Tag: putty

345 Is there a way to "auto login" in PuTTY with a password? 2009-09-20T11:35:59.080

200 How to convert .ppk key to OpenSSH key under Linux? 2011-01-12T17:56:34.297

136 How do I paste the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session, using only the keyboard? 2010-08-24T13:46:01.357

124 How to configure PuTTY so that Home/End/PgUp/PgDn work properly in bash? 2010-01-11T16:48:26.380

106 Where does Putty store known_hosts information on Windows? 2010-10-08T17:10:39.377

84 PuTTY Network Error: Software caused connection abort 2011-06-09T02:12:42.927

81 How to exit from fullscreen mode of Putty? 2012-12-17T13:06:20.730

78 PuTTY how to select text and copy text using keyboard ONLY 2009-12-20T18:25:30.040

76 How do I change the colour scheme on PuTTY? 2010-10-12T00:59:39.033

56 Vim Stuck In Insert Mode 2010-04-11T21:24:32.747

54 Increase Scrollback Buffer in Putty 2010-04-11T19:09:48.440

54 How to upload local file to server through Linux terminal 2014-12-10T06:52:20.767

50 A putty shortcut that automatically launches a profile? 2011-02-20T13:21:42.613

47 Can't resize vim splits inside tmux 2013-02-12T10:38:08.930

43 How can I keep a process alive after closing the putty session? 2010-01-16T15:08:21.263

42 Can you disable the Ctrl-S (XOFF) keystroke in Putty? 2010-03-27T20:55:52.077

40 PuTTY - Automatic Reconnect After Internet Interruption? 2010-09-11T05:14:07.030

39 Is there a way to copy text in htop? 2014-09-10T21:36:38.587

37 How to run a remote command in PuTTY after login & keep the shell running? 2013-04-25T15:06:20.037

37 Copy and paste text in midnight commander (MC) via putty in Linux 2015-03-01T22:50:52.600

35 SSH key asking me for a passphrase? 2010-06-25T11:46:36.983

32 Bypass ~/.profile on remote login to a linux server 2009-09-28T19:49:43.000

31 Putty SSH: CTRL+Cursor keys don't work skip to previous/next word 2010-01-31T21:15:20.320

31 Making 256-color AND Line drawing characters both work in PuTTY 2011-05-03T01:57:30.890

27 How do I set the Putty Window size to open bigger than the default? 2009-12-08T12:53:08.807

27 How do I full-screen my CMD? 2011-05-19T23:20:54.903

27 PuTTY: clear scrollback from commandline 2013-02-22T00:31:02.347

27 PuTTY inserts random characters during a session 2014-01-29T05:51:49.820

26 How to configure PuTTY to display these characters? 2012-02-25T03:13:11.417

24 If I typo my username when ssh-ing, is there a way to go back and change it? 2011-05-06T03:14:21.607

24 How to SCP from linux server to Windows client 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

24 SSH works in putty but not terminal 2013-03-20T13:41:11.873

24 Prevent Putty's "Are you sure you want to close this session" popup? 2015-02-13T18:05:38.220

23 How to make Putty do the equivalent of "ssh -X"? 2011-06-19T00:54:08.230

22 Windows 10: PuTTY does not work correctly with the taskbar context menu? 2015-08-06T11:06:02.277

22 I keep on getting a error when I connect to a ssh tunnel on putty 2015-12-14T03:44:46.067

21 How to set default screen colours in putty/ssh 2010-12-06T09:27:25.527

21 Putty title changes after login 2012-11-26T17:51:32.903

20 Colored copy of PuTTY window 2010-02-19T15:38:00.200

20 Connecting to github using PuTTY generated SSH key in Windows 7 2012-01-14T15:55:34.440

20 How to run a command file in PuTTY using automatic login in a command prompt? 2012-12-06T05:54:59.713

20 ConEmu: How to attach putty 2015-08-24T09:49:11.463

19 Any simple way to add PuTTY settings to kitty? 2012-04-09T16:52:22.260

19 How to name openssh public and private key pairs? 2017-09-06T15:25:38.313

18 Why are files created by Puttygen hidden in Windows 7 Explorer? 2013-08-08T13:13:42.773

18 Function key shortcuts in PuTTY/MinTTY and Tmux/Byobu 2013-09-28T05:51:43.740

17 Store passwords in putty 2010-01-31T16:09:21.757

17 How can I save my passphrase for an SSH server in PuTTY? 2010-11-15T21:40:46.903

16 How do I prevent a "No supported authentication methods available" error when using TortoiseHg? 2009-11-20T10:16:01.070

16 Using colour schemes with vim and putty 2011-09-14T12:41:02.650

16 How do I transfer a file to my server using PuTTY? 2011-09-21T03:34:52.863

16 How do I get X11 Forwarding to work on Windows with PuTTY and Xming? 2013-05-04T06:02:20.327

16 New terminal window (duplicate session) from Putty command line? 2013-05-28T11:18:36.873

16 Copy the entire content of a file opened in Putty to clipboard 2014-04-14T12:59:07.530

16 PuTTY: connected to some Ubuntu server, sometimes stops going to a new line when pressing enter 2017-10-16T02:23:49.567

15 Make ssh:// links open with PuTTY 2010-10-27T20:42:06.293

15 Why Windows 7 / PuTTY drop TCP connections even on very brief outages? 2013-01-07T20:02:35.717

15 How do you convert an SSH private key to a .ppk on the Windows command line? 2015-05-08T10:56:11.257

15 Ctrl + arrow keys for tmux not working in PuTTY 2017-01-09T22:10:59.417

14 In Putty, what do the colors on files and folders represent? 2010-10-28T14:59:26.580

14 Can I tell PuTTY to connect to one SSH server, then automatically to another? 2011-11-22T17:10:08.000

14 ConEmu switch between tabs with PuTTY tab open 2013-02-22T14:40:10.497

14 How do you get a program to show up in the Windows 10 search field? 2015-08-12T20:00:58.070

13 Running commands on Putty without fear of losing connection 2009-08-17T22:52:10.753

13 How to open the upper left context menu via keystroke (for PuTTY on Windows) 2010-06-07T12:20:12.503

13 Is there any replacement for putty 2011-05-01T07:21:42.147

13 PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authorisation protocol attempted 2013-06-20T15:45:07.707

13 PuTTY or OTHER - Keep executing command even after exiting PuTTY 2014-11-18T09:12:46.283

12 Changing the PuTTY character set for all saved sessions 2010-10-20T20:15:02.520

12 Is it possible to use PuTTY as the UI for the Windows shell? 2011-04-13T12:19:36.070

12 Starting PuTTY session in a specific directory 2011-05-29T16:52:05.837

12 Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available 2011-07-14T15:11:37.023

12 Copy colorful terminal (emulator) text output and paste as HTML? 2012-08-24T06:52:46.280

12 How to change user in WinSCP? 2013-09-20T06:47:13.077

11 How can I export my Putty configuration? 2010-03-10T21:13:05.603

11 How can I use Tab-Completion in PuTTY connecting to a Ubuntu Server? 2010-03-12T13:47:37.193

11 putty external text editor? 2010-04-25T05:56:25.147

11 Alternative to PuTTY Connection Manager? 2011-03-10T22:45:42.253

11 can I make ubuntu's terminal program automatically copy to the clipboard selected text and paste on right click? 2011-07-06T21:51:58.093

11 Using a .ppk key with `ssh` 2012-03-27T09:21:59.407

11 Is there a command in Linux which waits till it will be terminated? 2013-11-29T01:54:38.557

11 Font size with XMing X11 forwarding too small 2014-05-06T17:02:24.247

11 Putty: 'Server unexpectedly closed network connection' 2014-10-15T05:48:28.207

11 Putty->Cygwin X11 Forwarding “Can't open display” Error 2015-04-07T16:06:12.003

10 VIM and putty - mouse issues 2009-10-14T18:36:32.980

10 How to save IP or machines in Putty 2010-04-27T03:13:50.523

10 Display Hex in PuTTY for Serial 2010-06-08T15:55:37.843

10 Monaco font not appearing in PuTTY font list 2010-10-04T13:56:02.930

10 Sending change virtual console command in PuTTY 2011-07-16T13:21:42.037

10 How do I disable the PuTTY bell via a command line parameter? 2012-02-19T22:20:57.903

10 Why does TortoisePlink.exe show "No supported authentication methods available" where plink.exe works fine? 2012-02-26T11:22:35.227

10 How to change the number of columns on a putty window to more than the screen width? 2012-04-13T05:56:11.190

10 Tunneling FTP connection from home where server only accepts local IPs 2012-05-18T21:19:12.930

10 PuTTY returns Network error: Connection timed out 2012-07-18T22:11:43.480

10 Putty solarized the manual way 2013-09-03T05:02:01.280

10 Firefox, two Linux machines, one X-server 2013-11-07T11:31:17.277

10 Enable SSH keys on startup in KeePass with KeeAgent plugin 2015-04-24T00:56:47.003

10 Configuring function keys in PuTTY for both Vim and Midnight Commander under tmux? 2015-05-23T09:54:08.240

10 Create a batch file or shortcut to PuTTY (ssh) that opens a session and runs a command 2017-12-19T12:20:02.377