Israel–United Arab Emirates peace agreement

The Israel–United Arab Emirates peace agreement, or the Abraham Accord,[1] was agreed to by Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on August 13, 2020. If an agreement is signed, the UAE will be the third Arab country, after Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994, to formally normalize its relationship with Israel,[1][2][3] as well as the first Persian Gulf country to do so.[4][5] Concurrently, Israel agreed to suspend plans for annexing parts of the West Bank.[4][6] The agreement normalizes what had long been informal but robust foreign relations between the two countries.[7][8]

Location of Israel (blue) and the UAE (red) within the Middle East


As early as 1971, the year in which the UAE became an independent country, the first president of the UAE Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan had referred to Israel as "the enemy."[9] The UAE and United States had a strategic relationship since the 1990 Gulf War, growing to a significant US Air Force presence at Al Dhafra Air Base after the September 11 attacks.[10] In November 2015, Israel announced that it would open a diplomatic office in the UAE, which would be the first time in more than a decade that Israel had an official presence in the Persian Gulf.[11] In August 2019, Israel's foreign minister made a public declaration about military cooperation with the UAE amidst rising tensions with Iran.[12]

In the months leading up to the agreement, Israel had been working in secret with the UAE to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. European news media reported that Mossad had discreetly obtained health equipment from Gulf states.[13][14] Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, reported at the end of June 2020 that the two countries were in cooperation to fight the coronavirus and that the head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen, had traveled numerous times to the UAE. However, the UAE appeared to downplay this a few hours later by revealing that it was merely an arrangement among private companies rather than at state level.[15]

The move also comes in the wake of the Trump administration's repudiation of the Iran nuclear deal and following persistent Israeli suspicions that the Iranian nuclear program includes a program to develop atomic bomb capacities, something which Tehran denies. Currently, Iran and Saudi Arabia are engaged in backing different factions in proxy wars from Syria to Yemen, with the UAE supporting the Saudi-led and US-sponsored coalition against the Iran-aligned forces.[16][17] In recent years, the countries' informal relations warmed considerably and they engaged in extensive unofficial cooperation based on their joint opposition to Iran's nuclear program and regional influence.[18]

The agreement is also officially called the "Abraham Accord" in honor of Abraham, the patriarch of the three major Abrahamic religions of the world—Judaism, Islam and Christianity.[19]

The agreement represented a major policy reversal for Netanyahu, who had long pushed for increasing settlements in the occupied West Bank, with an objective of annexing the territory. Netanyahu faced political pressure to demonstrate flexibility, as three recent elections gave him only a plurality in a coalition government and he faced a criminal prosecution in 2021. In 2019, the Trump administration reversed decades of American policy by declaring that the West Bank settlements did not violate international law, a decision that threatened the two-state solution that had long been seen as the key to lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The Trump administration Middle East policy, crafted by presidential senior advisor Jared Kushner and released in January 2020, approved Netanyahu's plan to annex existing settlements. After Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to the United States, wrote a June 2020 opinion piece warning that annexation would threaten better relations between Israel and the Arab world, Kushner saw an opportunity and stepped in to facilitate talks. After negotiators had reached agreement, Trump, Netanyahu and UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed held a conference call immediately prior to a formal announcement.[20][7][21][22][23]


US President Donald Trump announces to the media the agreement from the Oval Office at the White House, August 13, 2020

On August 13, 2020, the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, announced the UAE's agreement to normalize relations with Israel saying that his country wanted to deal with the threats facing the two-state solution, specifically annexation of the Palestinian territories, and urging the Palestinians and Israelis to return to the negotiating table. He indicated that he did not think that there will be any embassy in Jerusalem until after there is a final agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis.[24] According to U.S. President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, "Israel and the United Arab Emirates will fully normalize their diplomatic relations. They will exchange embassies and ambassadors and begin cooperation across the board and on a broad range of areas including tourism, education, healthcare, trade and security."[25]

A joint statement issued by Trump, Netanyahu, and Zayed, read: "This historic diplomatic breakthrough will advance peace in the Middle East region and is a testament to the bold diplomacy and vision of the three leaders and the courage of the United Arab Emirates and Israel to chart a new path that will unlock the great potential in the region."[16] The UAE said it would continue to support the Palestinian people and that the agreement would maintain the prospect of a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine. Despite the agreement however, Netanyahu stated that Israel's sovereignty claim to the Jordan Valley was still on the agenda and only frozen for the time being.[16]

Zayed tweeted that "UAE and Israel also agreed to cooperation and setting a roadmap towards establishing a bilateral relationship."[2]

It is expected that the peace accord will be signed in the White House in early September.[26]



Prime Minister Netanyahu said there was "no change" to his plans to annex parts of the West Bank if it was approved by the US, but added they were on temporary hold.[27] Before the agreement, the plan to annex 30% of the West Bank were already on hold due to a majority of Israelis and the government coalition partner Benny Gantz rejected the plan. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers live in the areas, in additions to Palestinians, which were under Israeli control in practice.[28]

Gantz thanked Trump, Netanyahu and Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for making the peace deal happen, saying it showed an alliance between Middle Eastern nations that wanted stability and mutual cooperation. It also showed Israel's eternal desire for peace with neighboring countries per him, while also enhancing Israel's image on world stage and creating a better future for the region.[29] Netanyahu when questioned by reporters, admitted to keeping the negotiations with UAE a secret from Blue and White due to the United States requesting him to do so.[30]

Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Mayor Ron Huldai, congratulated Netanyahu on the "double achievement" of peace with the UAE and shelving of plans to annex parts of the West Bank.[31] Huldai also lit up the Tel Aviv City Hall with the flag of the UAE.[32]

The head of the Israeli settler group Yesha, David Elhayani, accused Netanyahu of "betraying" some of his most loyal supporters and having "deceived half a million residents of the area and hundreds of thousands of voters." Oded Revivi, the mayor of Efrat, a settlement of more than 9,000 residents south of Jerusalem, supported Netanyahu, arguing that "the Israeli agreement to postpone the application of Israeli law in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria is a fair price [to pay]."[33]

Muslim world

Gulf states

The treaty was generally viewed with skepticism by Gulf residents outside the UAE, according to the International Business Times.[34].

Yousef Al Otaiba, the Emirati ambassador to the United States, issued a statement extolling the agreement as "a win for diplomacy and for the region", adding how it "lowers tensions and creates new energy for positive change".[5][35] The UAE began arresting critics of the agreement shortly after it was announced.[36]

In Bahrain, which was the first Gulf Arab country to comment publicly in support of the deal as a step towards peace,[31] fear of government crackdown prevented activists from voicing their criticism.[34]

In Kuwait, a joint statement by seven movements of the Assembly comprising Liberals, Shiʿites, Islamists, and Arabists, among other blocs condemned the treaty.[37]

The government of Oman publicly supported the agreement (which it termed "historic").[38] The Grand Mufti of Oman, Ahmed bin Hamad al-Khalili, indirectly criticised the treaty.[39]

Saudi Arabia has remained officially silent, although the hashtag "Normalisation is Treason" started trending after the announcement, particularly among young Saudi activists.[34]


Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) official Hanan Ashrawi lambasted the agreement, writing on Twitter that "Israel got rewarded for not declaring openly what it's been doing to Palestine illegally and persistently since the beginning of the occupation."[4] Fatah accused the UAE of "flouting its national, religious and humanitarian duties" towards the Palestinian people, while Hamas said it was a "treacherous stab in the back of the Palestinian people"[4] and claimed the agreement was a "free reward" for Israeli "crimes and violations against the Palestinian people."[33]

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, senior adviser to President Mahmoud Abbas, read an official statement in which the Palestinian leadership rejected the agreement, terming it a betrayal against Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa mosque and the Palestinians.[40] The Palestinian Authority recalled its ambassador from Abu Dhabi.[41][42] Palestinian leaders also stated that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called Abbas and rejected the deal, something which Reuters called a "rare show of unity".[43] Other leaders and factions including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad unanimously rejected the agreement according to Al-Jazeera.[44]


Iran's Tasnim News Agency said the Israel–UAE deal was "shameful."[45] The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the deal as a "dangerous" stab in the back of Palestinians and Muslims, terming it a "shameful" act of "strategic stupidity" by the UAE and Israel that would only serve to strengthen the "Axis of Resistance" in the Middle East. It added that the Palestinians and people of the world would never forgive UAE, while also warning it against Israel interfering in the Gulf.[46]

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps warned UAE that it will face dangerous repercussions for the deal. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani termed the agreement a "huge mistake" and warned UAE against permitting Israel to have a secure presence in the Gulf. Foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called it a betrayal against Arab and non-Arab countries in the Middle East. A group of protesters numbering fewer than 100 gathered in front of the embassy of the UAE in Tehran on 15 August, chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel". The protesters also burnt the flag of Israel.[47]

UAE's Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires on 16 August and criticized Rouhani's speech as "unacceptable and inflammatory" which could impact the security scenario of the Gulf. It also stated that protecting the Emirati embassy in Tehran was Iran's duty.[48] The Chief of Staff of the Iranian armed forces Mohammad Bagheri meanwhile said that their strategy towards UAE would now shift and UAE would be held responsible in case of an attack on Iran through the Persian Gulf.[49] The conservative newspaper Kayhan, whose editor-in-chief is appointed by the Supreme Leader of Iran, warned that the agreement had turned the UAE into a "legitimate, easy target".[50]


The Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned the agreement, saying history and the people of Middle East would neither forgive nor forget what UAE did, and that it was a violation of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative. It called UAE's behavior hypocritical and added that the Palestinians were correct in rejecting the agreement.[51] President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan later stated that Turkey was considering cutting off diplomatic relations with UAE in retaliation, as well as recalling its ambassador from Abu Dhabi.[51]

The Presidential Spokesperson Ibrahim Kalın also expressed concerns regarding the deal to the American National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien.[52] The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mustafa Şentop condemned the deal, calling it "disgraceful" and a betrayal of the Palestinian cause.[53]


Rallies and demonstrations were held in many cities across Pakistan to condemn the agreement between the UAE and Israel.[54]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs cautiously reacted and in a press statement termed the UAE-Israel deal is having "far-reaching implications, and that Pakistan’s approach will be guided by our evaluation of how Palestinians’ rights and aspirations are upheld and how regional peace, sec­urity and stability are preserved."[55]

The News International reported that Pakistan will give stance on Israel-UAE agreement after consultations and after examining pros and cons of the development on Pakistan’s national interests. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi avoided making comments on the sensitive subject.[56]


The Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi welcomed the deal, saying that he praises the parties' efforts to "achieve prosperity and stabilization in our region." He also personally congratulated Emirate of Abu Dhabi's crown prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan for the deal.[57]

Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said the agreement should be followed up by Israel abandoning any plan to annex parts of West Bank and if the deal could lead to its withdrawal from Palestinian territories, it would move Middle East closer to peace. Otherwise, it would only exacerbate the Arab-Israeli conflict.[58]

Mauritania, a member of the Arab League, said in a statement that it trusts the “wisdom and good judgment” of the United Arab Emirates leadership and highlighted the "absolute sovereignty and complete independence in conducting its relations and assessing the positions it takes in accordance with its national interest and the interests of Arabs and Muslims”.[59]

In Yemen, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, leader of the Houthi movement's Supreme Revolutionary Committee, criticized the deal as treason against the Palestinians and the cause of pan-Arabism.[43]

United States

Kelly Craft, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, celebrated the announcement, calling it "a huge win" for President Trump and for the world, saying that the diplomatic ties show "just how hungry for peace we all are in this world," and how Middle Eastern countries are all understanding the need "to stand firm against a regime that is the number one state sponsor of terrorism — Iran".[31]

Jared Kushner, a Senior Advisor to the President of the United States, stated while speaking to CBS News that the deal would make the Middle East more peaceful and hopeful, which would mean fewer American troops would need to be deployed in the region.[60] Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the deal was an important step toward stabilizing the region and was good for the whole world.[61]

Joe Biden, Trump's presumptive opponent in the 2020 US presidential election, praised the agreement as it "builds on the efforts of multiple administrations to foster a broader Arab-Israeli opening, including the efforts of the Obama-Biden administration to build on the Arab Peace Initiative."[62]

Longtime New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a frequent critic of Trump policies, hailed the agreement as “exactly what Trump said it was in his tweet: a ‘HUGE breakthrough.’”[63]


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson lauded the agreement as a pathway to achieving peace in the Middle East and also praised suspension of annexation of areas in West Bank. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian voiced similar sentiments, with the former adding that it was time for direct dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians, while the latter stated that it created an opportunity for resuming the talks.[64] France and Germany saw the agreement as keeping hopes up for a two-state solution.[28]

A European Commission spokeswoman said the deal was an important for both Israel and UAE, in addition to ensuring their stability. Italy meanwhile hoped that it would usher in peace and stability in the Middle East. It also called Israel's suspension of annexation of parts of West Bank positive and hoped it will restart talks with Palestinians for a two-state solution.[65] Spain expressed similar sentiments and said it welcomed the deal.[66]

Luxembourg's Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn in contrast doubted that the agreement would bring stability to the region, stating there will be no stability without a two-state solution, and said the UAE had let the Palestinians down with the agreement.[67]


South Africa's Department of International Relations and Cooperation expressed regret that the agreement was struck without any consultation with Palestinians, even though the deal was related to their future, and noted the agreement doesn't guarantee a permanent suspension of annexation of parts of West Bank.[68]

India welcomed the agreement saying that both nations are its allies and it has always supported peace and prosperity in West Asia. Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar earlier stated that UAE's foreign minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan had called him to discuss the agreement.[69]

China stated that it was pleased with attempts to decrease hostilities in Middle East through the deal and hoped it would restart the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue, adding that it will continue to support Palestinian people.[70]

Malaysia said the deal was a sovereign right of UAE, but it will continue to support Israel's withdrawal from Palestinian territories.[71]

The Philippines' Department of Foreign Affairs released a statement welcoming the agreement, hoping that it will contribute to peace and security in the Middle East.[72]

United Nations

UN Secretary-General António Guterres welcomed "any initiative that can promote peace and security in the Middle East region."[73] Stephane Dujarric, Guterres' spokesman, praised the deal, stating that it suspended "Israeli annexation plans over parts of the occupied West Bank" which Guterres had repeatedly called for, and stated that "peace in the Middle East is more important than ever".[74]

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov welcomed the deal too, adding that it would stop Israel's annexation plans which the UN has repeatedly called for to be stopped and hoped it will restart dialogue between Israel and Palestinians.[74]


According Hannu Juusola at University of Helsinki, the agreement meant that Palestinians would think that UAE put its own interests before those of the Palestinians, who had always assumed that Arab countries would not sign peace treaties with Israel before the rights of Palestinians had been guaranteed.[28]

Lisa Goldman, co-founder of +972, stated that Netanyahu "never intended to annex" parts of the West Bank, but the UAE is "claiming a diplomatic victory in exchange for what's probably a lot of very valuable security cooperation from Israel. All on the backs of Palestinians, as usual."[75]

Amira Hass said the agreement is the product of ongoing neglect by the Palestinian Authority of relations with the UAE. According to Hass, diplomatic relations were severed by the PLO in 2012, in repudiation of the UAE's good relations with Mohammed Dahlan, the political enemy of the PLO's chairman, Mahmoud Abbas. The Palestinian Authority's animosity towards the UAE continued to June 2020, when the PLO rejected aid sent by the UAE during the COVID-19 pandemic, on the grounds that it was sent without prior agreement and through an Israeli airport. Hass depicts a PLO more concerned with internal politics than with governance, contributing to economic decline and strained foreign relations.[76]

On 16 August, 2020, the Financial Times editorial board wrote that the accord, rather than delivering peace, is likely to exacerbate Palestinians’ sense of hopelessness and produce more problems in the future as the Israeli and US governments have "shown no interest in a fair resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict."[77]

The accord was a much-welcomed breakthrough for Trump, who was struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, economic collapse and opinion polling showing him trailing as the November 2020 election approached.[20] The Emirates stood to benefit from purchases of advanced American weapons systems that are available only to nations that are friendly to Israel.[7]


On 16 August 2020, Israel and UAE inaugurated direct telephone services.[78] The Emirati company APEX National Investment and Israel's Tera Group signed an agreement to partner in research on COVID-19, making it the first business deal signed between companies of the two nations since normalization of ties.[79]

gollark: It's undefined, but you know.
gollark: sqrt(x) is smaller than x so we can ignore it, and x/-x is -1.
gollark: Hmm. I would have thought it was -1.
gollark: Ugh, I am either going to have to define SO MANY types or do stuff inelegantly.
gollark: I'm not sure an array language is suited for Minoteaur™'s cool graph-based™™ design.

See also

  • Egypt–Israel peace treaty


  1. Holland, Steve (August 13, 2020). "With Trump's help, Israel and the United Arab Emirates reach historic deal to normalize relations". Reuters. Retrieved August 13, 2020. Israel had signed peace agreements with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994. But the UAE, along with most other Arab nations, did not recognize Israel and had no formal diplomatic or economic relations with it until now. It becomes the first Gulf Arab country to reach such a deal with the Jewish state.
  2. Baker, Peter; Kershner, Isabel; Kirkpatrick, David D. (August 13, 2020). "Israel and United Arab Emirates Strike Major Diplomatic Agreement". The New York Times. If fulfilled, the pact would make the Emirates only the third Arab country to have normal diplomatic relations with Israel along with Egypt, which signed a peace agreement in 1979, and Jordan, which signed a treaty in 1994.
  3. Smith, Saphora (August 13, 2020). "Israel, United Arab Emirates agree full normalization of relations". NBC News. Retrieved August 13, 2020. Israel currently has peace deals with only two Arab countries — Egypt and Jordan — where it has fortified embassies. If Israel and the UAE go ahead and sign bilateral agreements, it would be the first time Israel has normalized relations with a Gulf state.
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  8. Hendrix, Steve (August 14, 2020). "Inside the secret-not-secret courtship between Israel and the United Arab Emirates". Washington Post.
  9. Kristian Coates Ulrichsen (September 2016). "Israel and the Arab Gulf States: Drivers and Directions of Change" (PDF). Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy. p. 3.
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