Getting CTRL+V to work in Vim inside Conemu



Conemu uses CTRL+V as the short cut to “paste first line of clipboad.” I want this functionality when I’m interacting with the command-line, but when I’m in Vim I’d like Vim to handle it.

Chris McKenzie

Posted 2015-03-04T20:40:34.667

Reputation: 281

Per-application hotkeys are not supported. Yet at least. – Maximus – 2015-03-04T21:37:08.517

@Maximus any update on this? I don't care about using Ctrl-V outside of Vim. – blah238 – 2015-10-17T01:00:10.097

Never mind, I added an answer that works for me. – blah238 – 2015-10-17T01:04:32.607



You can use Ctrl + Shift + V instead.


Posted 2015-03-04T20:40:34.667

Reputation: 261

1I suppose that this is not so terrible. – Mateen Ulhaq – 2018-03-23T23:18:12.733

1A little terrible. Nice to know, though. – Sigfried – 2019-05-08T14:27:13.673


For future Googlers, unbinding Ctrl + V in Settings->Keys & Macro allows Vim to handle it. You can use right-click to paste instead.


Posted 2015-03-04T20:40:34.667

Reputation: 263

1right-click is not ctrl+v – Manachi – 2017-09-13T00:39:53.490