List of Canadian women artists
This is a partial list of women artists who were born in Canada or whose artworks are closely associated with that country.
- Una Stella Abrahamson (1922–1999), artist, writer
- KC Adams (born 1971), multimedia art
- Marilla Adams (1864–1966)
- Amelia Alcock-White, painting
- Lady Eveline Marie Alexander (1821–1906), painter
- Vikky Alexander (born 1959), photography, video art
- Wilhelmina Alexander (1871–1961), painting
- Jocelyne Alloucherie (born 1947), sculpture
- Helen Andersen (1919–1995), painting
- Lois Andison, installation art
- Julie Andreyev (born 1962), multidisciplinary art
- Evelyn Andrus (1909–1972), photographer
- Jaime Angelopoulos, sculptor
- Sara Angelucci (born 1962), photography, video art
- Marie-Elmina Anger (1844–1901), painting
- Jennifer Angus (born 1961), installation art
- Elizabeth Angrnaqquaq (1916–2003), textile artist
- Irene Kataq Angutitok (1914–1971), sculpture
- Margaret Uyauperq Aniksak (1907–1993), sculpture
- Danielle April (born 1949)
- Raymonde April (born 1953), photography
- Joi Arcand (born 1982), photography
- Kate Armstrong, net art, writing
- Shelagh Armstrong (born 1961), illustration
- Germaine Arnaktauyok (born 1946), printmaking, painting
- Myfanwy Ashmore (born 1970), new media art
- Shuvinai Ashoona (born 1961), drawing
- Barbara Astman (born 1950), photography, new media
- Melissa Auf der Maur (born 1972), photography
- Buseje Bailey, video and multi-media
- Unity Bainbridge (1916–2017), painting
- Anna P. Baker (1928–1985), painting
- Joan Balzar (1928–2016), painting
- Anna Banana (born 1940), performance art, stamp art, small press publishing
- Marian Penner Bancroft (born 1947), photography
- Marian Bantjes (born 1963), design, illustration, writing
- Annie Gardner Barr (1864–1921)
- Fanny Wright Bayfield (1813/14–1891), botanical illustration
- Micheline Beauchemin (1929–2009), textile arts
- Claire Beaulieu (born 1955), multimedia
- Betty Beaumont (born 1946), environmental art
- Beaver Hall Group
- Sarah Beck, sculpture
- Sylvie Bélanger (born 1951), video, photography, installation
- Christi Belcourt (born 1966), painting
- Rebecca Belmore (born 1960), performance, installation
- Cecilia Berkovic, mixed-media artist
- Rachel Berman (1946–2014), painting, illustration
- Judith Berry (born 1961), painting
- Edith Hallett Bethune (1890–1970), photographer
- Aggie Beynon, metalwork
- Olive Biller (1879–1957), painting, illustration
- Alexandra Biriukova (1895–1967), architect
- Yulia Biriukova (1897–1972), painting
- Mary E. Black (1895–1988), textile arts, writing
- Persimmon Blackbridge (born 1951), performance art, installation, video, sculpture, writing
- Valérie Blass (born 1967), sculpture
- Susanna Blunt, painting
- Molly Bobak (1922–2014), printmaking, painting
- Eleanor Bond (born 1948), painting, printmaking, sculpture
- Marion Bond (1903–1965), painting
- Mary Borgstrom (1916–2019), ceramics, primitive pottery
- Diane Borsato, performance, installation, photography, video
- Dianne Bos (born 1956), photographer
- Céline Boucher (born 1945), painting, drawing, sculpture
- Diana Boulay (born 1946), sculpture
- Deanna Bowen (born 1969), video, installation, performance, sculpture, photography
- Fiona Bowie, film, video, photography, sculpture
- Shary Boyle (born May 26, 1972), sculpture, painting, performance
- Alexandra Bradshaw (1888–1981), watercolors
- Eva Theresa Bradshaw (1871–1938), painting
- Sandra Bromley, sculpture
- Reva Brooks (1913–2004), photography
- Lorna Brown (born 1958), public art
- Karin Bubaš (born 1976), photography, painting
- Annemarie Buchmann-Gerber (1947–2015), textiles, fiber arts
- Krista Buecking (born 1982), sculpture, installation
- Angela Bulloch (born 1966), installation, sound
- Della Burford (born 1946), painting, writing
- Kay Burns, performance, locative media, photography, sculpture, video
- Cathy Bursey-Sabourin (born 1957), design
- Cathy Busby (born 1958), printed matter
- Sheila Butler (born 1938), painting, printmaking
- Geneviève Cadieux (born 1955), photography
- Sveva Caetani (1917–1994), watercolors
- Ghitta Caiserman-Roth (1923–2005), painting and printmaking
- Dorothy Caldwell (born 1948), fiber arts
- Chrystal Callahan, photography
- Elaine Cameron-Weir (born 1985), sculpture
- Dale Campbell (born 1954), carving
- Valerie Campbell-Harding (1932–2006), textile arts
- Janet Cardiff (born 1957), sound installation
- Florence Carlyle (1864–1923), painting
- J.R. Carpenter (born 1972), hypermedia, writing
- Emily Carr (1871–1945), painting
- Geneviève Castrée (1981–2016), comics, illustration
- Mabel Cawthra (1871–1943), painting
- Christiane Chabot (born 1950), multidisciplinary
- Ruth Chambers (born 1960), installation art
- Millicent Mary Chaplin (1790–1858), watercolour
- Monique Charbonneau (1928–2014), painter
- Lyne Charlebois, photography
- Judy Chartrand (born 1959), ceramics, found object art, beadwork, quillwork
- Svetlana Chmakova (born 1979), comics
- Olivia Chow (born 1957), sculpture
- Delores Churchill (born 1929), weaving
- June Clark (artist) (born 1941), photography, sculpture and collage
- Paraskeva Clark (1898–1986), painting
- Dana Claxton (born 1959), filmmaking, photography, performance art
- Alberta Cleland (1876–1960), painting
- Wendy Coburn (1963–2015), sculpture
- Lynne Cohen (1944–2014), photography
- Martha Cole (born 1946), textiles, artist's books
- Nicole Collins, painting, performance, video, sound art
- Petra Collins (born 1992), photography
- Nora Collyer (1898–1979), painting
- Edith Grace Coombs (1890–1986), painting
- Emily Coonan (1885–1971), painting
- Corno (1952–2016), painting
- Michèle Cournoyer (born 1943), animation
- Linda Craddock (born 1952), visual artist
- Kate Craig (1947–2002), video, performance art
- Sarah Lindley Crease (1826–1922), watercolors, botanical illustration
- Marlene Creates (born 1952), photography
- Jill Culiner (born 1945), photography
- Jane Catherine Cummins (died 1893), painting
- Ruth Cuthand (born 1954) painting, printmaking
- Randy Lee Cutler, collage, performance, writing
- Gertrude Spurr Cutts (1858–1941), painting
- Nina Czegledy, new media
- Karen Dahl (born 1955), ceramics artist
- Greta Dale (1929–1978), sculptor
- Kathleen Daly (1898–1994), painter
- Madeleine Dansereau (1922–1991), jeweler
- Sylvia Daoust (1902–2004), sculptor
- Karin Davie (born 1965), painter
- Char Davies (born 1954), multimedia artist
- Sally Davies (born 1956), painter, photographer
- Katherine Day (1889–1976), painter, printmaker
- Adriana de Barros (born 1976), illustrator, web designer, and poet
- Dora de Pedery-Hunt (1913–2008), sculptor
- Roseline Delisle (1952–2003), ceramic artist
- Jen Delos Reyes
- Shawna Dempsey and Lorri Millan
- Simone Dénéchaud (1905–1974), painter
- Kady MacDonald Denton (born 1941), children's book illustrator
- Bonnie Devine (born 1952)
- Sarindar Dhaliwal (born 1953), multimedia artist
- Freda Diesing (1925–2002), carver
- Mary Dignam (1857–1938), painter
- Jess Dobkin (born 1970), performance artist
- Susan Dobson (born 1965), photographer and installation artist
- Katherine Dodds
- Melissa Doherty (born 1967), painter
- Eva Brook Donly (1867–1941), painter
- Audrey Capel Doray (born 1931), painter, printmaker, electronic artist, muralist, filmmaker
- Julie Doucet (1867–1941), painter
- Marie-Denise Douyon (born 1961), painter, illustrator
- Anne Macintosh Duff (born 1925), Canadian watercolor artist
- Aleksandra Dulic (born 1973), interactive installation artist, performer
- Delree Dumont, painter
- Alma Duncan (1917–2004), painter, filmmaker
- Carol Dunlop (1946–1982), photographer
- Chantal duPont (1942–2019), multidisciplinary artist
- Dominique Dupuis (born 1987)
- Aganetha Dyck (born 1937), sculptor
- Stella East (born 1955), painter and illustrator
- Mary Alexandra Bell Eastlake (1854–1951), painter
- Jessica Eaton (born 1977), photographer
- Susan Edgerley, glass artist[1]
- Julie Enfield, photographer
- Panya Clark Espinal (born 1965), sculptor
- Kingmeata Etidlooie (1915–1989), visual artist and sculptor
- Leya Evelyn, painter
- Janieta Eyre (born 1966), photographer
- Lilias Farley (1907–1989), painter, sculptor, muralist
- Caroline Farncomb (1859–1951), painter
- Claire Fauteux (1889–1998), painter
- Holly Fay, painter
- Marcelle Ferron (1924–2001), painter
- Julie Flett, painter
- Lita Fontaine, interdisciplinary artist
- Harriet Mary Ford (1859–1938), painter, muralist, jeweler
- Mina Forsyth (1921–1987), painter
- Hannah Franklin (born 1937), painter, sculptor
- Maida Parlow French
- Vera Frenkel (born 1938), multidisciplinary artist
- Janine Fuller (born 1958)
- Peggy Gale, curator
- Millie Gamble (1887–1986), photographer
- Marianna Gartner (born 1963), painter
- Alyne Gauthier-Charlebois (1908–1955), painter
- Marie-Louise Gay (born 1952), illustrator
- Erin Gee, new media and interactive artist
- Rosemary Georgeson, multimedia artist
- Lise Gervais (1933–1998), painter, sculptor
- Lorraine Gilbert (born 1955), photographer
- Melanie Gilligan (born 1979)
- Miriam Ginestier (born 1968), interdisciplinary performance curator
- Seema Goel, multidisciliary artist
- Dina Goldstein (born 1969), photographer
- Betty Goodwin (1923–2008), painter, sculptor
- Hortense Gordon (1886–1961), abstract artist
- Pnina Granirer (born 1935), painter
- Phyllis Grant
- Jill Greenberg (born 1967), photographer
- Erica Deichmann Gregg (1913–2007), studio potter
- Angela Graurholz (born 1952), photographer
- Grimes (born 1988), visual artist
- Angela Grossmann (born 1955), painter
- Pia Guerra, comic book artist
- Clara Hagarty (1871–1958), painter
- Libby Hague (born 1950), installation artist
- Amanda K. Hale
- Elizabeth Amherst Hale (1774–1826), painter
- Jean Hall (1896–1982), architect, known for mechanical drawing
- Sarah Hall (born 1951), stained glass artist
- Henrietta Hamilton (1780–1857), painter
- Mary Riter Hamilton (1873–1954), painter
- Lyn Hancock, photojournalist, wildlife photographer
- Ann Alexandra Harbuz (1908–1989), folk artist
- Naomi Harris (born 1973), photographer
- Iris Hauser (born 1956), painter
- Iris Häussler (born 1962), installation artist
- Bobs Cogill Haworth (1900–1988), painter, potter
- Eileen Hazell (1903–1984), sculptor, potter
- Janet Hetherington (born 1955)
- Prudence Heward (1896–1947), painter
- Faith Erin Hicks, cartoonist, animator
- Esther Hill (1895–1985), architect, designer
- Gilah Yelin Hirsch (born 1944), painter
- Marla Hlady (born 1965), painter, sculptor
- Elizabeth Bradford Holbrook (1913–2009), portrait sculptor, medal designer, liturgical artist
- Heidi Hollinger (born 1968), photographer
- Margaret Lindsay Holton (born 1955), painter
- Risa Horowitz (born 1970), visual and media artist
- Beverley Hotchkiss (born 1965), painter and writer
- Yvonne McKague Housser (1897–1996), painter
- Barbara Howard (1926–2002), painter, engraver
- Ruth Howard (born 1957)
- Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon (1826–1874), painter
- Spring Hurlbut (born 1952), sculptor[2]
- Iola Abraham Ikkidluak (1936–2003), sculptor
- Dana Inkster, media artist, filmmaker
- Olive Mamak Innakatsik (1915–1994)
- Carole Itter (born 1939), sculptor, filmmaker
- Jane Isakson (born 1965), painter
- Sarah Jackson (1924–2004), sculptor, digital artist
- Sybil Henley Jacobson (1881–1953), painter
- Lucy Jarvis (1896–1985), painter
- Doreen Jensen (1933–2009), sculptor, curator
- Sophie Jodoin (born 1965), visual artist
- Laurel Johannesson
- Ursula Johnson (born 1980), multidisciplinary artist
- Gladys Johnston (1906–1983), landscape painter
- Lynn Johnston (born 1947), cartoonist
- G. B. Jones
- Janet Jones (born 1952), painter
- Michaele Jordana, painter
- Bushra Junaid, painter, curator
- Zahra Kazemi (1948–2003), photographer
- Gertrude Kearns (born 1950), war artist
- Shelagh Keeley (born 1954)[3]
- Siassie Kenneally (1969–2018)
- Marsha Kennedy (born 1951)
- Janice Kerbel (born 1969)
- Estelle Muriel Kerr (1879–1971)
- Najat El-Khairy
- Jane Kidd (born 1952), tapestry artist
- Janet Kigusiuq (1926–2005)
- Alicia Killaly (1836–1908), painter
- Mabel Killam Day (1884–1960), artist
- Ada Gladys Killins (1901–1963), painter
- Winnifred Kingsford (1880–1947), sculptor
- Ada Florence Kinton (1859–1905)
- Ann Kipling (born 1934)
- Germaine Koh (born 1967)
- Wanda Koop (born 1951), painter
- Elaine Kowalsky (1948–2005), printmaker
- Donna Kriekle (born 1945)
- Madeleine Isserkut Kringayak (1928–1984), sculptor
- Myra Kukiiyaut (1929–2006), Inuit artist
- Maya Kulenovic (born 1975), painter
- Anita Kunz (born 1956)
- Françoise Labbé (1933–2001)
- Martha Ladly
- Laiwan (born 1961)
- Suzy Lake (born 1947)
- Gisèle Lamoureux (1942–2018), photographer
- Artis Lane (born 1927), painter
- Dawn Langstroth (born 1979), painter
- Anne Langton (1804–1893), painter
- Dinah Lauterman (1899–1945), sculptor
- Michelle LaVallee (born 1977)
- Marguerite Vincent Lawinonkié (1783–1865)
- Caroline Leaf (born 1946)
- Jo Lechay, painter
- Sky Lee (born 1952)
- Jennifer Lefort, painter
- Martha Stewart Leitch (1918–2015)
- Irène Legendre (1904–1992), painter
- Rita Letendre (born 1928), painter
- Laura Letinsky (born 1962), photographer
- Marilyn Levine (1935–2005)
- Maud Lewis (1903–1970), painter
- Tau Lewis (born 1993), contemporary artist
- Mabel Lockerby (1882–1976), painter
- Judith Lodge (born 1941), painter and photographer
- Karen Lofgren (born 1976)
- Marion Long (1882–1970), painter
- Mary Longman (born 1964)
- Frances Loring (1887–1968)
- Michèle Lorrain (born 1960), painter and installation artist
- Irene Loughlin (born 1967)
- Helen Lucas (born 1931)
- Alexandra Luke (1901–1967), painter
- Irene Luxbacher (born 1970)
- Laura Muntz Lyall (1860–1930), painter
- Toshiko MacAdam (born 1940)
- Landon Mackenzie (born 1954), painter
- Myfanwy MacLeod (born 1961)
- Lani Maestro (born 1957)
- Liz Magor (born 1948)
- Jeannie Mah (born 1952)
- Christine Major (born 1961), painter
- Erin Manning (born 1969)
- Jovette Marchessault (1938–2012)
- Deborah Margo (born 1961), multimedia artist
- Tanya Mars (born 1948), performance and video artist
- Agnes Martin (1912–2004), painter
- Annie Martin
- Camille Martin (born 1956)
- Paryse Martin
- Jean Mathieson
- Mabel May (1877–1971), painter
- Elza Mayhew (1916–2004), sculptor
- Sanaz Mazinani (born 1978)
- Jo-Anne McArthur (born 1976), photographer
- Kelly McCallum (born 1979)
- Doris McCarthy (1910–2010), painter
- Jillian McDonald
- Susan McEachern (born 1951)
- Elizabeth McGillivray Knowles (1866–1928), painter
- Florence Helena McGillivray (1864–1938), painter
- Elizabeth McIntosh (born 1967)
- Rita McKeough (born 1951)
- Sheila McKinnon, photographer
- Isabel McLaughlin (1903–2002), painter
- Helen McLean (born 1927)
- Dayna McLeod (born 1972)
- Pegi Nicol MacLeod (1904–1949), painter
- Fannie Knowling McNeil (1869–1928)
- Helen McNicoll (1879–1915), painter
- Margaret Campbell Macpherson (1860–1931), painter
- Lucy Meeko (1929–2004), sculptor, printmaker, basketmaker and seamstress
- Divya Mehra (born 1981)
- Sandra Meigs (born 1953), painter
- Barbara Meneley
- Tricia Middleton (born 1972)
- Lorna Mills
- Carol Milne
- Lisa Milroy (born 1959), painter
- Allyson Mitchell
- Ellen Moffat (born 1954)
- Lorraine Monk (born 1922), photographer
- Belinda Montgomery (born 1950), painter
- Geraldine Moodie (1854–1945), photographer
- Julie Moos (born 1966), photographer and art writer
- Shani Mootoo (born 1957), painter
- Kathleen Morris (1893–1986), painter
- Alexandra Morrison
- Rita Mount (1885–1967), painter
- Clara Mountcastle (1837–1908), painter
- Kathleen Munn (1887–1974), painter
- Paula Murray (born 1958)
- Nadia Myre (born 1974)
- Melaw Nakehk'o, painter
- Agnes Nanogak (1925–2001)
- Imona Natsiapik (born 1966)
- Ellen Neel (1916–1966)
- Tracey Neuls
- Lilias Torrance Newton (1896–1980), painter
- Marion Nicoll (1909–1985), painter
- Shelley Niro (born 1954), painter
- Farah Nosh, photojournalist
- Guity Novin (born 1944), painter
- Alanis Obomsawin (born 1932)
- Daphne Odjig (1919–2016), painter
- Katie Ohe (born 1937), sculptor
- Lucille Oille (1912–1997), sculptor, wood engraver and book illustrator
- Kim Ondaatje (born 1928), painter
- Midi Onodera (born 1961)
- Jessie Oonark (1906–1985)
- Sheila Shaen Orr (born 1964)
- P. K. Page (1916–2010), painter
- Mimi Parent (1924–2005)
- Edie Parker (born 1956)
- Helen Parsons Shepherd (1923–2008), painter
- Roula Partheniou (born 1977), contemporary artist
- Barbara Paterson
- Myfanwy Pavelic (1916–2007), portrait painter
- Jan Peacock (born 1955)
- Sophie Pemberton (1869–1959), painter
- Dany Pen (born 1986), artist, activist, and educator
- Rae Perlin (1910–2006), painter
- Vessna Perunovich (born 1960), painter, sculptor
- Nancy Petry (born 1931)
- Christiane Pflug (1936–1972), painter
- Ciara Phillips (born 1976)
- Paulette Phillips
- Rina Piccolo, cartoonist
- Marjorie Pigott (1904–1990)
- Bev Pike
- Susan Point (born 1952)
- Jane Ash Poitras (born 1951), painter
- Annie Pootoogook (1969–2016)
- Alicia Popoff (1950–2015), painter
- Barbara Pratt (born 1963), painter
- Mary Pratt (1935–2018), painter
- Innukjuakju Pudlat (1913–1972), printmaker
- Lucy Pullen, contemporary artist
- Mary Qayuaryuk (1908–1982), printmaker and midwife
- Lucy Qinnuayuak (1915–1982), graphic artist and printmaker
- Nathalie Quagliotto (born 1984)
- Quilla (born 1982)
- Rosemary Radcliffe (born 1949), painter
- Judy Radul (born 1962)
- Nina Raginsky (born 1941), photographer
- Catherine Richards (born 1952)
- Sue Richards (1958–2014)
- Lynn Richardson
- Alix Cléo Roubaud (1952–1983), photographer
- Louise Robert (born 1941), painter
- Sarah Robertson (1891–1948), painter
- Danièle Rochon (born 1946), painter
- Dorothea Rockburne (born 1932), painter
- Ethel Rosenfield (1910–2000), sculptor
- Elizabeth Eaton Rosenthal (born 1941)
- Hilda Katherine Ross (1902–unknown), potter, painter, and educator
- Susan Ross (1915–2006), painter
- Mariette Rousseau-Vermette (1926–2006), tapestry artist
- Marina Roy, painter
- Lorna Russell (born 1944), painter
- Pitaloosie Saila (born 1942)
- Buffy Sainte-Marie (born 1941)
- Taslim Samji
- Anne Savage (1896–1971), painter
- Charlotte Schreiber (1834–1922), painter
- Marian Dale Scott (1906–1993), painter
- Mary Scott (born 1948), painter
- Ethel Seath (1879–1963), painter
- Regina Seiden (1897–1991), painter
- Sandra Semchuck (born 1948), photographer[4]
- Catherine Senitt (born 1945), painter
- Susan Shantz (born 1957)
- Margaret Shelton (1915–1984)
- Erin Shirreff
- Henrietta Shore (1880–1963), painter
- Floria Sigismondi (born 1965), photographer
- Elizabeth Simcoe (1762–1850), painter
- Lorraine Simms, painter
- Leah Singer, photographer and multimedia artist
- Clara Sipprell (1885–1975), photographer
- Cathy Sisler
- Ruby Slipperjack (born 1952), painter
- Edith Smith (1867–1954), painter
- Freda Pemberton Smith (1902–1991), painter
- Jori Smith (1907–2005), painter
- Frances-Anne Solomon (born 1966)
- Doris Huestis Speirs (1894–1989), painter
- Arlene Stamp (born 1938)
- Lisa Steele (born 1947)
- Noreen Stevens (born 1962), cartoonist
- Penelope Stewart
- Marie Elyse St. George (born 1929)
- Jana Sterbak (born 1955), sculptor
- Reva Stone (born 1944)
- Leesa Streifler (born 1957)
- Martha Sturdy (born 1942)
- Magda Szabo (born 1934), painter
- Tanya Tagaq (born 1975)
- Ernestine Tahedl (born 1940)
- Sylvia Tait (born 1932), painter
- Jillian Tamaki (born 1980)
- Mariko Tamaki (born 1975)
- Janice Tanton (born 1961)
- Monica Tap (born 1962), painter
- Ewa Tarsia
- Ningeokuluk Teevee (born 1963)
- Althea Thauberger (born 1970), photographer
- Jeannie Thib (1955–2013), sculptor
- Jan Thornhill (born 1955)
- Mildred Valley Thornton (1890–1967), painter
- Irene Avaalaaqiaq Tiktaalaaq (born 1941)
- Joanne Tod (born 1953)
- Gayla Trail (born 1973), photographer
- Sydney Strickland Tully (1860–1911)
- Camille Turner (born 1960)
- Natalie Turner
- Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok (1934–2012), sculptor
- Marion Tuu'luq (1910–2002)
- Florence Vale (1909–2003), painter
- Blanche Lemco van Ginkel (born 1923)
- Claire Van Vliet (born 1933)
- Margaret Elizabeth Vanderhaeghe (1950–2012)
- Laura Vickerson (born 1959)
- Lea Vivot (born 1948), sculptor
- Carol Wainio (born 1955), painter
- Laurie Walker (1962–2011)
- Marilyn I. Walker
- Edith Watson (1861–1943), photographer
- Anna Weber (1814–1888), fraktur artist and needleworker
- Laura Wee Láy Láq (born 1952), ceramicist
- Susanna Haliburton Weldon (1817–1899), artist and ceramics collector
- Esther Wertheimer (1926–2016), sculptor
- Colette Whiten (born 1945), sculptor
- Irene Whittome (born 1942)
- Joyce Wieland (1930–1998)
- Shirley Wiitasalo (born 1949), painter
- Tania Willard (born 1977)
- Margaux Williamson (born 1976)
- Chloe Wise (born 1990)
- Catherine Mary Wisnicki (1919–2014)
- Colleen Wolstenholme (born 1963), sculptor
- Elizabeth Wyn Wood (1903–1966), sculptor
- Kamila Wozniakowska, painter
- Janice Wright-Cheney
- Mary E. Wrinch (1877–1969), painter
- Florence Wyle (1881–1968), sculptor
- Dana Wyse (born 1965)
- Xiaojing Yan (born 1978)
- M. A. Yewdale (1908–2000)
- Jin-me Yoon (born 1960)
- Jinny Yu (born 1976), painter and installation artist
- Joy Zemel Long (1922–2018), painter
- Marguerite Porter Zwicker (1904–1993), painter
gollark: Like (ugh) Python.
gollark: Some languages lack block comments.
gollark: Hmm, maybe if an invalid command is detected, it should just pick the nearest one (by... Levenstein, however you spell that, distance of bytestrings representing each command? or maybe just the difference in codepoints) and run that.
gollark: You have such great command ideas!
gollark: You need a complex runtime which also has an interpreter.
- "GGArts Winner Archives". Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts. Retrieved 2019-03-09.
- "GGArts Winner Archives". Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts. Retrieved 2019-03-09.
- "GGArts Winner Archives". Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts. Retrieved 2019-03-09.
- "GGArts Winner Archives". Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts. Retrieved 2019-03-09.
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