Tag: user-profiles

3 Windows and Linux using same Firefox profile 2017-10-12T09:48:23.810

2 How do I copy a user profile when changing domains? 2009-10-04T00:32:17.973

2 How do I set the same profile to every user on a domain? 2009-10-09T07:36:55.993

2 Connection Status: unknown access is denied 2009-05-12T00:09:55.430

2 Migrating user files, docs, etc. between XP machines 2009-12-03T10:29:43.753

2 Install printer across profiles on Windows XP? 2010-01-27T19:23:29.297

2 How to fix corrupted Administrator account or create new admin account in Vista 2009-10-21T02:36:03.970

2 What information is stored in NTUSER.dat on Windows XP? 2010-03-15T19:44:20.480

2 Windows Vista: Copying from an Admin profile to a standard user 2010-03-30T13:42:13.157

2 Missing Profiles in Ubuntu User 2010-04-04T15:36:18.483

2 Setting up a new computer with an SSD 2010-09-08T13:57:39.053

2 What's the point of the \Users\Default profile? 2010-10-30T23:05:02.593

2 How to keep/back up my entire Firefox profile, including the saved passwords 2010-11-04T23:32:27.550

2 Windows 7 is taking too long to boot and to open profile 2010-11-05T22:33:40.403

2 I'm trying to conserve SSD space & want to move User Accounts to HD 2010-11-26T20:46:41.730

2 Accidentally deleted user profiles on Windows 7 - can't log on with other users now 2010-12-06T17:43:27.257

2 Google Chrome shows error messagebox every time it starts 2010-12-26T08:48:05.827

2 How to copy user's profile from one terminal desktop to another? 2011-02-10T11:03:06.733

2 Take xp machine off domain but keep accounts 2011-04-26T19:57:52.033

2 How to delete user folders for old user in C:\Documents and Settings in Windows 2003 2011-05-06T07:06:22.767

2 Moving a user profile to a different drive letter in Windows XP 2011-05-31T18:02:15.460

2 Where to move Outlook .NK2 File in Google Apps Profile? 2011-07-08T10:10:57.590

2 permanently move the c:\Users folder to another partition in windows 7 2011-07-18T18:50:28.160

2 Are junctions affected if the drive is formatted? 2011-07-28T12:52:26.003

2 Windows 7 Domain users temporary profiles on netbooks 2011-11-18T19:18:40.123

2 Windows XP having problems with Unicode symbols in user profile names 2012-04-21T19:21:34.087

2 Removing a spare HDD from Windows XP causes User Profile to reset 2012-05-23T17:15:18.490

2 Google Chrome is opened in a wrong profile if launched from shell 2012-10-09T19:17:28.313

2 Alternate Directory name in C:\Users 2012-10-11T14:31:53.330

2 reg delete gives me "access is denied" but regedit delete is ok 2012-10-18T22:34:23.880

2 Transfer Win8 user settings between profiles 2012-11-01T06:27:41.387

2 How to transfer files between mac users folder 2012-12-02T04:40:21.943

2 Does associating a Microsoft Account to a Local Account provide at least the same Windows 8 functionality as using only an MS Account? 2012-12-09T01:37:51.007

2 If you associate a Microsoft Account with a Local Account in Windows 8, will it maintain the original Local USERPROFILE path name? 2012-12-09T01:47:44.900

2 Icon on user account desktop before the user has logged in. 2012-12-17T22:21:01.160

2 Mac Mail Get Unexpected Email Address When Config Email by .mobileconfig File 2012-12-18T16:27:46.807

2 Why would one user not have permission to run explorer.exe until after a different user had? 2012-12-29T20:59:55.063

2 Is it possible to transfer / associate local administrator account to / with a new Microsoft account? 2013-01-29T14:39:36.450

2 How do I modify Chromium's default data directory? 2013-02-05T04:56:29.770

2 How to speed up preparing desktop of a new user in windows 7 2013-05-08T17:51:37.023

2 Rename the user profile dir name in Windows 8 to the correct username, in a silent way? 2013-07-18T07:36:28.440

2 Add an item to the 'send to' menu for ALL users (win7) 2013-09-19T10:31:26.007

2 Can/should one share the same user directory for different domain accounts 2013-11-14T18:38:19.340

2 Possible to make user-specific setting changes when creating a new Windows user profile? 2013-12-24T02:41:46.523

2 Is it possible to prevent users from renaming volumes in OS X? 2014-01-06T15:13:44.213

2 Launch Google Chrome into new User Manager on startup 2014-07-21T14:33:30.143

2 Ways to get into windows 7 safe mode 2014-10-30T07:55:54.283

2 Local Profile To Domain Roaming Profile Desktop background black 2014-12-27T18:19:32.697

2 Can I use EFS to encrypt the user directory? 2015-04-22T18:49:47.520

2 How to change default user directory to a different drive in Windows 7 2015-05-06T02:38:10.763

2 User preferences (home) vanished after a power outage (Ubuntu + MATE) 2015-05-22T02:18:52.133

2 User Profile Service (Error 1501) Cannot create temporary directory 2015-05-30T22:36:19.607

2 Removing the Chrome profile name button 2015-10-08T16:48:51.947

2 User gets logged on with temporary profile - Windows 2012 R2 RDS 2015-10-19T08:49:07.323

2 Win creates TEMP profile after I delete local roaming profile data (Win7) 2015-10-21T08:42:20.017

2 How can I reuse an old user name? 2015-11-07T15:44:33.483

2 Should I copy ntuser.dat when I move a user profile? 2016-03-07T08:04:33.790

2 How to store users under E:\Documents and Settings instead of C:\ in XP 2016-03-23T09:51:08.657

2 Prevent USMT 5 from migrating deleted AD profiles 2016-09-22T11:58:14.040

2 Move user folders to secondary drive in windows 10 2017-08-24T13:51:38.960

2 What are these files in my Windows 7 user folder for, and are they necessary to keep? 2018-10-26T19:05:37.340

2 Local Mandatory Profile doesn't work after joining a domain 2018-11-06T14:12:34.530

2 Is there any way to initialize a new user profile without logging in from the administrator account? 2019-04-01T07:09:25.217

2 Copy Profile to New Profile on Windows 10 Machine 2019-05-02T19:54:55.127

1 What is meant by "User Profile" in Google Chrome? 2009-07-16T08:49:43.510

1 Is moving all the user folders to an encrypted directory enough? 2009-08-16T20:17:53.703

1 How to rename profile directory in windows 7? 2009-09-04T06:28:33.673

1 How to have more than 1 addons set installed on a single windows account? 2009-09-13T17:43:16.467

1 Problem loading user profile on Windows 7 2009-09-30T00:01:19.080

1 How do I install separate programs on Windows XP profiles? 2009-10-17T02:15:40.170

1 Windows Vista Home: Error Profile cannot be load? 2009-10-31T15:09:52.397

1 After Windows 7 upgrade, profile is in C:\Users\TEMP 2009-11-06T14:00:24.717

1 Problems with Vista loading a temporary user profile 2009-11-07T04:51:28.337

1 What does a status of "Backup" mean for Windows 7 local user profiles? 2009-11-12T01:39:22.610

1 My Vista user profile disappeared this morning. Why? 2009-11-13T07:26:50.930

1 Windows 7 User / Documents and Settings folders 2009-11-20T21:17:38.053

1 How do you change the location of the "location of configuration files" in foobar2000 2009-11-26T06:11:41.370

1 Moving Windows 7 profile to new user 2009-12-30T16:48:59.373

1 Installing messaging software displays error 1324 invalid character 2010-01-14T09:38:24.357

1 Can I restore one of my user's profiles in Vista? 2010-04-15T04:19:28.730

1 Temp profile used when User logs in 2010-05-06T17:28:00.840

1 Each time when a 'users' logs on to Windows 7 they're prompted to setup their Outlook 2007 profile 2010-05-12T13:05:07.090

1 copy local profile to new (same OS) computer 2010-07-15T21:46:38.257

1 How to implement a secure personal web browser on an office PC? 2010-07-23T11:38:01.617

1 Recreate user profiles after reinstalling Windows 7 2010-08-21T22:48:23.947

1 Software for avatar/user picture creation 2010-09-21T15:10:54.280

1 Windows - My profile will not load correctly 2010-10-29T23:59:46.687

1 Broken %APPDATA% 2010-11-05T23:22:29.787

1 Permission problems when transferring files from XP profile folder to Vista 2010-11-06T19:46:30.820

1 How to copy windows live mail settings to new profile 2010-12-04T19:50:11.167

1 Moving user directory after re-joining the domain with the least amount of pain on Windows 7 2011-02-12T00:08:10.523

1 How to create a new profile for Google Chrome? 2011-03-14T10:04:17.703

1 Windows XP login with broken profile 2011-04-05T15:08:58.090

1 After recovery to restore point, Windows 7 missing pinned items and favorites 2011-04-19T14:29:11.563

1 XP Pro 5.1: User accounts give ""Your current security settings put your computer at risk" warning--why? Fix? 2011-04-25T06:16:55.870

1 Merging (Using the Same) User Profile for both XP and 7 2011-05-08T02:05:31.223

1 How to delete user account and profile on Vista 2011-05-18T02:38:25.273

1 Outlook 2010 -- always asking to "choose profile" 2011-06-06T18:05:12.900

1 Thunderbird fails to connect to server using good profile copied from icedove 2011-06-17T21:22:24.110