Windows10: What is "Service CPU Usage"?


On the CPU tab of the Resource Monitor of Windows 10 64 bit, it shows the "CPU - Total" graph and 1 graph for each CPU, but then it also shows a graph for "Service CPU Usage".

What is "Service CPU Usage"?

enter image description here


Posted 2016-09-20T18:45:21.143

Reputation: 478

1Did you try to google for What is "Service CPU Usage"? You will find the answer right away. – Ale..chenski – 2016-09-20T18:53:28.260

1I tried "windows10 what is service CPU usage" (with and without quotes around the embedded phrase) and got a whole bunch of issues with high CPU usage not related to service CPU usage. Leaving out Windows 10 does in fact show the answer in the first result. – simpleuser – 2016-09-20T19:08:54.480

2I've also tried googling what is service cpu usage and now the top link is this question, so thank you @simpleuser! – Rich – 2018-07-10T16:51:21.980



It is the same in Windows 8.1

The subtotal of CPU usage for all the svchost.exe's or services that are part of Windows Services. Each generation of Windows has compartmentalized tasks to restrict permissions to "NetworK" "System" "Dcom" etc which are like functions within Windows with group restrictions to improve security.

As a result. the number of Windows services have increased at least 50% or so each generation from XP to X so there are several hundred services grouped by Process host "svchost"

My services do not have Windows Search enabled which with Windows Update can make your PC sluggish if limited in power and RAM.

I prefer my PC lean and fast rather than bloated security apps. e.g. below CPU is usually 2% on i5-quad 8GB laptop and services =0% enter image description here

The only security I need is a dog who barks at the door.(Molly) same as on my PC (Scotty from Winpatrol) All other features like Windows Defender have been disabled for years. I've have been following this practice for about 10 yrs with good results. ( your mileage may vary)

Tony Stewart Sunnyskyguy EE75

Posted 2016-09-20T18:45:21.143

Reputation: 1 582