Occasionally I get a weird error with the background color in vim when scrolling up in a long file. The background over the text is correct, but everywhere there is no printable character the background turns black.
After a bit of hunting and experimenting, I have found that :redraw! fixes the problem, but I would like to know why this occurs and if there is anything I can do to permanently fix the issue.
Although I have gotten this error to occur with other color schemes, for what it is worth I am using the lucius color scheme with vim 7.3 editing a bunch of python files.
I've done a bit more playing, and it seems to happen only when I have my terminal geometry set with a height larger than 30 or so. I'll have to do more testing to see if this holds, but maybe that information will help someone figure out what is wrong... – jlund3 – 13 years ago
Here is an example screenshot of this behavior. I scrolled up and instead of the lovely grayish background, there is some ugly black stuff.
Have you tried several different terminal emulators (like xterm, gnome-terminal, etc.)? – amcnabb – 13 years ago
I've managed to reproduce the behavior in both lxterminal and gnome-terminal. – jlund3 – 13 years ago
I have the exact same problem. Mine started to happen when i moved stuff to ftplugin/<filetype>... – RedX – 12 years ago