Show command as it's being entered in console vim?



For example, in gvim if I'm in normal mode then I press "ayiw to yank a word into register a, gvim shows the "ayi as I type it near the bottom right corner. Is it possible to get this real-time display in console vim, if so how?


Posted 2010-07-20T04:16:14.047

Reputation: 2 049



Just add this line to your .vimrc:

set showcmd

From the Vim help:

Show (partial) command in the last line of the screen.  Set this
option off if your terminal is slow.
In Visual mode the size of the selected area is shown:
- When selecting characters within a line, the number of characters.
- When selecting more than one line, the number of lines.
- When selecting a block, the size in screen characters:

Bill Odom

Posted 2010-07-20T04:16:14.047

Reputation: 596