778
William Floyd17741775–1776; 1779–17811781–1783
Leonard Gansevoort1788
David Gelston1789
Alexander Hamilton1782–1783; 1788
John Haring17741785–1787
John Jay[15]17741775–1778
John Lansing Jr.1785
John Laurance1785–1787
Francis Lewis1775–1779
Ezra L'Hommedieu1779–17811781–1783; 1788
Philip Livingston1774[16]1775–1778
Robert R. Livingston1775–1776; 1779–17801784
Walter Livingston1784–1785
Isaac Low1774
Alexander McDougall1781
Gouverneur Morris1778–1779
Lewis Morris1775–1777
Ephraim Paine1784
Philip Pell1789
Zephaniah Platt1785–1786
Philip Schuyler1775; 1777; 1779–1780
John Morin Scott1780; 17821781–1783
Melancton Smith1785–1787
Henry Wisner1774[16]1775–1776
Abraham Yates1787–1788
Peter W. Yates1786
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]

North Carolina

Delegates from North Carolina
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
John B. Ashe1787
Timothy Bloodworth1786
William Blount1782–1783; 1786–1787
Thomas Burke1777–17811781
Robert Burton1787
Richard Caswell17741775
William Cumming1785
Cornelius Harnett1777–1779
Benjamin Hawkins1781–1783; 1787
Joseph Hewes17741775–1776; 1779
Whitmell Hill1778–1780
William Hooper17741775–1777
Samuel Johnston1780–17811781
Allen Jones1779–1780
Willie Jones1780
Abner Nash1782–1783
John Penn1775–1780
William Sharpe1779–17811781
John Sitgreaves1785
Richard Dobbs Spaight1783–1785
John Swann1788
James White1786–1788
John Williams1778–1779
Hugh Williamson[17]1782–1785; 1787–1788
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]


Delegates from Pennsylvania
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Andrew Allen[18]1775–1776
John Armstrong Sr.1779–1780
John Armstrong Jr.1787–1788
Samuel John Atlee1778–17811781–1782
John Bubenheim Bayard1785–1786
Edward Biddle[19]17741775
William Bingham1786–1788
William Clingan1777–1779
George Clymer1776–1777; 1780–17811781–1782
Tench Coxe1788–1789
John Dickinson[lower-alpha 1]17741775–1776
Thomas Fitzsimons1782–1783
Benjamin Franklin1775–1776
Joseph Galloway1774
Joseph Gardner1784–1785
Edward Hand1783–1784
William Henry1784–1785
Charles Humphreys17741775–1776
Jared Ingersoll1780
William Irvine1787–1788
David Jackson[20]1785–1786
Timothy Matlack1780
James McLene1779–1780
Samuel Meredith1786–1788
Thomas Mifflin177417751782–1784
John Montgomery1782–1784
Joseph Montgomery1780–17811781–1782
Cadwalader Morris1783–1784
Robert Morris1775–1778
John Morton17741775–1776
Frederick Muhlenberg[21]1779–1780
Richard Peters Jr.1782–1783
Charles Pettit[22]1785–1787
Joseph Reed1778
James Randolph Reid1787–1789
Samuel Rhoads1774
Daniel Roberdeau1777–1779
George Ross17741775–1777
Benjamin Rush[23]1776–1777
James Searle[24]1778–1780
William Shippen[25]1778–1780
James Smith1776–1778
Jonathan Bayard Smith[26]1778
Thomas Smith1781–1782
Arthur St. Clair1786–1787
George Taylor1776
Thomas Willing1775–1776
James Wilson[27]1775–17771782–1783; 1785–1787
Henry Wynkoop1779–17811781–1782
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]

Rhode Island

Delegates from Rhode Island
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Jonathan Arnold1782–1783
Peleg Arnold1787–1788
John Collins1778–17801782–1783
Ezekiel Cornell1780–17811781–1782
William Ellery1776–17811781–1785
John Gardner1789
Jonathan Hazard1788
Stephen Hopkins17741775–1776
David Howell1782–1785
James Manning1786
Henry Marchant1777–1779
Nathan Miller1786
Daniel Mowry Jr.1780–17811781–1782
James Mitchell Varnum1780–17811781; 1787
Samuel Ward17741775–1776
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]

South Carolina

Delegates from South Carolina
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Robert Barnwell1789
Thomas Bee1780–17811781–1782
Richard Beresford1783–1784
John Bull1784–1787
Pierce Butler1787
William Henry Drayton1778–1779
Nicholas Eveleigh1781–1782
Christopher Gadsden17741775–1776
John Lewis Gervais1782–1783
Thomas Heyward Jr.1776–1778
Daniel Huger1786–1788
Richard Hutson1778–1779
Ralph Izard1782–1783
John Kean1785–1787
Francis Kinloch1780
Henry Laurens1777–1780
Thomas Lynch17741775–1776
Thomas Lynch Jr.1775–1776
John Mathews1778–17811781
Arthur Middleton1776–17771781–1782
Henry Middleton17741775
Isaac Motte1780–17811781–1782
John Parker1786–1788
Charles Pinckney1785–1787
David Ramsay1782–1783, 1785–1786
Jacob Read1783–1785
Edward Rutledge17741775–1776
John Rutledge[28]17741775–17761782–1783
Thomas Tudor Tucker1787–1788
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]


Delegates from Virginia
Name 1st Continental
2nd Continental
Thomas Adams1778–1779
John Banister1778
Richard Bland17741775
Theodorick Bland1780–17811781–1783
Carter Braxton1776
John Brown1787–1788
Edward Carrington1786–1788
John Dawson[29]1788–1789
William Fitzhugh1779
William Fleming1779
William Grayson[29]1784–1787
Cyrus Griffin1778–17801787–1788
Samuel Hardy1783–1785
Benjamin Harrison[29]17741775–1778
John Harvie1777–1778
James Henry1780
Patrick Henry17741775
Thomas Jefferson1775–17761783–1784
Joseph Jones1777; 1780–17811781–1783
Arthur Lee1782–1784
Francis Lightfoot Lee1775–1779
Henry Lee1786–1788
Richard Henry Lee17741775–17791784–1785; 1787
James Madison1780–17811781–1783; 1787–1788
James Mercer1779
John Francis Mercer1783–1784
James Monroe1783–1786
Thomas Nelson Jr.1775–1777; 1779
Mann Page1777
Edmund Pendleton17741775
Edmund Randolph17791781–1782
Peyton Randolph17741775
Meriwether Smith1778; 1780–17811781
John Walker1780
George Washington17741775
George Wythe1775–1776
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]

Elected delegates who did not participate

The following table lists the 90 people who were elected to Congress: 1st Continental, 2nd Continental, or Confederation, between 1774 and 1789, but who did not participate, as well as the year(s) of their election.

Name State Year(s) elected
Benjamin AndrewGeorgia1780
Samuel AshleyNew Hampshire1779
George AtkinsonNew Hampshire1780, 1785
John BarnwellSouth Carolina1784
Gunning Bedford Sr.Delaware1786
Benjamin BellowsNew Hampshire1781
John Blair, Jr.Virginia1781
James BowdoinMassachusetts1774
William BradfordRhode Island1776
Ephraim BrevardNorth Carolina1781
John BrownRhode Island1784, 1785
John CanfieldConnecticut1786
George ChamplinRhode Island1785, 1786
Charles C. ChandlerConnecticut1784
John ChesterConnecticut1787, 1788
Matthew ClarksonPennsylvania1785
Joseph ClayGeorgia1778
John CooperNew Jersey1776
Tristram DaltonMassachusetts1783, 1784
Timothy DanielsonMassachusetts1780, 1782, 1783
Elias DaytonNew Jersey1778
Moses DowNew Hampshire1784
Samuel DuffieldPennsylvania1777
Timothy EdwardsMassachusetts1778
Samuel ElbertGeorgia1784
John EvansDelaware1776
Sylvester GardnerRhode Island1787
Edward GilesMaryland1782
Alexander GillonSouth Carolina1784
Isaac GranthamDelaware1787
James GunnGeorgia1787
Joseph HabershamGeorgia1784
John HathornNew York1788
Thomas HendersonNew Jersey1779
James HillhouseConnecticut1786, 1788
William HillhouseConnecticut1783, 1785
Thomas HoldenRhode Island1788, 1789
Charles JohnsonNorth Carolina1781, 1784, 1785
Gabriel JonesVirginia1779
Samuel JonesNew York1788
Henry LatimerDelaware1784
Levi LincolnMassachusetts1781
Rawlins LowndesSouth Carolina1779
Nathaniel MaconNorth Carolina1785
Daniel MantonRhode Island1787
Alexander MartinNorth Carolina1786
Luther MartinVirginia1784
George MasonVirginia1777
Joseph McDowellNorth Carolina1787
Lachlan McIntoshGeorgia1784
John McKinlyDelaware1784
William MontgomeryPennsylvania1784
William MoorePennsylvania1777
William MoultrieSouth Carolina1784
Paul MumfordRhode Island1785
John NeilsonNew Jersey1778
Joseph NicholsonMaryland1777
William O'BryenGeorgia1789
Adlai OsborneNorth Carolina1784
Henry OsborneGeorgia1786
William PatersonNew Jersey1780, 1787
Samuel PattersonDelaware1784
Elisha PayneNew Hampshire1784
Nathaniel PendletonGeorgia1789
Thomas PersonNorth Carolina1784
Peter PhillipsRhode Island1785
John PickeringNew Hampshire1787
William PitkinConnecticut1784
Thomas PolkNorth Carolina1786
Richard RidgelyMaryland1784, 1785
Gustavus ScottMaryland1784
William SmallwoodMaryland1784
Benjamin SmithNorth Carolina1784
John SparhawkNew Hampshire1786
Samuel StirkGeorgia1781
John StokesNorth Carolina1787
Caleb StrongMassachusetts1780
Jedediah StrongConnecticut1782, 1784, 1784
James SullivanMassachusetts1782, 1783
Thomas SumterSouth Carolina1783
Ebenezer ThompsonNew Hampshire1778, 1783
John TreadwellConnecticut1784, 1785, 1787
Paul TrapierSouth Carolina1777
Joseph TrumbullConnecticut1774
Timothy Walker Jr.New Hampshire1777, 1778, 1782, 1785
James WarrenMassachusetts1782
Joshua WentworthNew York1779
Benjamin WestNew Hampshire1787
Stephen WestVirginia1780
Erastus WolcottNorth Carolina1774, 1787, 1788
 Source (unless otherwise noted):[4]
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See also


  1. John Dickinson served as a delegate from Pennsylvania to the 1st Continental Congress (1774). He also served twice in the 2nd Continental Congress, first as a delegate from Pennsylvania (1775–76), and then as a delegate from Delaware (1779).


  1. "Articles of Confederation : March 1, 1781". Avalon Project. New Haven, Connecticut: Lillian Goldman Law Library, Yale Law School. Retrieved May 11, 2019.
  2. "Ellsworth, Oliver". Biographical Directory of Federal Judges. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  3. Wright, Robert K. Jr.; MacGregor, Morris J. Jr. (1987). "Roger Sherman". Soldier–Statesmen of the Constitution. United States Army Center of Military History. pp. 169–171. CMH Pub 71-25. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  4. Dodge, Andrew R.; Koed, Betty K., eds. (2005). "Delegates in the Continental Congress" (PDF). Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774–2005. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 34–38. ISBN 0-16-073176-3. Retrieved May 6, 2019 via Internet Archive, September 17, 2008.
  5. "Charles Carroll, the barrister (1723-1783)". MSA Biographical Series. Annapolis, Maryland: Maryland State Archives. December 1, 2015. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  6. "Charles Carroll of Carrollton (1737-1832)". MSA Biographical Series. Annapolis, Maryland: Maryland State Archives. December 28, 2000. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  7. "Daniel Carroll (1730-1796)". MSA Biographical Series. Annapolis, Maryland: Maryland State Archives. November 25, 2012. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  8. "Chase, Samuel". Biographical Directory of Federal Judges. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  9. "John Hanson (1721-1783)". MSA Biographical Series. Annapolis, Maryland: Maryland State Archives. January 24, 2003. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  10. "Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (1723-1790)". MSA Biographical Series. Annapolis, Maryland: Maryland State Archives. December 17, 2015. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  11. "Johnson, Thomas". Biographical Directory of Federal Judges. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  12. "Matthew Tilghman (1717/18-1790)". MSA Biographical Series. Annapolis, Maryland: Maryland State Archives. October 11, 2002. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  13. Wright, Robert K. Jr.; MacGregor, Morris J. Jr. (1987). "Nathaniel Gorham". Soldier–Statesmen of the Constitution. United States Army Center of Military History. pp. 155–156. CMH Pub 71-25. Retrieved May 7, 2019.
  14. "Major General Frederick Frelinghuysen". New Jersey Society of the Cincinnati. Retrieved May 4, 2019.
  15. "Jay, John". Biographical Directory of Federal Judges. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  16. "First Continental Congress: Proceedings of the First Continental Congress". Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Independence Hall Association. Retrieved April 30, 2019.
  17. "Hugh Williamson 1735–1819". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  18. "Andrew Allen 1740–1825". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  19. "Edward Biddle 1738–1779". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  20. "David Jackson 1747–1801". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  21. "Frederick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg 1750–1801". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  22. "Charles Pettit 1736–1806". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  23. "Rush, Benjamin, (1746–1813)". Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Washington, D.C.: House Office of History and Preservation, Senate Office of the Historian. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  24. "James Searle 1733–1797". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  25. "William Shippen 1712–1801". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  26. "Jonathan B. Smith 1742–1812". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  27. "James Wilson 1742–1798". Penn People. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  28. "Rutledge, John". Biographical Directory of Federal Judges. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center. Retrieved May 2, 2019.
  29. "Members of the Continental Congress from Virginia". The Hornbook of Virginia History. April 16, 2012. Retrieved May 9, 2019 via Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, December 3, 2018.

Further reading

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