List of canonizations
On 22 January 1588, with the Apostolic Constitution Immensa Aeterni Dei, Pope Sixtus V created the Sacred Congregation of Rites to regulate divine worship and to deal with the causes of saints.
Canonizations before 1588
In the table below, "disputed" indicates conflicting information in early sources.[1]
Pontificate of Adrian II
- 8 May 868
- Pope Nicholas I (c. 800 – 867)
Pontificate of John XV
- 31 January 993
- Ulrich of Augsburg (c. 890 – 973)
Pontificate of Gregory V
- 3 February 997
- Adalbert of Prague (c. 956 – 997)
Pontificate of Benedict VIII
- 1016
- Simeon of Mantua (Simeon of Polirone) (c. 9?? – 1016)
Pontificate of John XIX
- 1024
- Adalard of Corbie (751–827)
- 1026
- Bononio (b.? – 1026)
Pontificate of Benedict IX
- 1037
- John of Beverley (b.? – 721)
- 1042
- Symeon of Trier (b. ?980s – 1035)
Pontificate of Clement II
- 5 January 1047
- Wiborada of Saint Gall (St Gallen or 'Sankt-Gall') (b.? – 926)
Pontificate of Leo IX
- 1049
- Deodatus of Nevers (b.? – ca. 679)
- Gervase
- 20 April 1049
- 3 December 1049
- 21 October 1050
- Gerard of Toul (935–994)
- 8 October 1051
- Wolfgang of Regensburg (c.934 – 994)
- Erhard of Regensburg
Pontificate of Alexander II
- 1066
- William of Gellone (755 – 812 or 814)
- 1067
- 1070
- 1073
- Theobald of Provins (1033–1066)
Pontificate of Gregory VII
- 1073
- Paschasius Radbertus (785–865)
- 1075
- Heribert of Cologne (c. 970 – 1021)
- 1078
- Ælfheah of Canterbury (Alphege of Winchester) (c. 953 – 1012)
- 1082
- Pope Leo IX (1002–1054)
- 1083
- Gerard of Csanád (Gerard Sagredo, O.S.B.) (980–1046)
- Stephen I of Hungary (c. 975 – 1038)
- 5 November 1083
- Emeric of Hungary (c. 1007 – 1031)
- 1085
- Andrew Zorard (c.980 – 1009, 1010, 1030 or 1034)
- Benedict of Szkalka (b.? – 1012, 1033 or 1037)
Pontificate of Victor III
- 1087
- Anselm of Lucca (1036–1086)
Pontificate of Urban II
- 1084
- Godelina (c. 1049 – 1070)
- 20–25 May 1095
- Erlembald (b.? – 1075)
- 1095
- Attilanus (937–1007)
- 1097
- Adelaide of Italy (931–999)
- 1098
- Nicholas the Pilgrim (1075–1094)
- 1100
- Angilbert (c. 760 – 814)
Pontificate of Paschal II
- 19 April 1101
- Canute IV of Denmark (c. 1042 – 1086)
- 4 June 1109
- Peter of Anagni (b.? – 1105)
Pontificate of Callixtus II
- 1119
- Gerard of Potenza (b.? – 1118)
- 6 January 1120
- Arnold of Soissons (c. 1040 – 1087)
- Hugh of Cluny a.k.a. Saint Hugh the Great, (1024–1109)
- 1123
- Conrad of Constance (c. 900 – 975)
Pontificate of Innocent II
- 29 October 1129
- Gotthard of Hildesheim (960–1038)
- 22 April 1134
- Hugh of Châteauneuf (1053–1132)
- 19 April 1139
- Saint Sturm (c. 705 – 779)
- 3 December 1139
- Bernard degli Uberti (c. 1060 – 1133)
Pontificate of Eugene III
- 4 March 1146
- Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (973–1024)
Pontificate of Adrian IV
- 1154
- Famianus of Compostela,[2] disputed, see explanation above.
- 1158
- Henry of Uppsala (b.? – c. 1156)
- Unknown
- Sigfrid of Sweden (b.? – 1045)
Pontificate of Alexander III
- 1159
- Guarinus of Palestrina (c. 1080 – 1158)
- 7 February 1161
- Edward the Confessor (1003–1066)
- 9 June 1163
- Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033 – 1109)
- 1164
- Helena of Skövde (c. 1101 – 1160)
- 8 November 1169
- Canute Lavard (1096–1131)
- ca. 1170
- John of Meda (John of Como) (1100–1159)
- 21 February 1173
- Thomas Becket (c. 1119 – 1170)
- 18 January 1174
- Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153)
- Unknown
- Rainerius (c. 1115 or 1117 – 1160)
Pontificate of Lucius III
- 5 September 1181
- Bruno of Segni, (c. 1047 – 1123), disputed, see explanation above.
- 1183
- Silaus of Lucca
- 1185
- Galgano Guidotti (1148–1181)
- 29 April 1186
- Anno II (Anno II of Cologne), (c. 1010 – 1075), disputed, see explanation above.
Pontificate of Clement III
- 1188
- Saint Ketil,[3] disputed, see explanation above.
- 21 March 1189
- Stephen of Muret (1045–1124)
- 29 April 1189
- Otto of Bamberg (1060 or 1061 – 1139)
- 6 May 1190
- Malachy O'More (1095–1148)
Pontificate of Celestine III
- 1191
- Peter of Tarentaise (1102–1174)
- 4 March 1192
- Ubald Baldassini of Gubbio (ca. 1084 – 1160)
- 27 June 1192
- Ladislaus I of Hungary (c. 1040 – 1095)
- 1192
- Rögnvald Kali Kolsson (Ronald) (c. 1103 – 1158)
- 8 January 1193
- Bernward of Hildesheim (c. 960 – 1022)
- 24 October 1193
- John Gualbert (985 or 995 – 1073)
- 1194
- Gaucherius (1060–1140)
- 1195
- Rudesind (907–977)
- 27 April 1197
- Gerald of Sauve-Majeure (c. 1025 – 1095)
Pontificate of Innocent III
- 21 January 1199
- Homobonus of Cremona (b.? – 1197)
- March or April 1200
- Cunigunde of Luxembourg, OSB (c. 975 – 1040)
- 1201
- Jón Helgi Ögmundarson (1052–1121)
- 1202
- Gilbert of Sempringham, CRSA (c. 1083 – 1190)
- 8 May 1202
- William of Maleval (b.? – 1157)
- 1203
- Belina (b.? – 1135)
- 14 May 1203
- Wulstan (c. 1008 – 1095)
- 2 July 1204
- Procopius of Sázava (c. 970 – 1053)
Pontificate of Honorius III
- 17 May 1218
- William de Donjeon (c. 1155 – 1209)
- 18 February 1220
- Hugh of Lincoln (1135/40 – 1200)
- 1220
- Benedict of Nursia (c. 480 – 543)
- Bertrand of Comminges (1050–1126), beatified – disputed, see explanation above; canonized in 1309.
- 8 January 1222
- Robert of Molesme (1028–1111)
- 21 January 1224
- William of Roskilde (da) (b.? – 1073 or 1074)
- 11 December 1225
- Lorcán Ua Tuathail (a.k.a. Lawrence O’Toole) (1128–1180)
- 18 March 1226
- William Fitzherbert (b.? – 1154)
- Unknown
- Raynerius of Aquila
Pontificate of Gregory IX
- 16 July 1228
- Francis of Assisi (1181/1182 – 1226)
- 1 June 1232
- Anthony of Padua (1195–1231)
- 18 June 1232
- Vergilius of Salzburg (c. 700 – 784)
- 3 July 1234
- Dominic de Guzman, O.P. (1170–1221)
- 27 May 1235
- Elizabeth of Hungary (1207–1231)
Pontificate of Innocent IV
- 16 December 1246
- Edmund Rich (1175–1240)
- 24 March 1247
- William Pinchon (1175–1234)
- 1250
- Margaret of Scotland (c. 1045 – 1093)
- 1251
- George of Vienne
- 9 March 1253
- Peter of Verona, O.P. (a.k.a. Peter "Martyr" of Verona) (1206–1252)
- 8 September 1253
- Stanislaus of Szczepanów (1030–1079)
Pontificate of Alexander IV
- 12 August 1255
- Clare of Assisi (1194–1253)
- 1256
- William of Perth (b.? – c. 1201)
- 18 June 1259
- Íñigo of Oña (c. 1000 – 1057)
Pontificate of Urban IV
- 25 January 1262
- Richard de Wych (1197–1253)
- 1 May 1262
- Felix of Valois (1127–1212)
Pontificate of Clement IV
- 26 March 1267
- Hedwig of Silesia (1174–1243)
Pontificate of Gregory X
- September 1273
- Franca Visalta (1170–1218)
Pontificate of Martin IV
- 1284
- Benvenutus Scotivoli (b.? – 1282)
Pontificate of Boniface VIII
- 11 July 1297
- Louis IX (1214–1270)
Pontificate of Clement V
- 5 May 1313
- Pope Celestine V (a.k.a. Peter Celestine) (1215–1296)
Pontificate of John XXII
- 7 April 1317
- Louis of Toulouse (1274–1297)
- 17 April 1320
- Thomas de Cantilupe (c. 1218 – 1282)
- 18 July 1323
- Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (1225–1274)
Pontificate of Clement VI
- 26 June 1347
- Ivo of Kermartin, T.O.S.F. (1253–1303)
- 19 September 1351
- Robert of Turlande
Pontificate of Urban V
- 15 April 1370
- Elzéar of Sabran (1285–1323)
- Unknown
- Calamanda of Calaf
Pontificate of Urban VI
- 1388
- Mildred of Thanet
Pontificate of Boniface IX
- 7 October 1391
- Bridget of Sweden (1303–1373)
- 1401
- John Twenge (1319–1379)
Pontificate of Eugene IV
- 1444
- Honorius of Buzançais
- 1 February 1447 (or 5 June 1446)
- Nicholas of Tolentino (c. 1246 – 1305)
- Unknown
- Bellinus (b.? – 1145)
Pontificate of Nicholas V
- 24 May 1450
- Bernardino of Siena (1380–1444)
Pontificate of Callixtus III
- 3 June 1455
- Vincent Ferrer, O.P. (1350–1419)
- 1 January 1457
- Osmund (b.? – 1099)
- 15 October 1457 (or May 31, 1476, by Pope Sixtus IV)
- Albert of Trapani (c. 1240 – 1306 or 1307)
- 1457
- Rose of Viterbo, T.O.S.F. (c. 1233 – 1251)
Pontificate of Pius II
- 29 June 1461
- Catherine of Siena (1347–1380)
Pontificate of Sixtus IV
- 31 May 1476
- Albert of Sicily (c. 1240 – 1307)
- 7 August 1481
- Berard of Carbio (b.? – 1220)
- Companions:
- Otto of Morocco
- Peter of Morocco
- Accursius of Morocco
- Adjutus
- Companions:
- 14 April 1482
- Bonaventure (1221–1274)
Pontificate of Innocent VIII
- 1484
- Catherine of Sweden (c. 1332 – 1381)
- 6 January 1485
- Leopold III (1073–1136)
Pontificate of Julius II
- 5 June 1507:
- Unknown
- Benedict of Gnesen
- Christinus of Gnesen
- Isaac of Gnesen
- John of Gnesen
- Matthew of Gnesen
Pontificate of Leo X
- 1516
- Daniel and Companions (died 10 October 1227)
- Hugolinus of Morocco
- 1 May 1519
- Francis of Paola (1416–1507)
- 1520
- Hunna of Alsace
- 1521
- Casimir (1458–1484)
Pontificate of Adrian VI
- 31 May 1523
- Benno of Meissen (c. 1010 – 1106)
- Antoninus of Florence (1389–1459)
Pontificate of Clement VII
- 1527
- Peter of Metz
Pontificate of Paul III
- 1549
- Abraham of Smolensk (b. 12th century – c. 1222)
Pontificate of Pius V
- 18 December 1570
- Ivo of Chartres (c. 1040 – 1115)
Pontificate of Gregory XIII
- 1578
- Joseph of Volokolamsk (1439 or 1440 – 1515)
- 1582
- Norbert of Xanten (c. 1080 – 1134)
- Romuald (c. 950 – 1027)[4]
- 1584
- Alipius of Tagaste
Modern canonization
Pontificate of Sixtus V (1)
- 2 July 1588
- Didacus of Alcalá (c. 1400 - 1463)
Pontificate of Clement VIII (5)
- 17 April 1594
- Hyacinth of Poland (ca. 1185 – 1257)
- 18 October 1594
- Julian of Cuenca (1127–1208)
- 1598
- Sylvester Gozzolini (1177–1267)
- 29 April 1601
- Raymond of Penyafort, O.P., (ca. 1175 – 1275)
Pontificate of Paul V (4)
- 29 May 1608
- Frances of Rome (1384–1440)
- 1 November 1610
- Charles Borromeo (1538–1584)
- 1615
- Pompejanus
- 1621
- Albert of Louvain (1166–1192)
Pontificate of Gregory XV (5)
- 12 March 1622
- Francis Xavier, S.J. (1506 – 1552)
- Ignatius of Loyola, S.J. (1491 – 1556)
- Isidore the Laborer (c. 1070 – 1130)
- Philip Neri (1515 – 1595)
- Teresa of Ávila (1515 – 1582)
Pontificate of Urban VIII (5)
- 1623
- Stephen Harding (ca. 1050 – 1134)
- 25 May 1625
- Elizabeth of Portugal (1271 – 1336)
- 1625
- Conrad of Piacenza (c. 1290 – 1351)
- 30 September 1628
- Peter Nolasco (1189 – 1256)
- 29 April 1629
- Andrew Corsini (1302 – 1373)
Pontificate of Alexander VII (4)
- 1657
- Raymond Nonnatus (1204–1240)
- 1 November 1658
- Thomas of Villanova (1488–1555)
- 19 April 1665
- Francis de Sales (1567–1622)
- 21 October 1666
- John of Matha (1160–1213)
Pontificate of Clement IX (2)
- 28 April 1669
- Maria Magdalena de Pazzi (1566–1607)
- Peter of Alcantara (1499–1562)
Pontificate of Clement X (7)
- 20 June 1670
- Francis Borgia (1510–1572)
- 12 April 1671
- Cajetan (1480–1547)
- Louis Bertrand, O.P., (1526–1581)
- Philip Benizi de Damiani (1233–1285)
- Rose of Lima, T.O.S.D., (1586–1617)
- 1671
- Ferdinand III of Castile (1199 or 1201 – 1252)
- 1673
- Pope Leo III (Unknown – 816 AD)
Pontificate of Innocent XI (2)
- 1681
- Bernard of Menthon (ca. 1020 – 1081)
- 8 April 1687
- Pedro Armengol (c. 1238 – 1304)
Pontificate of Alexander VIII (6)
- 11 June 1690
- Kinga of Poland (1224–1292)
- 16 October 1690
- John of Capistrano (1386–1456)
- John of God (1495–1550)
- John of Sahagún (1419–1479)
- Lawrence Giustiniani (1381–1456)
- Paschal Baylon (1540–1592)
Pontificate of Innocent XII (1)
- 5 September 1696
- Zita of Lucca (c. 1212 – 1272)
Pontificate of Clement XI (10)
- 1701
- Stephen of Obazine (1085 – 1154)
- 1702
- Boniface of Lausanne (1183 – 1260)
- 10 May 1705
- Sancha of Portugal (1264 – c. 1302)
- 20 May 1705
- Theresa of Portugal (1181 – 1250)
- 26 September 1710
- Bernat Calbó (c. 1180 – 1243)
- 22 May 1712
- Catherine of Bologna (1413 – 1463)
- Pope Pius V (1504 – 1572)
- Andrew Avellino (1521 – 1608)
- Felix of Cantalice (1515 – 1587)
- 27 January 1720
- Humility (c. 1226 – 1310)
Pontificate of Benedict XIII (14)
- 1724
- Boris of Kiev
- Gleb or Saints Boris and Gleb
- 10 December 1726
- Agnes of Montepulciano, O.P. (1268–1317)
- James of the Marches, O.F.M. (ca. 1391 – 1476)
- Turibius of Mongrovejo (1538–1606)
- 27 December 1726
- Peregrine Laziosi (c. 1260 – 1345)
- John of the Cross, O.C.D. (1542–1591)
- Francis Solanus, O.F.M. (1549–1610)
- 31 December 1726
- Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J. (1568 – 1591)
- Stanislaus Kostka, S.J. (1550–1568)
- 14 April 1728
- Serapion of Algiers (1179–1240)
- 16 May 1728
- Margaret of Cortona, T.O.S.F. (1247–1297)
- 24 May 1728
- Pope Gregory VII (c. 1015 – 1085)
- 19 March 1729
- John of Nepomuk (c. 1345 – 1393)
Pontificate of Clement XII (5)
- 18 April 1731: Pietro I Orseolo (928–987)
- 16 June 1737
- Vincent de Paul (1581–1660)
- Catherine of Genoa (1447–1510)
- John Francis Regis (1597–1640)
- Juliana Falconieri O.S.M., (1270–1341)
Pontificate of Benedict XIV (7)
- 13 December 1741
- Peter González, O.P. (1190–1246)
- 29 June 1746
- Camillus de Lellis (1550–1614)
- Catherine of Ricci, O.S.D. (1522–1590)
- Fidelis of Sigmaringen, O.F.M. Cap. (1577–1622)
- Joseph of Leonessa (1556–1612)
- Peter de Regalado (1390–1456)
- Unknown
- Theotonius of Coimbra (1082–1162)
Pontificate of Clement XIII (6)
- 16 July 1767
- Joseph Calasanctius
- Gerolamo Emiliani
- Jane Frances de Chantal
- John Cantius
- Joseph of Cupertino, O.F.M. Conv. (Giuseppe Desa) (1603–1663)
- Seraphin of Montegranaro (Serafino Pampiani)
Pontificate of Pius VII (6)
- 1805
- Christopher of Guardia (d. 1490)[5]
- 24 May 1807
- Angela Merici
- Francesco Caracciolo
- Benedict the Moor
- Colette Boylet
- Hyacintha Mariscotti
Pontificate of Leo XII (1)
- 1 October 1828
Pontificate of Gregory XVI (5)
- 26 May 1839
- Veronica Giuliani
- Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
- Francis de Geronimo
- Giovanni Giuseppe Calosinto
- Pacifico Divino
Pontificate of Pius IX (52)
- 8 June 1862
- 29 June 1865
- 29 June 1867
Pontificate of Leo XIII (19)
- 8 December 1881
- Benedict Joseph Labre
- Clare of Montefalco
- Giovanni Battista de Rossi
- Lawrence of Brindisi (1559–1619)
- 15 January 1888
- Alphonsus Rodriguez, S.J.
- John Berchmans, S.J.
- Peter Claver, S.J.
- The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
- 2 June 1891
- 27 May 1897
- Anthony Maria Zaccaria
- Peter Fourier
- 24 May 1900
Pontificate of Pius X (7)
- 11 December 1904
- 1906
- John of Montemarano
- 24 July 1907
- Romedio of Nonsberg
- 1907
- Aleydis of Schaerbeek
- 20 May 1909
- Clemens Maria Hofbauer (1751–1820)
- Joseph Oriol
Pontificate of Benedict XV (4)
- 1915
- 13 May 1920
- Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (1838–1862)
- Marguerite Marie Alacoque (1647–1690)
- 16 May 1920
- Joan of Arc (1412–1431)
Pontificate of Pius XI (25)
- 17 May 1925
- 21 May 1925
- 24 May 1925
- 31 May 1925
- Jean Vianney
- John Eudes
- 22 June 1930
- 29 June 1930
- Canadian Martyrs
- Robert Bellarmine
- Saint Theophilus of Corte
- 16 December 1931
- Albert the Great, O.P.
- 4 June 1933
- Andrew Fournet
- 8 December 1933
- 14 January 1934
- Joan Antidea Thouret
- 4 March 1934
- 11 March 1934
- 19 March 1934
- 1 April 1934
- 20 May 1934
- 19 May 1935
- 17 April 1938
- Andrew Bobola
- Salvador of Horta
- Giovanni Leonardi
Pontificate of Pius XII (33)
- 2 May 1940
- 19 November 1943
- 7 July 1946
- Francesca S. Cabrini
- 15 May 1947
- 22 June 1947
- Bernardino Realino
- John de Brito
- Joseph Cafasso
- 6 July 1947
- Joan Elizabeth Bichier des Âges
- Michael Garicoits
- 20 July 1947
- 15 May 1949
- 12 June 1949
- Maria Giuseppa Rossello (1811–1880)
- 23 April 1950
- Émilie de Rodat (1787–1852)
- 7 May 1950
- 18 May 1950
- 28 May 1950
- 11 June 1950
- Vincent Strambi (1745–1824)
- 24 June 1950
- 9 July 1950
- Mariana de Jesús de Paredes (1618–1645)
- 24 June 1951
- 21 October 1951
- Antonio Maria Gianelli
- Francis Bianchi
- Ignatius of Laconi
- 29 May 1954
- 12 June 1954
Pontificate of John XXIII (10)
- 12 April 1959
- 26 May 1960
- 12 June 1960
- 11 May 1961
- 6 May 1962
- Martín de Porres
- 9 December 1962
- Antonio Maria Pucci
- Francis Mary of Camporosso
- Peter Julian Eymard
- 20 January 1963
- Vincenzo Pallotti
Pontificate of Paul VI (84)
- 18 October 1964
- 29 October 1967
- Bénilde Romançon
- 22 June 1969
- 25 January 1970
- Maria Soledad
- 3 May 1970
- Leonardo Murialdo (1828–1900)
- 10 May 1970
- 31 May 1970
- 21 June 1970
- Nikola Tavelić and 3 companions
- 25 October 1970
- 27 January 1974
- Teresa of Jesus
- 25 May 1975
- John Baptist of the Conception
- Vincentia Maria López y Vicuña
- 14 September 1975
- Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774–1821)
- 28 September 1975
- Juan Macías (1585–1645)
- 12 October 1975
- 26 October 1975
- Justin de Jacobis
- 3 October 1976
- 17 October 1976
- 23 January 1977
- 19 June 1977
- 9 October 1977
- Charbel Makhluf
Pontificate of John Paul II (483)
- 20 June 1982
- Crispin of Viterbo (1668–1750)
- 10 October 1982
- Maximilian Kolbe, OFM (1894–1941)
- 31 October 1982
- Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620–1700)
- Jeanne Delanoue (1666–1736)
- 16 October 1983
- Leopold Mandić (1866–1942)
- 14 January 1984
- Þorlákur Þórhallsson (1133–1193)
- 11 March 1984
- Paula Frassinetti (1809–1882)
- 6 May 1984
- 21 October 1984
- Miguel Febres Cordero (1854–1910)
- 13 April 1986
- Francis Fasani (1681–1742)
- 12 October 1986
- Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (1649–1713)
- 18 October 1987
- 16 Martyrs of Japan
- Lorenzo Ruiz (c. 1600–1637)
- Domingo Ibáñez de Erquicia, OP (1589–1633)
- Jacobo Kyushei Tomonaga, OP and their Twelve Companions:
- Francisco Shoyemon
- Miguel Kurobioye
- Lucas de Espiritu Santo
- Mateo Kohioye del Rosario
- Magdalene of Nagasaki
- Marina of Omura
- Jordan de San Esteban
- Tomas Hioji Rokuzayemon Nishi de San Jacinto
- Antonio Gonzalez
- Guillermo Courtet
- Miguel de Aozaraza
- Lazaro of Kyoto
- 16 Martyrs of Japan
- 25 October 1987
- Giuseppe Moscati (1880–1927)
- 16 May 1988
- Martyrs of Paraguay:
- Roque González de Santa Cruz (1576–1628)
- Alphonsus Rodriguez (+1628)
- Juan de Castillo, SJ (1596–1628)
- Martyrs of Paraguay:
- 11 June 1988
- Eustochia Smeralda Calafato (1434–1485)
- 19 June 1988
- 117 Vietnamese Martyrs (+1745–1862)
- 3 July 1988
- Simón de Rojas, O.SS. (1552–1624)
- Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769–1852)
- 2 October 1988
- Magdalene of Canossa (1774–1835)
- 11 December 1988
- Maria Rosa Molas y Vallvé (1815–1876)
- 9 April 1989
- Clelia Barbieri (1847–1870)
- 1 November 1989
- Gaspar Bertoni (1777–1853)
- Riccardo Pampuri, O.H. (1897–1930)
- 12 November 1989
- Agnes of Bohemia (1211–1282)
- Albert of Kraków (Adam Chmielowski)(1845–1916)
- 10 December 1989
- Mutien-Marie Wiaux, FSC (1841–1917)
- 9 December 1990
- Marguerite d’Youville (1701–1771)
- 17 November 1991
- Raphael Kalinowski, OCD (1835–1907)
- 31 May 1992
- Claude de la Colombière, SJ (1641–1682)
- 11 October 1992
- Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz (1848–1906)
- 21 March 1993
- Mary of St. Ignatius (Claudine Thévenet) (1774–1837)
- Teresa de Jesus de los Andes (Juana Fernández Solar) (1900–1920)
- 16 June 1993
- Enrique de Ossó y Cercelló (1840–1896)
- 8 September 1993
- Saint Meinhard (1134/36–1196)
- 21 May 1995
- John Sarkander (1576–1620)
- Zdislava Berka (1220–1252)
- 2 July 1995
- Martyrs of Kosice (+1619):
- Marko Krizin (1588–1619)
- István Pongrácz (1582–1609)
- Melchior Grodziecki, SJ (1584–1619)
- Martyrs of Kosice (+1619):
- 3 December 1995
- Charles-Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod (1782–1861)
- 2 June 1996
- Jean-Gabriel Perboyre (1802–1840)
- Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph (Francis Anthony Postillo) (1729–1812)
- Juan Grande Román, O.H. (1546–1600)
- 8 June 1997
- Hedwig, queen of Poland (1374–1399)
- 10 June 1997
- John of Dukla (1414–1484)
- 11 October 1998
- Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) (1891–1942)
- 18 April 1999
- Marcellin Champagnat (1789–1840)
- Giovanni Calabria (1873–1954)
- Agostina Livia Pietrantoni (1864–1894)
- 16 June 1999
- Kinga of Poland (1234–1292)
- 21 November 1999
- Brother Cyrill Bertrán and 8 Companions (+1934)
- Jaime Hilario, FSC (1898–1937)
- Innocencio of Mary Immaculate (1887–1934)
- Benedict Menni, OH (1841–1914)
- Thomas of Cori, OFM (1655–1729)
- 30 April 2000
- Sister Faustina (1905–1938)
- 21 May 2000
- Saints of the Cristero War
- Cristóbal Magallanes Jara (1869–1927)
- Román Adame Rosales
- Rodrigo Aguilar Aleman
- Julio Álvarez Mendoza
- Luis Batis Sáinz
- Agustín Caloca Cortés
- Mateo Correa Magallanes
- Atilano Cruz Alvarado
- Miguel de la Mora de la Mora
- Pedro Esqueda Ramírez
- Margarito Flores García
- José Isabel Flores Varela
- David Galván Bermúdez
- Salvador Lara Puente
- Pedro de Jesús Maldonado (1892–1937)
- Jesús Méndez Montoya
- Manuel Morales
- Justino Orona Madrigal
- Sabas Reyes Salazar
- José María Robles Hurtado
- David Roldán Lara
- Toribio Romo González
- Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo
- Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles
- David Uribe Velasco
- José Maria de Yermo y Parres (1851–1904)
- María de Jesús Sacramentado Venegas (1868–1959)
- Saints of the Cristero War
- 1 October 2000
- Augustine Chao (+1815) and 119 companions, Chinese Martyrs
- María Josefa of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra (1842–1912)
- Katharine Drexel (1858–1955)
- Josephine Bakhita (1869–1947)
- 10 June 2001
- Luigi Scrosoppi (1804–1884)
- Agostino Roscelli (1818–1902)
- Bernard of Corleone (1605–1667)
- Teresa Eustochio Verzeri (1801–1852)
- Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès (1832–1914)
- 25 November 2001
- Joseph Marello (1844–1895)
- Paula Montal Fornes de San Jose de Calasanz (1799–1889)
- Leonie Françoise de Sales Aviat (1844–1914)
- Maria Crescentia Höss (1682–1744)
- 19 May 2002
- Alphonsus de Orozco (1500–1591)
- Ignatius of Santhià (1686–1770)
- Humilis of Bisignano (1582–1637)
- Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus (1865–1942)
- Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello (1791–1858)
- 16 June 2002
- Pio of Pietrelcina (1887–1968)
- 30 July 2002
- Hermano Pedro de San José de Betancurt (1626–1667)
- 31 July 2002
- Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (1474–1548)
- 6 October 2002
- Josemaría Escrivá (1902–1975)
- 4 May 2003
- Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874–1936)
- José María Rubio (1864–1929)
- Genoveva Torres Morales (1870–1956)
- Angela of the Cross (1846–1932)
- María Maravillas de Jesús (1891–1974)
- 18 May 2003
- Józef Sebastian Pelczar (1842–1924)
- Ursula Ledóchowska (1865–1939)
- Maria De Mattias (1805–1866)
- Virginia Centurione Bracelli (1587–1651)
- 5 October 2003
- Daniel Comboni (1831–1881)
- Arnold Janssen (1837–1909)
- Joseph Freinademetz (1852–1908)
- 16 May 2004
- Luigi Orione (1872–1940)
- Annibale Maria di Francia (1851–1927)
- Josep Manyanet i Vives (1833–1901)
- Nimattullah Kassab Al-Hardini (1808–1858)
- Paola Elisabetta Cerioli (1816–1865)
- Gianna Beretta Molla (1922–1962)
Pontificate of Benedict XVI (45)
- 23 October 2005
- Józef Bilczewski (1860–1923)
- Gaetano Catanoso (1879–1963)
- Zygmunt Gorazdowski (1845–1920)
- Alberto Hurtado (1901–1952)
- Felix of Nicosia (1715–1787)
- 15 October 2006
- Bishop Rafael Guízar Valencia (1878–1938)
- Mother Théodore Guérin (1798–1856)
- Filippo Smaldone (1848–1923)
- Rose Venerini (1656–1728)
- 11 May 2007
- Antônio de Sant'Anna Galvão (1739–1822)
- 3 June 2007
- George Preca (1880–1962)
- Szymon of Lipnica (1437–1482)
- Charles of Mount Argus (1821–1893)
- Marie-Eugénie de Jésus (1817–1898)
- 12 October 2008
- Alphonsa Muttathupadathu (1910–1946)
- Gaetano Errico (1791–1860)
- Narcisa de Jesús (1832–1869)
- Maria Bernarda Bütler (1848–1924)
- 26 April 2009
- Arcangelo Tadini (1846–1912)
- Bernardo Tolomei (1272–1348)
- Nuno Álvares Pereira (1360–1431)
- Geltrude Comensoli (1847–1903)
- Caterina Volpicelli (1839–1894)
- 11 October 2009
- Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (1822–1895)
- Francisco Coll Guitart (1812–1875)
- Damien de Veuster (1840–1889)
- Rafael Arnáiz Barón (1911–1938)
- Jeanne Jugan (1792–1879)
- 17 October 2010
- Stanisław Kazimierczyk (1433–1489)
- André Bessette (1845–1937)
- Candida Maria of Jesus (1845–1912)
- Mary MacKillop (1842–1909)
- Giulia Salzano (1846–1929)
- Camilla Battista da Varano (1458–1524)
- 23 October 2011
- Guido Maria Conforti (1865–1931)
- Luigi Guanella (1842–1915)
- Bonifacia Rodríguez y Castro (1837–1905)
- 10 May 2012
- Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179)
- 21 October 2012
- Jacques Berthieu (1838–1896)
- Pedro Calungsod (ca.1654–1672)
- Giovanni Battista Piamarta (1841–1913)
- María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras (1848–1911)
- Marianne Cope (1838–1918)
- Kateri Tekakwitha (ca.1656–1680)
- Anna Schäffer (1882–1925)
Pontificate of Francis
- 12 May 2013
- Martyrs of Otranto (+1480)
- Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena (1874–1949)
- Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala (1878–1963)
- 9 October 2013
- Angela of Foligno (1248–1309)
- 17 December 2013
- Peter Faber (1506–1546)
- 3 April 2014
- José de Anchieta (1534–1597)
- Marie of the Incarnation (1599–1672)
- François de Laval (1623–1708)
- 27 April 2014
- Pope John XXIII (1881–1963)
- Pope John Paul II (1920–2005)
- 23 November 2014
- Amato Ronconi (1225–1292)
- Nicholas Longobardi (1650–1709)
- Ludovico of Casoria (1814–1855)
- Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805–1871)
- Giovanni Antonio Farina (1803–1888)
- Rosa Eluvathingal (1877–1952)
- 14 January 2015
- Joseph Vaz (1651–1711)
- 17 May 2015
- Émilie de Villeneuve (1811–1854)
- Mariam Baouardy (1846–1878)
- Adelaide Brando (1856–1906)
- Marie-Alphonsine Danil Ghattas (1843–1927)
- 23 September 2015
- Junípero Serra (1713–1784)
- 18 October 2015
- Louis Martin (1823–1894)
- Marie-Azélie Guérin Martin (1831–1877)
- Vincenzo Grossi (1845–1917)
- María de la Purísima Salvat Romero (1926–1998)
- 5 June 2016
- Stanislaus Papczyński (1631–1701)
- Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad (1870–1957)
- 4 September 2016
- Teresa of Calcutta (1910–1997)
- 16 October 2016
- Salomone Leclercq (1745–1792)
- Lodovico Pavoni (1784–1849)
- Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880–1906)
- Alfonso Maria Fusco (1839–1910)
- Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero (1840–1914)
- José Sánchez del Río (1913–1928)
- Manuel González García (1877–1940)
- 13 May 2017
- Francisco Marto (1908–1919)
- Jacinta Marto (1910–1920)
- 15 October 2017
- Cristobal, Antonio and Juan (+1527-1529)
- André de Soveral & 29 Companions (+1645)
- Luca Antonio Falcone (1669–1739)
- Manuel Míguez González (1831–1925)
- 14 October 2018
- Vincent Romano (1751–1831)
- Nunzio Sulprizio (1817–1836)
- Maria Katharina Kasper (1820–1898)
- Francesco Spinelli (1853–1913)
- Ignacia Nazaria March Mesa (1889–1943)
- Pope Paul VI (1897–1978)
- Óscar Romero (1917–1980)
- 5 July 2019
- Bartholomew of Braga (1514–1590)
- 13 October 2019
- Marguerite Bays (1815–1879)
- John Henry Newman (1801–1890)
- Giuditta Vannini (1859–1911)
- Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (1876–1926)
- Irmã Dulce Pontes (1914–1992)
Scheduled canonizations
- TBD 2020:
- César de Bus (1544–1607)
- Devasahayam Pillai (1712–1752)
- Luigi Maria Palazzolo (1827–1886)
- Anna Maria Rubatto (1844–1904)
- Charles de Foucauld (1858–1916)
- Maria Domenica Mantovani (1862–1934)
gollark: Hmm, yes, true. I mean, they do operate a giant publicly usable CDN.
gollark: But I know of one person with Nitro. Nitro is about £3/month *too*, so they must have that much in monthly revenue.
gollark: My current budget permits me to spend about £3 on them.
gollark: Discord.
gollark: They are quite expensive.
- "Canonizations Before 1588". Retrieved 15 May 2008. This source uses an asterisk (*) to mark a case for which original documentary sources conflict.
- "Saint Famianus of Compostela". 14 February 2013. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
- "Sanctus Ketillus – medieval". Retrieved 9 May 2017.
- Sauer, Michelle M. (2010). "Romuald, St.". In Bjork, Robert E. (ed.). The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199574834. Retrieved 18 March 2016 – via Oxford Reference.
- Bunson, Matthew. Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints. Our Sunday Visitor. p. 207.
- Canonizations before 1588. Retrieved 2008-05-15.
External links
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