Alexey Parygin

Alexey Borisovich Parygin (Russian: Алексей Борисович Парыгин; (December 2, 1964 in Leningrad). Soviet and Russian artist, historian and art theorist.

Alexey Parygin
Alexey Borisovich Parygin

December 2, 1964 (1964-12-02)
Leningrad  Russia
EducationHerzen University
Known forContemporary art, Painting, Graphics, Artist's book


Alexey was born in Leningrad 2 of December 1964. His father Boris Parygin was a social psychologist. Alexey studied at the Graphics Faculty of the Herzen University from 1982–1989. He organized the art group “Union № 0” in Leningrad in 1986-1989 and created the art squatters’ studio “Nevsky 25” in Leningrad in 1987–1990. Joined the Professional Artists’ Union of Russia in 1994, the Art Critics Association (ACA) member since 2003. PhD in Art History with the thesis “Silk Screening as a phenomenon of the 20th Century art” (2002).

The nature of creativity

Al. Parygin "Mad House". 1987, paper, serigraphy.

In 1980-1990 Parygin concentrated on easel oil painting outside and using models at the studio, experimented with various paint foundations such as canvas, plywood, glass and other media and used texture and relief techniques. From Aleksandr Kamensky’s article:

“The works create new poetry, which involuntarily rivals with habitual esthetic stereotypes. For instance, we accept as a common notion to worship joyously the classic beauty of St. Petersburg, its harmony and stately grandeur. This exposition does have variations of that sort. But observe “Night Nevsky” by Parygin. Rough to the touch texture, dark abyss. In the darkness urgent lights explode. They bring forth immediate spiritual angst. One does not regard the regal magnificence of the urban landscape-it is neither cast aside, nor left behind the curtains, as dramatism of modern perception takes over. One regards not a city museum for curious crowds, but one beholds the habitat of our days where we seek, love, fight, suffer. That art defines perception...”[1]

From the middle of the 90-ies the artist’s main studies subject matter and experiments became signs and sign systems as communicative link of the contemporary society. From 1997 the artist created a series of extended multimedia projects Contemplation of Money, Art is a Business, Art in the Forest. From Nikolay Blagodatov's article:

"His works show high culture, erudition and taste, it is hard to favor any particular piece. Moreover, the artist prefers options on a particular plastic theme, as he himself puts it. He uses various in techniques, and revisits it in different periods of creativity. He believes his plastic theme conveys the plastic state. The state arises and manifests in very different ways, yet retaining its basic sign. Perhaps this art form blends both the sign and its notion.” [2]

Since 2010, Parygin has been developing the utopian concept of the form of art after the death of art — PostUrbanism.

Since the mid-1980s, the artist perfected printed graphic technics of silk screening, linocut, woodcut, lithography, cardboard engraving and collagraphy). The artist lives and makes art in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Artist's book

Title page spread / Al. Parygin "Eclipse". St. Petersburg. — 2015.
Title page spread / Al. Parygin "Tsvetnye zvuki" (Coloured Sounds). Leningrad. — 1989.

Since 1989, Parygin has been contributing to artist's books. His first editions featured visual series of the author's poetic text: "Pesok" (Sand). Leningrad. — 1989; Circulation — 5 numbered and signed copies; "Tsvetnye zvuki" (Coloured Sounds). Leningrad. — 1989. Circulation - 5 numbered and signed copies[3],[4]; "Zelenaia kniga" (The Green Book). Leningrad. — 1989. Circulation - 6 numbered and signed copies[5],[6]; "Moia mansarda" (My Attic). Leningrad. — 1990. Circulation — 6 numbered and signed copies.[7] And the artist’s book “Krasnye karliki” (Red Dwarfs). Saint Petersburg. — 1990. Circulation — 8 numbered and signed copies.[8],[9]

From Elena Grigoryant’s article:

“Another important direction in contemporary Russian artists’ books, with many precedents set by the Futurists, is the fusion of poetic and artistic talent of artist-authors blessed with Doppelbegabung. The intimate relationships between text and image is enhanced when author and artist are one and the same person and engage in an inter-art discourse that leads to creations that are truly unified works of art. An artist who achieved equal mastery in more than one medium and made different arts merge in his personality was no doubt Alexey Parygin. His poetic collections <...> represent an attempt to synthesize text and plastic figurative form in books where literary and visual languages are calculated to have a simultaneous effect on the reader/viewer. The work of Alexey Parygin have common features that are not accidental as the books were created at more or less the same time.”[10]

Spanning for three decades of featured art works the legacy holds about forty unique book objects. In the past decade the artist has participated several major group art editions: “Metamorphosis“. LS Collection Van Abbemuseum. – 2013 [11]; “Mayakovsky-Manifesto“. St. Petersburg – 2014. [12], [13], [14] ”Strannik Gumilëv” (Wanderer Gumilyov). – 2016 [15], [16]; ”Jubilaeus”. LS Collection Van Abbemuseum. – 2018 [17]; ”Russkiy bukvar'” (Russian Alphabet book). M. – 2018 [18]; ”Poeziya neizvestnykh slov: Variatsii v kirillitse” (Poetry of Unknown Words: Variations in the Cyrillic alphabet). M. – 2019. [19]

Museum collections

Al. Parygin. "Lines and Planes VIII", 2010, 80 X 60 cm, paper, mixed media.
Al. Parygin. "PostUrbanism Human V". 2014, 100 x 70 cm, paper, mixed media.
Shine. 2018. paper, watercolor.


Since 1986, the artist participated in more than 250 exhibitions held in Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov-on-Donn, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Arkhangelsk, Saratov, etc.). The artist exhibited in the Netherlands in Groningen, Eindhoven; Germany in Kiel, Hamburg, Aachen; Italy in Naples, Rome, Caltanissetta; Spain in Bilbao; Montenegro in Bar; Latvia in Riga; Poland in Warsaw; China in Beijing; Mexico in Mexico City; India; Brazil in Bagé; Guatemala in San Pedro Carchá; Ethiopia in Addis Ababa and others.

Group projects

The artist participated in international art projects, festivals and open-air exhibits: “Artisterium XII” (Kutaisi, Tbilisi/ Georgia [25], 2019; “Museum for Friends” (Lipetsk/ Russia, 2019); “Printed Graphics” (Kazan, Sviyazhsk/ Tatarstan, 2016; “Crna Gora u o'ima ruskih slikara” (Bar/ Montenegro, 2012); “Warszawa w budowie — architektura XXI w malarstwie (Warsaw/ Poland, 2011) and others.

Principal Artist, Printmaking Studio, Timofey Markov Publishing House, St. Petersburg (2012-2014). The artist worked on several joint projects with Georgy Kovenchuk.


Teaching work since 1988.

Taught courses: color science, printed graphics, research at the Department of Graphic Design at St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (2018-2019). He taught layout, the basics of composition, and the foundations of sculpture at the Institute of Landscape Architecture Saint-Petersburg State Forestry University (2017-2019). Painting course and drawing course at the Department of Interior Design/ St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (2003-2012), for which the concept of learning and working programs of the 1st in the 4th course was developed; painting course at the Design School, St. Petersburg, (2004-2009). Author's course Basics of examination of graphic works of art at the Department of Art Studies of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, the management of diploma works (1995-2001).


Texts by A. Parygin

Among the priority scientific interests of A. B. Parygin is the history of the techniques of the author's printed graphics, first of all — silk screening. Issues of the primacy of using silkscreen as an art technique; Regional schools and an early history of the process; The chronology and geography of its spread in the world; the interconnection of the latest currents and technological innovations in art. Silkscreen in the art of the United States and Canada and Cuba (1920-60s), in European art: Germany, England, France, Finland (1930-60s) and the USSR. Parygin is the author of Russia's first fundamental art research on the history and phenomenology of creative silk screening. The results are published in two monographs (2009, 2010).[26]

Parygin is the author of Russia's first fundamental art research on the history and phenomenology of creative silk screening . The results are published in two monographs (2009, 2010). The author of more than 100 articles on the history of graphics and contemporary art, including the artists of St. Petersburg (N.F. Lapshin, O.A. Lyagachev, Yu.K. Lyukshin, A. I. Kuindzhi, V.M. Konashevich, A.A. Korolchuk, M.A. Kopylkove, N.I. Kofanove, B.N. Koshelokhov, G.V. Kovenchuk, A.V. Kaplun, L.K. Kazbekove, T.S. Kerner and others) for the German academic directory Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker (AKL).


  • Parygin A.B. The Art of Silk Screening. The 20th century. History, Phenomenology, Techniques, Names. — St. Petersburg: ST. Petersburg GUTD, 2010. — 304 s. — ISBN 978-5-7937-0490-8. (RUS).
  • Parygin A.B. Silk Screening As Art. Techniques, History, Phenomenology, Artists. — St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg: GUTD, 2009. — 261 s. — ISBN 978-5-7937-0397-0 (RUS).

Publications by A. Parygin

  • Parygin A.B. Printed graphics between "yesterday" and "tomorrow" / Vs. Art. catalogue of "Printed Graphics of St. Petersburg Artists." St. Petersburg: SPb SH. 2020. — 192 s. S. 3–8. ISBN 978-5-6043891-1-9 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. Posturbanism as a concept of the future // St. Petersburg art notebooks, issue 53, St. Petersburg: AIS, 2019. — S. 236–238. ISBN 978-5-906442-17-8 (RUS).
  • Paryguine А. Idée et Manifeste [Posturbanisme] // Revue Trakt — Nu. 6; Juin 2018. — Paris. — pp. 26–28. ISSN 2558-3522 (French).
  • Parygin Ab Artist's Book as an art form / "The Art of Printed Graphics: History and Modernity." In Sat. Articles on the materials of the scientific conference Fourth Kazan Art Studies Readings November 19–20, 2015. Kazan: GMAI RT, 2015. — S. 75–78, il. ISBN 978-5-4428-0085-2 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. Ljukšin, Jurij, Ljagačev, Oleg // Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker.[27]Walter de Gruyter. Band 85 — 2015, 540 S. ISBN 978-3-11-023190-8 (German).
  • Parygin A. B. Lapšin, Nikolaj; Kuindži, Archip // Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker. — Walter de Gruyter. Band 82 — 2014, 539 S. ISBN 978-3-11-023187-8 (German).
  • Parygin A. B. Konasevic, Vladimir; Korolcuk, Andrej; Kopylkov, Mikhail; Kofanov, Nikolaj // Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker. — Walter de Gruyter. Volume 81 — 2013, 540 p. ISBN 978-3-11-023186-1 (German).
  • Parygin A. The Bedbug — 2013. S. 140-165 / In the book: Georgy Kovenchuk (Gaga) draws "The Bedbug" (book-album) // Kovenchuk G., Borovsky A. — SPb: T. Markov Publishing House. — 2013, 160 p. ISBN 978-5-906281-08-1 (RUS).[28]
  • Parygin A. B. Koselochov, Boris; Kovencuk, Georgij; Kovalskij, Sergei // Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker. — Walter de Gruyter. Volume 80 — 2013, 540 p. ISBN 978-3-11-023185-4 (German).
  • Parygin A. B. The birth of Russian silk screening / Ural art and museum business: experience, problems, perspectives. Sat. Mat. Conf. All-Russian art readings of B.V. Pavlovsky's memory. EMIYA, 2011. Yekaterinburg. 2013. — S. 194–198. (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. Moscow silkscreen 1950-2010 // Design. Materials. Technology. No 3 (28), St. Petersburg: JV GUTD, 2013. — S. 77–82, Il. 1. ISSN 1990-8997 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. Kabacek, Leonid; Kacnelson, Grigory; Kaplun, Adrian; Kazbekov, Latif; Kerner, Tatjana // Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker. — Walter de Gruyter. Volume 79 — 2013, 535 p. ISBN 978-3-11-023184-7 (German).
  • Parygin A. B. Canadian Silk-Screen Project. (1942-1963) // St. Petersburg Art Notebooks, Issue 26, St. Petersburg: AIS, — 2013. — S. 228–230. ISBN 978-5-906442-01-7 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. Silk Screening in the Art of Post-War Germany // Design. Materials. Technology. No 2 (22), St. Petersburg: SPb GUTD, 2012. — S. 66-72, Il. ISSN 1990-8997 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. The Picturesque Avant-garde of the XX century as a School // St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. — 2012. Series 3. No 1, St. Petersburg: SPb GUTD, 2012. — S. 88-92, Il. ISSN 2079-8210 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. The First Steps of Creative Silk Screening in Russia // Design. Materials. Technology. No 2 (17), St. Petersburg: SPb GUTD, 2011. — S. 74-78, il. ISSN 1990-8997 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. Course of painting and drawing at the Interior Department // St. Petersburg Art Notebooks, Issue 21, St. Petersburg: AIS, 2011. — S. 181-190. ISBN 978-5-9902810-2-8 (RUS).
  • Parygin A. B. The First Steps of Creative Silk Screening (serigraphy) in Europe // Design. Materials. Technology. No 3 (14), St. Petersburg: SPb GUTD, 2010. — S. 114-116, Il. ISSN 1990-8997 (RUS).


  • Grigoryants El. Absorbing the Futurist heritage: Vasily Vlasov and Alexey Parygin / The Futurist Tradition in Contemporary Russian Artists’ Books // International Yearbook of Futurism Studies / Special Issue on Russian Futurism. Ed. by Günter Berghaus. — Berlin & Boston: Walter de Gruyter. Vol. 9 — 2019, 520 p. pp. 269–296. ISBN 978-3-11-064623-8.[29]
  • Blagodatov N. Art is a search, search is an art. — Neva, No. 2, 2002. — S. 253—255. (RUS).
  • Grigoryants E. I. Images by Alexei Parygin // St. Petersburg Panorama, 1993, No. 3. — S. 11. (RUS).
  • Zhavoronkova S. M. Two artists are two worlds. — The Evening Petersburg, 1991, December 20. (RUS).
  • Gorskaya M. In the hour of equinox. — Leningradskaya Pravda, 1991, June 26. (RUS).
  • Kamensky A. A. What does it mean to be modern? Young artists are looking for the answer to this question. — Pravda, 1988, September 9. (RUS).
gollark: Is power storage actually very *necessary* in most modded games?I mean, unless you're evil and use solar.
gollark: I think the idea was a battery working by pumping water up hills and gathering energy from it going down.
gollark: Aren't we all?


  1. Каменский А. А. Что значит быть современным? Ответ на этот вопрос ищут молодые художники. — Правда, 9 сентября 1988. (Rus).
  2. Николай Благодатов Искусство — это поиск, поиск — это искусство. — Нева, № 2, 2002. — С. 254. (Rus).
  3. Al. Parygin Tsvetnye zvuki. Copy no. 4/5. / LS Collection Van Abbemuseum.
  4. Al. Parygin Tsvetnye zvuki. Copy no. 3/5. / Saxon State and University Library Dresden.
  5. Al. Parygin Zelenaia kniga. Copy nr. 5/6. / LS Collection [[Van Abbemuseum.
  6. Al. Parygin Zelenaja kniga. Copy no. 2/6. / Saxon State and University Library Dresden].]
  7. Al. Parygin Moja mansarda. Copy no. 6/6. / Saxon State and University Library Dresden.
  8. Al. Parygin Krasnye karliki. Copy nr. 8/8. / LS Collection Van Abbemuseum.
  9. Reinhard Grüner private Collection of modern artists' books Munich. Moderne Buchkunst seit 1960 / Eine private Sicht.
  10. Grigoryants El. Absorbing the Futurist heritage: Vasily Vlasov and Alexey Parygin / The Futurist Tradition in Contemporary Russian Artists’ Books // International Yearbook of Futurism Studies / Special Issue on Russian Futurism. Ed. by Günter Berghaus. — Berlin & Boston: Walter de Gruyter. Vol. 9 — 2019, S. 280.
  11. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky/ Alexey Parygin “Metamorphosis“
  12. Stanford University Libraries. Project Mayakovsky-manifesto : marking the 120th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Mayakovsky
  13. WorldCat/ Project Mayakovsky-manifesto: Limited edition of 27 copies, signed by the artists.
  14. Маяковский—Манифест/ Mayakovsky-Manifesto. 13 works / 13 artists of St. Petersburg and Moscow, in a box. Homage to Vladimir Mayakovsky.
  15. Stanford University Libraries/ ”Strannik Gumilëv” (Wanderer Gumilyov). – 2017
  16. Columbia University Libraries/ ”Strannik Gumilëv” (Wanderer Gumilyov). – 2017
  17. ”Jubilaeus”. LS Collection Van Abbemuseum Library.
  18. "Русский букварь" в галерее «На Каширке». Москва.
  20. Project Mayakovsky-manifesto : marking the 120th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Mayakovsky Identifier: ISBN 5906281029; System number: 017842103
  21. Vladimir Mayakovsky Celebrated.Princeton University Library. Rare Books & Special Collections Department
  22. LS Collection Van Abbemuseum. Aleksei Parygin
  23. Katalog: Parygin, Aleksej
  24. Буквари и буквы в собрании Эрмитажа. Выставка (Rus).
  25. ARTISTERIUM 12 / 2019. Annual International Contemporary Art Exhibition and Art Events
  26. Who’s Who in Screenprinting/ Alexey Parygin
  27. Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL) Die Bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker
  28. Library. Getty Research Institute Georgy Kovenchuk (Gaga) draws "The Bedbug" (book-album). (RUS)
  29. Walter de Gruyter. International Yearbook of Futurism Studies / Special Issue on Russian Futurism. Ed. by Günter Berghaus. — 2019
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