Tag: vim

26 Make Vim display a line at the edge of the set textwidth 2009-08-13T19:24:11.643

26 How to split existing buffer vertically in vim? 2010-04-23T23:15:57.667

26 Why does vim delay for a second whenever I use the 'O' command (open a new line above and insert)? 2010-07-08T04:00:41.150

26 How to disable autocmd or augroup in vim? 2012-06-20T02:51:31.880

26 Vim - save and close buffer in one command 2013-01-26T12:15:45.813

26 In Vim, what are settings/commands that that begin with a prefix (b:, g:)? 2014-03-24T15:37:53.043

26 creating a simple vim syntax highlighting 2014-11-23T16:28:44.390

25 In vim, how do I make the left and right arrow keys change line? 2009-09-04T00:15:17.743

25 How do I customize zsh's vim mode? 2010-06-12T16:42:55.777

25 Switch buffers in vim without saving to a currently modified file 2010-07-14T15:38:33.547

25 Using Vim/Gvim with multiple GUI windows 2011-01-18T13:21:08.350

25 First column of vim highlighted yellow and won't go away 2011-02-23T19:42:29.767

25 Repeat last normal mode command, including moves, in Vim 2012-05-29T03:48:24.170

25 Insert Single Character in Vim? 2013-04-11T18:40:14.727

25 Inserting a blank line in vim? 2013-06-13T13:18:20.040

24 Vim visual mode, stay selected 2010-03-01T21:21:37.900

24 vim and TeX filetypes: plaintex vs. tex 2010-11-07T12:24:18.783

24 Count highlighted string length in VIM 2011-05-27T04:49:24.027

24 How to close buffer without closing the window? 2011-05-27T06:34:52.840

24 Vim scrolls very slowly when a line is too long 2011-06-25T18:44:24.723

24 Using clipboard through SSH in vim 2011-08-23T12:03:50.783

24 Vim - dynamic list of open buffers in a window 2012-05-03T17:53:15.730

24 put `.vimrc` into the `.vim` folder 2012-06-18T15:15:56.370

24 Vim: Is there a downside to using <Space> as your <Leader> key? 2013-12-26T23:34:20.810

23 Vimperator copy/pasting 2009-07-25T03:39:31.353

23 Hide certain files in NERDTree 2010-09-05T03:13:31.287

23 How can I discard my undo history in vim? 2010-11-24T18:29:20.453

23 How to insert the date into vim 2012-07-20T07:50:50.143

23 How to setup vim to edit both Makefile and normal code files? 2013-08-16T09:14:43.463

23 Why is Vim adding a newline? Is this a convention? 2014-04-23T15:04:25.217

23 Change current directory using NERDTree 2014-07-12T17:00:05.693

23 Open the output of a shell command in a split pane 2015-01-24T16:16:22.260

22 How to install VIM on Linux when I don't have root permissions? 2010-07-12T09:04:37.710

22 Vim colors not working properly in terminal 2011-12-21T22:00:20.843

22 Making the active window in vim more obvious 2012-02-03T12:12:30.373

22 Can I use the `<cmd>` key in terminal Vim at all? 2012-02-09T12:08:07.707

22 How do I use installed Vim in Git Bash instead of the one that came with Git? 2012-05-11T23:30:29.110

22 How do I install vim on OSX with Python 3 support? 2016-08-18T21:26:44.313

21 vim line wrap with indent 2009-11-19T16:46:58.463

21 Vim: insert empty line above current line (not open, i.e. without entering Insert mode) 2010-06-01T18:16:16.757

21 What is a vim "runtime directory"? 2010-06-15T18:02:49.507

21 How to install vim with clipboard support on Fedora? 2010-10-01T11:32:33.250

21 Use vim to edit ANY text on Linux 2011-02-11T08:54:15.267

21 How to run vimtutor on windows? 2011-04-14T17:57:52.723

21 Fuzzy find within file in Vim 2012-02-14T23:50:49.843

21 "Emulate" 256 colors in PuTTY terminal 2012-06-14T17:09:57.623

21 Is there a pattern like ^ in vim? 2012-11-14T19:32:39.163

20 What is the EX-mode for batch processing for? 2009-08-13T16:52:26.300

20 VIM: "sudo vim bad_idea"? 2009-08-16T18:11:56.143

20 Mousing and Page-Up/Down in Terminal for Mac OS X 2010-01-26T23:33:56.813

20 Using the vim split command from the command line to get 4 quarter splits 2010-02-25T16:55:08.703

20 How to install vim.full in Ubuntu? 2010-04-04T12:03:16.950

20 how can I check which version of vim I have installed? 2010-06-04T16:23:33.080

20 How can I distinguish current operating system in my .vimrc? 2010-09-27T11:58:28.503

20 Search for an exact word in Vim command mode 2010-10-29T10:06:37.317

20 modeline does not work in vim 2011-08-16T04:17:56.950

20 Automatically close NERDtree when opening file 2011-09-11T11:11:51.227

20 How do I set the default window size in vim? 2012-05-01T21:59:32.317

20 tmux: enable mouse scrolling in vim instead of history buffer 2013-06-20T16:41:53.387

19 Delete space-expanded "tab" in Vim with one keystroke? 2009-07-16T03:12:49.047

19 Mac OS X: how to open vim in terminal when double click on a file 2010-05-09T19:51:50.170

19 Why does Vim ignore files in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin? 2010-07-23T14:19:30.740

19 How do I enable syntax highlighting for .bash_aliases in vim? 2010-08-20T17:21:14.967

19 Copy to system clipboard instead of vim buffer 2010-09-11T21:20:54.333

19 Vim copy-paste across terminals 2011-01-19T09:23:07.823

19 copy-paste not working in MacVim when launched in tmux 2011-02-15T02:03:31.380

19 Is there a way to start vim in read only mode 2012-02-28T13:05:53.040

19 Always use :set paste, Is it a good idea? 2012-06-16T18:59:35.740

19 Vim: change label for specific tab 2014-02-12T16:16:29.320

19 Vim tab size when hitting <Tab> and when autoindent applies 2014-07-09T02:49:45.593

18 Setting background color in gvim 2010-05-16T07:02:30.577

18 Can I use vim to open a huge file effectively? 2011-10-14T10:49:45.090

18 how to do a vim search inverse search for all lines with out text 2012-01-30T11:56:47.880

18 Synchronize pasteboard between remote tmux session and local Mac OS pasteboard 2012-04-03T02:38:40.787

18 Getting CTRL+V to work in Vim inside Conemu 2015-03-04T20:40:34.667

18 Windows Subsystem Linux - Make VIM use the clipboard? 2018-02-02T15:27:42.927

17 Vim highlighting for specific file types (where to put syntax files, vim events, line to put into vimrc) 2010-02-25T18:34:00.453

17 How to jump to the beginning or end of line in vim + OS X 2010-03-25T10:40:13.203

17 How can I get Vim to indent all the lines in a list item - not just the second? 2011-01-21T16:35:40.163

17 How to open the doc file for a vim plugin? 2011-03-21T21:29:26.853

17 vim r! in cursor position 2012-08-06T00:12:36.943

17 Can I get the Vim Ctrlp plugin to ignore a specific folder in one project? 2013-09-24T15:03:24.327

17 Why doesn't vim always give me the option to delete a swap file? 2014-04-29T17:35:16.590

17 vimperator: Using external editor (e.g., vim) to edit Stack Overflow text 2016-01-26T21:42:07.023

16 Good vim tutorial? 2009-08-01T13:05:05.663

16 Vim: execute the script I'm working on in a split screen 2009-08-10T14:13:43.373

16 Show command as it's being entered in console vim? 2010-07-20T04:16:14.047

16 vim: enable folds but don't automatically close them 2010-07-30T17:58:58.123

16 How to set background color for Vim's active window only? 2010-10-08T09:01:28.280

16 Setting up multiple highlight rules in vim 2010-11-17T16:03:32.123

16 How to make Vim not fold everything automatically? 2011-05-03T10:41:04.460

16 How to keep in visual mode after identing by shift+> in vim? 2011-07-14T08:58:44.520

16 Using colour schemes with vim and putty 2011-09-14T12:41:02.650

16 How can I tell Vim to show ANSI escape codes properly? 2011-11-17T09:06:52.287

16 How can I hide the insert status in vim? 2012-07-18T11:08:59.757

16 In vim, background color changes on scrolling 2012-08-05T21:55:39.817

16 Un-mapping commands in Vim 2013-06-22T21:42:28.900

16 Better syntax highlighting for Java in Vim? 2013-08-03T23:15:02.420

16 Vim: How to Install Airline? 2013-08-21T05:23:22.473