Tag: vim

15 how can I tell vimdiff to ignore whitespace? 2009-11-03T11:38:55.140

15 Mouse cursor in Terminal? 2010-05-29T20:04:05.800

15 when running screen on OSX, command+r messes up arrow keys in vim across all screens 2010-11-24T18:46:09.890

15 Highlighting a search term without moving the cursor 2011-03-08T21:48:38.283

15 How can I make vim show the current class and method I'm editing 2011-05-05T16:09:41.963

15 How to use a pipe to edit a file with vi 2011-05-31T04:57:27.570

15 Multimarkdown table formatting in Vim 2011-06-08T10:35:35.367

15 How can I keep a buffer list per window in Vim? 2011-08-09T15:37:49.800

15 Better GUI for vim? 2011-09-10T16:27:09.677

15 vim : toggle number with relativenumber 2011-09-24T19:46:23.810

15 Make Word Like Vim 2011-12-14T02:08:01.280

15 Copy, delete, then paste in Vim 2011-12-23T14:53:47.420

15 colors and vim with css 2012-01-23T18:20:31.210

15 Telling Vim to use custom .vimrc is easy, but how to tell it to use alternative path instead of ~/.vim? 2013-03-06T01:18:00.630

15 Vim - Adding empty line between lines 2013-05-07T04:33:47.713

15 Setting vim options only for files in a certain directory tree? 2013-05-23T10:05:22.620

15 No syntax highlight on .md files? 2014-01-14T12:50:32.470

15 How to a open a file in vim using pipe 2014-06-16T11:56:19.283

14 how to make vim's auto-complete behave like bash's default auto-complete? 2009-09-13T04:48:42.010

14 Configure VIM for copy and paste keyboard shortcuts from system buffer in Ubuntu? 2009-10-26T09:45:09.853

14 cygwin + mintty + vim backspace problem 2010-03-26T08:48:48.283

14 I'm an Emacs user. How do I learn Vim? 2010-04-15T13:54:11.267

14 How to replace vim screen buffer with previous bash activity after quitting? 2010-10-03T19:12:36.177

14 Vim */dyn support 2011-02-08T06:36:11.777

14 In Vim, what's an elegant way to grab output from the command-line? 2011-03-01T20:41:21.730

14 vim: Continue macro after error in submacro? 2011-08-04T14:54:31.740

14 Save vim settings across launches? 2012-02-01T12:34:36.097

14 vim: diff two sections in two files, but not the entire file? 2012-04-20T19:57:38.633

14 How can I use the Homebrew Python version with Homebrew MacVim on Snow Leopard? 2012-06-24T17:12:01.577

14 How do I show Filename, Line Count, and Character Count in vim? 2012-08-09T15:34:46.410

14 How can I use the Homebrew Python with Homebrew MacVim on Mountain Lion? 2012-08-15T05:29:49.250

14 How can I test for plugins and only include them if they exist in .vimrc? 2013-02-14T23:55:11.867

14 Is there a way to use multiple vim folding methods at once? 2013-03-03T11:04:24.813

14 How to tell dropbox to ignore git files? 2013-03-09T13:59:27.457

14 Adjust the other end of a visual selection 2013-05-25T02:42:29.813

14 Is there a command to split lines in Vim? 2013-06-24T15:12:15.757

14 List all filetype plugins known to Vim 2013-10-24T07:29:05.427

14 Re-compile VIM with options 2014-01-28T15:59:56.593

14 In vim, how can I remap <tab> without also remapping <Ctrl+i>? 2014-06-17T18:45:55.247

14 Adding parenthesis around highlighted text in Vim 2015-02-08T00:26:00.963

13 What Vim features do you use? 2009-07-15T14:43:40.427

13 Firefox Addons to go with Vimperator 2009-07-22T21:26:56.923

13 How do I keep vim from highlighting matches after a replace? 2009-10-27T15:52:38.203

13 Emacs equivalent to VIM ci"? 2010-03-26T00:03:09.717

13 Remove VIM search highlight 2010-08-09T10:46:42.783

13 Join lines inside paragraphs in vim 2010-10-17T17:36:55.213

13 Go to middle of line in vim 2010-11-29T20:15:44.087

13 How to display the line number in Vim? 2011-01-25T12:43:16.397

13 How can I export my Ubuntu terminal's color scheme for use on other computers? 2011-02-04T06:13:40.090

13 vim not loading _vimrc file when launched from git bash 2011-05-07T04:24:34.270

13 Smooth scrolling for vim in Mac Terminal/iTerm? 2011-11-13T16:02:14.400

13 What could cause strange characters in Vim? 2012-02-09T04:46:02.957

13 Map Shift + F3 in .vimrc 2012-11-21T11:30:54.127

13 Can I steal a vim session from another terminal? 2013-01-30T19:32:54.330

13 how to use vim to manage and send emails 2013-04-30T16:14:39.290

13 iTerm2 Vim alt+right/left arrow 2013-09-02T16:27:16.100

13 Mouse click only works once with iterm2/tmux/mosh 2015-02-25T20:15:16.763

13 Why does shift insert only work fully in insert mode? 2018-03-07T10:40:54.693

12 How do you change the default colorscheme in gvim? 2009-08-20T14:06:38.187

12 How to invert the selection in vim? 2009-11-19T15:44:53.817

12 Can I add a set of words to the Vim autocomplete vocabulary? 2010-01-29T19:32:09.843

12 Custom vim highlighting 2010-02-17T15:49:32.227

12 How do I get Vim home directory? 2010-03-15T05:11:40.723

12 Mapping Left Alt key in Vim? 2010-03-18T21:59:35.193

12 GNU Screen - Removing vim window after quit 2010-09-15T19:53:33.570

12 vim multiuser editing? 2011-01-11T18:56:57.060

12 How to specify shell for vim? 2011-05-24T16:17:41.780

12 How can I execute a Vim selection or range in bash without replacing it? 2011-08-31T16:16:20.033

12 Vim command mode complete word 2011-09-18T15:14:26.093

12 Transparent background of Vim editor within the xfce-4 terminal 2012-03-07T21:41:58.223

12 Vim configuration slow in Terminal & iTerm2 but not in MacVim 2012-03-19T15:59:14.383

12 How can I copy and paste text out of a remote vim to a local vim? 2012-03-22T16:12:23.857

12 How can I keep the color when I run the external command inside vim? 2012-07-16T19:59:11.700

12 How to run Vim command from the shell? 2012-07-21T16:40:57.770

12 How to paste yanked text to vim command-line? 2012-09-06T08:51:07.890

12 move selection to a separate file 2013-01-23T13:29:16.157

12 Vi only show 16 lines, how to show full screen? 2013-05-23T04:47:32.760

12 Increase the space between lines in vim 2013-05-27T15:37:09.383

12 Uninstalling Vim compiled from source 2013-07-23T07:23:36.127

12 bash vi mode: What does # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : mean? 2014-01-19T06:42:16.750

12 How to break long lines in vim? 2015-03-30T13:08:33.860

12 E464: Ambiguous use of user-defined command 2016-01-05T20:25:55.883

12 vim open file in a new tab 2016-08-08T14:22:17.660

12 vim syntax highlight limited to 3000 chars 2017-04-24T21:13:55.797

11 To spellcheck my code in Vim for English/German/Finnish 2009-08-11T03:46:00.887

11 Vim Ignores Aliases 2009-09-28T08:13:12.667

11 Dvorak hotkey remapping in vim, worth it? 2009-12-11T18:40:08.457

11 Vim completion - always suppress the newline after I select a suggestion with the Enter key 2011-02-16T18:01:13.193

11 How can I tell vim to compile a document on save? 2011-04-11T19:35:52.987

11 vim macro to convert CamelCase to lowercase_with_underscores 2011-04-15T22:06:28.533

11 In VIM, can I find out what keys I just typed? 2011-05-02T19:48:49.857

11 Compile gvim from sources? 2011-05-25T02:16:42.240

11 How to switch words in an easy manner (in VIM)? 2011-05-30T00:27:55.243

11 How do I select the comment block under the cursor in vim? 2011-07-15T11:44:48.680

11 Vim - Is Capslock on? 2011-07-26T12:39:24.227

11 how do I use a variable content as an argument for vim command? 2011-08-08T10:42:30.683

11 vim: number of total buffers 2011-10-11T23:59:36.393

11 Disable mouse clicks in gvim on ubuntu 2011-12-09T10:15:20.420

11 vi / vim abrumpt buffer movements within window 2011-12-08T07:34:19.120