How to SCP from linux server to Windows client



I'm SSHing into a Linux machine using PuTTY and trying to copy a file down somewhere (anywhere) to my local machine. I figure SCP is the best candidate for the job but don't really care, so long as the solution works!

I cd to the directory containing the file I want (app.war) and type the following:

scp app.war ./

I've tried both to no avail:

scp app.war ./C:/Users/myUser/
scp app.war ./Users/myUser/

It got me thinking that perhaps SCP is a client/server tool and requires a client on my Windows machine, which isn't there.

Am I just using the wrong syntax? Or am I way off-base? If so, what options do I have? Thanks in advance!


Posted 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

Reputation: 2 212

The real answer to this question is here : . Syntax is scp some_file user@host:/c/temp

– Benj – 2015-07-02T08:12:42.623

Also see Bitvise SSH client and server. It is one of the oldest SSH software for Windows. The client is a free download and free to use.

– jww – 2019-09-10T00:24:02.990



in order for you to copy files back to your Windows you need SSH daemon/service to be running on your Windows, it's much easier to use this tool instead, it has an ability to import sessions from Putty, very plain forward client you'll love it!

WinSCP :: Free SFTP and FTP client for Windows


Posted 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

Reputation: 2 484

It does not really answer the original question, which was living in the command-line. See my comment below original question. – Benj – 2015-07-02T08:14:13.030

@Benj OP asked for solution, WinSCP is a good solution for that task. – alexus – 2016-04-28T13:42:27.840


You are correct. SSHD is the SSH server services that runs on the host. It accepts connections from SSH clients (like PuTTy), SCP clients, and SFTP clients.

You can download pscp from the same website where PuTTY is hosted.

From the windows machine, you would execute a command similar to

pscp.exe c:\tmp

George M

Posted 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

Reputation: 632


To SCP a file to a Windows machine, you need an SSH/SCP server on the Windows.

There's no SSH/SCP support in Windows by default. You can install Microsoft build of OpenSSH for Windows (Releases and Downloads). It's available as optional feature on Windows 10 version 1803 and newer. It can also be manually installed on older versions of Windows.

I have prepared a guide for setting up SSH/SFTP server on Windows using this Microsoft build of OpenSSH.

See also Is IIS SFTP natively supported by Windows?

Though as you SSH into the Linux server from the Windows machine, you actually can download a file from the Linux server to the Windows server, instead of trying to upload the file from the Linux server to Windows server.

In you have an SSH access from Windows to Linux, you have an SCP access too (or even better an SFTP access).

Use any SCP/SFTP client available.

You can use WinSCP SFTP/SCP client, which has both GUI and command-line interface.

Another alternative is PuTTY toolset, which includes the pscp command-line tool with a syntax similar to the OpenSSH scp command. Also the latest versions of Windows 10 comes with OpenSSH scp built-in and it can be installed on older versions too.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Martin Prikryl

Posted 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

Reputation: 13 764

is there a version of pscp for OSX/Linux? – codingknob – 2016-05-18T18:55:26.353

@codingknob Sure, there's "putty" package for many distributions. Though the pscp is functionally identical to OpenSSH scp, which is readily available on all/most distributions already. – Martin Prikryl – 2017-06-02T08:31:19.227


Windows 10 now has OpenSSH built in.

Get an admin command prompt

Open PowerShell as an Administrator.

Check available versions

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like 'OpenSSH*'

Install client

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~

Install server

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~

Start server and enable at boot

Start-Service sshd
Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType 'Automatic'

Find your Windows IP address


On your remote (Linux) machine, find your IP address.


Create a public SSH key


Copy public key from local (Windows) to remote (Linux) machine so you don't have to type in a password all the time.

Note that ssh-copy-id is not currently available on Windows.

cat C:\Users\YOU/.ssh/ | ssh USER@REMOTE_IP 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Do the same on your Linux machine (Note, ssh-copy-id does not work)

ssh-keygen # if needed
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh USER@WINDOWS_IP 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && type con >> C:/Users/YOU/.ssh/authorized_keys'
  • The method above did not work for me, so I ended up manually SCPing the public key over and pasting it into the C:/Users/YOU/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

  • That still did not work, so I had to modify the sshd_config file.

    • Open Notepad as Administrator

    • Open %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config

    • Add the following lines:

        Match User YOU
             AuthorizedKeysFile C:/Users/YOU/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Reboot

Create a password on Windows if you don't already have one

System Settings...Sign-in options

-- Note, you can still disable the Windows login screen by a) Setting the 'Require sign-in' option to never and b) Using the 'netplwiz' command and unticking the 'Users must enter password...' checkbox.

Now you should be able to SSH or SCP from your Linux machine

scp FILE WINDOWS_IP:C:/Users/YOU/Desktop


Posted 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

Reputation: 111


You can do this by using the Linux Ubuntu subsystem for Windows (you need to enable this as a Windows feature). Then you can use a Linux terminal client that runs on Windows by getting it from the Microsoft Store (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). Then, if you have ssh security set up to remote into your Linux machine, you can scp from your local Windows Ubuntu terminal (when logged in as the username that you set for your Linux instance) something like this:

scp -i ~/.ssh/my_rsa username@ ~/ ... enter RSA passphrase

The remote file will be copied into your local Ubuntu filesystem used by Windows e.g.


Chris Halcrow

Posted 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

Reputation: 425

1In the latest versions of Windows 10, (Win32-OpenSSH) scp(.exe) is built-in. You do not need to install anything. – Martin Prikryl – 2019-12-05T13:40:15.507


Step 1: Download pscp
(Based on your machine download the respective version)

Step 2: Get familiar with the pscp commands
To do so, open command prompt in your windows machine, go to directory where you have downloaded pscp.exe and type "pscp"

Step 3: Transfer file from your Linux machine to Windows machine
open your command prompt, and run below command providing your details:

pscp usernameofyourlinuxmachine@ ./

and this command will transfer the file from your Linux machine to the current directory of your windows machine

Step 4: Transfer file from your Windows machine to Linux machine
open your command prompt, and run below command providing your details:

pscp nameofyourfile.txt usernameofyourlinuxmachine@

I hope this is clear and works for you all!


Posted 2012-04-20T16:02:59.410

Reputation: 1

2Link only answers are rather unhelpful as they may stop working in the future - try to expand your answer by actually explaining the steps in the video. – djsmiley2k TMW – 2017-05-30T13:58:05.753