Tag: resource-monitor

117 What does the "Maximum Frequency" number mean in the Windows Resource Monitor? 2011-03-13T06:55:41.390

43 Why does Windows 7 use the page file when there's free physical RAM? 2012-08-03T17:41:19.497

36 What is svchost.exe (LocalSystemNetworkRestricted) when I see it in the Resource Monitor in Windows vista and why is it slowing me down? 2012-04-11T13:34:22.203

23 What are the "modified" and "standby" RAM regions in Resource Monitor? 2013-02-22T07:18:58.703

22 What regulates Intel SpeedStep CPU throttling? Can I get some control of this on Windows7? 2010-09-01T15:59:33.677

18 What is Performance Monitor telling me when my page faults / second are high? 2011-02-01T21:16:50.300

13 Command-line Resource Monitor for Windows? 2012-04-02T18:48:54.430

12 What does "CPU 1 - Parked" mean in the Windows Resource Monitor? 2012-04-08T02:20:13.047

11 Resource Monitor is empty window , or transparent window, Windows 7 Classic display (only when DPI changes from 100%) 2013-04-21T21:51:22.787

10 Is there a way to run resource monitor (resmon.exe) without administrator privileges? 2011-10-07T13:23:33.020

10 How to find out what service is consuming bandwidth in windows? 2016-03-15T06:12:45.790

8 Modify Conky to handle variable length values 2010-08-20T05:24:52.860

8 Windows 7 Calendar is No Longer Shown, No Wireless Signal Icon Shown and Resource Monitor Does Not Start 2015-01-23T18:11:16.497

8 How to understand disk activity view charts of the Windows 7 resource monitor? 2015-08-21T15:46:43.320

7 Disk Response Time in Windows 7 Resource Monitor? 2010-02-02T22:15:32.607

7 Handles vs Threads vs Processes 2016-04-15T13:24:14.207

6 Windows10: What is "Service CPU Usage"? 2016-09-20T18:45:21.143

5 How can I monitor changes in an NTFS filesystem? 2011-11-08T18:24:59.703

5 What hardware device eats up 1.4GB of my 4GB RAM? 2013-12-11T16:13:32.867

4 what kind of memory can be categorized as Modified Memory in Resource Monitor 2010-11-20T02:14:29.970

4 Showing resource monitor UI decreases network performance by half 2013-07-11T13:39:42.830

4 My computer is running slow, but task manager doesn't show excessive cpu or memory usage. Why? 2016-10-11T21:34:06.910

3 Is there something like the unix command "top" for CUDA? 2011-10-21T15:44:42.480

3 Analyzing the Resource Monitor: Network Activity 2012-12-18T21:36:09.193

3 Mac/Linux equivalent to resource monitor's disk activity with filenames? 2013-04-14T02:00:42.810

3 Modified Memory too High? 16gb of Memory and a few programs open = "Not enough Memory" errors 2014-11-15T16:08:14.783

3 How can I change the update speed of the resource monitor? 2016-04-01T16:55:22.850

3 Drives reading constantly, how do I see a disk's queue? (not the queue length) 2018-09-05T12:14:13.903

2 How can I save my hardware reserved memory? 2011-04-23T08:21:02.260

2 Explain Resources Monitor memory information? 2012-11-13T14:08:40.040

2 Reading CPU usage 2013-03-05T07:33:15.110

2 SVCHOST.EXE (LocalSystemNetworkRestricted) is using almost 100% disk usage? 2015-10-13T11:20:28.747

2 What is Disk Active Time and how do I decrease it? 2017-01-16T22:24:52.853

2 WIN 7 resource monitor: In network section, port number not available as a column? 2017-12-02T13:19:13.180

1 Tool for monitoring a virtual machine remotely 2011-03-14T13:47:11.347

1 Command line way to get total gdi handles (or gdi handles free) 2011-08-29T15:19:28.383

1 Opening a file from resource monitor 2012-01-13T04:42:16.957

1 Occasional CPU/RAM dips - sign of a looming meltdown? 2012-12-23T04:22:38.873

1 See exactly which service is using a file on Windows 8 2013-10-01T18:25:02.090

1 Ominous gaps in disk activity 2013-10-24T08:34:12.997

1 What's the "System" process on Windows and how to restart it if suspended? 2014-03-05T14:14:06.883

1 Win7 System Process (PID 4) constantly accessing drive 2015-02-12T15:05:06.893

1 How to calculate bandwidth usage for RDP 2015-02-19T02:01:09.653

1 Why does ADB appear to be using the network? 2016-12-06T06:16:52.350

1 Task Manager and Resource Monitor Network Monitoring Disagree 2017-01-11T02:49:06.043

1 Why does the network usage shown in Task Manager not equal that in Resource Monitor? 2017-02-22T21:35:31.350

1 My computer becomes paralyzed at times 2018-04-04T17:00:23.473

1 how many resources nmon command use in AIX? 2018-04-13T13:56:12.630

1 Windows suspending processes for no apparent reason 2018-07-29T13:46:24.540

1 Filter specific process(es) in Resource Monitor with command line switch 2018-10-12T00:47:59.900

1 Windows 10 Resource monitor, Network sent/received bandwidth not match the graph 2019-07-22T19:29:28.107

1 Increase the time window in Resource Monitor 2019-11-14T09:25:36.713

1 KDE Neon can not change screen resolution 2020-01-08T16:24:49.850

0 Monitor changes to a directory tree without root access 2010-07-01T01:45:04.517

0 Application that will identify percentage of your system disk bandwidth used on a user-application by user-application basis? 2011-02-05T21:58:47.423

0 Open Source Resource Monitoring tools 2011-12-08T23:13:46.967

0 How to measure Firefox extension's resource use? 2012-06-24T20:22:57.603

0 Huge HDD response time in Resource monitor 2012-10-19T15:40:21.640

0 Windows 8 running out of memory? 2013-02-26T19:25:09.390

0 Windows reported maximum Frequency is stuck on 100% incorrectly 2014-02-06T06:36:10.240

0 Disk and Network Usage According to Resource Monitor 2014-03-11T23:54:39.130

0 How to get a "picture" of the computer cpu/disk activity while in a fullscreen application 2014-08-06T15:36:31.507

0 Hard disk light keeps blinking 2014-08-15T07:12:18.140

0 Unable to see storage devices on Resource Monitor 2014-09-20T15:36:00.427

0 Which tools can log system resources usages in Windows/Linux? 2014-11-25T07:58:26.607

0 How do I find lower the amount of or find what is using committed memory? 2015-01-08T23:24:20.523

0 Is there a logging tool to find the process(es) that use resources in Windows 7 2015-06-17T08:02:41.507

0 Windows 7 ram and virtual memory 2015-08-23T03:15:46.847

0 Why is my System process doing disk IO? 2015-09-03T10:08:10.797

0 How to analyse disk performance issues visible in Windows Resource Monitor? 2015-11-24T11:41:47.440

0 CPU is fixed at 100% usage 2016-02-11T16:55:14.727

0 Why Bitdefender shows using Amazon bot in Network Activity? 2017-02-07T02:02:25.557

0 How do I know if my drive is a bottleneck? 2017-04-19T12:09:49.327

0 Will you see ransomware activity like WannaCry in Resource Monitor? 2017-05-14T12:45:07.680

0 Service / process responsible for processor scaling in Windows 7 2017-11-22T09:20:09.740

0 Windows 2008 R2: resource / performance logging and alerting 2019-03-13T09:30:04.910

0 Performance issues with my new SSD drive 2019-03-31T23:37:52.833

0 System process is making calls to suspicious ip addresses, but I cant find which session process is making them 2019-05-03T09:30:48.167

0 Running a compute intensive application Service CPU usage goes very high 2019-05-29T05:55:09.037

0 taskhostw using a lot of disk and doing something on windows.old folder 2019-07-24T20:32:28.033

0 Resource Monitor not showing networked drive mapped to Z: 2019-09-24T06:50:50.480

0 How can I list and block programs from ever running in Windows 10? 2019-10-03T01:16:09.807

0 How to show IP address instead of DNS in resource monitor windows 2019-11-11T06:19:33.457

0 What does Disk Queue Length mean under Storage view under Disk tab in Resource Monitor? 2019-12-31T14:22:50.873

-2 how to make my laptop run on minimum resources? 2015-11-19T09:06:47.643

-7 Where's the memory going? 2013-04-23T09:50:23.030