Geography of Seychelles

The Seychelles is a small island nation located in the Somali sea northeast of Madagascar and about 835 mi (1,344 km) from Mogadishu, Somalia, its nearest foreign mainland city, while Antsiranana is the nearest foreign city overall.[1] Seychelles lies between approximately 4ºS and 10ºS and 46ºE and 54ºE. The nation is an archipelago of 115 tropical islands, some granite and some coral. the majority of which are small and uninhabited. The landmass is only 452 km2 (175 sq mi), but the islands are spread wide over an Exclusive Economic Zone of 1,336,559 km2 (516,048 sq mi). About 90 percent of the population of 90,000 live on Mahé, 9 percent on Praslin and La Digue. Around a third of the land area is the island of Mahé and a further third the atoll of Aldabra.[2]

Geography of Seychelles
RegionIndian Ocean
Coordinates4°35′S 55°40′E
AreaRanked 180th
  Total452 km2 (175 sq mi)
Coastline491 km (305 mi)
Highest pointMorne Seychellois
905 metres (2,969 ft)
Lowest pointIndian Ocean
0 m
Exclusive economic zone1,336,559 km2 (516,048 sq mi)

There are two distinct regions, the granitic islands, the world's only oceanic islands of granitic rock and the coralline outer islands. The granite islands are the world’s oldest ocean islands, while the outer islands are mainly very young, though the Aldabra group and St Pierre (Farquhar Group) are unusual, raised coral islands that have emerged and submerged several times during their long history, the most recent submergence dating from about 125,000 years ago[3]

Physical features

The Inner Islands is the collective term for 45 islands with a total area of 247.2 km2, 54% of the Seychelles area but with more than 99% of the population.

The Granitic Group consists of 45 granite islands, all within a 56 km (35 mi) radius of the main island of Mahé. These islands are rocky, and most have a narrow coastal strip and a central range of hills rising as high as 914 metres (2,999 ft). The most important islands of this group are:

Two coralline islands, at 90 km to the north, make up the remainder of the Inner Islands:

There are also a number of artificial islands, including Romainville Island.

Somali Plate

Millions of years ago, the archipelago was created by a combination of the separation of India from Africa as well as undersea volcanoes similar to those from which Mauritius and Réunion were created. Subsequently the vast majority of this huge land area became submerged over time. Seychelles straddles the eastern portion of the Somali plate.

Outer Islands (also known as Zil Elwannyen Sesel)

The Outer Islands consist of five groups of coralline islands:

The Outer Islands comprise 211.3 km2 (46% of the Seychelles), but less than 1% of the population.

The coral islands are flat with elevated coral reefs at different stages of formation. They have no fresh water and can sustain human life only with difficulty.


The Seychelles is part of the granitic Mascarene Plateau which broke off from the Indian Plate about 66 mya. This rift formation is associated with the Réunion hotspot which is also responsible for Réunion Island and the Deccan Traps in India. Because of its long isolation, the Seychelles hosts several unique species including the coco de mer, a palm which has the largest seeds of any plant and the world's largest population of giant tortoises.


The climate is equable and healthy, although quite humid, as the islands are small and subject to marine influences. The temperature varies little throughout the year. Temperatures on Mahé vary from 24 to 30 °C (75.2 to 86.0 °F), and rainfall ranges from 2,900 mm (114.2 in) annually at Victoria to 3,600 mm (141.7 in) on the mountain slopes. Precipitation is somewhat less on the other islands. During the coolest months, July and August, it drops to as low as 24 °C (75.2 °F). The southeast trade winds blow regularly from May to November, and this is the most pleasant time of the year. The hot months are from December to April, with higher humidity (80%). March and April are the hottest months, but the temperature seldom exceeds 31 °C (87.8 °F). Most of the islands lie outside the cyclone belt, so high winds are rare.

Flora and fauna

The Island Mahé
White beach on the island La Digue

The uniqueness of the Seychelles' ecology is reflected in the US$1.8 million project of the Global Environment Trust Fund of the World Bank (see Glossary) entitled Biodiversity Conservation and Marine Pollution Abatement, that began in 1993. The World Bank study for this project states that the islands contain, out of a total of 1,170 flowering plants, "at least 75 species of flowering plants, 15 of birds, 3 of mammals, 30 of reptiles and amphibians, and several hundred species of snails, insects, spiders and other invertebrates" found nowhere else. The diversity of species in the islands is being assessed by the Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles. In addition, the waters contain more than 1000 kinds of fish, of which more than one-third are associated with coral reefs. Specific examples of unique birds are the black paradise flycatcher, the black parrot, the brush warbler, and a flightless rail. Most famous of all the Seychelles animals are the giant tortoises of the genus Aldabrachelys.

Environmental threats

As a result of extensive shipping to Seychelles that brings needed imports and the discharge of commercial tuna fishing, the waters suffer some pollution. Furthermore, goats brought to Aldabra Islands are destroying much of the vegetation on which giant tortoises feed or seek shade. Rats have reduced biodiversity on many islands. Climate change is also a significant issue; it was recently realised that this has caused the extinction of the endemic snail Rhachistia aldabrae.

Seychelles began addressing the conservation problem in the late 1960s by creating the Nature Conservancy Commission, later renamed the Seychelles National Environment Commission. A system of national parks and animal preserves covering 42% of the land area and about 260 km2 of the surrounding water areas has been set aside. Legislation protects wildlife and bans various destructive practices. In Seychelles' 1990 to 1994 National Development Plan, an effort was made to include in the appropriate economic sectors of the development plan environment and natural resources management aspects.

Also connected with ecology is a World Bank project dealing with the environment and transportation. Launched in 1993 with a loan of US$4.5 million, it is designed to improve the infrastructure of Seychelles with regard to roads and airports or airstrips so as to encourage tourism as a source of income, while simultaneously supporting environmental programs in resource management, conservation, and the elimination of pollution.

Another major project has been funded by Fonds Francais pour l'environnement Mondiale (FFEM) and implemented by Island Conservation Society. This aims to rehabilitate and enhance islands for the maintenance of native biodiversity in Seychelles through eradication of introduced predator species, rehabilitation of habitats and reintroduction of rare or threatened species. Rats have been eliminated from North Island under this project and more schemes are planned, including at Cosmoledo Atoll and on Conception Island.

Facts and figures

Detailed map of Seychelles

Geographic coordinates: 4°35′S 55°40′E

total: 459 km2
land: 459 km2
water: 0 km2

Land boundaries: 0 km

Coastline: 491 km

Maritime claims:
continental shelf: 200 nmi (370.4 km; 230.2 mi) or to the edge of the continental margin
exclusive economic zone: 1,336,559 km2 (516,048 sq mi) with 200 nmi (370.4 km; 230.2 mi)
territorial sea: 12 nmi (22.2 km; 13.8 mi)

Elevation extremes:
lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m
highest point: Morne Seychellois 905 m

Natural resources: fish, copra, cinnamon trees

Land use:
arable land: 2%
permanent crops: 13%
permanent pastures: 0%
forests and woodland: 11%
other: 74% (1993 est.)

Irrigated land: 0 km2

Environment - international agreements:
party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Whaling
signed, but not ratified: Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol

Table of Islands

IslandCapitalOther citiesArea (km2)Population
Inner IslandsVictoriaLa Passe, Grand Anse247.2089521
Mahe IslandsVictoria163.2078333
AnonymeAnonymeAnse Pimen Vert,0.105
CerfL’habitationKapok Tree Beach, West Beach, Turtle Beach, South Point,1.27100
ConceptionAnse Conception0.60
EdenEden Project0.56100
Aux Vaches0.040
LongAnse Shangri-LaAnse Prison0.23100
MahéVictoria Cascade, Anse Royale, Anse Boileau, Beau Vallon156.7077983
MoyenneBrendon Grimshaw EstateAnse Jolly Roger0.091
RoundÎle Ronde0.021
Sainte AnneGrand AnseAnse le mont fleuri, Anse Royal, Anse Tortue, Anse Manon,2.1940
ThereseAnse Therese0.743
Other IslandsRomainville Ile Soleil 0.560
Praslin IslandsGrand AnseAnse Volbert, St. Anne42.207682
ArideAride VillageRobinson Crusoe beach, Turtle beach,0.688
Chauve SourisAnse Chauve Souris0.012
CousinAnse Cousin0.296
CousineEast beachwest beach, North Beach0.2616
CurieuseBaie LaraieAnse St. Joseph, anse papao, grand anse, pointe rouge(red), anse badamer, pointe caimant, tortoise point,2.867
EveEve Island Project0.27100
PraslinGrand AnseAnse Volbert, Baie St. Anne37.567533
RoundAnse RoundAnse Chez Gaby0.1910
St. Pierre0.010
Other IslandsBooby Island0.070
La Digue and Inner IslandsLa Passe41.803506
BirdBird Island Villagebirdwatchers beach0.7538
DenisSt. Denisnorth end, anse boise d’argent, ance prince noir,1.4380
FeliciteLa PeniceAns Zil Pasyon, Grand Ans,2.6820
FregateFregate MarinaAnse Lesange, Anse Bambous,2.20214
Iles SoeursGrande Soeur HotelPetite Soeur1.182
La DigueLa Passeanse patates, cap bayard, grande anse, roche bois, L’ Union, La Reunion10.302800
MarianneAns La CourPointe aux Joncs, Pointe Grand Glacis0.970
NorthNorth Island LodgeEast Beach, West Beach (or Grande Anse), Honeymoon Cove, Dive Beach2.00152
SilhouetteLa PasseGrand Barbe,20.00200
Other IslandsCocosRecife0.290
Outer Islands(Coëtivy)Desroches, D'Arros, Alphonse211.8503
Aldabra GroupAssumption west beachPicard Island station, Aldabra anse mais, Aldabra anse var,178.2412
AldabraPicard Island stationanse mais, anse var,0.0
AssumptionAssumption west beach0.12
Other Islands0.0
Alphonse GroupAnse d’EstAnse Sud2.184
AlphonseAnse d’EstAnse Sud0.84
St. François0.0
Other Islands0.0
Amirante GroupDesrochesD'Arros, Poivre Nord, Remire (Eagle), Marie Louise9.9123
D'ArrosThe Estatenorth beach1.542
Desrochessouth point villagenortheast point, Bombe Bay,3.2450
PoivrePoivre NordPoivre Sud2.4810
Remire (Eagle)0.6
Marie LouiseNorth west point village0.5315
Other Islands2.150
Farquhar GroupFarquhar Anse FrancProvidence11.621
FarquharAnse FrancVingt Cinq8.0015
Other Islands0.10
Southern Coral GroupCoëtivyIle Platte9.96263
PlatteÎle Platte0.653
Other Islands0.00

Extreme points

This is a list of the extreme points of Seychelles, the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location.

gollark: There are eSIM thingies.
gollark: Yes, you need SIM cards to connect to the phone network, or virtual ones, the whole system is insane, aaaaa.
gollark: Not always, as far as I know, though that may be a software issue.
gollark: Hmm, really? Good to know. Still has the other issues, mind you.
gollark: Also, it is hard to make GNU/Linux run on them.

See also



    1. Werema, Gilbert. "Safeguarding Tourism and Tuna: Seychelles’ Fight against the Somali Piracy Problem." (2012).
    2. "Geography of Seychelles - Archive - Seychelles Nation". Retrieved 2020-05-26.
    3. "Geography of Seychelles | Mauritius, Seychelles, Reunion: Holidays & Travel". Retrieved 2020-05-26.

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